【高考英语作文指导】3. 第二讲 层级三_第1页
【高考英语作文指导】3. 第二讲 层级三_第2页
【高考英语作文指导】3. 第二讲 层级三_第3页
【高考英语作文指导】3. 第二讲 层级三_第4页
【高考英语作文指导】3. 第二讲 层级三_第5页
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1、第二讲 用高级句式增分0103美句输入完美文章02佳句输出层级三言简意赅的“非谓语” 美句输入一、美句输入动名词作主语、表语、定语和宾语等。1Therefore,please spend some time taking a brief look at the history of the Tang Dynasty.(2017全国卷书面表达)因此,请花些时间简单地看看唐朝的历史。一、美句输入过去分词作表语、宾语、补语和状语等。2I am writing to tell you that I cant go to the bookstore with you at our appointed t

2、ime.(2016全国卷书面表达)我写信是想告诉你,我不能按我们约好的时间陪你逛书店了。一、美句输入不定式作主语、表语、定语、宾语、宾语补足语和状语等。3We may have various ways to deal with such a situation.(2015浙江卷书面表达)我们或许有各种各样处理这种情况的办法。一、美句输入现在分词作表语、定语、补语和状语等。4Standing in Shandong Province,Mount Tai has long been a popular tourist attraction,with many Chinese legendary

3、stories attached to it. (2017北京卷书面表达)泰山矗立在山东境内,长期以来一直是山东省的旅游胜地,有许多与之相关的中国传说。补全句子1_ will give you a good understanding of Chinese culture.(2017北京卷书面表达)到那里旅行会使你对中国文化有一个很好的了解。2A week before Earth Day,a big poster was put up on campus, _ for a greener earth.(2016北京卷书面表达)在“地球日”前的一周,我们学校就贴出大海报,号召我们学生为建立一个

4、更加环保的地球而行动起来。3 _ how skillful they were,I _ 对他们娴熟的技巧惊讶不已,我决定像他们一样棒。Having a trip therecalling upon us students to take actionAmazed atwas determined to be just as good补全句子4Actually,I _ on Sunday to have a good time.(2016全国卷书面表达)实际上,我一直期望能在周日和你见面,一起度过一段美好的时光。5Later on, _ all the students of our schoo

5、l.(2016北京卷书面表达)后来,我们被邀请与我们学校的所有学生分享我们的想法和经验。have been expecting to meet youwe were invited to share our ideas and experience with利用非谓语动词,结合中文提示补全短文并背诵(建议信)Dear Shirley, Glad to receive your email. The problem you mentioned is common among middle school students. Dont worry about it too much.1. _ (遵循

6、以下建议) I give you,and you may 2. _ (使你的问题得到解决) First of all,believe in yourself. The first thing you must do is 3. _ (对你的同学微笑)A smile speaks louder about your wish 4. _ (交朋友) than any words. Your smile will show that you are friendly to them. Next 5. _ (试着和学生交谈) who is as shy as you or who shares the

7、 same interest as you. You can discuss your studies with a classmate,or you can also talk about your hobbies. If anyone is in trouble in life or study,you should be ready to help him or her. 6. _ (在恢复你的自信后),you can make as many friends as possible.Yours,Li HuaFollow the following adviceget/have your prob


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