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2、d natturee off Coompaany 公司名名称,注注册办公公室及公公司性质质 4 Namee公司名名称4Regiisteeredd offficce 注册登记记地4Natuure of thee Coompaany公公司性质质4Sharres股本43.11Rigghtss annd qquallifiicattionns oof ssharres股权及及股权证证书43.22Isssuannce of neww shharees新增股权权43.33Purrchaase or othher acqquissitiion of ownn shharees公司股股权的购购买或认认购53.

3、44Shaare reggistter股权登登记53.55Shaare cerrtifficaatess股权证证书63.66Traansffer of shaaress股权转转让63.77Traansmmisssionn off shharees股权流流转6Meettinggs oof mmembberss股东会7Meettinggs aand ressoluutioons in lieeu oof mmeettinggs股东东会及股股东决议议7Procceduure at meeetinngs of memmberrs股东东会程序序7Direectoors董事13Appoointtmennt

4、 oof ddireectoors董事的的任命13Remuunerratiion of dirrecttorss董事薪薪酬13Procceeddinggs oof ddireectoors董事议议事程序序146.OOffiicerrs官员157.SSeall公司印印章168.DDiviidennds股息16Solvvenccy ttestt偿付能能力测试试17Winddingg upp 公司司清算17THE COMMPANNIESS ACCT NNO. 15 OF 20001THE CONNSTIITUTTIONN OFF根据20001年年公司司法制制定的公司章章程1.INNTERRPREET

5、ATTIONN 解解释In thiis cconsstittutiion, iff noot iincoonsiisteent witth tthe subbjecct oor cconttextt, tthe worrds andd exxpreessiionss sttanddingg inn thhe ffirsst ccoluumn of thee foolloowinng ttablle sshalll bbearr thhe mmeanninggs sset oppposiite theem rresppecttiveely in thee seeconnd ccoluumn th

6、eereoof. 本公司司章程所所及之文文字和表表述,主主要以右右栏的解解释为准准。ExppresssioonsMeanninggs“Actt” 本本法Thee Coompaaniees AAct No. 155 off 20001 as ameendeed ffromm tiime to timme 指指修改后后20001年年公司法法1.2“booardd”董事事会Thee booardd off diirecctorrs oof tthe Commpanny.公公司的董董事会1.3“coonsttituutioon”章章程Thiis cconsstittutiion as oriiginn

7、allly fframmed or as froom ttimee too tiime ameendeed最初初制定的的章程或或修改后后的章程程1.4“meembeer”股股东A persson whoo hooldss shharees iin tthe Commpanny.持持有本公公司股权权的人1.5 “peersoon”自自然人、法人或或非法人人团体An inddiviiduaal, a ccorpporaatioon, a ttrusst, thee esstatte oof aa deeceaasedd inndivviduual, a parrtneershhip or an u

8、niincoorpooratted asssociiatiion of perrsonns.任任何个人人,公司司,信托托,遗产产管理机机构,合合伙人或或非法人人团体1.6.1“orrdinnaryy reesollutiion” 一般般决议A rresooluttionn paasseed iif iit iis ppropposeed aas ssuchh annd mmoree vootess arre ccastt inn faavouur oof tthe ressoluutioon tthann arre ccastt aggainnst it by succh mmembberss

9、 ass, bbeinng eentiitleed tto ddo sso, votte iin ppersson or by prooxy at a mmeettingg off meembeers.公司享享有表决决权的多多数股东东或股东东代理人人一致达达成的决决议1.6.2 “sppeciial ressoluutioon”特特别决议议 A rresooluttionn paasseed bby aa maajorrityy off noot llesss thhan thrree-fouurthhs oof ssuchh meembeers as, beeingg enntittledd

10、 soo too doo, vvotee inn peersoon oor bby pproxxy aat aa mmeettingg off meembeers connvenned forr thhe ppurpposee off vootinng ssuchh a ressoluutioon. 公司四四分之三三以上绝绝大多数数有表决决权的股股东或股股东代理理人在股股东会会会议上达达成的决决议1.7“seeal” 印章章Thee coommoon sseall off thhe CComppanyy.公司司的印章章1.8“soolveencyy teest”清偿能力力的判断断标准TThe

11、tesst oof ccomppanyys sollvenncy proovidded forr inn Arrticcle 9章程程第9条条规定的的对公司司偿付能能力的判判断标准准1.9“trreassuryy shharee”公司司股A shaare in thee Coompaany helld bby tthe Commpanny 公公司持有有的本公公司股权权1.100wrrittten orr anny ttermm off liike impportt inncluudess woordss tyypewwritttenn, pprinntedd, ppainntedd, eeng

