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1、1Criteria and Process of Business English Translation2 He listened to the striking of Big Ben, making every quarter of an hour, and reckoned out how long it left till the City woke again.A. 他聆听着议院塔上的大钟的当当钟声,每过一刻钟便做个记号,心里盘算着还得待多久城市才能苏醒过来。B. 国会大厦塔楼上的那口大本钟每一刻钟就敲响一次,他谛听着那当当的钟声,盘算着再过多久这座城市方能苏醒过来。Warm-up

2、activity:3 Patrick was on the carpet for crashing a company car that he hadnt even asked permission to use.帕特里克未经允许就使用了公司的车并将车撞坏了,他因此站到了地毯上。帕特里克未经允许就使用了公司的车并将车撞坏了,他因此受到了训斥。4 I have to open the door and go in before everyone. A: 我只好当着大家的面推门进去。 B.我没法,只好硬着头皮推门进去。6 In consequence of the infectious disea

3、se, almost all the restaurants suffer from complete absence of customers.A.由于受传染病的影响,大多数饭店完全没有客人。B.受传染病的影响,大多数饭店门可罗雀。9鲁迅先生的“兼顾两面”论 “宁信不顺” “凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存着原作的丰姿。”10傅雷:神似similarity in spirit “形似神似” “以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不再形似而在神似 -高老头重译序11钱钟书:“化境” “入化境界” 钱钟书的“化境”(perfection; sublimation; cons

4、ummation) 说: -译作被比作原作的“投胎转世”(the transmigration of souls)12Other scholars theories茅盾-“忠实”、“通顺”准则林语堂-“忠实标准、通顺标准、美好标准” “忠、顺、美”张培基-忠实faithfulness,通顺smoothness瞿秋白-信顺统一13余光中“变通的艺术” “翻译如婚姻,是一种两相妥协的艺术。譬如英文译成中文,既不能西风压倒东风,变成洋腔洋调的中文,也不许东风压倒西风,变成油腔滑调的中文,则东西之间势必相互妥协,以求两全之计。至于妥协到什么程度,以及哪一方应该多让一步,神而明之,变通之道,就要看每一位

5、译者自己的修养了。”14英国历史学教授泰特勒(A. F. Tytler)18世纪提出的翻译三原则:That the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. 译文应完整地再现原文的思想内容That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original. 译文风格、笔调应与原文的性质相同That the translation should have a

6、ll the ease of the original composition. 译文应像原文一样流畅自然16Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor is it a way to make social problems evaporate.literal trans.:砸镜子不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问题烟消云散。Revised: 就像砸镜子不能让人变美,这样的做法并不能解决实际社会问题。I want to hit the sack and get some Zs.free rendering活

7、译:我要去睡会觉。19A scientist who does research in economic psychology and who wants to predict the way which consumers will spend their money must study consumer behavior.从事经济心理学研究并想预测消费者如何花钱的科学家必须研究消费行为。20Free translation It is raining cats and dogs. 天上下猫和狗。 大雨滂沱 21Flexible way is required.Some old peopl

8、e are oppressed by the fear of deathliteral trans有些老年人受到死亡的恐惧的压迫。liberal trans.有些老年人因怕死而惶恐不安。 22 He must obtain data both on the resources of consumers and on the motives that tend to encourage or discourage money spending literal:他必须获取有关消费者的财力以及能够鼓励或打消花钱积极性的动机两方面的信息。Liberal: 他必须获取有关信息,诸如消费者的消费能力以及能

9、够鼓励或打消花钱积极性的动机等。 23有些句子可以直译,也可以意译,但效果未必相同。Just as dark clouds cant hide the sun so no lies can cover up the fact直译:正如乌云遮不住太阳,谎言也同样掩盖不了事实。意译:事实是无法掩盖的。24It is natural to wonder who could possibly need such precision 直译:人们自然会奇怪有谁会需要这种精确的时间。 意译:恐怕没人会需要这种精确。26He bit off more than he could chew when he ag

10、reed to do it all by himself. 硬译:当他同意完全一个人做它时,他咬下了多于他能咀嚼的。 改译:当他同意完全由他一个人来做这件事时,他就是在承揽一件自己力所不及的事情。27 I have read your articles, I expected to meet an older man 硬译:我读过你的文章,我期望见到一位更老的人。 改译:我读过你的文章,想不到你这么年轻。29Listening to classical music is my cup of tea. 听古典音乐是我的一杯茶? 古典音乐我最爱听touch and go 碰完了就走? 一触即发at

