1、任务型阅任务型阅任务型阅信息还原命题规律:在一篇短文中留出 5 个空白,要求考生从所给的 7 个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足的短文意思通顺、前后连任务型阅信息还原命题规律:在一篇短文中留出 5 个空白,要求考生从所给的 7 个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足的短文意思通顺、前后连贯(选项中 2 项多余解题方法:1. 快速确定文体(叙述性/ 论说性)和全篇脉络(byreadingthefist/tenceineach快速阅读7个选项,划出keywords 并比较相关选项注意空白处的位*句中句尾)从全文的角度重新审视已选选项并比较剩余选阅读练1Gettingyourchildrentostudycanbe
2、alittlelikegettingthemtoeattheir Make a study time and have ithe same time every day. This will help your kids learntoscheduletheirdayandwillgivethemasenseofcontroloverhowtheyspendtheirAllowthemtostudyinblocksoftime,suchasforahalfanhour he IdealstudytimesareafterdinnerorrightafterschoolbeforeNever a
3、llow your children to study in front of , t will encourage passive Youll also need to help your kids find the right place to study after youve set up a good study time littlelearners,setupagoodplacewheretheycangetthosecreativeMakesurethereisatableoradeskandacomfortablechair. 5 This includes helthem
4、out with sometimes and being there them nswers to any questions. The input you give your children during study periods will help form bondandhelpmakestudyingPick a place where your children can study properly. Hold them to the schedule they create for themselves. Finally,spendtimewithyourkidswhenthe
5、yrestudying.Keeptheatmospherelightandofferlotsofencouragement,Instead,useTVasatreatorarewardwhenTrytostopthisbadhabitbyofferingsomesortofisOneofthebestwaystoformgoodstudyhabitsforyourkidsistodesignattheykeep 1:(9:0021:002Homecanbeagreatplaceforchildrentostudy.Itsimportanttoprovideaworkplaceoftheirow
6、nwhere they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.Location(位置 But kitchen and dining room are not so well suite2Homecanbeagreatplaceforchildrentostudy.Itsimportanttoprovideaworkplaceoftheirownwhere they can read books or just write a letter to their friends.Location(位置 But kitchen a
7、nd dining room are not so well suite for regular study, since books andpenshe way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. Set up a place where a child can settle in and prs and pens nd ving to clear everything away each night. For a t likes alone, set aside a corner of his bedroom, but hobbiesnotrela
8、tedtot separate from things like games, music and ngThingsinParents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isnt his workplace. Ownership is very important for self-respect. The hould able,butnotartoftheEncouragethewholefamilytohelpbuildasupportivetchildr
9、enneeds in school. Give them a good le of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and things he right way. Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by thewholeAttitudeIsHere are several ways to choose a location. BuildingaGoodHomeLearningEnvironmentHoldacan-doattitudeandyourch
10、ildwillfollowyourSettingupaspaceinacommonareaofyourhomecanbeagoodideaforAchildwholearnsanizehisspacewilloeverycornerofhis3Warrensful investor, Warren Buffett comes For ho ch a s a pretty ordinary guy. was born on August 30, 1930. 1 He used to go door-to-door and sell soda water. When his family to W
11、ashington, Buffett became a rboy for The t. Buffett ran his five r routes even added magazines to round outhisproductofferings. While stillin school,he was making $175a afull-timewageformany 2 He spent $1,200 on 40 acres rmland in Nebraska. He and a friend also made $50 k placingpinball machinesinba
12、rbershops.Theycalledtheir venture(企业)WilsonCoin Operated 2:(9:0021:00Alreadyasfulsmall-timebusinessman,Buffetterestedin goingtocollege butendedat the University of Pennsylvania-his father encouraged him to go. But he was turned down in what eaffectedBuffettslife,forrofessor Benjamin Graham, had toAl
13、readyasfulsmall-timebusinessman,Buffetterestedin goingtocollege butendedat the University of Pennsylvania-his father encouraged him to go. But he was turned down in what eaffectedBuffettslife,forrofessor Benjamin Graham, had to be one of the worst sinHarvardhistory.ended up attending Columbia Busine
14、ss School, where he studied fatherofysiswhoprovidedthefoundation (基础)forBuffettsinvestmentstrategy策略From the beginning, Buffett made his fortune from investing. He started ll the money he n 1950 and made from selling soda water, delivering rs, and operating pinball machines. he grew his $9,800 to $1
15、4,000. And then he gradually drew in other investors through word of andveryattractiveHedoesntcollect housesorcarsorworks ofart, andhe disdains(鄙视t money on expensive ears, private dining rooms, and high-priced real villas. He is a creature of habit-house,sameoffice,samecity,samesodaThenBuffettdtoHa
17、amilyand4Asateen,youregoingthroughbigchangesphysicallyandmentally.erestsareexpanding. Here is the challenge:Kids need to explore the world in new ways, and parents need to protect from the t all hat world. s ) can easily set ireworks in calm houses. s cant be avoided. But by paying attention to the
18、building blocks sful relationships, you can work towards making home a happy and healthy place for you and For instance, try to find a time to talk when your parents all not angry, tired, distracted, gry. good time to talk is when youre all relaxed. Timing is everything. If the conversation begins t
19、o o argument,youdbettercalmlyandcoollyaskto stopthe conversation-for now. 2 Listen towhat parentsaresaying,andrepeatitbacktothem.Thisshowstyourelistening. Respect is the building block of good communication. People who respect each other and care eachothersfeelingscalldisagreewithoutthingsgetting4 H
