1、 3SoEReadingBook ReportCrystal Animal Farmstudent number: 1120223509 By: George OrwellDecember 3,2022 Summary:The story happened in Mr. Joness Manor farm. The animals worked for the farm day and night. One night, a pig Old Major told the animals what he had dreamed. Then the animals realize that the
2、y were leading a miserable life and they were exploited by human being. Old Major encouraged them to get rid of man and the produce of their labor would be their own. Later, the battle really happened and Mr. Jones run away. They established “Animal Farm” and put forward “Seven Commandments”. At the
3、 beginning of “Animal Farm”, all animals were equal. It was a new life .Every animal bore hardship and work hard for a better life. However, the leaders-pigs took advantage of new system to benefit themselves. They slept on the bed and drunk milk. The two leaders-Snowball and Napoleon wanted to be t
4、he only leader. Snowball was driven out because Napoleon let some fierce dog to chase him. And then Napoleon declared Snowball was spy and the enemy of Animal Farm. In the past, Snowball put forward to build windmill and Napoleon push others to build it since Snowballs departure.Thoughitwaswreckedtw
5、icebutitfinallywas accomplished through years of hard work. As time went by, pigsprivilegedstratum.Theyevenrevised“SevenbecametheCommandments” to satisfy their own desire. If animals complainedabout the ruling of Napoleon, they would be killed cruelly. Animalshad no freedom and kept working much lab
6、orious work. They hadless food but pigs always had feast. Animals miserable life was justlike that in Manor Farm. At last, pigs even walked by two legs andhad negotiation with people. Animal s life did not change at all ormaybe more miserable than before.Personal thought: Combined with my knowledge
7、of history, I can sense this book reflect the situation in the Soviet Union. Every animal has its own reflection. Napoleon was just Stalin. He was inautocraticcharge of the whole country in anway. He killed thosewho were not willing to obey his ruling. Snowball was just like Trostsky. When people di
8、dn”t need him, no one cared about his life though he dedicated his whole life to the country. What”s worse, people blamed all evil things and bad results to him. He was the victim of politics. Boxer are those who livedat the bottom of society. They work the most laborious work and eat least. They we
9、re exploited everyday until death. Their lives were poor. Old Benjamin reflected those who wanted to save their lives and avoided being killed by not commenting on politics. They were not satisfied aboutthe situation but they were reluctant to criticize.I am sure that everyone can see the totalitari
10、anism among pigs.Why is there totalitarianism? I think first it”s because of lackingsupervision. Without supervision, no matter how heroic and wise heis,he will abuse the power, because complete power is bound tolead to complete corruption. Secondly, people are lazy. They thinkthat there will be her
11、oes leading them to a better life no matter he isSnowball or Napoleon, Stalin or others. They dontwant to takepains and to worry about the future. They all depend on heroes butnot rely on themselves. That”s totally wrong. Everyone must takeresponsibility for himself. People can”t be so lazy to put a
12、ll theresponsibility and rights to the leader. When you overthrow a leaderand uphold another leader, that”s not democracy. Depending onleaders would not obtain democracy. The so-called “democracy“rulers give you is autocracy with the skin of democracy.Then I want to say people”s patience to tyranny
13、and misrule.This story reflected situation in the Soviet Union. However,we allknow, history is always similar. I can also find miniature of ChinaandChinepeopleatthattime.Chinesepeoplehaveabadcharacter of tolerating more autocracy, misrule than any Westernpeople. No matter in the ancient time or duri
14、ng ”sruling, people can always tolerate corruption, tyranny and other evilthings. Why can we tolerate so much? Why didn”t we criticize politics? Because we lacked legal protection and gurantee for our life. To avoid being killed, we close our mouth just like Benjamin.There is another thing worth men
15、tioning-people”s quality. Rulers want the citizen to be foolish. That”s Obscurantism. There are some evidence. Boxer only knew some of alphabet and those animals born later even knew none of them. Squealer always said that “you were stupid so th at you won”t understand how great our plans were.” And
16、 then, animals thought theywere not clever and they must follow Napoleon. Napoleon destroyed the school built for animals so that they could always stay foolish. Animals doubted thatsomeonehadchanged“SevenCommandments“.When Squealer said it remained without any change, animals thought their memory w
17、ere not clear. They didn”t have their own thoughts and judgement. Rulers hope citizen are ignorant so they won”t have advanced ideas to fight against their rule. No matter in China or in western countries, there were always rulers killing intellectual because they didn”t want to see any potential th
18、reatening. Though rulers dont want citizen to be well -educated, people must improve themselves or they cant protect their own rights.Last I want to say something about Snowball. I suppose he was a good leader. At least he put forward to build windmill and hegot hurt during the battle against human
19、being. It”s just like Trostsky put forward to develop industry to enter modernization in Soviet Union. He devoted his whole life to the country but had a bad result. People blame all evil things to him. I think it”s unfair. People must take responsibility for themselves and should not put all the ri
20、ghts and obligation to the leader. Faced with the results of the World War II, German did not only blame on Hitler. All the Germen rethought profoundly for their evil behaviors. As for the Iraq war, we can”t only blame on President Bush. At least citizen voted and chose him!. So it”s unfair to criticize Snowball. We don”t know how he would rule the farm if he did not leave. Maybe he was democraticbutwithoutsupervisionhemightalso
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