1、第 页2021四川卫生类考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.John is Ueligible/U for this job.AacceptedBqualifiedCrejectedDrecommended 2.You have to be patient if you want to Usustain/U your position.AmaintainBbetterCacquireDsupport 3.Medical facilities are being Uu
2、pgraded/U.AexpandedBrepairedCimprovedDtransferred 4.The girl is Ugazing/U at herself in the mirror.AsmilingBlaughingCshoutingDstaring 5.The economy continued to Uexhibit/U signs of decline in September.AplayBshowCsendDtell 6.The price of vegetables Ufluctuates/U according to the weather.AjumpsBrises
3、CfallsDchanges 7.The old lady Ulet/U her flat to an English couple.AofferedBrentedCprovidedDsold 8.She has been the subject of Umassive/U media coverage.AextensiveBnegativeCresponsiveDexplosive 9.The conclusion can be Udeduced/U from the premises.AarguedBderivedCpermittedDcome 10.Our plan is to Uall
4、ocate/U one member of staff to handle appointments.AaskBpersuadeCassignDorder 11.Did you do that to Uirritate/U herAteaseBattractCannoyDprotect 12.Alice is Ua fascinating/U girl.Aa beautifulBa prettyCan attractiveDa pleasant 13.I can no longer Utolerate/U his actions.Aput up withBacceptCtakeDsuffer
5、from 14.The water in this part of the river has been Ucontaminated/U by sewage (污水)ApollutedBdowngradedCmixedDblackened 15.Her treatment of the subject is Uexhaustive/U.Avery boringBvery thoroughCvery interesting.Dvery touching 16.They Ustrolled/U around the lake for an hour or so.AranBrolledCwalked
6、Draced 17.She stood there, crying and Utrembling/U with fear.AshakingBstaggeringCstrugglingDmurmuring 18.Her mood can be Ugauged/U by her reaction to the most trivial of incidents.AdisplayedBshownCprovedDassessed 19.The quakes recorded during the first week of April in the area of Mount Saint Helens
7、 warned scientists of a new eruption.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not mentioned 20.A new crater, which was to the south of the old one, was formed after the second eruption.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not mentioned 21.Pilots flying at the height of more than 2,100 meters saw a thick black column of ash and steam
8、 shooting up into the air from the crater.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not mentioned 22.The eruption of Mount Saint Helens attracted a large number of foreign tourists.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not mentioned 23.American scientists predicted that Mount Saint Helens was to erupt soon.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not me
9、ntioned 24.Two scientists lost their lives during the second eruption of Mount Saint Helens.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Not mentioned 25.Which of the statements is NOT true according to this passageAParents should strengthen moral instruction.BSchools should help create a moral sense in children.CLaw enfo
10、rcement agencies should do more to help children understand laws.DYouth organizations play no role in building character. 26.The two boys in Chicago wereAshot.Bmurdered.Caccused.Dsentenced. 27.Which of the following does the writer cite as a source of moral voidAOfficial corruption.BSocial injustice
11、.CFamily instability.DRacial discrimination. 28.One of the reasons why business or government has not taken tough measures to stop hacking is thatAit will cause fear among the public.Bhacking has not caused much damage.Ctough measures are illegal.Dcommunication may be interrupted. 29.The writer ment
12、ions a thief in the second paragraphAto show that a hacker is more dangerous than a thief.Bto tell people that thieves like to steal computers nowadays.Cto demand that a protective computer system should be set up against thieves.Dto demonstrate that hackers and thieves are the same people. 30.The w
13、ord vandalizing in Line 17 meansAstealing.Bcreating.Cdestroying.Dupdating. 31.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as an instance of attack by a hackerADeleting information in the computers memory.BShutting down the computer whenever he wishes.CEntering your house to steal.DSpoilin
14、g a system for air traffic. 32.With the help of the space-shuttle-carried radar, archeologists foundAa new stretch of the Sahara desert.Btraces of ancient riverbeds under the Sahara Desert.Csome traditional archeological tools in the Sahara Desert.Da mountain beneath the Sahara Desert. 33.They in th
15、e second line of the last paragraph refers toAold New England fences.Bthe stretch of walled fields.Cthe expedition members.Dancient villages. 34.The stream-rounded pebbles and Stone-Age axes which were found along the ancient river banks show thatAan early human civilization once existed along the o
16、ld river banks.Bancient people didnt know how to make weapons.Cmost species of animals in Sahara have disappeared.Dearly humans were good at fighting with sharp weapons. 35.Which of the following best summarizes the main information of the passageAHigh-tech helps locate many fascinating archeologica
17、l sites.BWithout high-tech, the archeologists work would come to a stopCHigh-tech is has taken the place of shovels and picks.DHigh-tech makes the archeologists work more fruitful. 36.I enjoyed the play-it had a clever plot and very Ufunny/U dialoguesAlongBboringCoriginalDhumorous 37.He Udemolished/
18、U my argument in minutesAdisputedBacceptedCdisprovedDsupported 38.I want to provide my boys with a Udecent/U educationAgoodBspecialCprivateDgeneral 39.I cant Uput up with/U my neighbors noise any longer; its driving me madAmeasureBgenerateCtolerateDreduce 40.He was kept in Uappalling/U conditions in
19、 prisonAcriticalBnecessaryCnormalDterrible 41.Our arrangements were thrown into complete Uturmoil/UAdoubtBreliefCconfuisionDfailure 42.The project required ten years of Udiligent/U researchAhardworkingBbasicCsocialDscientific 43.The two banks have announced plans to Umerge/U next yearAcombineBcloseCbreakDsell 44.Her father was a quiet man with Ugraceful/U mannersApoliteBsimilarCusualDbad 45.Lower taxes would Uspur/U investment
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