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1、 【知识点汇总】新译林版 必修一 Unit 1 Back to school【词汇短语】1. Realizing your potential (P2)发挥你的潜能potential n. 潜力;可能性 adj. 潜在的,可能的【搭配】show/have potential 有潜能have the potential to do sth 有做某事的潜能【例句】She has shown great potential as a singer.她表现出做歌手的巨大潜能。He has the potential to become a good football player.他具有成为一名优秀足

2、球运动员的潜质。【拓展】potentially adv. 潜在地,可能地【例句】Electricity is potentially dangerous.电有潜在的危险。2. The path before you leads to a world full of challenges. (P2)你们面前的路通向一个充满挑战的世界。challenge n. & vt. 挑战;质疑【搭配】face a challenge 面临挑战meet the challenge 迎接挑战take on/accept a challenge 接受挑战【例句】Traditional industries mus

3、t meet the challenge of the new technology.传统行业必须迎接新科技带来的挑战。We are facing a serious challenge.我们正面临着严峻的挑战。He accepted the challenge to swim across the river.他接受了游到河对岸的挑战。【拓展】challenging adj. 挑战性的challenger n. 挑战者【例句】It was challenging, but she also made it fun.这很有挑战性,但她也让它变得很有趣。The second challenger

4、 is a heavyweight.第二位挑战者是一名重量级选手。3. However, for those of you with a positive mind, opportunity lies in each challenge. (P2)不过,对你们当中思维积极的人来说,每一个挑战中都蕴藏着机遇。positive adj. 积极乐观的;良好的,正面的【搭配】be positive about 对积极乐观的on the positive side 从好的方面看【例句】She has a very positive attitude towards life.她对生活持有非常乐观的态度。

5、As a star, he has a positive influence on teenagers.作为明星,他对青少年的影响是正面的。Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life.要对自己的未来充满信心,继续过一种正常的生活。On the positive side, the waste of resources has been reduced.从好的方面看,资源的浪费减少了。【拓展】negative adj. 悲观的,消极的;否定的,拒绝的【例句】Try not to let negative t

6、houghts take over.尽量别受消极的想法左右。4. When you rise to the challenges, you will have the opportunity to acquire great knowledge and enjoy personal growth. (P2)在迎接挑战的时候,你们将有机会掌握大量的知识,并享受个人的成长。acquire vt. 获得,得到【例句】She has acquired a good knowledge of English after ten years of learning.通过十年的学习,她的英语已经掌握得很好了

7、。The couple acquired a new flat recently.那对夫妇最近买了一套新公寓。【拓展】acquisition n. (知识、技能等的)获得;购得物language acquisition 语言习得【例句】He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.他把时间用在获取知识上。5. Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your potential. (P2)最重要的是,你们在高中阶

8、段度过的时光、付出的努力将会为你们叩开潜能的大门。effort n. 努力,费力的事;试图【搭配】put effort into sth 努力做某事with little/without much effort 不费力spare no effort to do sth/make every effort to do sth 不遗余力做某事【例句】A lot of effort was put into making the invitation.制作请帖花了很多精力。He finished the task with little effort.他没费多少力就完成了任务。We will spa

9、re no effort to make our city a better place.我们将不遗余力地把我们的城市建设得更美好。【拓展】effortless adj. 不需费力的,容易的【例句】He made playing the guitar look effortless.他弹起吉他来显得毫不费力。6. Who knows what beautiful works of art you will create, what medical advances you will make or what amazing technologies you will develop! (P3)

10、谁知道未来你们能创作出哪些精美的艺术品,实现哪些医学突破,或者开发出哪些不可思议的技术!advance n. 进步,进展;前进,行进 vt. & vi. 发展,进步【搭配】make advances in . 在方面取得进步in advance 预先,事先【例句】We made great advances in the chemical sciences.我们在化学研究中取得了重大进步。We arrived there half an hour in advance.我们提前半个小时到了那里。The armys advance towards the capital was fast.军队正