20、ow do you build trust? Trust comes by ng what you say youre going to do. teens ng fun activities with their parents can improve their relationships. Sometimes we t parents are n rule-makers - eresting people who like to ovies. And 3:(9:0021:00-justliketheirWhat do f you are trying your best, but you
21、r relationship with your parents continues to rocky? You can findsupportiveadults,such asateacher-justliketheirWhat do f you are trying your best, but your relationship with your parents continues to rocky? You can findsupportiveadults,such asateacheror acoach, who canlendanear.Remember you can only
22、 change your own behavior. Your parents are the only ones who can change Italsogivesthema chancetoclearthingsup ifyourenoton thesameYoucanpickitupagainwheneveryonesmoreAndthenyoullbeabletoacceptwhatyourparentsFacedwiththechallenge,childrendontknowwhattoYou are more likely to get along with your pare
23、nts and have more independence if your parents ve in you.AndyourdesiretotakecontrolofyourownlifeisYoumayconsiderseekingoutside5Daewooandtheartofcustomerfocus以客户为中心When Daewoo entered the UK car market in spring 1995, it was hardly known at all;its cars technicallyaverageandhadanunfashionable不时髦的coun
24、tryoforiginKorea 韩国的roundcarmakers, the market was crowded. . Many companies had a “Buy UK” or “Buy policyfortheirfleetpurchasesSince the mid-1970s, ),whichaccountfor占比lfofallcarcompetitor to the UK car d achieved n a 1% share (市场份额). . We ve it did so by achieving its aim of being the most focusedc
25、arheDaewoos market research t the best market to be aimed at would be drivers erested in a cars ability to get from Ato B reliably and cheaply. Research had t most were afraid to visit car showrooms and found salespeople too forcefully. . Further, research found he market they were aiming at, 84% of
26、 motorists (驾驶员) t treatmenttheygotfromtheeastasimportantashowtheyfeltaboutthecarDaewoodevelopedanewwayof. By saving the money normally paid to traders, Daewoo was able to offer specification规格ataDaewoo designed its car showrooms to be like high street stories, with free s to (免费获得product informatio
27、n and a free caf; salespeople were on a fixed salary and no bargaining on price was allowed.ThepriceincludedpromisesandthreeyearsfreeDaewooofferedfreecollectionanddeliveryaswellasacarlenttoacustomerduringDaewoos competitors had been unwilling or unable to rethink the t they did he ofclearhe market.
28、4:(9:0021:00YetDaewoodidtinnaThiscreatedamarkettDaewooisabletoYetDaewoodidntdotinntwoTheydidnotusetradersYetDaewoodidtinnaThiscreatedamarkettDaewooisabletoYetDaewoodidntdotinntwoTheydidnotusetraderstoselltheirThey They ttheyweretreatedevenworseafterthettheyweretreatedmuchbetterafterthenhalfoftheseha
29、dmarketsharesofover6Those who (热情)for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on mountains?Thisastonishmentis causedprobablybythedifference n mountaineering and other ofactivitytoengivethei
30、rleisure.(空闲时间Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which would be dangerous to ignore (忽视butit is this freedom from man-made t makes mountaineering attractivetomany people
31、.Those climbmountainsarefreetousetheirownIfwecomparemountaineeringwithothermorefamiliarsports,wemighttonebigdifferencet mountaineering is not a “team game”. We should not be his. There are, it is true, “matches” n “teams” of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock linked by a rope on which livesma
32、ydepend,thereisobviously 4The mountain climber t he may have to fight t are stronger and nman.Hehastofighttheofnature.HissportrequireshighmentalandphysicalAmountainclimbercontinuestoimproveinskillyearafteryear.Askierisprobablypasthisbestbyage of thirty, and ernational tennis ions heir early twenties
33、. But it is not unusual for manoffiftyorsixtytoclimbthehighestheAlps.Theymaytakemorenyoungerbuttheyprobablyclimbwithmoreandlesswasteofeffort,andtheycertainlyexperienceequalAsportycallingforhighskill A sport challenging humanAsportforalladultsofallages A sport for brave peopleAsportwithoutseteragains
34、tAsportAsport for 5:(9:0021:00B. 信息匹配(浙MollyMollyB. 信息匹配(浙MollyMolly61.DearIhavea problem.My parents arealways talkingtome aboutstudying. Theywant me to studyso Ican go toa good school.I know studying is very important,but my parentsputtoo muchre on HowcanIomytIneedsomefree -62.DearMybestfriendTonyi
35、saniceyoungman,buthe hasabadhabit.Heisalwayslate.Nomatterhe is going to what he ng, he is never on time. Once he turned up thirty minutes late for a WhatcanI dotobreakhimofthis badDearI have a new roommate named Louis. He is a good friend of mine, but he is driving me crazy because he is very untidy
36、. He leaves his dirty clothes everywhere, and he never makes his bed. I am extremely neat. What can I do?-DearMy cousin plays computer games a lot and he keeps on talking to me about various games. I have all, but I find it difficult to stop him without hurting his feelings. Would you kindly mesome-
37、65.DearIm feeling upset these days because the result of my last English exam was not as good as I had expected.Myteachercomfortedme,saying“Dontworry.Youcandobetternexttime.”ButImstillfeeling bad. I need your help.-Disappo 6:(9:0021:00ADearAs I see it, you have three.You can finda newflat foryourself, makehima new one, ADearAs I see it, you have three.You can finda newflat foryourself, makehima new one, or have a talk with him and see if you could both be a little less extreme in attitudestoward
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