1、公司的财务发展分析公司的财务发展分析一、Background二、Financial Analysis and Company Status三、Toyota Production System四、Business StrategyTOYOTA一、BackgroundTOYOTACompany History and OverviewLook back at the history of Toyota Motor Company (TMC), it was set up in 1937 by Kiichiro which was as a sector from Toyota Industries
2、. In 1936, the first product AA sedan is completed. After about two decades, the company launched their main product Crown and Crown Deluxe and first export to the United States in 1957.In 1984, Toyota joint venture with General Motors and begin produce their cars in the USA.In 2009, it became the w
3、orlds largest car-maker , based on sales and number of automobiles produced, for the very first time. Company History and OverviewLo1.the start of internationalization of Toyota (19331956年) learn, imitate and create 学习模仿、自主创新adjust measures to local conditions 因地制宜、因时而动separation of production and s
4、ales 产销分离、全新经营The development of TOYOTA1.the start of internationaliz2.the second step of internationalization of Toyota(19561981年) marketing and advertising 市场重拓、广告营销Toyotas global distribution network 海外布局、经销网络Toyota crown retreat, corolla attack 皇冠退守、花冠进攻R&D and quality management 研发创新、质量管理The de
5、velopment of TOYOTA2.the second step of internati3.The development of Internationalization of Toyota(19822001年) marketing strategy 全球布局、海外生产organization strategy 产销合并、控股同行product strategy 研制新品、高端突破The development of TOYOTAThe development of TOYOTA4.Toyotas global operations(2002现在) Toyota mend strat
6、egy in China 中国设厂、本地生产global R&D, production and sales 全球研发、生产和销售environmental and security 环保与安全 The development of TOYOTA4.Toyotas global operationsTh2007.147万日本脉冲与油管系统存有缺陷2007.1121.5万日本燃油管泄露隐患2007.1215.6万美国后驱动轴的接头不当热处理2008.454万美国电动车窗螺丝可能松动2008.59万美国安全带问题2008.947万日本燃油系统和转向系统存在问题2008.98万中国手动变速器存在问题
7、2008.1212.2万一汽丰田电动转向机处理不当2009.426广汽丰田刹车缺陷the beginning of recalling2007.147万日本脉冲与油管系统存有缺陷2007.112公司的财务发展分析The reason of recallingSince 1995,the new president put foeaward the target that to occupy 10% of the global auto market, and by 2010,to got 15% market share,the same as General motors co.To ach
8、ieve this incredible target,the speed was their only focus at that time.As a result,from 2005 to 2009,when Toyota expand rapidly,it is also the time that Toyota fluently recalled their cars,which give all the customers worldwide a bad effet and also make its reliability drop from the first to the th
9、ird according to the Ameiican Consumer Reports.The reason of recallingSince 1日本国内外产量对比分析日本国内外销售量对比分析日本国内外产量对比分析日本国内外销售量对比分析Toyota Motor Company (TMC) has been access to more than 180 different countries and regions in the world and it mainly pay attention on Europe, North America and Asia markets. T
10、he headquarters is located in Toyota city in Japan and has about 340 thousands employees in the world. In 2008, Toyota motor Company has became the worlds top car-maker.Toyota Motor Company (TMC) hasToyota Supply Chain ManagementToyota are not strive to squeeze suppliers profit margins, but with all
11、 partners to find opportunities to reduce cost, take reduction measures in the whole production process. It also allows suppliers at least to retain some of the remaining profits within a certain time. In this way, the suppliers incentive goal maintains the same with Toyotas. All companies in supply
12、 chain have the opportunity to profit from the collaboration.Toyota Supply Chain ManagementadvantagesFirstly,increase forecasters efficiency. 高预报的效率Secondly,improve communication among supply chain divisions. 提高供应链部门之间的沟通Thirdly,reduce inventory shortages and overages. 减少库存短缺和过剩 advantagesFirstly,in
13、crease forToyota spent a lot of time in the assessment of many potential suppliers to consider many other factors besides the price. After assessment, Toyota establish long-term supply agreement with key components suppliers. This does not mean that suppliers can sit back and relax. On the contrary,
14、 Toyota continue to evaluate each suppliers performance in many dimensions, including quality, reliability, creative proposal, collaboration with other suppliers, of course, but also costs.Toyota spent a lot of time in Also set up a 30% reduction requirement at the cost of the whole supply chain .To
15、yotas production experts and manufacturers cooperate to find ways to achieve objectives. Once reached, they begin to profit sharing; suppliers reserve half of the profits, while sets up a new level of cost reduction as the the goal of next stage . If performance can not be achieved, Toyota will allo
16、cate larger purchase amount to the competitive suppliers at the end of the contract. Ultimately, achieve the goal of rewarding the good and punishing the bad.Also set up a 30% reduction re一、Background二、Financial Analysis and Company Status三、Toyota Production System四、Business StrategyTOYOTA一、Backgrou
17、ndTOYOTAThe Analysis of TOYOTAs Financial ReportandCompany StatusThe Analysis of TOYOTAs FinanThe Overall Review for fiscal 2012On a consolidated basis for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2012, year-on-year vehicle sales improved 44 thousand units to 7.352 million units. However, net revenues decrea
