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1、word可复制编辑word可复制编辑新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 1 Enjoy the colorful campus life! II Basic listening practice1.C)2. D)3.B)4. D)5.ListeninginTask 1(1) the first day(3) really good(5) went over her head(7) notes(9) participation Task 2(1) extra training(3) accounting(5) better potential(7) challenging(9

2、) better understanding Task 3(2) changing(4) hard workers(6) explained(8) Wednesday(10) education(2) chemistry(4) many fields of study(6) business degree(8) how to learn(10) narrow-minded1.B)2. C)3.D)4.A)5. D)SpeakingoutModel 1already I feel like Ive learned alotI already feel like Im up to my ears

3、inhomeworkhave to hit thebooksrub off onyouProbably, youll have no repeat theyearIll be burning the midnight Model2how Im going to stayawakeHe could put the entire basketball team to sleep-during the championshipgameShestoughNo pain, nogainhe usually fails half on thestudentsIm bored to death Model3

4、what are your primary duties as aprofessorI do a lot of research andwritingTeaching is an important part of being aprofessorapplying for grants to fund myresearchbeing a professor sounds prettycompetitiveSo you get an F in thiscourseLetstalk(1)quality(2) young(3)25(4) difficult(7) cut(10) experience

5、(5) government(8) extra-cautions(11) more(6) quality(9)affordblamebudget(14) puzzled VI Furthering listening andspeaking ListeningTask 1(1) standardized tests(3) interest(5) well-rounded(7) the rest of the school2 (S1)course(S2) quizzes(S3)semester(15) service(2) abilities and interest(4) pressure(6

6、) get into good colleges(8) from bad to worse(S4) confident (S5) party (S6) make (S7)missed(S8) they had a flat tire on the way back and didnt have a spare (S9) placed them in separate rooms, handed each of them a paper(S10) On the second page was a question worth 95 points: “Which of the tires was

7、flatTask 31.B)2.A)3.C)4. D)5. D)Viewing and speaking1. (1) increasing(2) 12(3) more(4) facilities(5) lecturers(6) poorer(7) grant(8) one(9) budget(10) less(11) young(12) classic(13) part-time(14) growing(15) two-yearUnit 1 test Part I Keys:1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.DPart II(1)for (2)with (3)opportunity (4)t

8、uition (5)explore (6)encounter (7)adventure (8)As with any country, it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you (9)Travelers checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen (10)It is wise to bring about $

9、100 with you in U.S. cash, so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in theStatesPart III1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.APart IV1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 2 Our globe is in danger! I Lead-in1.385274619Basic listeningpractice1.B)2. D)3.A)4.A)5. C)ListeninginTask 1(1)

10、nature(2) environmentalproblem(3) (5) awareof(7) law(9) 21. D) 1. D)(4) promote(6) from occurring(8) throw away(10) trash2.A)3.B)4.C)5.D)2.D)3.A)4.B)5.C)SpeakingoutModel 1getting along during this usually hotweatherthe hot, humid weather is killingherdoes bring global warming andrainEverybody should

11、 know what causes global warming. Otherwise we wont stopit.not to burn any more wood orcoalthe polar ice caps melt and oceansrise Model2asking for donations to save therainforestsThey need hot, tropicalclimatesheavy rainfall leads to densevegetationplant and animal species exist only inrainforestsar

12、e in danger of destructionbyfind a way to save them Model3a big sandstorm hit ourcityThe air was full of dirt and sanddustcomes after a long period ofdroughtthe soil can be liftedupplant more trees andgrasslaunching a new afforestation program in a bid to address the environmental problemLetstalk(1)

13、-b(5)-g(2) -a(6) e(3) -h(7) c(4) -d(8) -fFurthering listening andspeakingListening Task 1(1)waterpollution(2) overconsumption(3) economic growth(5) social advancement(7) government planning(9) remarkable steps Task 2(4)resources(6) restricted(8) economic policy(10) balance1. D) Task 32.B)3.A)4.C)5.

