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1、青少版新概念英语2A 第一阶段测试Part I Listening ( 听力部分 )选出你听到的句子中的单词。 ( 10C. putA. meet B. eat 选出你所听B. doingB. mi neB. buyB. tidyA. goingA. myA. cryA. studyC. swimmi ngC. yoursC.denyC. carry到的句子。 ( 101. A .It sby the river.A . SYhoeu ims urestadntindgrivaer here.4. A . There are some kites in theB . It next to th

2、e river.B . He is draw ing a pictureB . You must nt fish here.sky.B . There are some boats in the river.B . Its 673 km.5. A . Its 376 km.三单词听写。 ( 10Part n Writing (笔试部分)?根据汉语提示写出正确的单词。( 10 )Turn _ the TV (打开 ) 。Good on Sunday! 幸运,运气)is this mobile? It 谁的 s. (Give it to (我) .Now, Paul, walk this way.

3、 Pick up your 金牌) .It s yours.?选择填空(20)the Arrival exit.()1.1 am in the coffee barA .forB. i ntoC. next toD. at( )2.Let introduce Paul Bruce TOC o 1-5 h z A. IB. myC. to meD. me()3. This is your first Marathon, ?A. isn t he B. aren()4. Whose book is it? It isnA. myB. mi net they. isn t it D. aren t

4、yout.It is Pauls.C. ID. meA. beB. go)6. Pick up your medal. ItA.yourB. you)7. Why are youan ts?C. getD. haves !C. to you D. yours()5. You mustn tcold.C. looki ng to for D.looki ngA:cooksB: is cook ingC: cooklook ing at B. look ing up)8. -You win the game. A. Co ngratulatio ns. B. OK. C. You win.D. H

5、a, ha.()9. This English book me.A. bel ongs to B. looks like C. looks forward to()10.1 m music. How about you?-l m drinking coffee.A. liste ning B. liste ning to C. hear D. heari ng()11.A: are you, and are you doing ,David?I am drinking a cup of coffee in the coffee bar.A: What; whereB: Where; whatC

6、: How ; what()12. A: What is Tina doing there ? B: She is wait ing her mother.forB: toC: of()13. A:Who the meat in the kitchen now ? B:Mum .Saturday ?()14. A: What do you often doI ofte n go swimmi ng with my mother.A: onB: atC: in) 15. A: What are you readi ng,Tom ? B:l am readi ng,n ews .A:today B

7、: todays C: todays) 16.A: Are you look ing forward toLondon ?: Yes ,l am .A: visitB: visitsC: visit ing17. A: Whose is this book? ? B : ItsA: mi neB: meC: my18. A: Who does this car? B: It belo ng s to Jack.bel ong toB: belongs toC: bel onging to) 19. A:What are Mary and Mike doing over there ?playi

8、ng tennis .A: She isB He isC: They are) 20. A : Does the red car bel ong to? B:No,it isnt.Itbel ongs to Jim .A:you, meB: you, mineC: your ,me从 A 栏中找出与B 栏句子相配的句子。 ( 10)Whe n does she usually come home? A. They ) re playing football.What are you waiting for?B. It ) s ten to five.What ) s Karen doing?C

9、. A pho ne call from Joh n.What are the children doing in the garden? D. She ) s writing some emailsWhat time is it ? F. At twenty past four.将下列的词以正确顺序连成句子。 (20)What/ doi ng /today?/ are/ the boysPaul and/ frien ds/ look ing/ to/ the Marath on./ forward/ his/ areAre /you/ a bus/ a taxi? /wait ing fo

10、r/ orCan /you /that picture? /take dow nbeside/ me./ Hes/ here/ sta ndingare /you /the /top /three /perce nt /inis /the /Trade Fair /This/ the /Lon don /Marathon /ofpocket /why /is /earth /in /the /on /note /my五阅读理解。 ( 10 )Spring is coming. The trees are gree n; The flowers are bloomi ng.We are goin

11、g to take a trip on Saturday. We are going to Zhongshan Park at 8:00 in the morning. I am going there on foot, because my home is n ear. Some go there by bike. Lucy and Lily are going to climb mountain there. Tom and Mike are going to fly kites. I an going to pla nt trees there. I thi nk we will have a nice day.In _ , we are going to take a trip.A spri ng B summer C fallWe are going to the park_in the morni ngA at 8:00 B at 10 : 00 C at 9:00I am going to the park A. by bike B. by busC. on foot.What is Tom going to do there? A He is going to climb moun ta inB He is


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