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1、六年级英语科第二学期第三单元综合练习题听力部分听录音,用阿拉伯数字按顺序标号。(10分)stones by plane radio enough dropped( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )plate junk food India throw the boy plant( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )听录音,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。(10分)( )1.Where is Kate going to go ? A. Hainan. B. Hong Kong. C. Hunan.( )2.What is the book about ? A. Animals. B. Flower

2、s. C. Hiking.( )3.How much is the guitar? A. 500 yuan. B.20 yuan. C. 100 yuan.( )4.How old is Lisa? A. 12. B. 10. C. 14.( )5.What do they like doing? A. They like camping. B. They like sightseeing. C. They like swimming.三、听录音,填上你所听到的单词。(10分)1.The subway station is _ to the park.2.Uncle Li is digging

3、 _ .3.I want to get _ of exercise.4.Our class _ the football match.5.Welcome to the _.四、听录音,根据短文内容判断对错,对的写 “T”,错的写“F”。(10分)( )1.Mr. Greens car is black.( )2.Mr. Green is washing the car behind the house.( )3.Theres a garden in front of the house.( )4.Their cat is drinking milk.( )5.Mr. and Mrs. Gree

4、n dont like the car.笔试部分选出与单词划线部分发音相同的选项。(10分)( )1.found A. loudly B. enough C. cousin( )2.press A. jelly B. open C. gate( )3.hotel A .worry B. won C. nose( )4.calf A. tall B. half C. small( )5.head A. cheap B. bread C. teacher二、选词填空。(10分)messy dropped does care afraid messy dropped does care afraid

5、 The student _her bag yesterday.What _he have to do?This room is _.Dont be _, little girl.We have to take _.三、选择括号里的动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.Who _ (drop) the plate yesterday?2.Please _(push) the elephant away.3.I think Ill _(stay) in the hotel.4.Jenny never _(take) a taxi to work.5.Look .He _(eat) jelly.四、选

6、择题。(10分)( ) 1.I _ my relatives last week. A. played and B.stayed with C.stayed at( ) 2.He didnt _ well. A. feel B.fells C.felt( )3.Look _these new clothes , theyre _ you. A. at;to B.at;for C.on;for( )4.She likes _ .A.go camping B.staying with friends C.sing a song( )5.Dont push .You have to _ .A.car

7、ry B.find C.pull( )6.Hes going to go to Xian _ a vacation.A.to B.for C.at( )7.The student is late. He _ hurry.A.have to B.has to C.go( )8._she going to get there?_train.A.How;by B.Hows ; By C.Hows takes( )9.We can do _ with our hands.A.everywhere B.anywhere C.everything( )10.Her birthdays _ May 1st.

8、A.in B.at C.on五、阅读理解。(13分)(一)根据短文内容选择最佳答案。(5分)Mike is an American boy. His father wants to go to China for a visit . Before he lives ,Mike asks him ,“Are you going to China by plane or by train or by sheep?”“What?” Father asks .The boy says the same sentence again clearly (清楚地) . “ Oh! Never!” Fathe

9、r answers . “ Why not, Dad?” the boy asks .“ My boy, I cannot get to China on horse . Ill go to China by ship, not on a sheep .The letter i in the word ship should be pronounced (发音)/ i/ not /i/, You must pay attention to your pronunciation(注意你的发音).” ( ) 1. Mikes father is _ . A. an Englishman B. an

10、 American C. a Chinese( ) 2. Mike asks his father _ . A. how to go to China B. when to go to China C. where to go ( ) 3. His father says, “ Ill go to China _ .” A. on a sheep B. on a horse C. by ship( ) 4. His father tells him _ . A. to study harder B. to do his homework on time C. to pay attention

11、to his pronunciation( ) 5. Mike pronounced the word _ . A. “ship” as “sheep” B. “ship” as “ship” C. “sheep” as “sheep”(二)阅读理解,判断对错,用T或F表示。(8分)I am Jim. I am an English boy. I am in Grade Four. This is Billy .And this is Willy. They are twins .We are classmates. We are all good pupils.That is Miss Hu

12、ang. She is our English teacher. That is Mr Liang. He is a math teacher. Miss Tan is our Chinese teacher. Miss Huang and Miss Tan are young, but Mr Liang isnt so young. They are all our good teachers.( )1.Jim,Billy and Willy are not in the same class.( )2.Willy and Billy are brothers.( )3.Miss Huang

13、 is a teacher of Chinese.( )4.Our teachers are all very young.( )5.Mr Liang teaches us math.( )6.Jim is a good pupil in his class.( )7.Jim comes from England.( )8. We like our teachers.六、作文。(7分) 你喜欢吃什么?喜欢喝什么饮料?写写它对你的身体有益吗? 参考答案听力部分一、听录音,用阿拉伯数字按顺序标号。(10分)stones by plane radio enough dropped( 4 ) ( 1

14、) ( 7 ) ( 3 ) ( 10 )plate junk food India throw the boy plant( 6 ) ( 2 ) ( 8 ) ( 9 ) ( 5 )听录音,根据对话内容选择正确的答案。(10分)1、W:Are you going to go anywhere for a vacation ,Kate?W: Yes , I am going to go to Hong Kong this week.Q: Where is Kate going to go? (B)2、W:What are you doing, Mike?W: Im reading about an

15、imals.Q: Whats the book about?(A)3、W:How much are they?W: The guitar is five hundred yuan . The books are 20 yuan .Q: How much is the guitar?(A)4、W:How old is the your sister, Lisa?W: Shes twelve . Shes two years younger than me.Q: How old is Lisa?(C)5、W:I love sightseeing. What about you?W: Me too.

16、Q: What do they like doing?(B)三、听录音,填上你所听到的单词。(10分)1.The subway station is next to the park.2.Uncle Li is digging slowly .3.I want to get plenty of exercise.4.Our class won the football match.5.Welcome to the hotel.四、听录音,根据短文内容判断对错,对的写 “T”,错的写“F”。(10分)Look over there. The yellow house is Mr. Greens. Can you see the man behind the house? Thats Mr. Green. Hes washing his car there. The car is black and its a new one . Mr. and Mrs. Green is in front of the house. Shes drinking a glass of milk. Their cat is playing with a ball under her chair.T T T F F笔试部分选出与单词划线部分发音相同的选项。(5分)1.A 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.


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