18、sed 2.2% to 18,583.6 billion, operating income decreased112.6 billion to 355.6 billion, and net income decreased 124.6 billion to 283.5 billion.The Overall Review for fiscal The Overall Review(contin)Factors to decrease in operating income: exchange rate fluctuations expenses increasing other factor
19、sFactors to increase in operating income: marketing efforts continuous cost-reduction effortsThe Overall Review(contin)FactThe Overall Review(contin)The business environment in fiscal 2012 was extremely challenging due to losses in production following the Japan earthquake and the Thailand floods, i
20、n addition to yen appreciation. Nevertheless, achieving operating income of 355.6 billion thanks to the concerted efforts of employees, suppliers and dealers to recover production and sales.The Overall Review(contin)The 公司的财务发展分析公司的财务发展分析公司的财务发展分析Contents of the AnalysisSolvency (企业的偿债能力)Operational
21、 Capacity of Corporate Assets (企业资产的营运能力)Corporate Profitability (企业的盈利能力)Contents of the AnalysisSolvenSolvency(short term)20112012Current assets11,829,75512,321,189Current liabilities10,790,99011,781,574Working capital1,038,765539,615Working Capital(营运资本)From the chart, we can see the working capi
22、tal has been decreased. It is to say that Solvency largely declined.Current ratio(流动比率)20112012Variation Current assets11,829,75512,321,189491,434Current liabilities10,790,99011,781,574990,584Current ratio1.101.05-0.05Although the ratio decreased, it has exceeded the standard 1%.Solvency(short term)
23、20112012CuSolvency(long term)20112012Variation Total assets29,818,16630,650,965832,799Total liabilities18,898,14219,584,487686,336Debt Asset Ratio 1.581.57-0.01Debt to Total Asset Ratio (资产负债比率)The chart tells us that the ratio decreased 0.01 over the previous year, and the companys long term solven
24、cy was slightly increasing. In the whole, it shows a steady trend.Solvency(long term)20112012VarOperational Capacity of Corporate Assets0.6120112012VariationNet revenue18,993,68818,583,653-410,035Total assets29,818,16630,650,965832,799Ratio0.640.61-0.03Asset Turnover(总资产周转率)The ratio decreasing show
25、s that the sales abilities of TOYOTA became a little weak.Operational Capacity of CorporCorporate Profitability20112012VariationNet income465,485348,302-117,183Net sales17,820,52017,511,916-308,604Ratio0.030.050.02Profit margin on salesAlthough there is little variation about the profit margin on sa
26、les, the chart tells us the advantage of making profits for TOYOTA. Corporate Profitability2011201Company StatusIn Sales In recent years, car sales of Toyota ranked second in the world, net profits have been more than 100 hundred million dollars for 5 years, and higher than competitors. Company Stat
27、usIn SalesCompany StatusIn Sales The following table for TOYOTA had been established about the global production performance from 1936.Company StatusIn SalesCompany Status The table 2 for TOYOTAs sales performance for years. As the data in the table shows, TOYOTAs production and sales continue to gr
28、ow each year . Company Status The table 2 forCompany StatusIn Finance Because of its huge cash TOYOTA is called “TOYOTA Banks”. Though it is a car manufacturing industry, but its capital operation ability and financial management skills can be comparable with the financial enterprises, the ability f
29、or TOYOTA to build the stable cash flow and abundant capital support. Company StatusIn FinanceCompany StatusIn Finance TOYOTAs “Out of Debt Management Approach 1. increase internal retained 2. increasing the utilization rate of funds 3. control of bank loans 4. government supportCompany StatusIn Fin
30、anceCompany StatusFrom below capital formation of the Toyota company can clearly see that is the most important part of the assets of the company has its own capital, loans and corporate bonds has been zero. From 2007 to 2010 by the Toyota company balance sheet, we can see that the companys total as
31、sets have obvious increasing trend, the owners equity is gradually increasing. Company StatusFrom below capit一、Background二、Financial Analysis and Company Status三、Toyota Production System四、Business StrategyTOYOTA一、BackgroundTOYOTATPS is always regarded as the source of the core competitive power and
32、high efficiency of Toyota motor corporation. The headquarter of Toyota in Japan is visited by thousands of companies supervisors everyday. TPS is always regarded as the The representative is the motor production plant in Kentucky , USA. The production activities began from July ,1988, the annual pro
33、duction capacity is 200000, equal to the amount of the same type of cars being imported from Japan every year. The representative is the motoThe origins of TPSThe inspiration of TPS comes from the United States, rather than from their own cars production process. Actually ,they got the inspiration f
34、rom a supermarket called Piggly Wiggly in America ,that is to lower the inventory.The origins of TPSThe inspiratToyota Production System was established based on two concepts Toyota Production System was eCoal : highest quality , lowest cost and shortest lead timeWaste of over production Waste of ti