11、 sixes and sevens 六六七七? 乱七八糟30有些成语可在译入语中找到意思基本对等的成语,尽管使用这个成语就是了,不必再去照字面翻译,以免不伦不类。(1)Birds of a feather flock together 物以类聚。(2)Great men are apt to have short memories 贵人多忘事。31(3)Agues come on horse back, but go away on foot 病来如山倒,病去如抽丝。(4)Nothing can be made out of nothing 巧妇难为无米之炊。(5)It is an ill b

12、ird that fouls its own nest 家丑不可外扬。32Two aspects of translation process:The source-language-oriented principle 以译出语为取向的原则 【比较倾向于literal translation】 He always lives ahead of his salary.他总是生活在他的工资之前?他的生活开销总是超过他的工资收入。他总是入不敷出。332)The target-language-oriented principle 以译入语为取向的原则【比较倾向于liberal translatio

13、n】 He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.原译: 他渴望博学广闻,喜欢追根求源,并且好为人师。改译:他想学习,增长知识,也愿意把自己的知识教给别人。342. 同时考虑作者和读者的翻译原则符号学的翻译原则:“意义相符,功能相似” correspondence in meaning & similarity in function353.从美学角度提出的翻译原则许渊冲的“三美说”:音美、形美、意美美国意向派诗人庞德Ezra Pound36春晓 A Spring Morning春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。This morn of sprin

14、g in bed Im lying,Not woke up till I hear birds crying.After one night of wind and showers,How many are the fallen flowers!37Meanings : 指称意义 designative meaning 言内意义 linguistic meaning 语用意义 pragmatic meaning38A. 指称意义 / 认知意义 -是词语、句子和篇章反映的客观世界,指词与所指客体、思想或行为之间的直接关系。 Look, thats the sun. He looked at th

15、e blue sky. No smoking.39 B. 言内意义-是词语成分之间、句子成分之间和篇章成分之间的关系所反映的意义,在语音、词汇、句子和篇章等层次均有体现。 40千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。 (柳宗元:江雪)Rhythming 押韵From hill to hill no bird in flight, From path to path no man in sight.41 *诗中有画,画中有诗。(汉字回环修辞格) There is poetry in the paintings, and there are paintings in the poetry. *人无千日好,花无百样

16、红。(对偶) Man cannot be always fortunate; flowers do not last forever. 42C. Pragmatic meaning语用意义: -指语言符号与使用者的关系,即 蕴涵意义 connotative meaning, 联想意义 associative meaning 象征意义 symbolic meaning 汉语的称呼也含语用意义 章校长 President Zhang 李大嫂 Mrs. Li 43Principle of translation-Faithfulness忠实是翻译的首要问题I was with my father o

17、n a business-and-pleasure trip.I. 我和父亲这次旅行,既为了公事,也为了游玩。II. 我和父亲一起出来,既是出差,也是游玩。44 From there I could see the whole valley below, the fields, the river, and the village. It was all very beautiful, and the sight of it filled me with longing.I. 从那里,我可以看见下面整个山谷,那田野、河流和村庄。这一切非常美丽,见到后使我心里充满了渴望。II. 从这里望下去,整

18、个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野、河流和村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我心驰神往。 45Translation criteria for Business English 商务英语文本翻译标准 Practical situation asks for specific criteria of translationStyles of business English: 公文体、广告体、论说体、契约体、应用体等。46Advertising:persuasive function劝购功能相似译文应当于原文有大致相同的宣传效果、信息传递功能和移情感召功能。e.g. We take no pride in pre

19、judice. (Times泰晤士报广告词)I. 对于你的偏见,我们没有傲慢。II. 对于有失偏颇的报道,我们并不引以为豪。另译法:正义的力量,舆论的导向47香港康乐及文化事务署: Quality Services for Quality Life 凝聚新动力 文康展新姿九广铁路公司: The Way Ahead 九铁动力 拓新领域 48Business Pragmatic materials商务应用文翻译:约定俗成,入乡随俗包括:项目招商通告、营业执照、招投标文件、请柬等。译者应尽可能的参考相关文件的英语原文,参照他们的内容、格式和文字来翻译。49invitationThe Deputy P

20、rime Minister of Australiaand Minister for Overseas TradeDr. J. F. CairnsRequests the Pleasure of Your Companyat a BanquetOn Tuesday, 11 October, 2007from 12:30 to 1:30pmIn Hall Three of the Beijing Exhibition CenterTo Mark the Opening of the Australian ExhibitionR.S.V.P.Tel: 010-2345678950 谨定于2007年

