高中英语选择性必修二 Unit 4 预习新知早知道_第1页
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1、 10/10.匹配词义A单词匹配第一组()1.airlineAadv.字面上;真正地()2.bayBn.航空公司()3.antique Cn.(海或湖的)湾()4.massiveDn.古物;古董 adj.古老的;古董的()5.literally Eadj.巨大的;非常严重的()6.peak Fn.窗帘()7.awesome Gn.持续时间;期间()8.curtain Hn.顶峰;山峰;尖形()9.border Iadj.令人惊叹的;可怕的;很好的()10.duration Jn.国界;边界(地区)答案15BCDEA610HIFJG第二组()1.goatAadv.(结束交谈或转换话题时)不过;反

2、正()2.bunchBn.岸;滨()3.anyhow Cn.山羊()4.shore Dn.一束;一串()5.mist En.钢;钢铁工业()6.steel Fn.薄雾;水汽()7.accent Gn.(informal ad) 广告;启事()8.advertisement Hn.口音答案15CDABF68EHGB短语匹配()1.take sb.s breath awayA相反的;相对立的()2.contrary toB令人惊叹()3.owe sth. to sb. C灰熊()4.grizzly bear D欠(某人情);把归功于某人答案14BADC.默写单词第一组1pleasant adj.令

3、人愉快的;友好的2arise vi.(arose,arisen) 起身;出现;由引起3breath n. 呼吸的空气4bound adj. 准备前往(某地);一定会5highlight n. 最好或最精彩的部分 vt. 突出;强调;使醒目6drill vi.& vt. 钻(孔);打(眼) n. 钻(头);训练;演习7freeze vi.& vt. (froze,frozen)结冰;(使)冻住 8anticipate vt. 预料;预见;期望9thunder vi. 打雷;轰隆隆地响;轰隆隆地快速移动 n. 雷声;轰隆声10frost n. 霜;严寒天气;霜冻 vt. 使蒙上霜 vi. 结霜第二

4、组1idiom n习语;成语2contrary adj. 相反的;相对立的 n. 相反的事实(或事情)3alongside prep. 在旁边;与一起 adv. 在旁边4proceed vi. 行进;继续做5astonish vt. 使十分惊讶;使吃惊6photographer n. 摄影师;拍照者7owe vt. 欠(账、债、情等)8toast n. 烤面包片;吐司;干杯vt. 为干杯 vi. 烤(尤指面包).语境填空highlight;awesome;proceed;idiom;bunch;breath;massive;antique;curtain;anticipate1The pala

5、ce is full of priceless antiques2There is a massive monument in the square.3He drew in a breath of fresh country air.4The Tianchi Lake is a truly 5The President highlighted the importance of his visit to China.6A man who always anticipates his income can never save or become rich.7She drew the curta

6、ins and lit the fire.8I received a bunch of flowers yesterday.9Every language has its own idioms10I was proceeding along the High Street in a northerly direction.语法填空之派生词1We spent a very pleasant (please) evening.2He translated the passage literally (literal)3Kate has the flu so badly that shes conf

7、ined to her room for the duration (during)4The winter is freezing (freeze) there,so you had better bring more winter coats.5He crossed over to the window to see if it was still misty (mist)6You can put an advertisement (advertise) in the newspaper,which can help you sell your goods.7Photographer (ph

8、otograph) Darren Kidd captured the unique atmosphere of the event.8She was quite astonished (astonish) at his rudeness.1Rather than travel by commercial airline all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train.她们决定先乘飞机到温哥华,然后再坐火车,而不是全程乘坐商务航班。2Seen from the train window,the mounta

9、ins and forests of Canada looked massive.透过火车车窗加拿大的山脉和森林看起来非常壮观。3When the train arrived at the station,they took a taxi to Lake Louise,where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beauty.火车抵达后,她们乘坐出租车来到路易斯湖,那里湛蓝的湖水异常美丽,令她们惊叹不已。4However,they did not anticipate seeing suc

10、h an open country,and were truly amazed.然而,她们没有料到会看到这么空旷的一个国家,着实感到惊讶。5The train thundered on,through the rolling hills.火车轰隆隆地驶过起伏的群山。词语助读rather than而不是by commercial airline乘坐商务航班all the way全程fly to乘飞机到take the train乘火车the thought of doing.想到做某事by rail乘火车a couple of(少数)几个, 两三个see the sights观光be typic

11、al of是的特点despite the weather尽管天气不好sell crafts and antiques出售工艺品和古董be pleased to do.很高兴做某事take a pleasant hike进行愉快的徒步旅行a short distance away不远处arise early早起pass through经过;通过look massive看起来非常壮观literally adv.真正地take sb.s breath away令人惊叹eq o(,sup2(21)exceptional beauty异常美丽eq o(,sup2(22)bound north向北eq o

12、(,sup2(23)the most awesome journey最棒的旅行eq o(,sup2(24)in addition to除了eq o(,sup2(25)spectacular mountain peaks壮观的山峰eq o(,sup2(26)one highlight of their trip她们旅行的一个亮点eq o(,sup2(27)mountain goats山羊eq o(,sup2(28)a grizzly bear一只灰熊eq o(,sup2(29)the provincial capital省府eq o(,sup2(30)gas drilling industry天

