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1、高考题型提能练(十一)Module 5.阅读理解(2023郑州模拟)Is geography important? Heres a question for you to answer.What have the following countries got in common: Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, Iceland and Madagascar?Quite easy if you can picture them on the globe they are all islands. All of these nations are su

2、rrounded by sea.What have these five nations got in common?Hungary, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Paraguay and Liechtenstein. They are all landlocked. In other words, in contrast to the first five countries whose coastline forms their border, the second five have no coastline at all. If you are a Hungarian

3、or a Paraguayan, you have to pass through somebody elses country if you want to go to the beach.Liechtenstein is even more of a geographical phenomenon; it is “doubly landlocked because the countries that surround it Austria and Switzerland are also landlocked. There is only one other country in the

4、 world in a similar position, Uzbekistan, which is surrounded by five other landlocked countries. Go and have a look at the map if you want to know which.So how do countries become landlocked? If you are Swiss or Nepalese, you have probably never thought things could be any other way. Switzerlands m

5、ountains, like the Himalayas, have formed a natural boundary for thousands of years. But there are borders. Where one country ends and another begins is not something that is fixed for all time.There are countries like Ethiopia and Bolivia which did have a bit of coast but dont any more. Does it mat

6、ter? The Ethiopians are not happy that the creation of Eritrea means they now have to use another countrys port, when before they had a long coastline on the Red Sea.But why does coastline matter so much? Throughout history people have preferred to live near the sea, and not just for the fish. Sea m

7、eans trade, which means wealth. Think of the great successful cities like Singapore, New York or Hong Kong today. Russia has fought several wars over the centuries so that its ships could have access to the Baltic, the Black Sea and the Pacific._1What have countries like Hungary, Botswana, Kazakhsta

8、n, Paraguay and Liechtenstein got in common?AThey have no borders.BThey have no coastline at all.CThey are all surrounded by sea.DThey had long coastlines before.2Which group of the following countries are doubly landlocked ones?ALiechtenstein and Uzbekistan.BIceland and Madagascar.CAustralia and th

9、e United Kingdom.DAustria and Switzerland.3Why does coastline matter so much?ABecause sea means wealth.BBecause people can eat fish.CBecause borders are fixed all time.DBecause people prefer to live near the sea.4Whats the missing sentence at the end of the text?ACoastline is the main cause of wars.

10、BThen whats the disadvantage of coastline?CGeography, it seems, can make a big difference.DPerhaps other means of transport can be improved.完形填空(2023河南省适应性测试)A pastor (牧师) had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. He _1_ warm milk, and even a small fish. B

11、ut the kitten wouldnt come down.The tree was not _2_ enough to climb, so the pastor decided to tie a rope to his _3_ and pull it until the tree bent down so that he could then _4_ and get the kitten.Thats what he did, all the while checking his _5_ in the car. He then figured if he went just a littl

12、e bit _6_, the tree would be bent low enough for him to reach the kitten. But as he _7_ the car a little further forward, the rope broke.The _8_ went “boing and the kitten instantly sailed through the air out of _9_The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the _10_ asking people if theyd seen a l

13、ittle kitten. _11_ had seen a stray (迷途的) kitten.He met one of his church _12_ at the grocery store a few days later. He _13_ to look into her shopping cart and was _14_ to see cat food.This woman was a cat _15_, so he asked her why she was buying cat food. “You wont _16_ this, she replied, and then

14、 told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept _17_. Then a few days before, the child had begged again, so _18_ the Mom told her little girl, “Well, if _19_ gives you a cat, Ill let you keep it.She told the pastor, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her _20_,

15、 and pray. And really, Pastor, I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws (爪子) outspread, and landed right in front of her.1A.reservedBmadeCoffered Dcollected2A.strong BtallCeasy Dtight3A.kitten BcarCbody Dchurch4A e up Bjump upClook up Dreach up5A.pr

16、ogress BpatienceCstrength Dcompetence6A.faster BfurtherCfirmer Dcloser7A.backed BorderedCmoved Dpushed8A.tree BpastorCrope Dfish9A.mind BplaceCcontrol Dsight10A.backyard BneighborhoodCcountry Dcity11A.Everybody BSomebodyCAnybody DNobody12A.workers BassistantsCmembers Dperformers13A.seemed BhappenedC

17、pretended Dbegged14A.amazed BembarrassedCpleased Dsorry15A.catcher BownerChater Dseller16A.invent BloveCbelieve Dmean17A.refusing BbeggingCpraying Dexplaining18A.actually BfinallyCcalmly Dgratefully19A.the pastor BsomeoneCDad DGod20A.arms BkneesChands Dfeet.短文改错(2023山东省日照市校际联合检测)I used to feel I was

18、 the sun in my family. But while my cousin was born, everyone pays more attention to her. So I disliked her and couldnt get along well with her. As time went on, I realized what ridiculous I had been at that time. I tried to find a proper time to apologize. When my cousins family came to my home a f

19、ew day ago, I took my cousin to play outside. In the way to the playground, I had bought many snacks for her. Then we began chat. When we talked about their childhood, suddenly, I said “sorry gently. She was silently, so I thought that she hadnt heard me clearly. But after while she said: “Dont say

20、that. In my memory, you are always friendly.答案:.语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。主要论述了地理位置的重要性。1解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段第四句“In other words .the second five have no coastline at all.可知,这五个国家都没有海岸线。故答案选B。2解析:选A细节理解题。根据第五段第一句“Liechtenstein is even more .are also landlocked.及第二句中的“There is only one other country in the world in a

21、 similar position, Uzbekistan可知,列支敦士登和乌兹别克斯坦都是双重内陆国。故答案选A。3解析:选A细节理解题。根据第八段第三句“Sea means trade, which means wealth.可知,海岸线的重要性在于大海意味着财富。故答案选A。4解析:选C推理判断题。第八段主要介绍了海岸线的重要性。由此可推知,文章末尾缺少的句子应总结上述观点:地理似乎很重要。故答案选C。.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。牧师的小猫爬上了一棵树,他想方法让猫下来,于是他用车绑了绳子想把树拉弯,以便能够到小猫。但绳子突然断了,树弹了回去,树上的小猫也飞了出去,不见了。经过几天的寻

22、找,他终于知道了小猫的去向。1解析:选C根据前后句可知,猫在树上不肯下来,牧师给它牛奶和鱼想让它下来。offer“提供,符合语境。2解析:选A根据本句中的“so the pastor decided to tie a rope to his _ and pull it until the tree bent down可知,树不够粗壮,牧师不能爬上去。strong“强壮的,符合语境。3解析:选B根据第三段第一句中的“the car可知,他把绳子系到小汽车上,然后向前开车直到树弯曲。故答案选B。4解析:选D根据本句中的“get the kitten可知,树弯曲之后他才能抬起手够到猫。reachup“抬起(手),符合语境。comeup“走近,发生;jumpup“跳起来;lookup“查阅。故答案选D。5解析:选A根据后面两句话可知,他一直注意着车子的前进情况。progress“前进,符合语境。patience“耐心;strength“力气;competence“能力。故答案选A。6解析:选B根据后面的“a little further forward可知,答案选B。7解析:选C句意:但是当他把车子又向前移动了一点时,绳子突然断了。move“移动,符合语境。8解析:选A根据“boing可知,此处指树发出的断裂声。故答案选A。9解析:


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