12、rraveed, litthoggrapphedd, pphottogrraphhed or reppressentted or repprodduceed bby aany modde oof rreprreseentiing or re-prooduccingg woordss inn a vissiblle fformm, iinclludiing tellex, teeleggramm, ccablle, faccsimmilee orr ottherr foorm of wriitinng pprodduceed bby eelecctroonicc coommuuniccatiio

13、n.“书面的的”或任何何类似的的表述,是指以以打字,印刷,绘画,雕刻,平版印印刷,拍拍摄等方方式或以任何何可视形形式表现现的文字字,包括括电传、电报、电缆、传真或或通过电电子通讯讯形式产产生的其其他书面面形式。1.111Savve aas aaforresaaid anyy woordss orr exxpreessiionss deefinned in thee Acct sshalll bbearr thhe ssamee meeaniing in thiis cconsstittutiion. 前款款文字及及书面表表述根据据本法的的规定在在本章程程中有同同一含义义。1.122Wheene

14、vver thee siinguularr orr plluraal nnumbber, orr thhe mmascculiine, feeminninee orr neeuteer ggendder is useed iin tthiss coonsttituutioon, it shaall equuallly, wheere thee coonteext admmitss, iinclludee thhe ootheers. 本章章程中文文字表述述上的单单复数,阳性、阴性或或中性词词汇,一一律平等等。A reeferrencce tto mmoneey iin tthiss coons

15、ttituutioon iis aa reeferrencce tto tthe currrenncy of thee Unniteed SStattes of Ameericca uunleess othherwwisee sttateed. 本章程程所及之之金钱均均指美国国货币(美元),除非非另有规规定。2.NNAMEE, RREGIISTEEREDD OFFFICCE AAND NATTUREE OFF COOMPAANY公公司名称称、注册册登记地地和公司司性质Namee 公司司名称Thee naame of thee Coompaany is 本本公司名名称为:Regiisteered

16、d offficce注册册登记地地(相当当于我国国公司司法所所指的公公司住所所)Thee reegissterred offficee off thhe CComppanyy wiill be sittuatted at 2ndd Flloorr, BBlocck BB, RRuissseaau CCreoole Offficees, La Mivvoiee, BBlacck RRiveer oor ssuchh ottherr pllacee wiithiin tthe Reppubllic of Mauurittiuss ass thhe mmembberss frrom timme tt

17、o ttimee maay ddeteermiine.2.3Natturee off thhe CComppanyy公司性性质Thee Coompaany is a pprivvatee coompaany andd thhe lliabbiliity of thee meembeers is limmiteed bby ssharres. AAny invvitaatioon tto tthe pubblicc too suubsccribbe ffor anyy shharees oor ddebeentuuress off thhe CComppanyy iss heerebby ppr

18、ohhibiitedd.本公公司为私私人公司司,为有有限责任任公司。公司股股东的责责任以其其出资的的股权为为限。公公司不得得向公众众发出任任何认购购公司股股权或债债券的邀邀约。SHARRES股股权3.1Rigghtss annd qquallifiicattionns oof ssharres股股权与股股权证书书3.1.1Thee deesiggnattionns, powwerss, ppreffereencees, rigghtss, qquallifiicattionns, limmitaatioons andd reestrricttionns oof eeachh cllasss a

19、nnd sseriies of shaaress thhat thee Coompaany is autthorrizeed tto iissuue sshalll bbe ffixeed bby oordiinarry rresooluttionn too crreatte ssepaaratte cclasssess off shharees aand alll thhe aaforresaaid rigghtss ass too vootinng, divvideendss, rredeempttionns aand disstriibuttionns sshalll bbe iiden

20、nticcal witthinn eaach sepparaate claass. 公司司股权种种类的确定、股东的的权力与权权利、优优先权、股东资格格、期限限以及限限制等事事项,须经股股东大会会一般决决议来确确定。同一种种类的股股权所享享有的表表决权、股息、赎回和和分配是是同等的的。The rigghtss coonfeerreed uuponn thhe hholdderss off thhe ssharres of anyy cllasss isssueed wwithh prrefeerreed rrighhts shaall nott, uunleess othherwwisee ex

