1、油层物理英文版油层物理英文版 INTRODUCTION 引言 The purpose of studying petrophysics The content of petrophysics course Development and use of petrophysics Teaching plan References Teaching method INTRODUCTION 引言 The pu 学习油层物理学的目的目前的形势 建国50多年来,我国石油工业得到迅速的发展,年产量从解放前的8.9万吨,发展到近年来1.61.7亿吨,进入世界前四名的行列。但从1997年起我国已成石油净进口国;
2、进入21世纪以来,石油年进口量达几千万吨,成为世界第二大石油消费国。今后,随着我国经济和社会的发展,对油气资源的需求量还将增加。The purpose of studying petrophysics 学习油层物理学的目的目前的形势 建国5 学习油层物理学的目的目前形势对石油工业的要求1)寻找新的油气田,扩大油气后备储量;2)采用先进技术,最大限度地合理开发油气藏;3)提高现有油气田的油气采收率,增加油气产量;4)开展国际合作,参与开发国际油气资源;5)采取各种节能措施及可替代能源或新能源。The purpose of studying petrophysics 学习油层物理学的目的目前形势对
3、石油工业 The purpose of studying petrophysics. Introduction to petroleum engineering petroleum engineering is involved in the exploration and production activities of petroleum at the upstream end of the energy sector .The diverse topics covered by petroleum engineering are closely related to the earth
4、sciences. petroleum engineering topics include geology, geochemistry,geophysics,oil drilling,well logging,well completion,oil and gasproduction,reservoir development and pipeling. The purpose of studying pet The purpose of studying petrophysics The purpose of this course is to provide a basic unders
5、tanding of the physical properties of reservoir rock ,and their interactions with fluids and the distribution of pores of various sizes within the porous medium Procedures for the measurement of petrophysical properties are included as a necessary part of this course The purpose of studying pet The
6、content of petrophysics coursePART .Properties of Reservoir FluidPART .Properties of Reservoir RocksPART . Nature of Multiphase Flow in Reservoir Rocks The content of petrophysics Development and use of petrophysics In 1856, Darcy developed a general expression for fluid flow in porous media . In 19
7、27, Kozeney studied fluid flow in rocks and rock properties .He obtained a relationship between permeability, porosity,and surface area. In 1936, Hassler discussed procedures and apparatus for the determination of multiphase flow properties in rock. Development and use of pet Development and use of
8、petrophysics Since 1960, with the advent of efforts to improve ultimate recovery , research on the displacement mechanisms of chemical solutions, residual oil ,measurement of residual oil saturation, phase relationship of multiple fluids in porous media,and other complex characteristics of fluid beh
9、avior in rocks have become the new areas of petrophysical reserch. Development and use of peDevelopment and use of petrophysics1949年美国人麦斯凯特著1956年卡佳霍夫上世纪50年代我国由苏联专家首次开设我国油层物理领域的杰出人物:罗蛰潭 洪世铎 张博全 王允诚 沈平平 何更生 扬普华 孙良田Development and use of petrop Teaching planPART .Properties of Formation Fluid 16 class
10、hoursPART .Properties of Reservoir Rocks 14 class hoursPART . Nature of Multiphase Flow in Reservoir Rocks 20 class hoursPART . Experiment 10 class hours Teaching planPART .Pr References1 Thomas C.Frick,“ Petroleum Production Handbook”, New York,1962.2 Djebbar Tiab and Erle Donaldson“Petrophysics”,
11、Houston,TX.19963 Sylvain J. Pirson “Oil Reservoir Engineering”, New York 19584 E. B Coalson , “ Applied petrophysics in Exploration and Exploitation”,1987 References1 Thomas C.Fri References油藏物理基础 洪世铎编油层物理 罗蛰谭编油层物理 何更生编油层物理 张博全编石油流体性质 威廉.麦凯恩编 Relative Permeability of Reservoir 霍纳波编 References油藏物理基 1
12、. Gas Properties PART .Properties of Formation Fluid2. Properties of Crude Oils 3. Properties of Formation Waters4. Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Compounds 1. Gas Properties PART .Properties of Reservoir Rocks 1.Mineral constituents and grain size distribution of rock 2. Porosity of Reservoir Rocks
13、3. Permeability of Reservoir Rock 4. Fluid Saturation 5. Other Properties of Reservoir Rocks PART .Properties of Reser New Words reservoir 油 藏sandstone 砂 岩void space 孔隙空间pore space 孔隙空间sedimentary rock 沉积岩 cementation 胶 结compaction 压实constitution 结构 bulk volume 表观体积 pore volume 孔隙体积sieve 筛 子granulom
14、etric composition 粒度组成core sample 岩心样品viscosity 粘 度 New Words rese 2.1 Mineral constitution and granulometric composition of sandston rock1. Mineral Constitution of sandston rock sandston rocks are composed of matterials from two different sources: (1) sand grains , (2)cementing agents.(1) sand grai
