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1、高中英语综合知识整合(增分句型 高级词汇 倒装句)增分句型1.Knowing that/Hearing that/Having known that- 获悉,得知- When knowing/ hearing - 2. lam more than /extremely/excessively delighted /excited to- I take great pleasure in doing- 3. It occurs(occurred) to / hits(hit) / strikes(struck) sb that- 某人突然想起- It dawned on sb that- 某人突

2、然意识到,明白- 4.When It comes to- 当谈到- Whenever It comes to- 每当谈到- 5. As the saying goes, -. 正如谚语所说- It goes without saying that-不言而喻,无须说- As is turned out,- 一事实证明 As is known to us all,- 众所周知- 6.It is obvious/apparent/clear that- -显而易见7.It is universally acknowledged that- 全世界都知道大家公认的是- 8 Its ones duty

3、responsibility to do- 做-是某人的责任9. We cannot/never emphasize the importance of (doing sth) sth too much.We can never attach too much importance to doing sth再怎么强调的重要性也不过。10There is no denying that 主语谓语不可否认的.There is no doubt that 从句Undoubtedly,主句 毫无疑问的. 11An advantage ofis that句子 的优点是. 12The reason why

4、句子 is that句子 的原因是 13The形容词比较级-,the形容词比较级- 愈愈.14It is time thatS过去式(该是的时候了)例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了。15倒装句:(1)/50形容词be主语that句子(如此以致于)(倒装句)eg: So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它。 So

5、 ashamed was she that she lowered her head with her face burning. (2)Not only(放句首,用部分倒装)-but also-eg: Not only can students improve their writing ability in this way, but (also) they can strengthen their self-confidence. Undoubtedly, not only can they broaden their horizons as well as acquire a good

6、 knowledge of green life, but enrich the school life through this visit. (3)Only when 从句-Only介词短语-,主句(倒装)eg:Only when we adopt appropriate/ right approaches to preserving eyesight, such as doing eye exercises regularly and adjusting light arrangements when reading, can we have good sight to enjoy ou

7、r life. Only by our joint efforts can we make a great difference to our society.Do bear in mind that only with a healthy body can we live an energetic and colorful life !(4) adjadv不带冠词的名词Vas主语-,主句。尽管-,但是-eg: Cold and tired as we were, the kids enjoyable and happy faces cheered us up.Busy as we are,

8、we should arrange our time reasonably and set aside adequate time for daily exercise.虽然我们很忙,但我们应该合理安排时间,留出足够的时间进行日常锻炼。(5)Not until时间状语从句,主句(部分倒装)eg: Not until then did she realize that we cant judge a book by its cover. 16. Words cant express/ describe how I - 语言无法表达描述-17with 宾语 adjadv介词短语分词等结构eg:De

9、sperate and hopeless,Janet knelt down, with tears of regret streaming down her cheeks. With Mrs Lims words echoing in his mind, Jonah plucked up the courage 18强调句型:Itiswas被强调的部分thatwhowhom其他部分,其中who、whom用于对人的强调,that 适用于各种情况。eg: It is you who, despite the lack of equipment and the potential of Infect

10、ion, desperately rescue those infected but striving for life. It Is you who deserve all admiration and love. It was Mrs.Lims advice,or rather(更确切的说) Jonahs courage and open mind_helped him overcome his shyness. It was exactly a simple smile that could earn people a true friend shipand dispelled (驱散)

11、the Ionely cloud settled over his or her head. 19虚拟语气:(1) If sb had done-, sb would/wouldnt have done-eg:If you had followed the teachers advice, you would have passed the exam last week.(2) Without/But for sbs help/assistance, sb wouldnt have done- 要不是-,-就不会-eg: Without /But for your assistance, I

12、wouldnt have made so much progress.(3)If only- 要是-就好了 If only I had taken your advicel 20分词的应用: doinghaving done done-; whenwhile doingdone-eg: Hearing that he was admitted to Zhejlang University, Jim felt as if he were the happiest person on the planet, overjoyed and delighted. Considering the seri

13、ousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things ge worse.21独立主格结构:sbsth doingdoneeg: Time/Weather permitting, we will go camping together.22各种复合句:状语从句、名词性从句(主从、宾从、表从、同位语从句)、定语从句am firmly convinced that- / I hold the belief that- 我坚信我相信- It is widely believed that with our j

