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1、汽车专业英语 Specialty English for Automobile张志飞E-mail: Tel:odyBrakingEngineSuspensionSteeringPower trainElectrical systemChassisChapter 1 Automotive BasicsWhats the main parts of an automobile?Todays average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. Th

2、ese parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。现在的车辆一般都由15000多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。这些零部件主要分为四类:车身、发动机、底盘和电气设备。1.1 BodyAn automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood and a trunk deck built into it. It provide a protective cover

3、ing for the engine, passengers and cargo. 汽车车身由金属薄板外壳和窗户、车门、发动机罩、行李箱盖等组成。汽车车身为发动机、乘员和货物提供了保护。Hood:发动机罩 bonnet 软帽Trunk deck:行李箱盖 Trunk / boot:行李箱 靴子Luggage:行李 baggageCargo:货物 goodsThe body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, moderns

4、appearance for the vehicle.汽车车身的设计还应该保证乘员的安全舒适。车身的造型(款式)使得汽车看起来漂亮迷人、色彩斑斓、时尚前卫。Three points seatbelt in a carFive points harness in a racing car铠甲 甲胄Airbag 1885 Benz1927 Ford model T1934 Citron Traction Avant 1953 Morris Minor Series 2Mini cooperA sedan has an enclosed body with a maximum of 4 doors

5、to allow access to the passenger compartment. The design also allows for storage of luggage or other goods. A sedan can also be referred to as a saloon and traditionally has a fixed roof. There are soft-top versions of the same body design except for having 2 doors, and these are commonly referred t

6、o as convertibles. 轿车车身为封闭式,乘员通过车门进出,轿车最多有4个车门。另外车身的设计还应考虑行李和货物的存放。传统的轿车都是硬顶车身。活顶乘用车(敞篷车)的车顶是软顶,车身设计与普通轿车类似,但只有两个车门。行李箱行李 =?发动机/发动机罩Trunk/bootLuggage/baggageEngine / hook / bonnetThe body of commercial vehicles that transport goods are designed for that specific purpose. Tankers transport fluids, ti

7、ppers carry earth or bulk grains, flatbeds and vans are used for general goods transport.用于运输货物的商用车车身必须满足具体要求,例如运输液体的油罐车、运输泥土或散装谷物的自卸车、运输一般货物的平板车或货车。no sides or roofBuses and coaches are usually 4-wheel rigid vehicles, but a large number of wheels and axles can be used. Sometimes articulated buses a

8、re used to increase capacity. Buses and coaches can be single-deck or double-deck. Buses are commonly used in cities as commuter transports while coaches are more luxurious used for long distances.客车和长途汽车一般有4个车轮,车架为整体式,也能配备更多的车轮和车桥。为了增加客车的载客量往往使用由铰链连接的客车。公共汽车和长途汽车有单层和双层两种。公共汽车一般用城市内公共交通,而长途汽车一般用于长距离

9、的旅行。single-deck busdouble-deckerArticulated busCoachAn engine located at the front can be mounted longitudinally and can drive either the front or the rear wheels. Rear engine vehicles have the engine mounted behind the rear wheels. The engine can be transverse or longitudinal and usually drive the

10、rear wheels only.前置发动机可以纵向布置,能够驱动前轮或后轮。后置发动机布置在后轮后侧,发动机即可纵向布置又可横向布置,一般只能驱动后轮。Internal combustion engine: 内燃机、外燃机Cylinder: 汽缸 圆柱体Gasoline/diesel:汽油 柴油 Ignition:点燃 igniteShaft / Crankshaft: 轴 曲轴TransmissionConfigurationLongitudinal: 纵向Transverse:横向车身轿车车厢发动机罩铰接式客车皮卡行李箱盖造型、外形货物行李bodySedan / salooncompar

11、tmentHood / bonnetArticulated busPick-up / utilityTrunk deck / lid stylingcargoLuggage / baggage1.3 Chassis Power train system: conveys the drive to the wheelsSteering system: controls the direction of movementSuspension system (running gear): absorbs the road shocksBraking system: slows down the ve

12、hicle底盘总成是由作为汽车主要运行部分的各系统组成,包括动力传动系、转向系统、悬架和制动系统。 传动系把发动机输出的扭矩传递给驱动轮。传动系包括离合器(对应机械变速器)或液力变矩器(对应液力自动变速器)、变速器、驱动轴、主减速器、差速器和驱动桥。有些传动系采用由变速器、主减速器和差速器组成的一体式的变速驱动桥。(有时采用一个独立的变速驱动桥,即变速器在同一个箱体内。) 对于采用机械变速器的汽车,其发动机扭矩由离合器传递给变速器或变速驱动桥,并通过离合器来控制发动机和传动系的啮合或分离。变速器包含了不同传动比的齿轮副,能够增加或减小扭矩。变速器处于最低档位时,传递的扭矩最大。汽车起步时需要较