21、xpreesslly pprovvideed bby tthe terrms of thee isssuee off thhe ssharres of thaat cclasss, be deeemedd too bee vaarieed bby tthe creeatiion or isssue of furrtheer ssharres rannkinng parri ppasssu theerewwithh.持有有优先权权的股权权的股东东,其权权利不因因公司签签发的其其他“同等权权益”的股权权而有所所变化,除非公公司另有有规定。3.2Isssuannce of neww shharees

22、 增增资Subjjectt too thhe pprovvisiionss off thhis connstiituttionn, tthe boaard mayy wiithoout preejuddicee too anny rrighhts preevioouslly cconfferrred on thee hooldeers of anyy exxisttingg shharees oor cclasss oor sseriies of shaaress, ooffeer, alllot, grrantt opptioons oveer oor ootheerwiise disspo

23、sse oof nnew shaaress off thhe CComppanyy too suuch perrsonns aat ssuchh tiimess annd uuponn suuch terrms andd coondiitioons as thee Coompaany mayy byy a ressoluutioon oof tthe boaard dettermminee.根据据本章程程的规定定,董事事会在不不损害股股东现有有权利的的前提下下,根据据公司董董事会决决议,可可以在一定时时间内,依据一定定的条件件,将公公司新增增股权提提供、分分配或授授予其他他人。Sharres

24、in thee Coompaany shaall be isssuedd foor mmoneey, serrvicces rennderred, peersoonall prropeertyy, aan eestaate in reaal pproppertty, a pprommisssoryy noote or othher binndinng oobliigattionn too coontrribuute monney or prooperrty or anyy coombiinattionn off thhe fforeegoiing as shaall be dettermmin

25、eed bby aa reesollutiion of thee booardd.公司司为了增资资、开拓拓新业务务、购买个人人财产和和不动产产、本票票或其他他义务等等目的需要要新增股股权的,应当由由董事会会决议来来决定。Sharres in thee Coompaany mayy bee isssueed ffor succh aamouunt or connsidderaatioon aas tthe boaard mayy frrom timme tto ttimee byy reesollutiion dettermminee annd iin tthe abssencce oof ff

26、rauud tthe deccisiion of thee meembeers as to thee vaaluee off thhe cconssideerattionn reeceiivedd byy thhe CComppanyy inn reespeect of thee isssuee iss cooncllusiive unllesss a queestiion of laww iss innvollvedd. 公公司应根根据董事事会的决决议来新新增一定定数量或或对价的的股权,董事会会成员的的决定不不得有欺欺诈行为为。公司司对该事事项的决决议是最最终决定定,但法法律另有有规定除除外

27、。A shharee isssueed bby tthe Commpanny uuponn coonveersiion of, orr inn exxchaangee foor aanottherr shharee orr a debbt oobliigattionn orr ottherr seecurrityy inn thhe CComppanyy, sshalll bbe ttreaatedd foor aall purrposses as havvingg beeen isssuedd foor mmoneey eequaal tto tthe connsidderaatioon r

28、receeiveed oor ddeemmed to havve bbeenn reeceiivedd byy thhe CComppanyy inn reespeect of thee ottherr shharee, ddebtt obbliggatiion or seccuriity. 公司司通过转转换或交换公司司其他股股权或债债务或其其他有价价证券的的形式新新增股权权的,应应当等价价交换,即新增增股权的的价值应应等同于于其他股股权、债债务或有有价证券券的对价价。The Commpanny sshalll nnot, evven wheen iit hhas notticee off t

29、hhe ffactt, bbe bbounnd bby, or be commpellledd inn anny wway to reccognnisee anny cconttinggentt, ffutuure or parrtiaal iinteeresst iin aany shaare or, exxceppt aas iis ootheerwiise proovidded by thiis cconsstittutiion or by anyy ottherr laaw, anyy ottherr riightt inn reespeect of anyy shharee, eex

30、ceept an abssoluute rigght to thee enntirretyy thhereeof in thee reegissterred hollderr.任何何人不得得以任何何方式约约束公司司,或强强迫公司司承认某一一股权上上的不确确定的、未来的的或部分分权益,除非非本章程程或其他他法律另另有规定定;也不不得强迫迫公司承承认某一一股权上上的额外外权利,但公司司登记在在册的股股东享有有绝对权权利的除除外。The Commpanny mmay isssue fraactiionss off shharees wwhicch sshalll hhavee coorreespoo

31、ndiing fraactiionaal lliabbiliitiees, limmitaatioons, prrefeerenncess, pprivvileegess, qquallifiicattionns, resstriictiionss, rrighhts andd ottherr atttriibuttes as thoose whiich rellatee too thhe wwholle ssharre oof tthe samme cclasss oor sseriies of shaaress. 公公司可以以新增部部分股权权,该类类股权必必须与其其他同类类股权具有有相应的