11、在迅速向首都前进。【拓展】advanced adj. 先进的;高等的【例句】Advanced technology has brought us great convenience.先进的科技给我们带来了巨大的便利。You need a dictionary for advanced learners.你需要一本供高阶学习者使用的词典。7. Of equal importance are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude. (P3)同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能以及积极的态度。equal adj. 相等的

12、;平等的;相当的 n. 同等的人(物)linking v. 与相等 vt. 比得上【搭配】be equal to sth 能胜任be equal in 在方面相等be without equal 无与伦比【例句】He wasnt equal to the job, so wed better pay him off.他无法胜任这份工作,所以我们最好打发他走人。These two pieces of wood are equal in length.这两块木头一样长。His chess-playing skill is without equal.他的棋艺无人能敌。【拓展】equally adv

13、. 平等地;同样地unequal adj. 不平等的;不相同的【例句】She felt unequal to the task she had set herself.她觉得难以完成给自己定下的任务。8. In fact, Im looking forward to being more independent . (P5)事实上,我期待着可以更加独立independent adj. 自主的,有主见的;自立的【搭配】be independent of 不依赖于【例句】Going to college will make you more independent.上大学会使你更加独立。Your

14、questions should be independent of each other.你们的问题应该是相互间毫无关联的。He wants to be financially independent of his parents.他不想在经济上依靠父母。【拓展】dependent adj. 依靠的;取决于independence n. 独立;自立【例句】The area is heavily dependent on tourism.这个地区非常依赖旅游业。He was afraid of losing his independence.他担心丧失自己的独立。9. Setting goal

15、s gives you a focus in life. (P6)设定目标让你有了生活的重心。focus n. 焦点,重点 vt. & vi. 集中【搭配】the focus of attention 关注的焦点a change of focus (对事物)看法的改变bring . into focus 使成为焦点. come into focus 成为焦点focus on/upon 集中注意力于【例句】Food safety is the focus of attention now.目前,食品安全是人们关注的焦点。These issues have recently come into s

16、harp focus.这些问题最近成为人们关注的焦点。We need to focus our attention on environmental protection.我们要把精力集中到环境保护上。【拓展】focused adj. 注意力集中的stay focused 保持专注10. To realize your goals, you need to have a good plan, manage your time well and pay attention to details. (P6)为了实现目标,你需要制订一个好的计划,合理利用时间,并且注意细节。detail n. 细节;

17、具体情况【搭配】go into detail(s) 详细叙述in detail 详细地provide/give/find out details 提供/给出/搞清细节further/more details about/of . 有关更多的细节【例句】She went into detail(s) about the travel plan.她详述了旅行计划。The theory is explained in detail in this book.这个理论在这本书中有详细的解释。【拓展】detail v. 详述detailed adj. 详细的【例句】All the local hotel

18、s are detailed in the booklet. (过去分词)宣传册对当地所有的旅馆都做了详述。There is a detailed introduction to all the local hotels in the booklet. (形容词)宣传册上有对当地所有旅馆的详述。11. As a result of your action, your dream will come true and hopefully you will live a happy life. (P6)因为你付出的行动,梦想就会成真,你便有希望过上幸福的生活。as a result of 由于(a

19、s a result of是介词短语,可置于句首或句末)【例句】As a result of the fever, he didnt do well in the test.因为发烧,所以他没考好。He didnt do well in the test as a result of the fever.他没考好是因为发烧了。【辨析】as a result 结果是(as a result是副词短语,常置于句首)He had a fever. As a result, he didnt do well in the test.他发烧了,所以没考好。12. Instead, you should

20、set goals based on your abilities and skills. (P7)相反,你应该基于自己的能力和技能确立目标。base vt. 以为基础(依据) n. 根据;基础;基底;总部,大本营【搭配】base on/upon 以为基础(或依据)(be) based on/upon 以为基础(或依据)base . in . 以为据点;把(总部等)设在at the base of sth 在某物的底部a sound base 充分的根据a research base 研究基地【例句】The film is based on a true story.这部电影是根据真实故事改编