13、大的扭矩,但普通行驶工况需要较小的扭矩,此时应该换用较高的档位,以降低发动机转速。 传统的汽车采用前置发动机、后轮驱动,因此需要传动轴把动力从变速器传递给主减速器。 主减速器的作用就是在把动力传递给驱动轮之前,降低转速并增加扭矩。对于前置后驱的汽车,主减速器还将驱动的旋转方向改变90度。主减速器内的差速器齿轮副,把动力分给两个驱动轴,并允许两边车轮在转向时具有不同的转速。动力最终由驱动轴传递给车轮。后轮驱动汽车的驱动桥应能满足悬架的运动,可以是刚性的或包含运动副。为满足悬架和转向的要求,前轮驱动汽车驱动轴上需安装万向节。 自动变速器或自动变速驱动桥的功能和机械式基本类似,区别在于档位的选择是液

14、力或电力控制的。液力自动变速器采用液力变矩(耦合)器传递动力。1.3.2 Steering system: 转向系统The direction motion of vehicle is controlled by a steering system. A basic steering system has 3 main parts: a steering box connected to the steering wheel, the linkage connecting the steering box to the wheel assembly at the front wheels an

15、d front suspension parts to let the wheel assemblies pivot. When the driver turns the steering wheel, a shaft from the steering column turns the steering gear. The steering gear moves tie-rods that connect to the front wheels. The tie-rods move the front wheels to turn the vehicle right or left.转向系控

16、制汽车行驶方向,一般由三部分组成:与转向盘相连的转向器、连接车轮和转向器的传动结构、允许车轮转动的前悬架部件。当驾驶员转动方向盘时,转向柱内的轴带动转向器运动,然后通过转向传动机构来转动车轮,从而使得汽车向左或向右行驶。1.3.3 suspension system: 悬架系统缓冲减震 传力导向Ford model T suspension MacPherson strut 整个悬架系统的作用是隔离来自路面的冲击和振动对车身的影响,防止传递给乘员和货物。另外不论路面如何,悬架系统都应该保持轮胎和路面接触。悬架系统的基本组成包括弹性元件、车桥、减震器、杆系(臂、杆)和球副组成的导向机构。The

17、purpose of the complete suspension system is to isolate the vehicle body from road shocks and vibrations, which will otherwise be transferred to the passengers and load. It must also keep the tires in contact with the road regardless of road surface. A basic suspension system consists of springs, ax

18、les, shock absorbers, arms, rods and ball joints. 弹簧是悬架的弹性元件,常见的弹簧类型有:钢板弹簧、螺旋弹簧和扭杆弹簧。现代汽车大多采用小的螺旋弹簧,轻型商用车常采用的螺旋弹簧比一般乘用车的大得多,或者前悬架采用螺旋弹簧,后悬架采用钢板弹簧。重型商用车则通常采用钢板弹簧或空气弹簧。 车轮必须能支撑整车重量,并能承受正常工况下的载荷。同时为了最小化簧下质量应尽量减小车轮质量。 车轮可采用双面钢化板压制而成,也可采用铸造的铝合金材料。除了外观漂亮之外,铝合金比钢更轻,因此铝合金车轮应用较广。另外铝合金导热性更好,因此制动器和车轮产生的热量更容易被铝

19、合金车轮散发。 轮胎在汽车和路面之间起缓冲作用,减小路面冲击的影响。同时轮胎也提供了车轮行驶所需的摩擦力。轮胎是由多种材料加工而成,橡胶多是人工合成的。最常见的轮胎类型是子午线轮胎和斜交轮胎。现在大部分乘用车都采用子午线轮胎,在四轮驱动和商用车上,子午线轮胎也正在取代斜交胎。 有内胎的充气轮胎用内胎来密封内部气体。无内胎的轮胎则要求车轮和轮胎具有很好的密封性,这就需要专用的密封件,可以紧固在轮缘上,也可用螺钉和密封圈来固定。1.3.4 Braking system: 制动系统机械 液压 气压 ABS:控制制动强度,防止车轮锁死Drum brakes 鼓式制动器Disc brakes 盘式制动器1


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