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1、Unit 2Wildlife Protection语法导学达标检测Period ThreeDiscovering Useful StructuresThe present continuous passive voicePART 1语法导学感悟规律 重点难点剖析感知以下课文原句,完成方框下的小题语法感知1.What is being done to help them?2.I know that theyre being hunted and their habitat is getting smaller.3.What measures are being taken to help the

2、m?4.They are being hunted,illegally,for their valuable fur.5.Much is being done to protect wildlife,but if we really want to save the planet,we must change our way of life.以上句子中的加颜色部分为现在进行时的 ,其构成形式为_ 。被动语态be(am/is/are)being动词的过去分词1.现在进行时的被动语态的构成形式语法精析形式结构肯定形式主语be(am,is,are)beingdone否定形式主语be(am,is,ar

3、e)notbeingdone一般疑问式be(am,is,are)主语beingdone特殊疑问式特殊疑问词be(am,is,are)主语beingdone2.现在进行时的被动语态表示的意义(1)表示某事/某人此时此刻正在被。The criminal is being watched over by a policeman.那名罪犯正由一名警察看守。The bridge is being repaired.这座桥正在被修复中。(2)表示某事/某人现阶段正在被。Many interesting experiments are being carried out these days.这些天许多有趣

4、的实验正在被进行着。(说话时并不一定正在进行)(3)表示一种经常性的被动行为,常与always,constantly,frequently等词连用,表示赞赏(扬)、羡慕、讨厌等感情色彩。I feel very surprised that the window of our classroom is frequently being broken.我感到非常吃惊的是我们教室的那扇窗户经常被打破。(4)与部分情态动词连用,表示对正在发生的动作的推测。He may be being scolded by his father at the very moment.此刻他也许正被他父亲责骂。3.现在

5、进行时的被动语态注意要点(1)不可遗漏being。现在进行时的被动语态表示说话时正在进行的一个被动的动作,如果我们把being漏掉,即成为一般现在时的被动语态或系表结构。Look!The children are being taken care of by their aunt.瞧!那些孩子正由他们的姑妈照看着。Children are taken good care of at school.孩子们在学校被照顾得很好。(一般现在时的被动语态)The report is being written by one of the best students.报告正由一名最优秀的学生写着呢。The

6、 report is well written.(系表结构)这个报告写得很好。(2)现在进行时的被动语态也可以表示将来。现在进行时的被动语态有时可表示按计划或安排将要进行的一个被动动作(此种用法仅限于少数及物动词,如:hold,take等)。A party is being held tonight.今晚将要举行一场晚会。(3)不及物动词(短语)、非延续性动词、表示存在意义/所属关系/静态特征的动词以及系动词不用于现在进行时的被动语态。这本书是他的。误The book is being belonged to him.正The book belongs to him.(4)一些表示状态、心理活

7、动、拥有、存在等的动词,如have,want,need,like,realize等,一般不用于进行时的被动语态,而常用一般现在时的被动语态表示此时此刻或目前主语正在承受谓语动词表示的动作。玛丽,过来,有你的电话。误Mary,come here.Youre being wanted on the phone.正Mary,come here.Youre wanted on the phone.(5)“beunder/in”等“介词名词”结构可表示现在进行时的被动语态的含义。The problem is under discussion (is being discussed) at the mee

8、ting.这个问题正在会上讨论。The telephone is in use (is being used) now.这部电话正在使用中。PART 2达标检测当堂检测 基础达标演练1. the meeting (hold) in the hall now?2.We can hear that the papers (print) these days.3.My sister (interview) at this moment.4.There is a lot of noise outside as repair work (do) to the house.5.Look!The man (

9、question) by the police.单句语法填空Isbeingheldarebeingprintedisbeinginterviewedisbeingdoneisbeingquestioned6.They are building nine parks._7.Your questions are under discussion._8.They are studying the Milu deer at the research centre._9.They are collecting money for the project._10.My father is painting

10、 our new house now._.用现在进行时的被动语态改写下列句子Nineparksarebeingbuilt(bythem).Yourquestionsarebeingdiscussed.TheMiludeerarebeingstudiedattheresearchcentre(bythem).Moneyisbeingcollected(bythem)fortheproject.Ournewhouseisbeingpainted(bymyfather)now.Li Ming:Hi,Lin Tao,its several months since we 11. (meet) last

11、 time. You said you were tired of your work and you 12. (find) a new job.What are you doing now?Lin Tao:Oh,Im 13. (train) for the work in the supermarket this month.You know,a supermarket 14. (build) in our town,and it 15. (be) open in about two months.Where are you going now?Li Ming:I 16. (go) to t

12、he centre stadium,where the spring sports meeting 17. (hold).语法填空(用所给词的正确时态、语态填空)metwouldfindbeingtrainedisbeingbuiltwillbeamgoingisbeingheldLin Tao:I hear that a car exhibition is also 18. (hold) there.Why dont you drive there?Its a long way from here.Li Ming:There is something wrong with my car and it 19._ (repair


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