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1、L Im leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.A. See you hter.B- I lave a pleasant triplC. Let fs go out for a drink.2. 1 wanckr if I could use your computer tonight?A. Surc-t go aheadB. h daesnf I matter.C. Who cnrrs?3. I suppose I here1 11 be lot of argumcnisA. I should imagine so. H No problrnuC. Thuts H go

2、od id 或L Could I help you with your heavy hnx? You are so tired. 1 run manage iUA. All rightB please.C. No. Thanks.5. Sorry 1 made a rnistokr again, Practise more and youll succeed.A. Never miniLB. Cennmly nob6.imponnnt it s lor kids io imngine freely I( lake phccA. WhnlH How7. it kunwn iu till, too

3、 much btt rnunrn hi .iri prnblr.rnntA. h a AcC. hutg. You enn gt uut you protium io hA. as long sC. no (ar AurmrlycoinitKA. looking forwnrd toC. look fnrwnrd io10. Thi I hr rnnn hat light.A. whom I MW himbnck bvtonr 12 oMock.ti. an Ur nnB. looking (arwnrdti. whom I iuwC. who 1 etaw himI L If y(n nrr

4、d further infnrmnlion. our o(f)cctA. coriMtAnt K constructG enntAct12. Im io up vnriy n(wtA. get B gettingC- to grl13. Pin gninR to Imvc A wiili Mnrk ithout ihu fotnorrow.A. speech H MnirnrewordI L The prognjinmc jivch tuilcntji tht to Iram more about glob/il WArniinjc.(A opporumny)5. Fhe products o

5、f tins company rr Always to standard h%u5r they have very strict quoliiy cnnlru) pnxxss.rt16 1 to know how often the bus run* 山inp ruhh hour.tA. occur 沮 happenA. do wcC. will you18, The child fluent French.At ftaysC peaks19 They ICAVC nrxi Fndny.A. decidrd ( clecidc20. It in nnr of (hr best ronrerm

6、I .K. went toC. hnvr ever heen inshall wc11 decided toR hud gone toOf nil thr fntnily tnernber# yndpariFM nn- probnbly tho least VAiued. They Arr JUM ! ihr people who have always been Arouml They make u I UMS over the children ni the fnnuly show off io hrir fnrnds ibr Hchicvcments of this child ur I

7、 hoi chi Id nnd ahow count k8 pictures of new bnbu irandfnthrrA rnn l:x nnything ctu grandmothers always hnvr hoinrinadr I 心 cui drnunil 1 1 di thr huy you think% They nrr always Mblc io btiby nil hrcaciMc ihry don 1 1 go run much nnl n luidly preIvr to nee ihrir mndch 山 I hi y nrr munlly 必for i srn

8、iill l(wn now .irul thru ilnH dix 心 rid day end V(m thnnk thi tn poliirly I(H wht th y do (nt y(im nnl thm lo firii ii tlurn until you need M.init thihU 八”山 (H caiirMt you ur vrt tell fhrm how drat they wre IO you beCAUr they know hnw you lev Inboul them Hiiywnyt I hvn ill of n tunhferu thry nrr no

9、Inngrr there to |Q the things that only MrArul|reniedoe itui you find yourH If wl*hing that you Imd tohl them svhfli they rnvnni to you nee people nil not UM KronvIpMirnts.2. Winn in the position nl nr/intlpnrrnt-. in ihr fnnulyYlirtirnlli thr ( BIXA I hry lire the leA*t iiHporifttit incnibt i B of

10、the IntJiily.H I hry nrr I lie 111051 iiiiportanl mt rnber o( the Inmily.C Thry nr* tlir niivn at wham dim i hiltlrrti or grnnilchildrvn ununUy buiKh.22. Wlm! io gr/imlparrnts tn v t )0Y A I OdkniR ultrr ihrir rnndchildren. It Ikiynig ihrir randchildtun thhlWC. I riling ihrir urarkkhdilrori how (Irn

11、r dwy nrc io rhvrnituniiori.( Fhlhiuritig then nclvkc will mnk (hvui net tik ulil people.2S How do childftn (cl 4ifc-r ihnt icnnulpnir nr dird?A. I hy Irvl wirry ihjii Biridpuffrih- II il) h ?! VAIIHHI HI ihr f/iimly. ( fhey tvam ihry ihIh nitiij hytiioni th Iktjing* i vtiirnl buMrttt dilricl (Hl) i

12、n bring r deniMrird tn Tii/ikr piibhrtrwrihpaHniinri v/iIIIMI irnpruvr ln irncy.Plan* tar 15 rimk within lh(4M) li.ivr lrii | pruvt !.tnvnuririK ll :kilnnuicrr* m tntnL hi nildition to public buftrs (n?r m low price Mniulr IHIMCK Irorn rrMilrtirr nrran in Muhwny will nlw be prnvub(l hirrimmiHunThis

13、i)unt over loui Hmz 仆”、 tinrubt r ol rundu bpriicd in 2()07 . a nd will ailil unnt her 15. 5 ktnio iho rirdnig ri mi hndrfKtnurnI irrtlfh tu Mm hwi()prrnnnK whieh incluib fntir tirw nubwny linrfb niilr n/ilnly for pvdrfitriaiirt 4rul rornntvri ud (加 ililw whlk lhe second undrground Ihinr in plnfifn

14、i.l (r pinkit.I he city hnN alno mvrstecl 110 imlhori ynuh io sri up n irnlfii iti(|utry wcnr) through which the public cnn rhrck natlir cvnilifionh ofilinv anil rr ;lir :m ST ( .iiivrtiivni roiHrs an thrix GPS xyftlcui. In the luturr tin will IM fully ( ovt red lv im intrllignt Irafftc comrol26, I

15、hr roadm in Brijhin f % nnfnil IIU%IKV5 lidri i 1 (*H!J m bring clvsiwncd ARnitt 27. OnnTniiirrb can only take public bum- I mm nulcnu nren* in Mihw.ty %fnrian! Joni :.29. I he underuround Irnftic ylrn hns (om nrw suluvrty lines lirtivih ( HIK;). Iknh kvrl$J fhr iindrrgfrmnr! rnrinrctiot) ylrtn nrr plnnm-il for pnrkitn(t31.根据写作要求.写一厢作文.K航班号:CZ389O frifiifiJohnSmithjrq 电话.一、交际用通(共计。分,每小喊 2 分) 5 题:根据对话内容选择恰当的逸顼。1. H % A 3. A 4.C 5- A6.B7.B8. A.A12.


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