32、的责任、期限、优先权权、特权权、资格格、限制制、权利利和其他他特质。3.3Purrchaase or othher acqquissitiion of ownn shharees公司司对本公公司股权权的购买买或认购购3.3.1Thee Coompaany mayy puurchhasee annd rredeeem or othherwwisee accquiire itss owwn ssharres, buut nno ppurcchasse, reddempptioon oor ootheer aacquuisiitioon sshalll bbe mmadee exxceppt iin

33、 aaccoordaancee wiith thee Acct.公公司可以以购买、回赎,或认购购本公司司的股权权,但必必须依法法进行。3.3.2Shaaress thhat thee Coompaany purrchaasess, rredeeemss orr ottherrwisse aacquuirees ppurssuannt tto AArtiiclee 3.3.11 maay bbe ccanccellled or mayy bee heeld as treeasuury shaaress. 公司根据据前款规规定购买买、回赎赎,或认认购的股股权可以以撤销,或或被持为为本公司股股权。3

34、.4Shaare reggistter股股权登记记3.4.1Thee booardd shhalll caausee too bee keept a ssharre rregiisteer cconttainningg:董事事会应保保存股权权登记的的以下事事项: naamess annd aaddrressses of thee peersoons whoo hoold shaaress inn thhe CComppanyy;持有有公司股股权的股股东姓名名和地址址3.4.1.22thee nuumbeer oof eeachh cllasss annd sseriie

35、s of shaaress heeld by eacch ppersson; 每个个股东持持有的股股权数量量及其种种类3.4.1.33thee daate on whiich thee naame of eacch ppersson wass ennterred in thee shharee reegissterr;股东东姓名登登记的日日期3.4.2Thee shharee reegissterr maay bbe iin aany forrm aapprroveed bby tthe boaard, inncluudinng mmagnnetiic, eleectrroniic, or o

36、thher datta sstorragee foorm, soo loong as leggiblle eeviddencce oof iits conntennts mayy bee prroduucedd.股权权登记的的形式应由由董事会会批准,其形式式包括磁磁盘储存存、电子子形式或或其他数数据存储储形式,只要登登记的内内容有据据可循。3.4.3A coopy of thee shharee reegissterr, ccommmenccingg frrom thee daate of thee reegisstraatioon oof tthe Commpanny, shaall be

37、keppt aat tthe reggisttereed ooffiice of thee Coompaany. 股权权登记的的副本,自公司司股权登登记之日日起,应应保存在在公司的的登记注注册地。3.5Shaare cerrtifficaatess股权证证3.5.1Thee Coompaany shaall isssue to eveery memmberr hooldiing shaaress inn thhe CComppanyy a cerrtifficaate siggnedd byy a dirrecttor or offficeer oof tthe Commpanny aand

38、undder thee seeal speeciffyinng tthe shaare or shaaress heeld by himm.公司司应向每每位股东东出具由由公司董董事或法法定代表表人签署署的股权权证书,并加盖盖公司印印章,载载明股东东持有的的股权。3.5.2Any memmberr reeceiivinng aa ceertiificcatee foor ssharres shaall inddemnnifyy annd hholdd thhe CComppanyy annd iits dirrecttorss annd ooffiicerrs hharmmlesss ffrom

39、m anny llosss orr liiabiilitty wwhicch iit oor ttheyy maay iincuur bby rreasson of thee wrronggfull orr frraudduleent usee orr reepreesenntattionn maade by anyy peersoon bby vvirttue of thee poosseessiion theereoof. If a ccerttifiicatte iis ddamaagedd, ddesttroyyed or losst iit mmay be renneweed oon

40、 pprodducttionn off thhe ddamaagedd ceertiificcatee orr onn saatissfacctorry pprooof oof iits losss oor ddesttrucctioon ttogeetheer wwithh suuch inddemnnityy ass maay bbe rrequuireed bby aa reesollutiion of thee booardd.获得得股权证证的股东东,因故意意或采用用欺诈的的手段对对其持有有的股权权登记不不实而对对公司、董事和和其他股股东造成成损失的的,应赔赔偿损失失,并承承担相应应的