14、oint efforts, China will win the battle and make a quick recovery.There is no doubt that children there are badly in need of help. I hope what I will do will make a great difference to them. Whats worth mentioning is that students were also advised to clear up their plate or pack leftovers home. The

15、 campaign lasted a whole week, during which everyone of us watched a docurnentary about food waste. What | strongly recommend is_we all (should) take action to participate in the activity of recycling textbooks and contribute our own strength to save resources. 23Thanks to(多亏,幸亏) -, all my efforts p

16、ald off and finally l became-24Considering thatGlven that 句子, 考虑到,鉴于-.-25. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. Therefore, we should spare no effort to protect our environment. 26连接词 for one thing, for another, additionallybesides whats more furth

17、ermore, in other words, thereforeconsequentlyaccordinglyas a consequence, in conclusion 等。 倒装句1完全倒装表示地点、时间或方位的副词或介词短语 here,there, now, then, up, down, away,off, in,out,in the room,on the wall等置于句首,且主语为名词时。On the milestone were listed all of the cities in the empire and the distances to them.2部分倒装(1)

18、否定副词(never,neither,nor,hardly,litter,seldom,rarely等)或表示否定意义的介词短语(at notime, by no means, on no condition, in no case 等)置于句首时。 Never had I expected that a tiny white lie would inject such great power into others and change their life. 我从来没有想到一个小小的善意的谎言会给别人注入如此巨大的力量,改变他们的生活。Never will I forget the tim

19、ely encouragement and comfort you gave to me whenever I was faced with difficulties and the pride in your eyes when I achieved my goals. (2)only修饰介词短语、副词或状语从句,且置于句首时。Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours did they reach a decision.他们讨论了那 个问题几个小时之后才做出决定。Only when every one of us s

20、pare no effort to recycle the textbooks can we successfully construct a resource-conserving society!只有我们每个人都不遗余力地回收教科书,才能成功地建设一个资源节约型社会!(3)soneither助动词be动词情态动词主语 意为“也是如此也不”。Its your kindness that enlightens my life, so does your violin.(4)在 not onlybut(also)句型中,若not only置于句首时,需将 not only所在的句子部分倒装。No

21、t only can parents encourage children to learn painting from an early age, but also they can take children to appreciate world-famous paintings, which is beneficial to childrens overall development. Not only will I earn some money but I will also gain some social experience through it. (5)not until置

22、于句首时,主句需部分倒装。Not until recently did they encourage the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas. 直到近期,他们才鼓励在农村地区开展与旅游业有关的活动。Not until then did he realize the importance of being himself.(6)sothat和suchthat句式中,so或such及其所修饰的成分置于句首时,主句需部分倒装。So important is the competition that I cant

23、 afford absence from it. 竞赛如此重要,我不能缺席。As it turned out, so meaningful was the campaign_most participants wake up to the significance of saving food and practising economy on their daily basis.事实证明,这场运动意义非凡,以至于大多 数参与者都意识到了节约食物和日常节约的重要性。(7)adjadvv不带冠词的nas主语谓语-, 主句。 (尽管-)Strange as it might sound, his

24、idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.高级词汇from where l stand/as for me/as far as Im concerned/from my point of view/from my perspective / Its my belief that / in my opinion 参加attendparticipate inget involved ininvolve intake an active part inengage in知道;意识到be aware ofarouse ones awarene

25、ss of sth.be conscious of要求;呼吁call onappeal to(呼吁)想要;渴望long for doing sth.yearn for doing sth.be thirsty tothirst for doing stheager to do 有能力做;能够做be able to dobe capable of doing sth.have access tobe competent to do have the ability to do/be equipped with the ability to do 与相关be related tobe associ

26、atedconnected withbe linked to与相比compared withto by comparison with in contrast with in contrary to应该做(should do)be supposed toought to准备好做 make full preparations forlay a solid foundation forlay the groundwork for是.的原因;解释be responsible foraccount for导致(cause)contribute togive rise tolead toresult i

27、ntriggergenerate bring about获得(get)obtainattainachieveacquireget access togain earn拥有ownpossessbe equipped withboastcarry(承载)acquireattain把看做seeasregardasconsiderasviewastreataslook onas提高;增强improveenhancepromotestrengthenboost增长growincreaseadvanceexpanddevelop延长;使持久lengthenextend缩短;使变短shortenreducedecrease展示(表示;阐明show)demonstraterevealindicate认识到;领会到;仔细阅读comprehendmake outfigure outperceivecome to realize that培养(develop)cultivate


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