13、然气钻探业eq o(,sup2(31)be freezing cold非常寒冷eq o(,sup2(32)be home to是的所在地eq o(,sup2(33)shopping malls购物中心eq o(,sup2(34)head southeast前往东南方向eq o(,sup2(35)at school在学校,在上课,在求学eq o(,sup2(36)slightly over thirtyseven million三千七百万多一点eq o(,sup2(37)anticipate doing.期望做某事eq o(,sup2(38)be truly amazed着实感到惊讶eq o(,

14、sup2(39)go through穿过;通过eq o(,sup2(40)a bunch of farms一大片农田eq o(,sup2(41)cover a very large area覆盖很大一片区域eq o(,sup2(42)an urban area市区eq o(,sup2(43)wake up醒来eq o(,sup2(44)thunder on轰隆隆地前行 eq o(,sup2(45)the rolling hills起伏的群山eq o(,sup2(46)frost n霜eq o(,sup2(47)turn south转向南方eq o(,sup2(48)pull back the

15、curtain拉开窗帘eq o(,sup2(49)southern border南部边界eq o(,sup2(50)all in all总共eq o(,sup2(51)take a duration of four days花费四天时间原文呈现SEEING THE TRUE NORTH VIA RAIL:VANCOUVER AND THE HEART OF CANADALi Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went to Canada to visit their cousins in Halifax on the Atlantic coast.Rather tha

16、n travel by commercial airline all the way,they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train.For both of them,the thought of crossing the whole country by rail(1) was exciting.(1)动名词短语作介词of的宾语。Before starting out,they spent a couple of days in Vancouver,seeing the sights. During their first d

17、ay,as is typical of Vancouver(2),it rained.Despite the weather,they were able to take a boat ride out into the bay,and later visit an island that had wonderful shops selling crafts and antiques(3)The next day was clear and mild,and they were pleased to see the beautiful mountains looking out over th

18、e city(4)Later,they took a pleasant hike in a forest just a short distance away.(2)as引导非限制性定语从句。(3)that引导定语从句,修饰先行词island。(4)and连接表示顺承关系的并列句,其中现在分词短语looking out over the city作名词mountains的后置定语。The next morning,the two girls arose early to take the train to Lake Louise,passing through the Canadian Roc

19、kies.Seen from the train window(5),the mountains and forests of Canada looked massive.When the train arrived at the station,they took a taxi to Lake Louise,where the blue water literally took their breath away with its exceptional beautyeq o(,sup9(21)(6)They spent the night,and then took a coach bou

20、nd northeq o(,sup9(22) through the Canadian Rockies to Jasper.Looking at the beautiful scenery,they both agreed that it was the most awesome journeyeq o(,sup9(23) they had ever taken(7)In addition toeq o(,sup9(24) seeing spectacular mountain peakseq o(,sup9(25) and forests,one highlight of their tri

21、peq o(,sup9(26) was being able to see many different creatures,including deer,mountain goatseq o(,sup9(27),and even a grizzly beareq o(,sup9(28) and an eagle.(5)过去分词短语作时间状语。(6) When.the station为时间状语从句,where.exceptional beauty为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Lake Louise。(7)that引导宾语从句,其中they had ever taken为定语从句,修饰先行词jo

22、urney。From Jasper,they caught the train towards Toronto.One of the trains first stops was in Edmonton,the provincial capitaleq o(,sup9(29) of Alberta,the centre of Canadas huge oil and gas drilling industryeq o(,sup9(30)(8)Edmonton is freezing coldeq o(,sup9(31) in winter,with daily temperatures ave

23、raging 10(9)Since it can be too cold to go outdoors(10),Edmonton is home toeq o(,sup9(32) many shopping mallseq o(,sup9(33).In fact,one of the largest shopping malls in North America is in Edmonton.(8)the provincial.Alberta为Edmonton的同位语,the centre.industry为Alberta的同位语。(9)with复合结构,作伴随状语。(10)since引导原因

24、状语从句。From Edmonton,the train headed southeasteq o(,sup9(34) across the great Canadian Prairie.At schooleq o(,sup9(35),Daiyu and Liu Qian had learnt that Canadas population is only slightly over thirtyseven millioneq o(,sup9(36)(11)However,they did not anticipate seeingeq o(,sup9(37) such an open cou

25、ntry,and were truly amazedeq o(,sup9(38).They went througheq o(,sup9(39) two wheatgrowing provinces,where they saw a bunch of farmseq o(,sup9(40) that covered a very large areaeq o(,sup9(41)(12)(11)that引导宾语从句。(12)where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词provinces。After another day on the train,eventually they were back

26、 in an urban areaeq o(,sup9(42),the city of Winnipeg.From there,they travelled through the night,and woke upeq o(,sup9(43) in Ontarioa land of forests and lakes.The train thundered oneq o(,sup9(44),through the rolling hillseq o(,sup9(45).The bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red,gold

27、,and orange,and there was frosteq o(,sup9(46) on the ground,confirming that autumn had arrived in Canada(13)Night came again,and the train turned southeq o(,sup9(47) towards Toronto.When they woke up the next morning and pulled back the curtaineq o(,sup9(48)(14),they could see the wide stretch of La

28、ke Huronone of the four Great Lakes on Ontarios southern bordereq o(,sup9(49).It was not until 9:30 am.that they finally reached the capital of Ontario,Toronto(15)All in alleq o(,sup9(50),their trip from Vancouver to Toronto had taken a duration of four dayseq o(,sup9(51).(13)and连接表示顺承关系的并列句,其中现在分词短语confirming.作伴随状语,that.Canada为宾语从句。(14)when引导时间状语从句。(15)it was.that.为强调句型,此处强调的是时间状语not until 9:


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