15、ns 砂粒(2)cementing agents 胶结物sandston rocks砂岩的矿物结构和粒度组成 2.1 Mineral constituti The Constitution of SandstoneSandstone is formed fromgrains that have undergone sedimentation,compactionand cementation.Cementing materialporegrainThe Constitution of Sandstonepore space is the spacethat is not filled by c
16、ementing material. The Constitution of Sandst 2. granulometric composition of sandston rock砂岩的粒度组成Definition 定义: the percentage of grain weight in different size range of the total grain weight of a rock. . 不同粒径范围颗粒的重量占岩石颗粒总重量的百分比。 2. granulometric compositio 粒度组成的确定 常用的砂岩粒度组成分析方法有: A、sieve analysis
17、 method 筛析法(D0.05mm) B、 sedimentation method 沉降法 (0.0015D0.05mm) 2) Measurment of grain size distribution 粒度A、 sieve analysis method (D0.05mm) the testing procedure: Vibrating sieve, then weighting the grains on different sieve. hole size is expressed in mm or hole number per inch long. Vibration ma
18、chineA、 sieve analysis method (D0.advantage:simple,accurate。defect:The method is suitable for grains that size is larger than 0.05mmadvantage:simple,accurate。defeB grain diameterliquid densityviscosityvelocitySedimentation methodgrain density The equation is beased on the balance of forces that grai
19、n is beared in liquid.Bgrain liquid densityviscosity测定原理:沉积物在水中沉积时,按粗细不同,先后沉降的原理。 该方法的应用范围:1) 颗粒为球型;2) 在粘性和不可压缩液体内,下降速度很慢.3) 在运动时不受壁和底的影响;4) 匀速下降;5) 颗粒坚硬光滑;没有相对滑动。测定原理:该方法的应用范围:1) 颗粒为球型;2) 在粘性和c. thin-section analysis Using microscope to test grain size Solidifying the liquid in pore spacec. thin-se
20、ction analysis Using3)Expreesion of grain size distribution : A、exprees in table B、 exprees in figure Core numberD(mm)0.42-0.297 0.297-0.210 0.210-0.149 0.149-0.074 0.074-0.05 0.05-0.01 4.5 分选差4)grain size distribution para5)、average grading 平均粒度: A、d50 B、dm 5)、average grading 平均粒度: 2. Specific surf
21、ace of sandston rock 砂岩的比面 The ratio of the total internal surface area of pores in a rock to the bulk volume of that rock. the surface area of the pores per unit bulk volume 单位体积的岩石内岩石骨架的总表面积或单位体积岩石内孔隙总内表面积。1)Definition定义: unit:cm2/cm3 2. Specific surface of san 粗砂岩(10.5mm)2300cm2/cm3 可以看出:砂岩的比面是很大
22、的,而且它的大小,对流体在岩石孔隙中的流动具有明显的影响,如表面现象、吸附、流动阻力等.这也是油田为何采收率总不是很高的原因所在. 粗砂岩(10.5mm)0.5毛细管孔隙0.50.0002微毛细管孔隙 11000Very good10.11000100good0.10.0110010middle0.010.001101fair 0.001 11000Very good10.11000100good0.10.0110010middle0.010.001101fair 0.001 1Non-permeable6 Graduation of formation in 7 FACTORS AFFECT
23、ING THE MAGNITUDE OF PERMEABILITY(a) Shape and size of sand grains (b) Grain packing and Cementation (c) Fracturing and solution (d) Pore Size and Connectivity (e) Compaction7 FACTORS AFFECTING THE MAGNI8 Determination of permeability1) The experimental laboratory determinationsA . determinations on
24、 small samples of extracted media Apparatus for measuring of permeability with liquid8 Determination of permeabiliApparatus for measuring of permeability with gasApparatus for measuring of perVertical pipe flowmeter methodVertical pipe flowmeter method B . determinations on full-diameter core sample
25、s 2)calculating permeability by pore radius and porositytortuosity of the porous medium B . determinations on full3) Estimating permeability by log dateHere: a.b.c are constants, characteristics of the fluid and the porous medium 3) Estimating permeability by 9 Flow Systems of Simple GeometryHorizon
26、tal Flow. (水平直线流) Horizontal rectilinear(直线的)steady-state flow is common to virtually all measurements of permeability. 9 Flow Systems of Simple Radial Flow.(径向流) A radial-flow system, analogous(相似的) to flow into a wellbore , is idealized in Fig. re the radius at which Pe is measured ; rw the radius
27、 at which Pw is measured. Radial Flow.(径向流) 1). Consider the case where the flow system is comprised of layers of porous rock separated from each other by infinitely thin impermeable barriers as shown in Fig. Parallel combination10 Average permeability of combinationlayersLinear flow直线流并联组合1). Consi
28、der the case where th Radial flow Qt = Q1+ Q2 + Q3ht = h1 + h2 + h3 Radial flow Qt = Q1+ Q2 + Q3h2) Another possible combination for flow systems is to have the beds of different permeability to be arranged in series as shown in Fig. series combination串联组合Qt = Q1= Q2 = Q3Linear flowP1- P2 = P1+P2+P3
