



1、2022-2023学年山东省东营市义和中学高二英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. My father is always strict _ me, so he was very angry _ my fault on this matter. A. with; with B. in; for C. with; at D. in; about参考答案:C2. You _ get the book on condition that you give it back to me on time.A. should B. must C. ought D. shall参考答案:D略3. Did you

2、 look up the time of the high-speed trains to Changchun?Yes, the early train is _ to leave at 5:30 amA. likely B. possible C. due D. about参考答案:C4. Which sport has the most expenses _ training equipment, players personal equipment and uniforms?A. in honor of B. in terms of C. in favour of D. in case

3、of参考答案:B5. Go on _the other exercise after you have finished this one . A.doing B.to do C. with D.to be doing参考答案:B6. _property together with many other things, life is more precious, so we should never _and try whatever we can to protect it. A. Compared to; risk it B. Compared with; run risk of it

4、C. Comparing it with; put it on risk D. Comparing; run the risk at it 参考答案:A7. If it had not been for the help of my English teacher, I _ such great progress.A. would not made B. would not have made C. would made D. would have made参考答案:B8. Not only _ speak more correctly but also he _ more easily.A.

5、 he did; spoke B. he does; spoke C. did he; speak D. did he; spoke参考答案:D9. “You are wanted on _ phone.” is another way to say “Someone wants to speak to you by _phone.”A. / , / B. / , the C. the , / D. the, the 参考答案:C10. In face of failure, it is most important to keep up good state of mind. A.不填;a

6、B. a; 不填 C. the; 不填 D.不填;the参考答案:A11. He is _ with the striking workers. A. sympathy B. synthetic C. sympathetic D. sympathize参考答案:C略12. China has sent two patrol ships to _waters near Diaoyu Islands after Japan signed _ contract to buy the islands.A. /; a B. the; a C. /; the D. the; the 参考答案:B13. _

7、 with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared 参考答案:D略14. Anyone who drives after drinking alcohol be punished according to the traffic regulations.A. can B. would C. shall D. may参考答案:C15. They have_ a plan for

8、 reducing housing prices, which is quite practical.A. put offB. put awayC. put downD. put forward参考答案:D16. You have got to fill in your name,age,address,and _ in this application form.Anutrition Boccupation Cenvelope Datmosphere参考答案:B17. When I grow up, I want to be _ engineer in the future.A. a B.

9、the C ./ D. an 参考答案:D18. An investigation is under way after two explosions near the finishing line of the Boston Marathon left three people dead and at least 140_.A. injured B. injuring C. to injure D. having injured参考答案:A19. What _ you to get bored with her? _was her laziness and unkindness.A. mad

10、e; It B. caused; That C. led; It D. got; That参考答案:C二、 书面表达20. Guided writing (25分)Directions: Write an English composition in about 120 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.如今, 网络学习(e-learning)作为一种新的求知手段逐渐兴起, 你是否会接受这样的学习模式, 谈谈你的看法.参考答案:略略21. 最近你班将举行一场题为Life in the future的讨论会,请根

11、据以下要点,写一篇一百词左右的发言稿。1.随着医学的发展,人类的平均寿命将会达到120岁。2.由于新能源的出现,污染问题将得到控制。3.人们的日常生活也将有很大的变化。如机器人可以为你做家务;椅子的颜色能够随着你所穿的衣服而改变;人们可以到月球上去度假。_参考答案:In the future,mans life will be very different form that of today.First,with the development of medicine,on the average,a person will live to the age of about 120.Seco

12、nd,because of the discovery of new energy,the environmental pollution will be under control.Third,peoples daily life will change greatly,too.For example,robots will do all your housework for you;your chair will change its color1 to match what youre wearing; Perhaps some people will go to the moon fo

13、r a holiday.本文属于提纲类作文,要求写一篇发言稿。要注意发言稿的格式和特殊用词。未来的事情,用一般将来时来写。要点:1.随着医学的发展,人类的平均寿命将会达到120岁。2.由于新能源的出现,污染问题将得到控制。3.人们的日常生活也将有很大的变化。如机器人可以为你做家务;椅子的颜色能够随着你所穿的衣服而改变;人们可以到月球上去度假。这篇文章对于考生的综合能力要求较高,要求考生有很强的谋篇布局的能力和组织要点的能力。需要注意紧扣文章主题,给出的要点都需要包括,缺一不可。写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,一定要契合给出的开头,不能出现文章脱节问题。尽量使用自己熟悉的单

14、词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。【亮点说明】本篇书面表达要点全面,结构紧凑,是一篇较好的范文。这篇短文使用了大量的短语,为文章增色不少,如:be different from与不同, on the average一般来说。还使用了宾语从句For example,robots will do all your housework for you;your chair will change its color1 to match what youre wearing等多种句式结构,增加了文章的可读性。三、 阅读理解22. I was 9 years old when

15、 I found out my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can remember my mothers words as if it were yesterday: “Kerrel, I dont want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him.”AIDS wasnt something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. Fr

16、om then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My fathers other children lived far away, so it fell to me to look after him.We couldnt afford a

17、ll the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldnt even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely lost, the teachers words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage.I did not share my burde

18、n with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.I had known th

19、at he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret. I was completely unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless, I called a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to find someone who c

20、ared. She saved my life.I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didnt want to call attention to AIDS. I do.21. What does Kerrel tell us about her father?A. He had stayed in the hospital since he fell ill.B. He depended on the nurses in his final days. C. He worked hard to pay for his medication. D. He told no one about his dise


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