21、的。Based on a true story, the film is very popular.根据真实故事改编的这部电影非常受欢迎。【拓展】basic adj. 基本的;必需的basically adv. 基本上,从根本上说baseless adj. 无根据的【例句】The campsite provided only basic facilities.野营地只提供基本设施。There have been some problems but basically its a good system.虽然出现过一些问题,但这基本上仍不失为一个好系统。The rumours were comp

22、letely baseless.那些谣传毫无根据。13. This will remind you of what you are working for and keep you focused. (P7)这会提醒你在为什么而努力,并让你保持专注。remind vt. 提醒,使想起【搭配】remind sb of/about sth 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事remind sb to do 提醒某人做某事remind sb that . 提醒某人【例句】That smell reminds me of France.那股气味让我想起了法国。Remind me to buy some mil

23、k tonight.提醒我今天晚上买点牛奶。Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to see.韦兰太太提醒她的儿子他们还有几个人要拜访。【拓展】reminder n. 引起回忆的事物【例句】The photo is a reminder of my trip.这张照片让我想起那次旅行。14. After you set a goal, it is important to stick to it and work hard towards it. (P7)设定好目标后,重要的是坚持并朝着目标努力。sti

24、ck to 坚持;固守,维持【搭配】stick to sbs word 遵守诺言stick to the rules 遵守规则stick to sbs guns 一意孤行【例句】He promised to help us and he stuck to his word.他答应过帮助我们,他没有失信。【拓展】stick v. 戳,粘贴,卡住【例句】He stuck the broken pieces together.他将碎片粘到一起。15. Proposal for a new club (P9)新的俱乐部建议书proposal n. 提议,建议,动议【搭配】a proposal+for

25、sth/to do sth/that引导的同位语从句 的提议make/present/put forward a proposal 提出建议approve/accept a proposal 同意/接受提议support/back a proposal 支持提议reject/oppose a proposal 反对提议draw up a proposal 起草提案vote on a proposal 对提议进行投票【例句】The experts proposal that a garbage classification plant should be built was accepted.专

26、家们提出的建垃圾分类厂的提议被采纳了。【拓展】propose vt. 提议,建议【例句】He proposed changes to the old system.=He proposed that changes should be made to the old system.=He proposed making changes to the old system.他建议更新旧系统。16. Club aim: To improve short story writing skills (P9)俱乐部目标:提升短篇小说写作技能aim n. 目的,目标 vi. & vt. 力争做到;目的是;

27、针对【搭配】aim to do/at(doing)/for sth 力争做到be aimed at (doing) sth 目的是,旨在be aimed at sb 针对某人【例句】We are aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emission.我们的目的是减少温室气体的排放。These measures are aimed at protecting wildlife.这些措施旨在保护野生动物。This picture book is aimed at children.这本绘本的目标读者是儿童。【拓展】aimless adj. 没有方向的,无目标的【例句

28、】After several hours of aimless searching they were getting low on fuel.在经历了几个小时的漫无目的的搜寻之后,他们的燃料不足了。17. Read short stories in different styles (P9)阅读不同风格的短篇小说style n. 风格;方式;样式【搭配】style of painting/writing/architecture 绘画/写作/建筑风格in the style of 以的风格not my style 不是我的风格in style 流行;气派out of style 不流行【例句

29、】Influenced by some impressionists, Vincent van Gogh developed a new style of painting.受一些印象派画家的影响,文森特梵高发展出一种新的绘画风格。Skinny jeans are still in style.紧身牛仔裤依旧很流行。【拓展】stylish (=fashionable) adj. 时髦的stylist n. 发型师;时装设计师形容词或名词可与style构成复合形容词,表示“式样的”。如:a Japanese-style hotel room 一个日式酒店房间a buffet-style brea