21、10月11日(星期二)12时半到1时半假座北京展览馆3号大厅举行宴会,庆祝澳大利亚展览会开展。 敬请光临 澳大利亚副总理 兼海外贸易部长 杰 弗 凯恩斯博士(请赐复)51Translating business correspondence事实准确,礼貌得体1、准确传达原文的事实信息2、贴切再现原文的礼貌语气3、符合公函问题的语言特征52Translating business contracts准确完整,通顺得体1、用词准确,译文完整 The date of receipt issued by the transportation department concerned shall be

22、regarded as the date of the delivery of goods. 由有关的运输机构所开具收据的日期即被视为交货日期。Revised: 由承运的运输机构所开具收据的日期即被视为交货日期。54Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight to reach the sellers 30 days before the time of shipment.I.支付:不可撤销的即期信用证装船前30天开到卖方。II. 支付:买方应当在装船前30天将不可撤销的即期信用证开到卖方。552、行文通顺,条理清楚 The Buyer shall make a c

23、laim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.I. 如果买方向卖方提出索赔(包括换货)并出具相应的检验证明,卖方将支付全部费用。 The Buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by th

24、e further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller.II. 买方须凭复检证明书向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),由此引起的全部费用将由卖方负担。573、符合契约的文体特点 The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties. 仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力,双方必须遵照执行。58The Process of Translation Understanding (comprehension)E

25、xpressingProof-reading59UnderstandingTaking the following factors into consideration:(1) Type of writing(2) Theme(3) Forms of literature(4) Style(5) Emotions(6) Context of situation and so on 60examplesCannot Beat the Real Things. (Coca Cola) 不能打败真正的商品? 挡不住的诱惑61 This company is an international mark

26、eting company specializing in fertilizers, chemicals, cocoa, pesticides, coal, agricultural products and many others. 这家公司是一个国际营销公司,专营化肥、化工产品、可可、杀虫药、煤炭、农产品以及其他产品。 Marketing怎么能专营产品?此句中marketing=trading,Revised: 国际贸易公司62In understanding:purpose of writing or speakingWhat is the purpose or implied atti

27、tude of the editors in the following heading? A. Police Shoot Rioting Blacks B. Rioting Blacks Shot by Police C. Rioting Blacks Shot63A translator should be good at analyzing words in the contextSophisticated man 老于世故的人Sophisticated woman 狡黠的女人Sophisticated columnist 老练的专栏作家Sophisticated electronic

28、device 高度精密的电子装置Sophisticated weapon 尖端武器64A good translator should be good at analyzing the style of writing1.My dear grandparent has joined the heavenly choir. (formal) 吾祖父升天矣!2. My dear grandfather has passed away. (less formal) 我亲爱的祖父已经过世了。3. My grandfather has died. (less formal than the previo

29、us one) 我祖父死了。4. My old man has just kicked the bucket. (informal) 我家老头翘辫子了。66Good at using translating strategies“Will you come to see me some time, William?” “AujourDui,” I said. “威廉,你什么时候来看我们呀?” “今天就去”,我用法语回答。 (用增词法amplification)67 As we obtained a clean B/L, you will see that the goods were ship

30、ped in good order. We suggest, therefore, that you lodge your claim with it. 由于我们获得了清洁提单,所以你们将明白货物在装运是状况良好,且被安放得井井有条。由此看来,我们建议你们可以向该轮船公司提出索赔。 As we obtained a clean B/L, you will see that the goods were shipped in good order. We suggest, therefore, that you lodge your claim with it. 改译:我方已获得清洁提单一张,贵

31、方谅必清楚货物装船时状况良好,因此建议贵方可依此向该轮船公司提出索赔。69 It was morning, and the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of gentle sea. 清晨,初升的太阳照着平静的海面,微波荡漾,闪耀着金色的光芒。70Avoid: Translationese 翻译腔-指译文不符合汉语语法和表达习惯,诘屈聱牙,晦涩难懂。 Over-representation & Under-representationTo appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than b

32、efore, until they were seized with a kind of delirium. 为了解渴,读者比以前越饮越深,直到陷入了昏迷状态。 改译:读者为了满足自己的渴望,越读越想读,直到进入了如痴如醉的状态。72The process of comprehensionComprehension on single sentence 词语意义-根据原句的主题内容、词汇的词性、搭配关系以及词义的引申或褒贬等来确定 Every life has its roses and thorns. 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。 73B. 逻辑关系 Logic relation Laser,