41、责任任。如果果股权证证被损坏坏、灭失失或遗失失的,经经出示损损坏的证证书,或或有证据据证明遗遗失或灭灭失的,经董事事会决议议,可以以重新申请请股权证证。3.5.3If sevveraal pperssonss arre rregiisteeredd ass joointt hooldeers of anyy shharees, anyy onne oof ssuchh peersoons mayy giive an efffecttuall reeceiipt forr anny ddiviidennd ppayaablee inn reespeect of succh ssharres. 如

42、果果多人登登记为共共同持有有人的,每人均均可以获获得一份份基于其其股权享享有股息息的有效效凭据。3.6TTrannsfeer oof ssharres股股权转让让3.6.1Subbjecct tto tthiss coonsttituutioon, anyy meembeer mmay traansffer alll orr anny oof hhis shaaress byy ann innstrrumeent in wriitinng.根根据本章章程,股股东可以以书面文文件转让让其所有有股权或或任何股股权。3.6.2Thee innstrrumeent shaall be exeecutt

43、ed by or on behhalff off thhe ttrannsfeerorr annd tthe traansffereee aand thee trranssferror shaall remmainn thhe hholdder of thee shharees ttrannsfeerreed uuntiil tthe traansffer is reggisttereed aand thee naame of thee trranssferree is enttereed iin tthe memmberrs reggistter in resspecct ttherreof

44、f.转让让文件应应由转让让人和受受让人共共同签署署。转让让人在转转让被登登记之前前仍然持持有拟转转让的股股权。转转让后,受让人人的姓名名应登记记在公司司股东登登记册中中。The dirrecttorss maay rrefuuse to reggistter anyy trranssferr off shharees 董事事在以下下情况下下可以否否决股权权转让登登记:wherre tthe Commpanny hhas a llienn onn thhe ssharre;公公司对股股权设定定了留置置权wherre tthe shaare is nott fuullyy paaid up;出资不

45、充充分wherre aany calll iis ddue andd unnpaiid oon tthe shaare or; 出资资期限已已到期但但股东没没有出资资wherre tthe dirrecttorss haave notticee off anny aagreeemeent by thee meembeer tto ttrannsfeer oonlyy too soome speeciffiedd peersoon oor ssubjjectt too soome speeciffiedd coondiitioon.董董事已告知根据据股东协协议,股权转转让只能能针对特特定的人人或

46、必须须根据特特定的条条件,而而股东仍仍坚持转转让3.7TTrannsmiissiion of shaaress股权变动动3.7.1Upoon tthe deaath, inncommpettencce oor bbankkrupptcyy off a memmberr, tthe exeecuttor or admminiistrratoor oof aa deeceaasedd meembeer, thee guuarddiann off ann inncommpettentt meembeer, or thee trrusttee of a bbankkruppt mmembber, sh

47、halll bee thhe oonlyy peersoon rrecoogniizedd byy thhe CComppanyy ass haavinng aany tittle to hiss shharee, bbut theey sshalll nnot be enttitlled to exeerciise anyy riightts aas aa meembeer oof tthe Commpanny uuntiil ttheyy haave prooceeededd ass seet ffortth iin tthe Artticlles 3.77.2 andd 3.7.33.股

48、东东死亡,丧失行行为能力力,或破破产的,死者的的执行人人或管理理人,无无行为能能力人的的监护人人,或破破产股东东的受托托人,应应被公司司视为有有权持有有其股权权的人,但在他他们根据据第3.7.22条履行行一定程程序之前前,无权权行使股股东权利利。3.7.2Any perrsonn beecommingg enntittledd byy opperaatioon oof llaw or othherwwisee too a shaare or shaaress inn coonseequeencee off thhe ddeatth, inccomppeteencee orr baankrrup

49、ttcy of anyy meembeer mmay be reggisttereed aas aa meembeer uuponn suuch eviidennce beiing prooducced as mayy reeasoonabbly be reqquirred by thee booardd. AAn aappllicaatioon bby aany succh ppersson to be reggisttereed aas aa meembeer sshalll bbe ddeemmed to be a ttrannsfeer oof ssharres of thee dee

50、ceaasedd, iincoompeetennt oor bbankkruppt mmembber andd thhe bboarrd sshalll ttreaat iit aas ssuchh.因股股东死亡亡、丧失失行为能能力或破破产而依依法享有有股权的的人,经经出示证证据证明明并经董董事会认认可的,可以登登记为股股东。申申请登记记为股东东的前款款所及的的人,应应当被视视为死亡亡、丧失失行为能能力或破破产的股股东转让让其股权权的受让让人,董董事会应应对其同同等对待待。3.7.3Any perrsonn whho hhas beccomee enntittledd too a shaare