35、me on hand (waiting) Waste of transportation Waste of processing itself Waste of stock at hand Waste of movement Waste of making defective productsCoal : highest quality , lowesThe underlying principle is called the Toyota Way Continuous ImprovementRespect for PeopleLong-term philosophyThe right pro
36、cess will produce the right resultsAdd value to the organization by developing your people and partnersContinuously solving root problems drives organizational learning The underlying principle is caContinuous ImprovementForm a long-term vision to meet challenges with courage and creativityImprove b
37、usiness operations continuously, always driving for innovation and evolutionGo to the source to find the facts to make correct decisionsContinuous ImprovementForm a lRight process produce right results Create continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface.Use the pull system to avoid overp
38、roduction.Level out the workloadStop to fix problems, to get quality right from the first.Standardized tasks are the foundation.Use visual control.Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technologyRight process produce right reContinuously solving root problems Go and see for yourself to thoroughly und
39、erstand the situationMake decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all optionsBecome a learning organization through relentless and continuous improvementContinuously solving root prob一、Background二、Financial Analysis and Company Status三、Toyota Production System四、Business StrategyTOYOTA一
40、、BackgroundTOYOTACompeting products of ToyotaTheres FAW Toyato Vios,Corolla,Prius,Crown and other products.Through its analysis of compititive products,can be identified in the market.FAW Toyotas main copetitions are:Guangzhou Honda/Dongfeng Nissan/.ect.Competing products of ToyotaThThe target cost
41、systemManufacturing capability developmentSatisfying new requirements with new network capabilities and configurationsTPSGlobal competitive advantagesSatisfying new requirements wiTPS(Toyota Production System)In order to reduce costs:-focusing on the pursuit of cost reduction and through completely
42、excluded from the process in the course of the production,uniform,recovery processes to reduce unnecessary costs.Thereby the profit can be increased.TPS(Toyota Production System)IThe target cost systemThrough value engineering analysis it can ensure that product attractive enough from price performa
43、nce ratio.Cut down all the useless costs through the cost table.The target cost systemGlobal competitive advantagesBrand effectTOYOTA is committed to developing their own competitive advantage.Unique advantage sloganWhere there is a road,there is a Toyota car 车到山前必有路,有路必有丰田车Global competitive advant
44、agesManufacturing capability developmentTOYOTA has a number of technology patents.Continuous research and development of low fuel consumption, green environmentally friendly automotive systems.Cooperation in a number of international sporting events.Manufacturing capability develWork center of gravi
45、ty customerToyota drove the automobile to drive the school, and the matching facilities consummated (shower dressing room, nursery, coffeeroom, and has constructed automobile play-ground for children), at that time Toyotas registered capital only then 1,000,000,000 Japanese Yen, they for this reason
46、 invested 400,000,000. Stepping in soccer domain, expanded influence. The Toyota cup, is the set various continents most outstanding club holds a competition in Japan, the player of the year can also obtain Toyota luxury car one. Therefore, Toyota has left behind profound impression for world soccer
47、 fan Work center of gravity custoSets up the good brandOpens the Toyota education prize to help the fund.Sets up the environmental protection image, the research and development environmental protection product. Participation solves each public welfare problem, particularly in transportation questio
48、n. Sets up the good brandOpens thStepping in finance serviceHas established the Toyota financial service company Establishes the Toyota financial service negotiable securities company Establishment joint insurance company Stepping in finance serviceHasBiological enterpriseThe construction “the Toyot
49、a forest”, the research attracts the exhaust trees Establishment “biology and affroestation department”Toyota in order to realize the automobile manufacture and the diversified management perfect combinations, this has made the great contribution for its bearing capacity and business capacity. Biolo
50、gical enterpriseThe constDevelops the first-level equation automobile Purchase “Fuji high speed velodrome (FISCO) Cooperates with YamahaDevelopment high performance engineTrains the race driverParticipates in the world first-level equation automobile Participates in the world firsThe macro-scientifi
51、c policy-making needs to determine the science the goal. The scientific method is the macro-scientific policy-making method.The investigation and study, has the real information is the macro-scientific policy-making foundation.According to the decision-making procedure management is the macro-scientific policy-making need.The prompt feedback and the audit trail are the macro-scientific policy-ma
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