1、高中英语保分班 总测试卷(共 题,每题 分1.【改错】What a rotten t he got ill during the a。n【析】luck2.【改错】He o a books shop and bought a 【改】a books shopa book shopn【析】一般表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格用s,mymotherscar,a book 3.【改错】two problems are very difficult, but the rest is 高中英语保分班 总测试卷(共 题,每题 分1.【改错】What a rotten t he got ill during th
2、e a。n【析】luck2.【改错】He o a books shop and bought a 【改】a books shopa book shopn【析】一般表示有生命的东西的名词的所有格用s,mymotherscar,a book 3.【改错】two problems are very difficult, but the rest is 【改】is 改为 aren4.【改错】she goes to the music concert every Saturday music。n【析】concertmusic5.【改错】I have a lot of works to 【改】works
3、改为 workn【析】1)worknjobn(1)Heisofwork.nn2)worknaworkofartnLu的作品n3)hepasttwoties.nthe steel works has been supplying us with raw material in 6.【改错】None of the article were 【改】article 改为 articlesn。noneofthe”结构中,后面的名词如果是可数名词,必须用其复数形式。例如:n(1)ofthestudentshavepassedthetest.没有学生通过这次测试。n(2)Noneofthefoodwasfo
4、r us.7.【改错】Contrary t we had expected, he didnt t 改为 whatn【析】what we had expected 是介词 to 的宾语从句, whatexpectedtt)heislate. 我知道n(2)Iknowwhathehasn(4)What he won t he won a prize encouraged everyone.just a small prize.8.【改错】Ill all the kend reading and preparing for alln7.【改错】Contrary t we had expected,
5、 he didnt t 改为 whatn【析】what we had expected 是介词 to 的宾语从句, whatexpectedtt)heislate. 我知道n(2)Iknowwhathehasn(4)What he won t he won a prize encouraged everyone.just a small prize.8.【改错】Ill all the kend reading and preparing for allnall9.【改错】Thoseof us who hat chemical works should have gs 【改】theirourn1
6、0.【改错】To north of the teaching s a garden with lots of 【改】在 norththe。n【析】north,south,east,westNorthoftheteachingsagardenwithlotsofflowers.:n(1)Theyarenorth.n(2) she south of 11.【改错】I havent slightest idea why she is so 【改】在 slightestthe。n12.【改错】I never knew much about her except t she was forn【析】t直接
7、接宾语从句,无需再用13.【改错】Mary said d been foolish for me to make so a【改】forofn说【析】1)注意这两个结构的区别:A)Itisadj.ofsomebodytodo B)Itisadj.wise,clever,careful,careless,wrong,foolish,等.n(1)Itwasbraveofyoutohaveotheriverandsavedthegirl救了上来。n3)somebodyn:(2)YouhadotheriverandthegirlYouwerebrave.n4) 而在第二种结构中则不存在这个特点n(3)I
8、tsimportantforto hold a meeting.来说是重要的。(不能解释为 we are important14.【改错】A lot of money was offered from Mr 【改】frombyn【析】本句语态15.【改错】He suffers poor 【改】在 sufferfrom。nsufferfrom。例如:nHefferedfromheartfailureforthegirlYouwerebrave.n4) 而在第二种结构中则不存在这个特点n(3)Itsimportantforto hold a meeting.来说是重要的。(不能解释为 we are
9、 important14.【改错】A lot of money was offered from Mr 【改】frombyn【析】本句语态15.【改错】He suffers poor 【改】在 sufferfrom。nsufferfrom。例如:nHefferedfromheartfailureforyears.16.【改错】I heard it by the 【改】by 改为 onovern【析“”可说“on/over the phone”或ephone”;“by radio17.【改错】I have heard him, but I dont know 【改】在heard后加of。n【译】
10、我他, 但对他不了解【析】hear);hear of18.【改错】Is this the pen you wrote your article 【改】on 改为 withn r因此这样说也正确:nIsthis the r you wrote your article on? 这是你写文章用的纸吗19.【改错】Please sit quietly in your 【改】quietly 改为 quietn【析】本句中,不及物动词 sit 的功能接近于系动词,其后要用形容词。n 例如:(1) The stoodstillontheplayground.学生们静静地站在操场上。n(2)Theboyfe
11、lldowndead.去, 死了。n(3) y, he came back alive. 幸运的是,他活着回来了。n(4) died young ppy.20.【改错】I never have seen rson I have never seen rson before.nneverbe21.【改错】Strong punishment should be used against certain 【改】StrongSevere/Harshnstrong22.【改错】How long will the sun rise?In an hour 【改】long 改为 soonn连用。Howsoon
