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1、Unit 5Culture and Verbal Communication Part One1.Warm-up 2.Reading I3.Identifying difference: Compliment Response4.Interview5.Reading II6.Group WorkWarm Up What was wrong? What can we learn from the story? Both c and d might be the factors that have caused the failure of the Americans presentation.

2、It is often customary for Americans to start their talk with some jokes or humorous anecdotes, but Germans have different ideas and they tend to consider telling jokes inappropriate in talks on serious matters. And in German culture, executives who occupy important positions are usually senior in ag

3、e, and they had not expected the American manufacturer to send a young man as their representative to start business with them, a reputable German distributor. They may have found it difficult to trust such a young person.Understanding the Culture of Conversation (1)What made the author feel learnin

4、g to converse in Mexico City was easier for him in one way, more difficult in another?(2)Why did the Mexico customer slide into the topic of the full eclipse of the sun?(3)How did the American businessman feel about the Mexicans way of conversation?4. What “conversational ideal” was represented by t

5、he example of a championship skier who was interviewed on TV?5. What problems are likely to occur if an American talks with a Swede?6. What are the differences between Anglos and Athabaskans in conversation? There are a lot of differences between them. For instance, at the beginning of a conversatio

6、n, Anglos almost always speak first. Athabaskans think it important to know what the social relationship is before they talk with someone. There is another difference in how long one should talk. Athabaskans tend to have longer turns when they talk with each other, but Anglos expect shorter turns.7.

7、Is it enough just to learn to speak in grammatically correct manners when one learns a foreign language? What else does he or she also need to know? It is far from enough just to learn to speak in grammatically correct manners when one learns a foreign language. One also has to know the culture of u

8、sing the language in social life, things like who talks first, who talks next, who opens and closes conversations and how they do it, in order to be able to use the language in culturally appropriate manners.8 In what ways are Chinese people similar to or different from the Americans, Mexicans and S

9、wedes? It seems that the Chinese are somewhat similar to Mexicans in the way they have a conversation. Unlike Americans, we do not usually move in a straight line a conversation and also care much about the others feeling.Identifying difference: Compliment ResponseDo you think there has been some ch

10、ange in the way we Chinese respond to compliments in the last decade or two? What basic differences can we still find between the English-speaking people and the Chinese people concerning compliment and response? There has been some change in the way we Chinese respond to compliments in the last dec

11、ade or two. For example, more and more Chinese people, particularly the young, tend to use 谢谢( Thank you) to respond to a compliment, like the English-speaking people. However, we Chinese are still different from the English-speaking people concerning compliment and response to it. For instance, imp

12、licit compliments (隐性恭维语)are more likely to be found in the Chinese society, e.g. (对一位家庭主妇说)你丈夫真有福气。 (跳舞时,一位男士对一位刚认识的女生说)你不是学师范,而是学跳舞的吧? (一位年轻棋手对一位上了年纪的棋手说)今天我体会到姜还是老的辣。 Another difference can be seen in our response to compliment. In China today, it is common to see people respond to a compliment a

13、s the following, combining the western style and the Chinese style: 谢谢,你过奖了,我的文笔一般。 真的?多谢捧场。 InterviewMary Ann: Hello, my name is Mary AnnPaula: Hi, Im PaulaMary Ann: I really like your dress, How much did it cost?Paula: Well, uh, I dont remember for sureMary Ann: Your shoes are nice, too,Where did

14、you get them? Did you get them on sale?Paula: I have to be going now, See you laterQuestions1 Why didnt Paula tell Mary Ann how much her dress and shoes cost?2 Why did Paula leave so quickly after meeting her? Obviously Paula considers it inappropriate for Mary Ann to ask how much her dress and shoe

15、s have cost her, for in her culture one should never ask people about the cost of something they have bought. Therefore, she leaves quickly so as to avoid answering Mary Anns questions.Conduct an interview with some people who have been to the English-speaking countries to find out what topics are a

16、cceptable and what are not in conversations in English-speaking cultures as well as in our culture. DiscussionDiscuss with your classmates what topics are acceptable and what are not in conversation in the English-speaking cultured as well as in our culture.In English-speaking culturesAcceptable Top

17、ics of Conversation 1. weather 2. pet 3. work 4. hobby 5. sexUnacceptable Topics of Conversation 1. age, especially a ladys age 2. marital status 3. property 4. politics 5. religious beliefIn our cultureAcceptable Topics of ConversationFamily 2. age3. Income 4. property 5. marital statusUnacceptable

18、 Topics of Conversation 1. disease 2. death 3. sex 4. pregnancy 5. disability However, we have to realize that whether a topic is actually acceptable or not is a more-or-less rather than either or matter. In every culture, some topics are more or less acceptable than others. And this depends on many

19、 factors. For instance, the relationship people have with one another often decides what topics are acceptable and what are not in conversation.Reading II The way People SpeakI High involvement & High considerateness1 High involvement:1) talk more;2) interrupt more;3) expect to be interrupted4) talk

20、 more loudly at times5) talk more quickly than those from cultures6) enjoy argumentsRussian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, South American, Arab and African2 high considerateness 1) Speak one at a time2) use polite listening sounds3) refrain from interrupting4) give plenty of positive and respectful respo

21、nses to their conversation partnersII Regional difference of speakingNew Yorker & CaliforniansNew Yorker: talk faster and respond more quickly; and pushy and domineeringCalifornians: slower, less intelligent, and not as responsive3. Cultural BeliefDirectness and Indirectness1)To express disagreement

22、 or how they say “no”Japan: 15 ways to say No” without naturally saying the word.American: Honesty and directness2). Gender DifferenceAmerican women have been less direct than men in making requests, expressing criticism, and offering opinions. When talking about emotional issues and feelings, women

23、 tend to be more direct than men.3) indirectness is the cultural values of “saving face” and maintaining harmony.Conversation StyleThe North American woman didnt know how to interrupt the Latin American conversations because North American ways of listening and breaking in are very different.Transla

24、tion 任意两人由于在性别、年龄、种族或文化群体、教育、国家或城市的地域、收入或职业群体、个人经历等各方面的差异,会分属不同的群体,这使一方很难完全领会另一方面表达的意思。 在当今世界的跨国和跨文化交际中,人们之间的差异是相当大的。人们每天要与来自世界各地不同文化背景、不同群体的人交往,成功交际的关键在于尽可能地共享对话语意义的推定。当我们与迥然不同的人打交道时,我们往往不知道该怎样推导他们的语句意义。因此,在交际过程中,就不可能依靠共享的知识和背景来有把握地诠释他人表达的意义。 就是来自相同文化、甚至相同家庭中的男性和女性也会经常误解对方的意思,原因是男性和女性对交际目的有不同的预期。为了

25、让女人高兴,男人要送她一件她真正想要的礼物。他问女人想要什么生日礼物-她尽可能开口,要什么都行。糟糕的是,女人最想要的却是男人可以凭直觉就知道她想要的是什么。至少在北美社会中,男性和女性对于表达时要直白还是委婉的看法往往不同女性觉得不用直接问就知道她想要什么是很重要的。男性则觉得,如果女性能爽快地告诉他怎样做才能让她高兴就再好不过了。 Case Study 18 How did the hostess interpret the Americans saying ”No”? What would possibly be the Americans next response? And what

26、 do you think would be the socially appropriate answer in Pakistan?Even if the American knew Urdu, the language spoken in Pakistan, he would also have to understand the culture of communication in that country to respond appropriately. In this case, he had to say “No” at least three times. In some count


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