29、2) Another possible combinatioRadial flowRadial flow- series combinationP1- P2 = P1+P2+P3Qt = Q1= Q2 = Q3Radial flowRadial flow- seriesBundle of capillary tubes pack毛细管束模型10 The relationship of permeability and other property of rock Fig. parallel bundle of capillary tubes pack Bundle of capillary t
30、ubes packConsider a system comprised of a bundle of capillary tubes of the same radius and length;The equation for flow of fluids in circular conduits:流体在圆管中的流动公式qthe volume rate of flow, cm3/s fluid viscosity, mPa.s(P1-P2)pressure loss over length L,ro radius of capillary tube , cm, Poiseuilles equ
31、ationConsider a system comprised of2)The relationship of permeability and pore radius If the fluid-conducting channels in a porous medium could be represented by a bundle of parallel capillary tubes of same diameters, then the flow rate through this system is:nnumber of capillary tubes per unit cros
32、s-sectional arearradius of capillary tubeA total cross-sectional area 2)The relationship of permeabi From Darcys law it is also known that :Equating Darcys and Poiseuilles equation: (1) From Darcys law it is also kBy definition, the porosity is (2)Therefore:(3)By definition, the porosity is3)The rel
33、ationship of permeability and specific surface surface area S is the total area exposed within the pore space per unit of bulk volume .3)The relationship of permeabiLet Sp be the internal surface area per unit of pore volume ,Ss be the total area exposed within the pore space per unit of grain volum
34、e Let Sp be the internal surfaceGaocaini-EquationGaocaini-EquationPART .Properties of Reservoir FluidGas PropertiesProperties of Crude OilProperties of Formation Waters (a brief account)Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbon Compounds PART .Gas PropertiesOriginal Pressure and temperature are high. Transform
35、laws of reservoir fluid is changing with pressure and temperature.Exploration and exploitation are in different stagesIn the course of developmentPART .Properties of Reservoir FluidOriginal Pressure and temperatPART .Properties of Reservoir Fluid Crude oil is in the state of high temperature and hig
36、h pressure with much associated gas and formation water. It has great differences with stock tank oil. The property of porous medium rock determines the distribution and flow pattern of oil, gas and water in reservoir rocks to a large extent. The physical and chemical properties of formation fluid (
37、oil, gas and water) also affect its performance. The distribution and variation rules of oil, gas and water in reservoir are the physical basis and important issues of oilfield development.PART .Properties of Reservoir1.1 Chemical Composition of Crude Oil1.2 Physical Property of Crude Oil 1.3 Classi
38、fication of Crude Oil 1.4 Chemical Composition of Nature Gas1.5 Classification of Reservoir Chapter 1 Chemical Composition and Physical Property of Reservoir Fluid1.1 Chemical Composition of C1.1 Chemical Composition of Crude Oil Crude oil is defined as “a mixture of hydrocarbons that existed in the
39、 liquid phase in natural underground reservoirs and remains liquid at atmospheric pressure after passing through surface separating facilities” (joint API, AAPG, and SPE). 1.1 Chemical Composition of C1.1 Chemical Composition of Crude Oil链烷烃环烷烃芳香烃含氧含硫含氮1.1 Chemical Composition of C In term of elemen
40、tal chemistry, oil consists largely of carbon and hydrogen with minor amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Oil also contains traces of vanadium(钒), nickel(镍), and other rare elements. Although the elemental composition of oils is relatively straightforward, they may be an immense number of molec
41、ular compounds. No two oils are identical either in the compounds contained or in the various proportions present. However, certain compositional trends are related to the age, depth, source, and geographical location of the oil. In term of elemental chemi油层物理英文版油层物理英文版 1.2 Physical Property of Crud
