



1、3 A hard trip2017 北京卷 你的英国朋友 Jim 所在 的学校要组织学生来中国旅行 ,有两条线路可以选择 : “长江之行 ”或者 “泰山之 旅”。Jim 来信希望你能给些建议。请你给他回信 ,内容包括 :你建议的线路 ;你的理由 ;你的祝愿。Dear Jim,Im happyto receive your letter and knowyourecomingto China.Of the two trips to the Yangtze River and Mount Tai, both are highly recommende.d Personally, I prefer

2、the tour along the Yangtze, the longest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization. You can learn a lot about the history of China and Chinese people. Moreover, the scenery along the river is amazing, with many well-known sightseeing spots. Thats why I think the trip along the Yangtz

3、e will bea betterchoice.Hope youll have a goodtime in China.Yours, Li Hua 基础梳理 (得词汇,定江山 )单词荟萃vi.流动 ;流出 n. 流动;流量vi. 骑自行车n. 时间表 ;进度表vt.为某事安排时间n.缺点vi.缓慢而行 ;踱步n.一步 ;速度;步调n.弯;拐角 vt. & vi.使弯曲 ;弯身;弯腰n.观点 ;视野;意见;风景 vt. 观察 ;考虑 ;注视n.日记;杂志;定期刊物 journalist n.记者n.& vt.运送;运输 transportation n.运输业vt.更喜欢 ;选择某事物 (而不选

4、择其他的事物 )n.更喜欢 ; 偏爱n.不利条件 ;不便之处 (反义词 )advantagen .优势 ;有利条件vt.说服 ;劝说 persuasion n.说服 ;劝说vi.毕业 graduate n.大学毕业生n. 毕业vt.组织;成立 organization n.组织vt.决定 ;确定 ;下定决心 adj. 有决心的 determination n.决心vi.(指液体 )沸腾;(水)开adj. 沸腾的 boiled adj. 烧开的vt. & n.预测 ;预报 forecast/forecasted forecast/forecasted 过( 去分词 )n.态度altitude n

5、.海拔高度 (形近词 )adj.可信赖的 ;可靠的 rely vi.依赖 ;依靠n. 羊毛 ;毛织品 adj. 羊毛 (制 )的 ; 毛料的短语检测从那以后梦想毕业喜爱 ;喜欢关心 ;忧虑;惦念改变主意下决心 ;决定投降 ;屈服;让步在海拔 的高度感觉像 ;想要照常在午夜搭起陪伴 ;做伴迫不及待地做某事单句填空1.I graduated from university twenty years ago and(teach) ever since.He insisted that we (change)our schedule, though no one really agreed with

6、him.They had no time to arrange their wedding, so they had it(organize) by acompany.The couple were engaged in decorating their new flat last summer and seldom they care about the study of their children.5.It is only our(determine) to fight that has pulled us through.6.Not having persuaded Helen (ch

7、ange) her mind,her parents had nochoice but to allow her to go to China to travel alone.7.One(advantage) of living in the town is short of safe places for thechildren to play.While selecting job applicants, we usually give (prefer) to those with some experience.As you get older, your attitude death

8、changes.Im determined to do a thing, no one can stop me from doing it.单句改错The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car.To her great pleasure, it will be less than one year when her son graduates from Beijing University.After graduation from college, they make out their mind

9、s to go and settle in the countryside.While he was rescuing survivors in the ruins, little did he care for his safety, though he was in great danger himself.He looked around for the bird because he liked him as company.完成句子1.Stellasee her families after such a long and tiring journey.(wait) 经过漫长而又疲惫

10、的旅行 ,斯特拉迫不及待地想看到她的家人。She has the window open, it is outside.(让步状语从句 ) 不管外面多冷她都开着窗户。Allen had to call a taxi because the box wasall the wayhome.( “adj.+to do 结”构 ) 因为箱子太重了 ,艾伦不能一路带着它回家 ,只好找了辆出租车。, you must carry it out no matter what will happen. (once条件状语从句 )一旦你给别人一个承诺 ,不管发生什么事你都要去实现它。Towards evenin

11、g, the guests were transported to the top of the hill by bus, _ for the night. (定语从句 ) 接近黄昏时 ,客人们乘巴士到达了山顶 ,他们将在那儿过夜。课文回顾Wang Kun and Wang Wei are brother and sister.They have dreamed about 1. (take) a great bike trip. It was Wang Wei who first had the idea 2. (cycle) along the Mekong River.They took

12、 a bike trip to travel along the Mekong River, 3. source is in Qinghai Province. 4. it enters south-east Asia, it travels 5.(slow) through low valleys to plains where rice 6(grow). Despite the difficulties, Wang Kun and Wang Wei were determined 7. (begin) their journey at an altitude of more than 5,

13、000 metres in Qinghai Province.During their journey,they enjoyed the 8. (continue) changeof the weather.9. (final), they reached Dali in Yunnan Province, 10. Dao Wei and Yu Hang joined them.The four of them went on with their great bike trip.听歌学英语When We Stand TogetherNickelbackOne more depending on

14、a prayer And we all look away People pretending everywhere Its just another dayTheres bullets (fly) through the airAnd they still carry onWe watch it happen over there And then just turn it off (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) We must stand together (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Theres no giving in (He

15、y, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Hand in hand forever (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Thats when we all win (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Thats, thats, thats when we all win Thats, thats, thats when we all win They tell us everythings alright And we just go along How can we fall asleep at night? When someth

16、ings clearly wrong When we could feed a starving world With what we throw away But all we serve are empty words That always taste the same(Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) We must stand together (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Theres no giving in (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Hand in hand forever (Hey, ye

17、ah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Thats when we all win (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Thats, thats, thats when we all win Thats, thats, thats when we all win The right thing to guide us Is right here, inside us No one can divide us When the light is leading onBut just like a heartbeat The drumbeat carries on An

18、d the drumbeat carries on (Just like a heartbeat) (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) We must stand together (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Theres no giving in (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Hand in hand forever (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Thats when we all win (Hey, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah) Thats, thats,

19、thats when we all win Thats, thats, thats when we all win【基础自主梳理】 .1. flow 2. cycle 3.schedule 4.shortcomingpace 6.bend 7.view 8.journal 9.transport 10.prefer; preference 11.disadvantage 12. persuade 13.graduate;graduation 14.organize 15.determine;determined 16.boil;boiling 17.forecast 18.attitude 19.reliable 20. wool; woolen .1. ever since 2. dream of/about 3.graduate frombe fond of 5.care about 6.change ones mind


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