高中英语 Unit 1 Lifestyles4.City and Country CulturalCorner课件 新人教必修1_第1页
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1、2021/8/11 星期三14.City and Country & Cultural Corner.短语翻译1at the moment_【答案】此刻,目前2over the years _【答案】数年间3fast food restaurants _【答案】快餐店2021/8/11 星期三24make notes of _【答案】做笔记5古典音乐 _【答案】classical music6下棋 _【答案】play chess7弹钢琴 _【答案】play the piano8集邮 _【答案】collect stamps9在远处 _【答案】in the distance10天气预报 _【答案】

2、weather forecast2021/8/11 星期三3.完成句子11把窗户关好,不然就太冷了。Shut the window,_itll get too cold.【答案】otherwise12我们就在附近停下吃饭。We will_ _for lunch.【答案】stop nearby2021/8/11 星期三413他走得真快,我跟不上。He walked_ _ _I couldnt keep up with him.【答案】so fast that14我看见公共汽车从远处开来了。I could see the bus coming_ _ _.【答案】in the distance15我

3、听了天气预报。I listened to the_ _and knew that it would snow the next day.【答案】weather forecast 2021/8/11 星期三5Usually,its so crowded that I cant find anywhere to sit.这儿平时非常拥挤,我连坐的地方也找不到。2021/8/11 星期三6 so.that.通常引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以致”。常用句型如下:It is so good a film that I like to see it a second time.这部电影如此好,以至于我想再

4、看一遍。Can you believe that such a little animal can eat so much food at a time?如此小的动物一次能吃这么多的食物,你能相信吗?Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.我跌了这么多跤,以至于浑身青一块紫一块。2021/8/11 星期三7 so that可引导目的状语从句,从句中的谓语动词通常和can,may,should等情态动词连用。另外,so that也可引导结果状语从句,意为“因此,结果”,其前通常有逗号。They set out early so

5、that they might arrive on time.他们早早出发为的是按时到达。(目的状语从句)He did not plan his time well,so that he didnt finish the work on time.他没有把时间计划好,结果没按时完成工作。(结果状语从句)2021/8/11 星期三8 1.Everyone said “no”,_the plan was turned down.Ain order thatBin order toCso that Dso as to【解析】本题考查so that 引导的结果状语从句,表达“结果,以至于”。【答案】C

6、2021/8/11 星期三9I spend all morning checking numbers.我花费整个上午的时间核查账目。 spend vt.花费spend time/money on sth.花费时间/钱做某事spend time/money (in) doing sth.花费时间/钱做某事I spend much time on my plan.I spend much time (in) doing my plan.我花了很多时间在做计划上。2021/8/11 星期三10 英语中有多个词表示“花费”,注意区分每个词的用法:(1)cost金钱,主语是物;The coat cost

7、s me thirty dollars.这件外套花了我三十美元。(2)pay金钱,主语是人;I paid a lot of money for this house.为了买这座房子,我花了好多钱。(3)take时间,主语是it或者物。It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday.昨天我花了两个小时写作业。 2021/8/11 星期三11 2.Although we invited him to the party,Mr Smith decided to_another late night_the computer room.Aspend;i

8、n Btake;forCcost;on Dspend;on【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三12I need to do that because I dont get enough exercise otherwise.我需要做这些,因为如果不这样,我得不到充分的锻炼。 enough作形容词,意思为“足够的;充分的”,多放在名词前作定语。I have enough time to help you.我有足够的时间来帮助你。You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.要保持健康,你必须保证足够的睡眠。2021/8/11 星期三13 enough其他用法

9、:(1)enough还可用做副词,意思是“充分地;足够地”,常放在所修饰词的后面。They cant walk fast enough.他们走得不够快。(2)enough 还可作名词,意思是“充足;足够”。Enough has been said on how to learn English well.如何学好英语已经说得够多了。(3)enough后面还可接不定式结构,但不可接that 从句。He is not old enough to go to school.他还不到上学的年龄。2021/8/11 星期三14 3.The man is_to carry the stone.Aenoug

10、h strong Bstrong enoughCenoughly strong Dstrongly enough【解析】enough作为副词,放在它修饰词后边。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三15I have to make sure they are free of sickness.我得确保他们不出毛病。 make sure “肯定,确信,有把握设法做到”,后接宾语从句。He made sure that he had enough food for the journey.他设法为旅途备足了食物。Please make sure the house is locked.务必确保房门已

11、锁上。2021/8/11 星期三16 make sure 后还可接of 或about.,指“弄清;搞明白”。Have you made sure of the time of the train?你搞清楚火车的时间了吗?另外,不能用Its sure that.句型,应用Its certain that.。Its certain that he will win.他一定会成功。(不能用:Its sure that he will win.) 4.I think the doors locked,but Id better go and_(核实)【答案】make sure (it is locke