42、e Oil 1、ColorBlackBrightIn appearance, crude oils vary from yellow, green and brown, to dark brown and black in color. The physical and chemical properties of crude oils vary considerably and are dependent on the concentration of the various types of hydrocarbons and minor constituents present 1.2 P
43、hysical Property of 1.2 Physical Property of Crude Oil 2、Density and specific gravity The crude oil density is defined as the mass of a unit volume of the crude at a specified pressure and temperature. lb/ft3 in English unitIn international standardkg/m3 1.2 Physical Property of Crud1.2 Physical Pro
44、perty of Crude Oil 2、Density and specific gravity The specific gravity of a crude oil is defined as the ratio of the density of the oil to that of water. Both densities are measured at 60oF and atmospheric pressure o = specific gravity of the oilo = density of the crude oil, lb/ft3w = density of the
45、 water, lb/ft3dimensionless 1.2 Physical Property of Crud2、Density and specific gravity The API gravity is the preferred gravity scale. usually range from 47o API for the lighter crude oils to 10o API for the heavier asphaltic crude oils. 2、Density and specific gravityThe solidifying point of crude
46、oil is defined as the critical temperature in which the oil becomes cool from the state of flowing to immobilizing. It is affected by the content of wax, asphalt, colloid, light oil. 原油的凝固点是指原油冷却由流动态到失去流动性的临界温度点,它与原油中的含蜡量、沥青胶质含量及轻质油含量等有关。3、Solidifying pointThe solidifying point of crudeThe viscosity
47、, in general, is defined as the internal resistance of the fluid to flow. 4、Crude oil viscosity Crude oil viscosity is an important physical property that controls and influences the flow of oil through porous media and pipes. unit:Pa.sThe viscosity, in general, is 1、Based on sulfur content (硫含量) (1
48、)low sulfur oilsulfur content is 0.5 below; (2)sulfur crude (skunk oil)between 0.5% and 2.0% (3)high sulfur crude oil 2.0% above2、 Based on the content of colloid- asphaltene (胶质沥青质含量) (1) low colloid oilcolloid- asphaltene 8 below; (2) colloid oilbetween 8% and 25; (3) high colloid oil25 above1.3 C
49、lassification of Crude oil 1.3.1 According to properties of tank oil1、Based on sulfur content (硫含量3、Based on paraffin content (1)low paraffin oil :paraffin content is 1 below; (2) paraffin oil :between 1 and 2 (3)high paraffin oil :2 above (大庆原油)4、on the key component (1)condensate oil(凝析油) o 0.93g/
50、cm3(20)3、Based on paraffin content5、Based on the specific gravity of stock tank oil (1)light oil 轻质油:o0.855 (2)medium oil 中质油: 0.855 o0.934 (3)heavy oil 重质油: o0.9345、Based on the specific gravit 1.3.2 According to formation crude oil 地层原油分类 1、Based on the oil viscosity:(1)low viscosity oil: (2)mediu
51、m viscosity oil: (3)high viscosity oil: (4)viscous crude(heavy oil): (general、extra、super heavy oil) (普通稠油、特稠油、超稠油)Both viscosities are measured in the formation state 1.3.2 According to forma 2、Based on the phase state: (1) condensate oil 凝析油:vapor phase in the formation state, it condenses when th
52、e pressure is decreased, usually specific gravity is less than 0.82 (2) volatile oil 挥发油:liquid phase in the formation state, near critical point, high volatile and high shrinkage。 Rs:2101200m3/m3,o1.75 (3)high pour point crude 高凝油:high wax content light oil, solidifying point is more than 40 2、Base
53、d on the phase state Natural gas , petroleum gas hydrocarbon, is a mixture of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon gases methanes, ethanes, propanes, butanes, pentanes, and small amounts of hexanes and heavier. C1 mole% 7098, C2 mole%20%时误差3%) 5、Adjust the z-factor 天然气压缩因(2) CO2的影响 (4%时误差5%) 如果天然气中同时含有CO
54、2和N2时(3) H2S的影响(2) CO2的影响 (4%时误差5%)油层物理英文版1、Conception: The volume factor is defined as the actual volume occupied by a certain amount of gas at a specified pressure and temperature (P、T), divided by the volume occupied by the same amount of gas at standard conditions (20,0.1MPa). 一定量的天然气在油气层条件(某一P、
55、T)下的体积V与其在地面标准状态下(20,0.1MPa)所占体积Vsc之比。 Unit: m3/m3 , ft3/scf Bg3MPa)下天然气粘度的求法 (1) 根据天然气的组成求出天然气的比重,并根据所得比重(查图)求出天然气在一个大气压情况下的粘度 . 2、高压(3MPa)下天然气粘度的求法2、高压(3MPa)下天然气粘度的求法 (2) 根据天然气的组成求天然气的临界压力和临界温度. (3) 求天然气的对比压力和对比温度. (4) 查图得 (5) 2、高压(3MPa)下天然气粘度的求法习 题油层物理习题集:10 已知某气井井深4554米,地层压力为54.414MPa,地面平均温度为17.