33、its creation being thought to be one of todays wonders, is nothing more than a light that differs from ordinary lights. 虽然激光器的发明被认为是当代奇迹之一,其实激光只是一种光,只不过与普通光有所不同而已。 74C. 上下文关系 Context A policeman is coming. 警察来了。 Whats the implied meanings of this sentence when it is said by a man who loses his way o

34、r a thief?75D. Cultural Background Everyone on my farm knows that he or she must sing for his (or her) supper. 在我的农场里工作的人都明白,他/她必须干活才能有饭吃。 76E. 专业知识 specialist Dont buy a stock just because short interest is high and you are counting on making a killingby killing the short-sellers.不要仅仅因为空头利率高,而且你指望大

35、发利市(吃掉卖空者)而去购买一种股票。 77空头是投资者和股票商认为现时股价虽然较高,但对股市前景看坏,预计股价将会下跌,于是把借来的股票及时卖出,待股价跌至某一价位时再买进,以获取差额收益。 78翻译的表达过程可分为三个步骤:一稿初译,忠实为主: (2) 二稿核对,注重逻辑: (3) 三稿定局,润色文字:译文的表达应遵循下述原则:忠实于原文、逻辑清晰、语言规范和注重谋篇79ABe faithful to the SL 忠实于原文: The new secretary was rude to the workers, but when she talks to the boss, butter

36、 wouldnt melt in her mouth. 原译:这位新秘书对工人态度很粗鲁,可是跟老板谈话时,黄油含在她嘴里也不化。Revised: 这位新秘书对工人态度很粗鲁,可是跟老板谈话时却满口的奉承话。 80BClear logic 逻辑清晰 With 2% of the worlds population, we are the worlds fifth largest trading nation. 虽然我们的人口仅占全球的2,但我们却是世界第五大贸易国。81C语言规范 英语重形合,句法比较刻板,主、从句之间要使用连接词。而汉语重意合,主、从句靠意义贯穿,不用或少用连接词。 The

37、temptation was so great that those who were watching from the sidelines also rushed to the tulip markets. 一些原来持旁观态度的人再也经受不住如此巨大的诱惑,纷纷加入到郁金香生意的行列中来。83tips 适当使用一些文言文词语,特别是成语,不仅可以使译文的语言风格符合原文的文体或专业特点,而且可以收到传神达意、画龙点睛的效果。 It seems to be more lonesome in the mountains when birds are singing. 鸟鸣山更幽。 84Key

38、points in the step of expressing1)正确处理忠实与通顺的关系85They have become, through marketing, word of mouth, and demonstrable reliability, the common pants of America. 通过市场营销,口头宣传,以及凭借显而易见的可靠性,牛仔裤已成为美国的寻常裤装。改译:通过市场营销,口口相传,以及凭借显而易见的可靠性,牛仔裤已成为美国的寻常裤装。86analysisThe cold weather frosted up the track last night.I

39、. 昨晚寒冷的天气使跑道上结了霜。II. 昨晚天气寒冷,跑道上结了霜。87Proof-readingTwo times of proof-reading after translation对照原文校对,检查有无疏漏、误译的地方脱离原文审校,检查有无生硬拗口的地方Accurate, natural, economical88Exercises Improve the following translationI will teach him to deceive others. 我要教他去欺骗别人。2. This thesis leaves much to be desired. 这篇文章有很多

40、地方让人喜欢。893. A measure of calm gave signs of returning after the flood subsided. 洪水退了以后,恢复了平静的标志。4. “Its a gloomy thing, however, to talk about ones own past, with the day breaking. Turn me in some other direction before I go.” “不过,在天亮时谈个人的往事,真扫兴。在我离开之前,把我转到别的方向吧。”91Improve the following translation1

41、.In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors. 门口放着至少有十二把各种颜色和尺寸的雨伞2. The study had three windows, set with little, old-fashioned panes of glass, each with a crack across it. 书房有三个窗户,每个窗户上都嵌有带有裂痕的老式的小块玻璃。923. The brokers hour is not only crowded, but minutes and seconds are hanging to all the straps and packing both front and rear platforms. 经纪人的时间不但是拥挤的,而且分分秒秒都挂在所有的皮带上,包装在前后的月台上。4. It was already two years since he was Secretary General of the UN. 他担任联合国秘书长以来已经有两年了。93Reference answerI will teach him to deceive others. 我要教他去欺骗别人。 = I will punish him so


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