12、d)2021/8/11 星期三17Right now I am studying Chinese by distance learning.现在我正通过远程教育学中文。 distance n距离;间距Whats the distance from New York to Beijing?纽约离北京有多远?2021/8/11 星期三18 distance有关的短语:at a distance隔一段距离;距离稍远一些in the distance在远处keep ones distance from避开,不接近keep sb.at a distance对某人保持疏远within/out of dis

13、tance (of)在的范围内/离太远,达不到There stands a high mountain in the distance.远处有座高山。His house is within walking distance of the hospital.他家离医院只有几步路。2021/8/11 星期三19 5.Place the rod at a_of 40 mm from the light source.Adistance BpaceCrate Dprice【解析】句意为“把棒放在离光源40毫米的地方”。a distance of.相隔多少。pace步速;at a steady pace

14、稳步;rate比例;price价格,如:at a cheap/high price 廉(高)价的,at a high price以高价。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三20At the moment Im studying medicine at a university.目前,我正在一所大学里学习医学知识。 at the moment此时此刻,那时At the moment I am working.此刻我正在工作。I am busy at the moment,but I will do it later.我现在很忙,但是我稍后会处理这件事的。I havent got time to

15、write to him at the moment.我此刻还抽不出时间给他写信。2021/8/11 星期三21 for the moment暂时in a moment立刻at any moment在任何时候,随时for a moment一会儿If you have any questions,come to me at any moment.你若有什么问题,随时来问我。2021/8/11 星期三22 6.Im sorry I cant see you immediately;but if youd like to take a seat,Ill be with you_.Afor a mom

16、ent Bin a momentCfor the moment Dat the moment【解析】句意为“很抱歉我不能马上见你,但是如果你愿意坐下来等我的话,我过一会儿就可以见你”。for a moment “片刻;一会儿”,强调动作的延续;in a moment过一会儿;for the moment目前,暂且;at the moment现在,此刻。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三23Do you like collecting things?If so,what?你喜欢收集东西吗?如果喜欢,喜欢收集什么东西? if so是缩略条件句。so意为“如此”,指前句的内容。if soif yo

17、u like collecting things。否定句的省略式是if not,也是省略了前句的内容。Have you ever grown any plants?If so,what kind of plant did you grow?If not,what kind would you like to grow?你曾经种植过植物吗?如果种过,你种的什么植物?如果没有种过,你愿意种哪种植物?2021/8/11 星期三24 if any如果有的话There is very little water,if any.就是有水也很少。Correct the mistakes in your exe

18、rcises,if any.练习中若有错误就改正过来。 7.Have you finished your homework?_,I would be in the cinema now.AIf so BIf notCIf any DIf no【解析】句意为:如果,我现在就看上电影了。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三25As a result,people often got very hungry during the long wait between these two meals.因此,在早晚两顿饭之间的漫长等待过程中,人们时常感到饥饿。 as a result结果,因此He got

19、 up late.As a result,he didnt catch the early bus.他起床晚了,结果没赶上早班汽车。2021/8/11 星期三26 as a result of因为(的原因)He has passed the examination as a/the result of his hard work.因为他的努力,他通过了这次考试。 8._his carelessness,he didnt pass the examination.AAs a result BAs a result ofCBecause DSince【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三27To s

20、olve this problem,the Duchess came up with the clever idea of inviting some friends to join her for an afternoon meal between four and five oclock.为了解决这个问题,公爵夫人想出了一个聪明的主意,即邀请一些朋友在下午四至五点的时间来吃东西。 come up with产生;发现,想出(解决办法、答案)We shall try to come up with the solution to the problem.我们将尽力想出解决问题的办法。2021/

21、8/11 星期三28 come up本身也是一个意义丰富的短语,它的主要意思有:走近,上来;发芽,流行,发生;被提出;上升;讨论,出现等。Some new problems came up at the meeting.会议上又提出了一些新问题。 9.Very few scientists_completely new answers to the worlds problems.Acome up with Bcome outCcome around Dcome up to【解析】come up with拿出,想出。句意为“没有几位科学家对世界性的问题想出全新的答案”。come out出版,结

22、果是;come around来,前来;come up to达到。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三29In order to make this afternoon meal important,fine China cups and plates,and.were used.为了使晚宴显得重要,漂亮的中国茶杯和盘子等器具都被用上了。 make 后跟复合宾语。宾语部分由名词或代词组成,宾语补足语部分可由名词、形容词、分词或不定式充当。表示“使某人/某物”。2021/8/11 星期三30We make him chairman.我们选他当主席。(代词名词)Tony made his diary

23、 his best friend.托尼把日记当做他最好的朋友。(名词名词)His gift made her very happy.他的礼物令她感到非常快乐。(代词形容词)The smell of cooking makes me hungry.烧菜的味道让我感到肚子饿。(代词形容词)I had to speak aloud to make myself heard.为了让人听见,我不得不大声说话。(代词分词)She made her children wash their hands before eating.她要孩子们在吃东西前洗手。(名词不定式)2021/8/11 星期三31 make