56、1,地温梯度为1 /50m,天然气的压缩因子为1.148,比重为0.574,求天然气的地下密度12 某油田气的组成如下表:某天然气的组成、分子量及临界参数油层温度为32 ,油层压力为8.3MPa,(1)求出气体的压缩因子;(2)求出气体的体积系数;(3)若油井日产气10000m3(标态下),它在地下所占的体积为多少;(4)计算该气体的压缩系数;(5)计算该气体的粘度;组分yiMiPci(MPa)Tci(K)CH40.90216.04.54190.6C2H60.04530.14.82305.4C3H80.03144.14.19369.8nC4H100.02158.13.75425.2习 题油层物
57、理习题集:组分yiMiPci(MPa)Tci( 第四节 湿天然气和天然气水合物 4.1 天然气的含水量 由于天然气在地下长期与地层水接触,天然气或多或少会溶解在水中,同时一部分水蒸汽进入天然气中。 1、绝对湿度每1m3的湿天然气所含水蒸汽的质量称为绝对湿度,其关系式如下: (266)式中:X绝对湿度,kg/m3; W 水蒸汽的质量,kg; V湿天然气的体积,m3; Psw水蒸汽的分压,Pa; T湿天然气的绝对温度,K; Rw水蒸汽的气体常数,。 第四节 湿天然气和天然气水合物 4.1 天然气的含水量 2、相对湿度 在同样的温度下,绝对湿度与饱和绝对湿度之比,称为相对湿度: (268)绝对干燥的
58、天然气, , 则 ;当湿天然气达到饱和时 则 , 对一般湿天然气有: 。3、天然气含水量的确定方法在实践中广泛应用实验曲线方法计算天然气中含水蒸汽量。这里简要介绍。Mcketta和Wehe于1958年根据实测资料研制出计算天然气中含水量相关图(图213)。该图表示不同温度和压力下天然气的饱和含水蒸汽量图,又称天然气的露点图。 2、相对湿度 油层物理英文版二、 天然气水合物 1、什么是水合物 在一定温度、压力条件下,天然气能够与水结合,形成结晶状水化物(或称水合物)。 天然气水合物是由水和低分子量烃或非烃组分所形成的结晶状笼形化合物,其中水分子借助氢键形成主体结晶网络,晶格中孔穴内充满轻烃或非烃
59、气体分子。 依据与水相接触的气体分子的大小与形状,水分子形成一定结构的构架,而其孔穴填满的程度取决于体系的温度和压力。二、 天然气水合物 油层物理英文版2、石油工业中研究水合物有三个方面的工程意义:(1)水合物作为一种资源,可能储存在一定条件的地层中,(2)天然气开采过程中,井筒或气嘴后出现的水合物,对天然气流动有重要影响,(3)在地面上,气态的天然气可转化为水合物状态,从而实现高效的储运。 油层物理英文版(1)、水合物的形成与天然气水合物资源 由于储层内部含有地层水,因而一般认为在地层条件下,处于气相的烃类气体混合物实际上是被水蒸汽所饱和。但在一定温度、压力下,天然气会与水相互作用而形成水合
60、物。水合物为固体结晶物,像雪或冰,密度为0.880.90gcm3,一般而言,1m3气体水合物中含有0.9m3的水和70240m3(标)的气,含气量的多少取决于气体的组成。 几种气体形成水合物的条件见图214。由图可以看出,为了形成气体水合物,必须具备一定的温度、压力。 (1)、水合物的形成与天然气水合物资源 (2)、天然气开采过程中,防止井筒出现水合物 在天然气从地层向地面流动过程中,压力和温度都会降低,特别当气体通过油嘴或针形阀时,因节流而降压,气体发生膨胀,温度大大降低,为天然气中所含水蒸汽形成水合物创造了条件。一旦水合物形成,就会堵塞管线,使气流受阻或中断(停产),影响正常生产。 天然气
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