30、kfast 自助式早餐18. Invite professional writers to give talks on short story writing. (P9)邀请专业作家做有关短篇小说写作的演讲。professional adj. 职业的,专业的;有职业的;娴熟的,精通业务的n. 专门人员,专业人士【搭配】professional skills 专业技能professional help 专业帮助professional practice 行业惯例professional women 职业女性【例句】You need to seek professional advice to s

31、olve this problem.要解决这个问题,你需要寻求专业意见。You cant miss this opportunity for professional development.你不能错过这次专业进修的机会。This is a typical hairstyle for professional women.这是典型的职业女性发型。【拓展】profession n. (尤指需要较高教育水平的)职业,行业professor n. 教授unprofessional adj. 未达专业水平的,违反职业道德的unprofessionally adv. 未达专业水平地,违反职业道德地19.

32、 Last year, I had the chance to study at a British secondary school as an exchange student. (P11)去年,我有机会作为交换生到英国的一所中学读书。exchange n. & vt. 交换;交流;兑换【搭配】an exchange student 一位交换生in exchange (for .) 作为(对的)交换exchange . for . 把换取/兑换exchange sth with sb 与某人交流/交换某物exchange ideas/opinions/views/words 交流想法/观点

33、【例句】When I was a middle school student I came to China as an exchange student.我上中学的时候,我作为交换生来到中国。Mary is teaching me English in exchange for my teaching her English.玛丽教我英语,作为交换,我教她汉语。When we go to America, we have to exchange RMB for dollars.当我们去美国的时候,我们必须把人民币换成美元。Before making the decision, he exch

34、anged ideas with his parents.在做这个决定之前,他和父母交流了想法。20. In the beginning, however, it was still tough for me to remember everyones name! (P11)然而,刚开始时,我仍然很难记住所有人的名字!tough adj. 艰难的;严厉的;坚强的;坚固的【搭配】a tough childhood/time/decision 苦难的童年/煎熬的日子/艰难的决定be tough on/with 对无情/严厉talk tough 说话强硬tough shoes/skin 结实的鞋子/

35、坚韧的皮肤【例句】Dont be so tough on hershe was just trying to help.别对她这么严厉,她只是想帮忙而已。It is tough for her to achieve a balance between work and family.对她来说,平衡工作和家庭是艰难的。21. I like it so much that I still use it as my alarm! (P11)我太喜欢这只钟了,现在还在用它当闹钟呢!alarm n. 闹钟;恐慌;警报;警报器 vt. 使惊恐,使害怕【搭配】set ones alarm for 把闹钟设在

36、a false alarm 虚惊一场in alarm 惊慌地a fire/smoke alarm 防火/烟雾警报器set off the alarm 触动警报器【例句】I set my alarm for 6:30 a.m. before going to bed.睡前我把闹钟设在早晨六点半。She looked around in alarm.她惊慌地看看四周。Opening the front door will set off the alarm.一开前门,警铃就会响。【拓展】alarming adj. 令人惊慌的alarmed adj. 感到惊慌的be alarmed at/by 因为

37、而感到担心、害怕【例句】The Amazon rainforest is disappearing at an alarming speed.亚马孙热带雨林正在以惊人的速度消失。She was alarmed by the thought of going back home alone.她一想到要独自一人回家就害怕。22. Class discussion is very important in the UK, but I could not make a great contribution because sometimes I wasnt able to express myself

38、 clearly in English. (P11)在英国,课堂讨论很重要,可是我的贡献不大,因为有时候我没办法用英语清楚地表达自己的观点。contribution n. 贡献;捐款;捐赠【搭配】make a contribution to 对做出贡献a huge/great/major contribution 伟大的贡献a(n) significant/important contribution 重大的贡献【例句】Marie Curie made a great contribution to human development.玛丽居里为人类发展做出了巨大的贡献。【拓展】contrib

39、ute vi. & vt. 捐款;添加,增进;是的原因之一contribute to 有助于;捐献;带来;促成【例句】She contributed all her pocket money to the earthquake fund.她把所有的零花钱都捐给了地震基金。I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.我相信我们每一个人都能为世界的未来做出贡献。23. Fortunately, my teachers and classmates were always helpful and gave m