24、 后面接动词不定式作宾补时,表示“使某人做某事”,含有强制的意思。不定式不带to,但用于被动语态时,不定式前必须带to,即“sb.be made to do sth.”。His fathers death made him leave school.He was made to leave school by his fathers death.他父亲去世使他不得不辍学。He was made to sing us a song at the party.在那次聚会上,他被迫为我们唱了首歌。2021/8/11 星期三32 10.The girl is dilligent (勤奋) and ne

25、ednt be made_.Alearn Bto learnClearning Dto learning 【解析】make sb.do sth.的被动语态形式。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三33Soon afternoon tea parties became popular social occasions.很快,午茶会就变成了受欢迎的社交场合。2021/8/11 星期三34 popular为形容词,意思是“受欢迎的,流行的,通俗的”。a popular song 通俗歌曲a popular singer流行歌手the popular front 人民阵线a popular editi

26、on普及版a popular science readings 科普读物a popular price 廉价be popular with/among 受欢迎She is popular at school.她在学校挺招人喜欢。This dance is popular with young people.这种舞很受青年人喜爱。These styles are quite popular among young women here.这些款式在这里的年轻妇女中很受欢迎。2021/8/11 星期三35 welcome 也可作形容词,表“受欢迎的”,多用于口语中。Thank you.谢谢你。You

27、 are welcome.不客气。 11.完成句子I hear that_(王先生不受学生欢迎)【答案】Mr Wang isnt popular with his students2021/8/11 星期三36Today,afternoon tea parties continue to play an important part in the social life of wealthy people in modern British.在当代英国,下午茶聚会在富裕的人们的社交生活中继续发挥着重要的作用。 play/have an important role/part in.在中发挥重要

28、的作用He plays an important role in solving the dispute between the two countries.他在解决两国争端中发挥重要的作用。2021/8/11 星期三37 play the part of play扮演(角色)take part in参加Who will play (the part of) Hamlet in the play?谁在这场戏中扮演哈姆雷特(的角色)? 12.She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role_in makin

29、g the earth a better place to live.Ato have played Bto playCto be played Dto be playing【解析】本题考查不定式作定语。play与role之间存在着逻辑上的动宾关系,且与each of us存在着主谓关系,因此不定式应该用主动形式表被动。to have played表示动作已经完成;to be playing表示动作正在进行;to play表示将来。从整个句子来看,动作发生在将来。【答案】B2021/8/11 星期三38Merchants and bankers went to coffeehouses to

30、do their business as well as to drink coffee.商人和银行家们走进咖啡屋,既喝咖啡又谈生意。 as well as译为“既又”,连接两个并列成分。若连接两个主语时,谓语动词的数应与前一个主语保持一致。She was clever as well as beautiful.她既美丽又聪明。He as well as his brother is coming to see you.不仅仅是他弟弟,他也要来看你。另外,还表“做得与一样好”。She doesnt speak as well as her friends,but her written Eng

31、lish is excellent.她的口语没有她的朋友好,但笔头相当不错。2021/8/11 星期三39 as well “也,还”置句末,通常不用逗号与句子隔开,用于肯定句中。I can see how English is used in everyday life as well.我还可以看到在日常生活中是怎样使用英语的。She not only sings;she plays the piano as well.她不但唱歌也弹钢琴。 13.Tom as well as his parents_fond of country music.Ais Bare Chave Dhas【解析】a

32、s well as 连接主语时,谓语动词在人称和数上要和前边的主语一致。【答案】A2021/8/11 星期三40Can you give me some advice?你能给我提出一些建议吗? advice n建议(不可数)a piece of advice 一条建议ask for ones advice 征求意见follow/take ones advice采纳某人的建议give sb.some advice (on)向某人建议In class,our teacher often gives us some good advice on how to learn English.课堂上,老师

33、经常给我们提一些如何学习英语的好建议。Then I decided to take your advice.我决定听从你的建议。2021/8/11 星期三41 advise 是动词形式,常用句型:advise doing sth.建议做某事advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事advise (that) sb.(should)do sth.建议某人应该做某事I advise putting off the meeting till next weekend.我建议把会议推迟到下周去。2021/8/11 星期三42 14.Heres_on how to pass the test

34、?Aan advice Bsome adviceCseveral advices Dadvices【解析】advice是不可数名词。【答案】B 2021/8/11 星期三43.单词拼写1The teacher asked us whose father is a(n)_(会计) last week.【答案】accountant2The room soon was_(拥挤的) with people.【答案】crowded3The cinema_(附近的) can seat 1,000 people.【答案】nearby4We can see the mountain from the_(距离)

35、【答案】distance5My parents lent me the money.O_I had no money to buy this house.【答案】Otherwise2021/8/11 星期三446Shes been off work because of s_.【答案】sickness7Is there a link between smoking and l_disease?【答案】lung8She goes to work by t_.【答案】tube9The job does not require any_(正式的) training.【答案】formal10Shall we_(骑自行车) into town or go by bus?【答案】cycle2021/8/11 星期三45.课文缩写Debbie works for a large company in London.Every day it 11._her about fifty minutes to 12._to work on “the tube”She sp


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