14、C)(S1) negative (S2) report (S3) warming (S4) pressures(S5) mountainous (S6) barely(S7) make way for(S8) expect 98 percent of the mountain areas to experience severe climate change by 2055(S9) the UN is anxious to raise awareness of the problems facing mountain areas (S10) Thousands of villages in E

15、urope are deserted most of the yearTask 31.B)2.A)3.C)4. D)5. D)Viewing and speaking1. (1)signs(4)snow(7)normal(10)white(2) warmer temperatures(5) attracts(8) best season(3) warmest(6) trouble(9) one-timeUnit 2 test Part I Keys:1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.DPart II(1)chemicals (2)atmosphere (3)particles (4)trap

16、ped (5)lasts (6)human-based (7)progressed (8)Even in Ancient Rome people complained about smoke put into the atmosphere (9)Air pollution can have serious consequences for the health of human beings (10)Cities with large numbers of automobiles or those that use great quantities of coal often suffer m

17、ost severely from air pollution problemsPart III1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.BPart IV1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 3 Culture makes me what I am. I Lead-in1) C2) I3) I4) CBasic listeningpractice1.C)2.A)3. D)4.B)5.ListeninginTask 11. C) 2 (S1) (S2)what(S3) 2.A)3. C)4.B)5. D)

18、(S4) diligence (S5) sin(S6) teachings (S7) centuries(S8) Even as children they were taught, “If its worth doing at all, its worth doing well(S9) In English a new world has been created to describe people who work compulsively(S10) Others hold that workaholics are valuable members of society because

19、they areextremely productive Task 31.D)2.A)3.D)4.A)5. C)SpeakingoutModel 1individual interests rank above everythingelseitsasharpcontrasttotheorientalcollectivismis not necessarily an equivalent forselfishnessall values, rights, and duties originate inindividualsin oriental countries the interests o

20、f the group are more important than anything elseWhy do Americans cherishindividualism Model2always seem to be in ahurryWhat do you think are the reasons for thatdifferenceDoes this strong sense of time affect theirlifestyleled them to create fastfoodglobalization shrinks the differences betweencult

21、uresthe gap will eventually bebridged Model3theyre ontopthey definitely get the bestmarksThey never skipclassdid homework each night until the earlyhoursThats the secret of theirsuccessI just want to learn it in an interestingwayLetstalk(1) transatlantic slavetradeunknownlandsdignity orpayment(1)ric

22、h(2) cotton and sugar(1) all over theworldfamily historychanged200thanniversary(1)bannedtaking partinslaveryfreedFurthering listening andspeakingListening Task 11. C) 1. T 2.B)3.A)4.C)5. D)2. F3.T4. F5. FThe Russian hurled the half-full bottle of vodka out of the openwindow.He answered, is plentiful

23、 in my In fact, we have thousands andthousands of liters of it-far more than we need.”The businessman said, “I thought the Cuban economy was not good this year. Yet you threw that perfectly good cigar away. I find your actions quitepuzzling.He replied, “Cigars are a dime a dozen in Cuba. We have mor

24、e of them than we know what to dowith.”The American businessman sat in silence for a moment. Then he got up, grabbed thelawyer,andthrewhimoutofthewindow.Hedidthatprobablybecausehethought there were too many lawyers in the UnitedStates.Viewing and speaking1. (1) disappearing(4) image crisis(2) kickin

25、g(5)update(3) tea shopcompetefast(8)product designers(9)contacts(10) similar(13) consumer(11) want(14) traditional(12) challengeUnit 3 testPart I Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.DPart II(1) values (2) purpose (3) true (4) Nowhere (5) equality (6) races (7) laboratory (8) Although Edwards specifically mentio

26、ns young men, young women also compete in organized sports without regard to their race or economic background (9) Many Americans believe that learning how to win in sports helps develop the habits necessary to compete successfully in later life (10) the competitive ethic taught in sports must be le

27、arned and cultivated in youth for the future success of American business and militaryeffortsPart III 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D5.DPart IV 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 4 Taste the sweets and bitters of family life. I Lead-in1.3241Basic listeningpractice1.C)2.A)3.B)4. C)5.

28、 D)ListeninginTask 1(S1) typical (S2) known (S3) Generally(S4)find(S5) apartment (S6)sole(S7)principal(S8) Dual-earner families are the predominant type for families with children in the UnitedStates(S9) adequate day care of children is necessary for dual-earner families (S10) companies are getting

29、involved in the arrangement of day care Task 21. F Task 32.T3.T4. F5.T1.A)2.A)3.A)4. D)5. C)SpeakingoutModel 1Im having a hectic time working on thisreportits been more than five years, almost six, since we weremarriedTime has gone sofastIm this close to getting apromotionWhat has that got to do wit

30、hityou have a great Model2So many people in the United States getdivorcedthe divorce rate can be as high as 50percentWesterners fall head over heels in lovequicklysome marriages break up, but most couples staytogetherDo people get marriedyoungDo women usually work after they getmarried Model3havent

31、seen dad foragesmy moms been prettysickdontexaggerateNever thought I was good enough foryouseriously, moms not soWhy not just have both our parents here forChristmasLetstalk(1)cry(2)relief(3) strong(4) understanding(7) wondering(5) angry(8) five(6) leftsadstress(11)friends(12)helpsChristmascousinspr