40、e lots of encouragement. (P11-12)幸好,老师和同学们一直都乐于帮助我,并给予我很多鼓励。fortunately adv. 幸运地,幸亏【例句】Fortunately, the kid was saved by a passerby from the pond.幸运的是,那个孩子被路人从池塘里救上来了。I got stuck in the traffic jam, but fortunately I arrived on time.我遇上了交通堵塞,但幸运的是我按时到了。【拓展】unfortunately adv. 遗憾地,不幸地【例句】Unfortunately

41、, no one took my opinion seriously.不幸的是,没有人严肃看待我的意见。24. The one that attracted me most was the Rugby Club. (P12)最吸引我的是橄榄球俱乐部。attract vt. 吸引,使喜爱;招引;引起(反应)【搭配】attract sb to sb/sth 引起某人对的好感be attracted by 被吸引【例句】What attracted me to her was her big eyes.吸引我的是她的大眼睛。I was attracted by her beautiful singi

42、ng.我被她动听的演唱吸引。【拓展】attractive adj. 有吸引力的attraction n. 吸引;吸引力;具有吸引力的事物 【例句】She was an attractive woman when she was young.她年轻的时候很有魅力。Ice cream has great attraction for children.冰激凌对孩子们有很大的吸引力。The Great Wall is a famous tourist attraction.长城是一处著名的旅游胜地。【语法知识】1. I cant wait to describe to you what senior

43、 high school life is like. (P5)我迫不及待地要向你们描述高中生活的模样。what引导的宾语从句句式剖析what引导的从句作describe的宾语。本句原为describe sth to sb的结构,但因从句充当的宾语太长,故置于句末,而what在宾语从句中充当介词like的宾语。考点提炼what引导的宾语从句可以表示两种不同的意义,即疑问意义和关系意义。疑问意义是指what表示“什么”,关系意义是指what表示“的东西”,可以解释为the thing(s) which或all that。如:I asked the teacher what impressionis

44、m is.(疑问意义)我问老师印象主义是什么。I shared with my classmates what I read in the vacation.(关系意义)我跟同学们分享了假期读的东西。归纳拓展what在宾语从句中也可以充当其他成分。如:We dont know what will be done next.(what在从句中作主语)我们不知道下一步要怎么办。I havent been told what the plan is.(what在从句中作表语)还没有人告诉我计划是什么。2. Of equal importance are good study habits, usef

45、ul skills and a positive attitude.同样重要的还有良好的学习习惯、实用的技能以及积极的态度。完全倒装句式剖析句子的主语是good study habits, useful skills and a positive mind,但作者为了实现句子的平衡,把谓语动词are置于主语之前,这是一种倒装语序,而且是完全倒装。考点提炼通常使用倒装语序是为了实现句子的平衡或使上下文衔接紧密。如:Gone are the days when my mum would read me a bedtime story.妈妈给我讲睡前故事的日子一去不复返了。He found an o

46、ld tree in the garden. Lying under the tree was a white cat.他发现花园里有一棵老树,树下躺着一只白猫。归纳拓展(1) 表示方位的副词(out、in、away、up、down、off等)或表示地点的介词短语(in the room、on the table等)置于句首时,谓语动词置于主语前,构成完全倒装。如:Up flew the balloon.气球飞上了天空。On the wall hangs a photo.墙上挂着一张照片。(2) 当only修饰状语置于句首时,当否定副词never、hardly、little等以及表示否定意义的

47、介词短语at no time、in no case等置于句首时,以及当so后面接形容词或副词置于句首时,只把谓语动词的一部分置于主语之前,构成部分倒装。如:Only by setting a goal can we find the focus of our life.只有设定了目标,我们才能找到生活的重心。Never will I forget the help she gave me when I was in trouble.我永远都不会忘记她在我困难时给予我的帮助。So fast did he run that nobody caught up with him.他跑得如此之快,以至于

