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1、酒店英语学习情境二:餐厅服务英语21GreetingandSeatingGuests酒店英语学习情境二:餐厅服务英语21GreetingandS学习任务: 迎宾和引座 Name : AnnaJob: restaurant hostessResponsibility: To greet guests and seat them on guests requests学习任务: 迎宾和引座 ContentsLearning Objectives 学习目标1Working Procedures 工作程序2Working Knowledge 工作知识 3Hotel Task 酒店任务45Words an

2、d Expressions6ActivityContentsLearning Objectives 学习Learning Objectives 学习目标After finishing this task, you should be able to: Greet and see off guests in a polite way Seat guestsLearning Objectives 学习目标After Working Procedures 工作程序 Greet the guest within 15 seconds 15秒内与宾客打招呼Ask the guest some infor

3、mation 询问宾客信息 Guide the guest to his seat 引领宾客人入座Draw the chair for the guest 为宾客拉桌子Help the guest leave the seat 照料宾客离席 Thank the guest for having a meal at the restaurant 再次向宾客表示感谢See the guest off warmly 热情地欢送客人Working Procedures 工作程序 Working Knowledge 工作知识(1)1. When the guests come to the restau

4、rant, the hostess should greet them in such a way:“早上好,小姐/先生。”“Good morning, sir/madam ”“下午好,小姐/先生。”“Good afternoon, sir/madam.”“晚上好,小姐/先生。”“Good evening, sir/madam.” 或与客人互相寒暄:“您今天好吗?”“How are you ( today)?”“我很好,谢谢,你呢?”“Im fine, thank you, and you?”“很好,谢谢您?”“Im very well, /Im fine, too. Thank you.Wo

5、rking Knowledge 工作知识(1)1. Wh2. When the guests leave the restaurant, the hostess should see them off warmly.“很高兴再次见到您(欢迎再次光临),王先生。” “Nice to see/ meet you again, Mr. Wang.”“再见。”“Goodbye.” “祝您今天过得愉快。”“Have a nice day.” “祝您在这居住愉快。”“Wish you happy here.”Working Knowledge 工作知识(2)2. When the guests leave

6、 the r3. When greeting guests, you should ask them the following information: Guests name(客人的姓名)A reservation or not(客人是否有预订)Special need for the environment(对就餐环境特别要求)Waiting for the table or not(是否愿意等候餐桌)Satisfaction to the table(对于餐桌是否满意)Working Knowledge 工作知识(3)3. When greeting guests, you s4. D

7、ifferent dining environment in a restaurant 吸烟区smoking area 包间private room 非吸烟区non-smoking area 能看到have a good view of the 靠窗的by the window 露天outdoor 靠吧台的by the bar counter 共用餐桌share a tableWorking Knowledge 工作知识(4)4. Different dining environmenHotel Task 酒店任务Suppose you are Anna, now youre going to

8、 greet and seat the guest. Please perform the task according to the hints below with your partners.角色A: 你是George Brown,你到餐厅用晚餐。迎宾员Anna得知你没有预约后 让你稍候片刻,因为是晚餐高峰期,所有位置都满座了。角色B: 你是餐厅迎宾员Anna, 大约十分钟后,你带Mr. Brown到无烟区靠窗的一张桌子上用餐。Hotel Task 酒店任务Suppose you areWords to knowreservation n. 预订 outdoor adj. 露天的seat

9、 vi. 使就坐 private n. 单间available adj. 可提供的 wait vt.& vi. 等待full adj. 满的 reserved adj. 预定的view n. 景色 take a seat 坐下menu n. 菜单 share a table 共用餐桌Words to knowreservation n. Useful expressions1. Welcoming Guests 欢迎客人 (1) Welcome to our restaurant. (2) Come this way, please.2. Greeting Guests 问候客人 (1) Do

10、 you have a reservation? (2) This table has already been reserved. (3) You may sit where you like.Useful expressions1. WelcomingUseful expressions3. Seating Guests 让客人就坐 (1) Please take a seat. (2) Ill bring you the menu. (3) How do you like this table? (4) Would you mind sharing a table with the ge

11、ntleman? (5) Will this table be all right?4. Waiting for the table 等候餐桌 (1) Would you mind waiting until the table is free? (2) Itll be just a few minutes.Useful expressions3. Seating GActivity Step IDiscussion If you are hostess, do you know how to handle the following situations如果你是餐厅迎宾员,碰到以下情况应如何

12、处理?1. When all tables are taken2. The guests have a reservation3. When the guest has a baby 4. The guest has some inconvenience5. The guest has a habit of smoking 6. The guests would like to sit by the windowActivity Step IDiscussion If yStep IIShare your ideas 1. When all tables are taken 2. The gu

13、ests have a reservation Activity Step IIShare your ideas 1. Whe3. When the guest has a baby4. The guest has some inconvenienceActivity 3. When the guest has a baby4.5. The guest has a habit of smoking6. The guests would like to sit by the windowActivity 5. The guest has a habit of sm After the guests come to the restaurant, the hostess who s


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