32、esentsFurthering listening andspeakingListening Task 1(1) divorce her husband(3) challenging jobs(5) bills(7) apartment(9) calls him names Task 2(2) irresponsible(4) stability(6) poverty line(8) yells at(10) half1. B) Task 32.C)3.A)4. D)5. C)(1) the last word(4) eight times(7) loneliness and anxiety

33、(10) lukewarm(13) ripeViewing and speaking(2) remarriage failures(5) wife(8) second(11) warmed up(14) blended into(3) picture(6) dating(9) response to her(12) accepted(15) right1. (1) Lovely(2)similar(3)room(4) apologize(7) listen(5) children(8) angry(6) patiencemedicinefantasticUnit 4 test Part I P

34、artII(1)at (2)wheel (3)tone (4)expression (5)Honey (6)divorce (7)speed (8)I dont want you to try to talk me out of it because I dont love you any more (9)I want the bank accounts, and all the credit cards, too (10)No, Ive got everything IneedPart III CABDAPart IV ADBCADABCD新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Uni

35、t 5 Here are the seasons to enjoy. I Lead-in1.86173452Basic listeningpractice1.C)2.A)3.B)4. C)5. C)ListeninginTask 11. D) 1. T 2.C)3. D)4.A)5.B)2. F3.T4. F5.T(1)buy(4)cats(7) special dish(2) office wear(5) pet(8) little party(3)likes(6)timelittletripcountryside IV Speaking out Model1We have goose an

36、d ham for Christmasdinnerwe eat leftovers fordayshell refuse a huge dinner and stick to a healthymealWe heap up our presents under thetreeYour family prolongs the celebration for threedaysIsnt that what the true spirit if Christmas is supposed tobe Model2spend the holiday with her mother andbrotherT

37、hey were happy just to have survived their first harshwinterthats good reason tocelebratesymbolize a familyreunionto be together and share a hugedinnerJust thinking about all that food makes my mouthwater Model3Are youPeople in funny costumes and maskseverywheredressing like witches andghostsA crowd

38、 of children followed me,shoutingThey were hoping youd give themcandyits a funny kind ofholidayLetstalk(1)-e(5)-h(2)-b(6)-a(3) -g(7) -f(4)-d(8)-cFurthering listening andspeakingListening Task 11.A)2. D)3. C)4.B)5. C)Task 2(S1) celebration (S2) popular (S3) American (S4) died(S5) remarrying (S6) daug

39、hter (S7) 1900s(S8) the tradition was born, on the third Sunday every June, close to the anniversary of Sonoras fathersdeath(S9) The card probably has a nice message on it saying what a great dad their father is (S10) British people might give their dad a bit of a rest-make him a cup of tea, or even

40、 wash his car and mow the lawnTask 3He thought that if men were not married, they would not mind joining the army.So he passed a law to forbid any more marriages.He kept on performing marriage ceremonies,secretly.Theycametothejailtovisithim.Theythrewflowersandnotesuptohiswindow.She was one of those

41、young people and the daughter of the prisonguard.Before he was killed, left the girl a little note thanking her for her friendship and loyalty. He signed, “Love from your Valentine.” That note started thecustom.Viewing and speaking1. (1)fun(2) headache(3)150(4) two million(7) traditional-looking(5)

42、feeling(8) lights(6) atmosphereregulationsfamily(11)translates(12)children(14)different(15)spreadsUnit 5 testPart I CACDD Part II(1)hang (2)remains (3)symbol (4)performed (5)what (6)that (7)represent (8)By the year 1600, some Germans began bringing evergreen trees into their homes. They put fruit, n

43、uts and sweets on the trees. (9)They say he did this to show how wonderful the stars had appeared to him as he traveled one night. (10)The Christmas tree tradition spread to many parts of the world. Today, some form of Christmas tree is part of most Christmas celebrations.Part III DABCDPart IV CABCC

44、ABDAC新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 6 Here are tips for finding a job. II Basic listening practice1.C)2. D)3.A)4.C)5.B)ListeninginTask 11. T2. F3. T4. T5. F6.T7.TTask 21. B)2. C)3. C)4. A)5. D)Task 31. C)2. A)3. A)4. C)5. B)SpeakingoutModel 1Did you go to the jobfairsI cant find anything interesting th

45、at Im qualifiedforYou can use a search engine to find a job site related to yourfieldI just saw a jobopeningsubmit my resume bye-mailhave you updated your Model2be sure to maintain good eyecontactDont look too shy, nor should you sound tooaggressiveMany companies dont want a completely greenhandI ga