12、areyougoingtostaywithus?你打算跟我住多久?n(3)Howsoon【改】StrongSevere/Harshnstrong22.【改错】How long will the sun rise?In an hour 【改】long 改为 soonn连用。Howsoonareyougoingtostaywithus?你打算跟我住多久?n(3)Howsoonwillyoucomeback?In k.23.【改错】and let you to know when the book you tonletnhetheshouldhaveremained【改】在 spokenbeen。n
13、。25.【改错】He used to get up he and now he is ng 【改】后半句 改为 :but now heng so.n【析】used to26.【改错】She liked it very much and reads it to the class. All said the story 【改】readsread(过去式)n27.【改错】The front cover of the book has the same colour as the 【改】has 改为 isn【析】表示某物的颜色时用 be,不用 havehas28.【改错】InoticedMother
14、lookingatanearbytableoccupybyanelderlywomanand附近的有一对年老的妇女和一对年轻夫妇【析】分词短语作后置定语,occupytable29.【改错】Tomarrivedsothecouldnotfindanyonetocarrytheluggagehe【改】brings改为 broughtn【译到达太迟了, 结果他找不到任何人帮他搬运行李30.【改错】We should spend more time thinking why people do such terrible thinkingabout。nthinking about31.【改错】She
15、 was seen he 【改】在 danceto。nmother29.【改错】Tomarrivedsothecouldnotfindanyonetocarrytheluggagehe【改】brings改为 broughtn【译到达太迟了, 结果他找不到任何人帮他搬运行李30.【改错】We should spend more time thinking why people do such terrible thinkingabout。nthinking about31.【改错】She was seen he 【改】在 danceto。nmothermadehimcleantheroomn(2
16、)Hewasmadetocleantheroom.othepark.werenoticedtoothepark. 他们被看见进入公园。n2)她正在大厅里跳舞”,则可改为:Shewas seen he hall 32.【改错】sbeenraining.sincefivehemorning,butsnt【改】but 改为 andnandbutand33.【改错】I never saw him again, or did I hear from 【改】ornor/neithern【析】nordidIhearfromhim。此句的另一种表达方式:Ineversawhimorfrom him 34.【改
17、错】The only thing which is useful is the 【改】whichtn【析】下列两种情况下, 引导定语从句的关系代词只能用t,不能用 which。n1)在不定代词词 anything,something,all,one,any,some,every的nothingnn2)在下列词修饰先行词时:only,等35.【改错】Although he tried, but he still couldnt keep up with the 【改】althoughbut,去掉一个。n【析】althoughbut36.【改错】I cant go to the party, bu
18、t I wantto。nwant,expect,hope,wish,wouldlike,wouldlove,used,decide,pretend,promise, 略形式;但如果 to后面是 be,则 be要36.【改错】I cant go to the party, but I wantto。nwant,expect,hope,wish,wouldlike,wouldlove,used,decide,pretend,promise, 略形式;但如果 to后面是 be,则 be要保留。n例如:(1)Haveyouevermethim?No,but Iexpectto. 你遇见过他吗?没有,但
19、我希望如此。n(2)DoyouwanttohaveaYes,Id1oveto. 你想试一试吗?是的, 。n(3)Areyouateacher?but I used to be.37(误译:You should take good care of your 【正译】You should take good care of your 【析】take good care ofcarefully38.(误译: Theteacherwillcallournamesineveryperiod【正译】The teacher will call the roll in every period of call
20、theroll,而 callonesname(s“名册”的意思,又如:removesb.s name from the rool(除名rool39.【翻译】No one heworldbut knowsthe GreatWall (。 。【析】butnoonenone,buttwhobutisready There are helpthe roubleof us but admire your 40.【改错】is an important class.(这是个重要的课程【正】This is an important class,lessonlesson.classlesson 6; class
21、 41.【改错】He refused takeadvice and failed again.(【正】He refused to the advice and failed 辨析【 take advice, the(ones) advice】 take advice 征求意见;take the advice42.【改错】What do you prefer, bananas or apples?(香蕉和苹果,你更喜欢哪一种【正】Which do you prefer, bananas or 辨析【 what, which】 what的;which43.【改错】The prisoners wer
22、e close 犯受到严密监视【正】The prisoners were closely 辨析【 close, closely】 close 接近,靠近;closely44.【改错】Kate and her sister went on holiday cousin of 一【正】Kateand her sister went on holiday cousin of ofnTomafriendof是朋友t book of his is written Mr. Li.45.【改错】I, Andy and Paul sang song ,【正】Andy, Paul and I sang a 【析】有多个主语或宾语时,Ime46.【改错】This is the pretty doll of all.【正】This is the doll of all.42.【改错】What do you prefer, b
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