48、没有人能赶上他。3. In time you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.最终,你们会发现自己逐渐全面成长。find+宾语+宾补句式剖析本句式意为“发现某人/某物”,宾补是说明宾语的意义、状态等。本句中的动词-ing形式短语growing into a well-rounded individual对宾语起补充说明的作用,与宾语之间存在逻辑上的主动关系,表示正在进行。考点提炼find+宾语+doing 发现正在做(宾语与构成宾补的动词之间为逻辑上的主谓关系)find+宾语+done 发现被做(宾语与构成宾补

49、的动词之间为逻辑上的动宾关系)I often find him talking to himself.我经常发现他自言自语。We found the problem unsolved.我们发现问题还没有解决。归纳拓展(1) 在see、watch、observe、notice、hear、listen to、feel等感官动词的宾语后面也经常接不带to的不定式、动词-ing形式或动词-ed形式作宾语补足语。如:I heard her singing when I passed by the music room.我路过音乐教室的时候听到她在唱歌。I heard her sing an Englis

50、h song just now.我刚听她唱了一首英文歌。I saw some students criticized by our principal.我看到有些同学被校长训斥了。(2) 在“感官动词+宾语+宾补”的结构中,不定式不带to,而在该结构的被动语态中,to要还原。如:She was heard to sing that song.她被人听到唱了那首歌。4. As Lao-Tzu wisely said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”正如老子睿智的箴言所说的那样:“千里之行,始于足下。”as引导非

51、限制性定语从句句式剖析as引导的非限制性定语从句替代整个主句“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”考点提炼as引导的非限制性定语从句位置比较灵活,可位于主句前面,或插在主句中,或位于主句后面,通常用逗号将其与主句隔开,译为“正如,正像”。如:He is an American, as we can know from his accent.他是个美国人,正如我们从他的口音上可以得知的那样。As we all know, practice makes perfect.众所周知,熟能生巧。归纳拓展(1) as引导限制性定

52、语从句时,经常用于以下句式中:such+名词+as 像一样的the same+名词+as 和一样的No one will believe such stories as he told.没人会相信他讲的故事。This is not the same city as we saw ten years ago.这座城市已经不是我们十年前看到的那样了。(2) as与which引导非限制性定语从句的区别:句中位置:as可在句前,可在句后,也可在句中;which只能置于主句之后。替代内容:as替代整个主句;which替代整个主句或主句中的某个词。There are some apples, the bi

53、ggest of which is given to Mike.有一些苹果,其中最大的给了迈克。The price of the machine, as we had expected, was well above what we could afford.正如我们所预料的,那台机器的价格远远超出了我们的承受能力。5. I made a clock to take home. (P11)我做了一只钟带回家。动词不定式作后置定语句式剖析动词不定式to take home修饰clock,作后置定语。考点提炼动词不定式是一种常见的非谓语动词形式,由“to+动词原形”构成。当作定语的动词不定式修饰的

54、名词或代词是不定式动作的承受者时,不定式既可以用主动形式,也可以用被动形式,但含义有所不同。如:I have an article to type.(不定式to type的施动者是句子的主语)I have an article to be typed.(不定式to be typed的施动者不是句子的主语)归纳拓展(1) the first、the second等序数词,the best等最高级,the only、the last等后面经常跟动词不定式作定语。如:She is always the first to come and the last to leave.她总是第一个来,最后一个离

55、开。He is the best man to do the job.他是做这份工作的最佳人选。(2) 动词不定式常修饰的名词有ability、chance、hope、plan、decision、promise等。如:He finally made the decision to continue with the project.他最终做了决定,继续开展这个项目。She kept her promise to write to me monthly.她信守诺言,每个月都写信给我。6. I like it so much that I still use it as my alarm! (P11)我太喜欢这只钟了,以至于现在还在用它当闹钟呢!so . that . 引导的


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