51、 or shaaress inn coonseequeencee off thhe ddeatth, inccomppeteencee orr baankrrupttcy of anyy meembeer mmay, innsteead of beiing reggisttereed hhimsselff, rrequuestt inn wrritiing thaat ssomee peersoon tto bbe nnameed bby hhim be reggisttereed aas tthe traansffereee oof ssuchh shharee orr shharees a

52、and succh rrequuestt shhalll liikewwisee bee trreatted as if it werre aa trranssferr. 因因股东死死亡、丧丧失行为为能力或或破产而而受让股股权的人人,可以以不登记记为股东东而书面面请求由由他任命命的其他他人登记记为上述述股权的的受让人人。该请请求可以以视为其其作为转转让人将将股权转转让给他他指定的的受让人人。3.7.4Whaat aamouuntss too inncommpettencce oon tthe parrt oof aa peersoon iis aa maatteer tto bbe ddete

53、ermiinedd byy thhe ccourrts havvingg reegarrd tto aall thee reelevvantt evvideencee annd tthe cirrcummstaancees oof tthe casse.股股东是否否丧失行行为能力力应由法法院根据据相关证证据和具具体情况况裁决。4.MEEETIINGSS OFF MEEMBEERS股股东大会会4.1MMeettinggs aand ressoluutioons in lieeu oof mmeettinggs股东东大会与与股东决决议4.1.1Thee booardd maay cconvvene

54、e meeetiingss off thhe mmembberss off thhe CComppanyy att suuch timmes andd inn suuch mannnerr annd pplacces witthinn orr ouutsiide thee Reepubblicc off Maauriitiuus aas tthe dirrecttorss coonsiiderr neecesssarry oor ddesiirabble.如果董董事希望望或认为为有必要要,董事事会可以以在一定定时间、以某种种方式,在毛里里求斯国国内外召召开公司司股东大大会。4.1.2A ree

55、sollutiion in wriitinng ssignned by nott leess thaan 775% of thee meembeers whoo woouldd bee enntittledd too voote on thaat rresooluttionn att a meeetinng oof mmembberss whho ttogeetheer hholdd noot llesss thhan 75% off thhe vvotees eentiitleed tto bbe ccastt onn thhat ressoluutioon, is as vallid as

56、 if it hadd beeen passsedd att a meeetinng oof tthosse mmembberss.由不低于于总表决决权755%的参参会的股东东,且由由不低于于75%的到会会的有表表决权的的股东共共同签署署的决议议,是有有效的,视为参参加股东东大会的的股东一一致通过过的决议议。For thee puurpoosess off Arrticcle 4.11.2, anny rresooluttionn maay cconssistt off onne oor mmoree siimillar doccumeentss inn siimillar forrm (in

57、ccluddingg leetteers, faacsiimilles, ellecttronnic maiil, or othher simmilaar mmeanns oof ccommmuniicattionns) eacch ssignned or asssentted to by or on behhalff off onne oor mmoree off thhe mmembberss sppeciifieed iin AArtiiclee 4.1.22.基于于第4.1.22条的规规定,股股东大会会的决议议可以由由一个或或多个形形式相同同的文件件组成(其形式式可以为为信件、传真、电

58、子邮邮件或其其他类似似联系方方式),每份文文件必须须由第4.11.2条条所指的的股东、或其同同意的代代表签字字或同意意。Wherre nno aannuual meeetinng oof mmembberss iss heeld, evveryythiing reqquirred to be donne aat tthe meeetinng bby rresooluttionn orr ottherrwisse, shaall be donne bby rresooluttionn inn acccorrdannce witth AArtiiclee 4.1.22 如果果不召开开年度股股东大会

59、会的,需要要通过股股东会决决定的各各个事项项,应根根据第44.1.2条的的规定进进行决议议。4.2PProcceduure at meeetinngs of memmberrs股东东大会程程序4.2.1Chaairppersson董董事会主主席4.2.1.11Wheere thee diirecctorrs hhavee ellectted a cchaiirpeersoon oof tthe boaard, annd tthe chaairppersson of thee booardd iss prreseent at a mmeettingg off meembeers, hee shh

60、alll chhairr thhe mmeettingg. 董董事被选选举为董董事会主主席的,该董事事会主席席应当出出席股东东大会,并主持持会议。 no chaairppersson of thee booardd haas bbeenn ellectted or if, att anny mmeettingg off meembeers, thhe cchaiirpeersoon oof tthe boaard is nott prreseent witthinn 155 miinuttes of thee tiime apppoinntedd foor t


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