1、1. and the hot flavour is enough to heat up a cold midwinter evening or to let loose rivers of sweet on a summer afternoon. 那火辣的风味足以温暖隆冬的寒夜,或在夏日的午后让人汗流如注。 loose adj. free to move around without control 不受约束的; 未固定牢的;零散的;宽松的;疏松的 eg The sheep had got out and were loose on the road. 那些羊跑了出来在路上自由自在地走动。le
2、t sth loose:to free sb/sth from whatever holds them/it in place释放;放任eg Dont let your dog loose on the beach. 不要让你的狗在沙滩上乱跑。2. Over time, it has expanded to include multiple opinions of soups, 后来,火锅的内容逐渐丰富,包括各式汤底 expand vt. & vi. to become larger in size, number, or amount, or to make something become
3、 larger 增加,扩大; if a company, business etc expands, or if someone expands it, they open new shops, factories etc 扩展,发展(业务); 详谈,详述 eg The hotel wants to expand its business by adding a swimming pool. 该酒店想添个游泳池来扩展业务。【归纳】 o 把扩展(发展, 膨胀)成 expand on/upon 阐述; 详谈【语境应用】完成句子1) 我们打算通过再开两家商店来扩大生意。 We p
4、lan to _ by opening two more stores. 2) 管道里的水结成了冰,导致管身膨胀爆裂。 The water froze inside the pipe, causing it to _.3) Could you expand _ that point, please?expand the businessexpand and burston / upon3. Served plain in thin, white slices, the meat is juicy and salty. 鸭肉简单地切成白白的薄片端上来,肉质多汁且带有咸味。 plain adj.
5、without anything added or without decoration 不尚修饰的;朴素的;简单的 eg She preferred clothes that were plain but elegant. 她更喜欢朴素而雅致的衣服。 adj. 清楚的;明显的;浅白的 eg The meaning of the article is plain to see. 这篇文章的意思一目了然。adj. 坦诚的;直率的;直接的eg The plain fact is that nobody really knows. 事实很明显,没有人真正了解。adj. 极普通的;平庸的;平凡的eg
6、You dont need any special skills for this job, just plain common sense. 这项工作不需要任何特殊技能,只要有普通常识就够了。【拓展】plain n. 平原 plain adv. 简直,绝对地the Great Plains 北美洲大平原 plain stupid / wrong 简直愚蠢至极;绝对错误 in plain English 用简易的语言(或文字)in plain clothes 着便衣be plain sailing 顺利,一帆风顺【语境应用】汉译英。1)他明确表示要我们离开。2)这份文件用简易的语言描述,告诉你
7、最新的政策。3)这种树木可见于平原。He made it plain that we should leave.The document, written in plain English, tells you about the new policy.Such trees can be found in the plains.slice n. a thin flat piece of food cut from a larger piece 薄片,片;eg aslice of bread一片面包 pizza slices 比萨饼片a part or share of something 部分
8、,份额eg Everybody wants a slice of the profits. 这利润每个人都想占一份。vt. 把切成片;切开,割破slice into / through切开,割破slice sth in two / half 切开两半【语境应用】翻译句子1) 这刀片锋利得很,一下就能割破你的手指。 The blades so sharp it could slice through your finger.2) 把这些蛋切成两半后在餐盘上排好。 Slice the eggs in two and arrange them on a serving dish.3) 把番茄切成片。
9、 Cutthe tomatoesinto slices.4. As I finished my first helping on a recent afternoon in NanJing, my host, Chef Zhang, told me a little more about the dish. 最近一天下午,我在南京吃完我的第一份(盐水鸭)后,招待我的张大厨向我介绍了更多有关这道菜的事情。 helping n. the amount of food that someone gives you or that you take (食物的)一份,一客 eg She asked fo
10、r a double helping of ice. (翻译) 她点了双份冰激凌。5. Nowadays, people eat salted duck all year round and it is estimated that tens of thousands of ducks are consumed every day in Nanjing! 如今,人们一年四季都在吃咸水鸭,据估计南京人每天要吃掉数万只鸭子! estimate vt. to try to judge the value, size, speed, cost etc of something, without cal
11、culating it exactly 估计,估价 be estimated to be / have / cost estimate that n. 估计;估价的成本 【语境应用】翻译句子1) 这棵树估计至少有 700 年了。 The tree is estimated to be at least 700 years old.2) 他们估计这次行程至少需要两周时间。 Theyestimate(that)the journey will take at least two weeks.consume vt. to eat or drink something 吃,喝,饮;eg Heconsu
12、mesvast quantities of chips with every meal. 他每一餐都要吃掉大量的薯条。to use time, energy, goods etc 消耗,耗费(尤指燃料、能量或时间)eg Only 27% of the paper we consume is recycled. 我们消耗的纸张只有 27% 得到回收利用。【拓展】 consumer n. 消费者, 顾客【语境应用】翻译句子。1) We consume less meat, choosing green food. 2) He consumed much of his time each day i
13、n studying. 我们少吃肉,选择绿色食物。他每天耗费很多时间在学习上。6. It definitely hit the spot when I tried it, and it has become one of my personal favourites. 我尝了盐水鸭,真的太对我胃口了,(现在)它已经成了我最喜欢的食物之一。 hit the spot: to be exactly what is needed 发挥正当作用,适得其用,恰到好处 eg I was dying of thirst, and that cup of ice tea hit the spot. 我渴得要命
14、,那杯冰茶正好解渴。7. The concept took off, and today Guangzhous restaurants stimulate customers appetite with over a thousand offerings, each more delicate and delicious than the last. 这个观念流行起来,如今广州的各家餐厅用一千多种点心使食客们胃口大开,一道更比一道精致、美味。 stimulate vt. to make someone excited and interested about something 促进,激发 e
15、g His interest in reading was stimulated by his parents 他对阅读的兴趣是他的父母激发的。delicate adj. made skilfully and with attention to the smallest details 精致的,精细的,精密的eg The food is served on a delicate plate with a beautiful pattern of flowers. (翻译) 食物盛在一个带有漂亮花朵纹饰的精致盘子里端上来。delicate adj. easily damaged or broke
16、n 易损的,易碎的,脆弱的eg The sun can easily damage a childsdelicate skin. (翻译) 阳光很容易晒伤小孩娇嫩的皮肤。8. The emphasis is rather on conversation about business, family or pleasure, and locals can spend hours together chatting, drinking tea and working their way through the menu. 重点而是在谈生意、话家常或消遣,当地人可以花好几个小时聚在一起聊天、喝茶,慢慢吃遍菜单上所有的点心。 emphasis n. special attention or importance 强调,重视 eg He places great emphasis on time management. 他非常重视时间管理。work one s way through 自始至终做eg The board are still working their way through the application forms. 委员会仍在审阅所有申请表。翻译句子1. 她的手腕和脚
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