46、ined some experience at an ITcompanyability for teamwork is usuallyvaluedShould I ask about salary and fringebenefits Model3our best bet is to recruit from thecompetitionWe also dont believe that a rigid management system will workwondersthat philosophy will help you attract many worthwhilepeoplehel

47、l help us start a recruitmentdriveA number of firms have beendownsizingcan David help us pin themdownLetstalk1. (1) 900(2) customer calls(3) 70(4) human resources(5) supported(6) customer-facing(7) place(8) two(9) right people(10) realistic(11) friends(12) helps(13) Christmas(14) cousins(15) present

48、s2. 3214Furthering listening andspeakingListening Task 1(1)coast(2)impressed(3) shippingcompany(3) cargo(7) asset(10) her parents(4) communication skills(8) team spirit(6) essential(9) her ageTask 21. F2. T3. T4. F5. TTask 31. C)2. C)3. B)4. A)5. D)Viewing and speaking1. (1) selection(4) interview(7

49、) laugh(10) sacking Unit 6 test Part I CBCDC PartII(2) pressure(5)business(8) redundant(3) marketing(6)nervous(9)difficult(1) ice (2) Examples (3) parking (4) response (5) provide (6) impression (7) ages (8) If this is the place where you would be working, they would automatically be worried that yo

50、u will be late for work everyday (9) They might be historical questions regarding your previous employment or education (10) Make a statement, then support it by giving an example of a situation and how you handleditPart III CBACDPart IV DABCBCAADC新视野大学英语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 7 Why dont we start a bu

51、siness of our own? II Basic listening practice1.B)2. C)3.A)4.B)5. C)ListeninginTask 1(1)reception(2)newconnections(3) distributedgreenhandbusinesscardstalkbusiness(7) card(10) piece of cake Task 21.C)2.B)(8) followup3. B)4. A)(9) more ground5. D)Task 3(1)technology-oriented(2)higher(3)returns(4) opt

52、ions(7) founders(10) intellectual property protection(13) stockSpeakingoutModel 1(5) Venture capital(8) business ideas(11) 100 percent(6) cash(9) potential(12)creatorsyou already know this company insideoutYou have just barely enough funds to cover your day-to-day operationalexpensesmy best bet is t

53、o secure a small businessloanThey help underwrite loans for smallbusinessI can still qualify for aloancover ouroverhead Model2Ive been searching for aloanthe company has been experiencing serious financialdifficultiesweve been operating in theredthe best course of action is to file forbankruptcywell

54、 have to face even stiffercompetitionthey are interested in acquiring ourcompanyModel 3weve been looking for a mergerpartnerAre you sure your operation has much to bring to thetableDefinitelyweve already received a few attractivebidskeep our shareholders interests inmindIts reasonable to keep your e

55、mployees welfare inmindLetstalk(1) rapid growth(3) large(5) hard(7) different(9) moneyFurthering listening andspeakingListening Task 1(2) shock(4) shot up(6) opportunities(8)stable(10)own1. D)2. C)3. C)4. A)5. C)Task 21. F2. T3. F4. F5. TTask 31. C)2. B)3. D)4. C)5. A)Viewing and speaking1. The item

56、s in favor of the idea that “Cadbury should be sold for more money” are 1), 2), 4), 6), 7), 8).Unit 7 test Part I PartII(1) resulting (2) demand (3)on (4)trends (5)elderly (6)trend (7)pet-related (8)Look at existing businesses and the products and services they offer, and then determine if theres a

57、need for more of those products or services (9) Keep an open mind and continue to assess everything you read and hear from a business point of view (10) Dream, think, plan, and youll be ready to transform that business idea into the business youve always wantedPart III CBDACPart IV BDBCA BDCDD新视野大学英

58、语视听说教程第二版 3(参考答案)Unit 8 Here is a darker side of a society.Basic listeningpractice1.C)2. C)3.B)4.A)5. D)ListeninginTask 11. B)2. A)3. C)4. C)5. D)Task 21. C)2. D)3. C)4. B)5. C)Task 3(1)49(2) firstbirthday(3) health care systems(5) expenses(7) lower(9) education(11) more opportunities(13) social lad

59、der IV Speaking out Model 1abuse of theelderlypeople live longernowtry to save money on food andcareis a nationalepidemiccare wassubstandardin cases ofabuse Model2(1) she tells women the dangers ofdrinking(4) reduce(6) increasing(8) faster(10) reduce poverty(12) live betterI cant imagine someone as

60、pretty as she is to be adrunkthere are alcoholics all over theworldwho lack the willpower tostopIts a disease thatstrikesalcohol helped her to Model3Why do you look sodepressedyouve been hookedApparently its just like being addicted to drugs oralcoholIt takes over yourlifehes a compulsivegamblerToug


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