1、黄田中学学八年级级英语阅阅读竞赛赛试卷Classs _ NNamee _ Sccoree _(1)读图表,回答问问题 Livve MMusiicLLatee Niightt Jaazz Enjjoy reaal AAmerricaan jjazzz frrom Herrbiee Daaviss, tthe fammouss trrumppet plaayerr. HHe iis kknowwn tto pplayy weell intto tthe earrly houurs, soo doontt waant to gett muuch sleeep.PLACCE: Thee Jaazz C
2、luub DATTES: 155-23 JunnePRICCE: $1000-1550 TIMME: 10 p. m. tilll llatee!Scotttissh DDanccinggScotttissh ddanccingg iss niice andd eaasy to leaarn. Thhe wwondderfful dannce froom EEngllishh wiill be givven.PLACCE: Jacck SSteiinss DDATEES: 10-220 MMayPRICCE: $1550 TIMME: 7-100 p.m.TTEL:402218777Showw
3、s AnnhuiiMusseummTherre aare 12,0000 piiecees oon sshoww heere. Yoou ccan seee thhe wwholle oof CChinnesee hiistoory.PLACCE: Anhhui Musseumm DDATEES: 1 MMar.300 Juun.PRICCE: $660($30 forr sttudeentss) TIMME: Monndayy-Frridaay9 am5 ppmTEL: 488868888 Weeekennds99 amm9pmmYourr peen-ffrieend is commingg
4、 frrom Ausstraaliaa too yoour citty ffor a hholiidayy. YYou sennd hhim thiis EE-maail to telll hhim sommethhingg abboutt thhe hhoteelsSUN HOTTEL Dattes Prricees ( a nigght ) 1 Occt.31 Decc $16881 Jaan. -31 Marr. $ 1148 1 Appr-300 Appr(cclossed) -1 Maay-311 Maay $ 11881 Juun. -30 Sepp. $ 2208ROSEEHOT
5、TEL PPricces ( aa niightt)$1988$1788-$2188$2488( )11.If youu waant to wattch danncinng, youu caan ccalll _.A. 4466887366 BB. 4402118777 C. 488868888 DD. 4468667888( )22.Youu caan ssee thee whholee off Chhineese hisstorry aatinn Apprill innAnhuuiMuuseuum.A.3ppm eeverry dday B.9pmm frrom Monndayy too
6、Frridaay C. 77am at weeekenndsDD.7pmm evveryy daay( )33. YYou cann ennjoyy _ att Jaack Steeins.A.Ammeriicann jaazzBB. SScotttissh ddanccingg C.122,0000 ppiecces on shoow DD. yyourrsellf aall nigght( ) 4. SSun Hottel andd RooseHHoteel aare opeen ffor _ mmontths of thee yeear.A. nninee B. teen C. elee
7、venn D. twwelvve( )55. YYou havve $1488, aand youu caan _ inn Maay.A. llistten to jazzz B. waatchh Sccotttishh daanciing C. ggo tto AAnhuuiMuuseuum DD. sstayy inn Suun HHoteel ffor a nnighht(2)One dayy a vissitoor ccamee too Waalleeyss hoousee. “I aam yyourr coousiin ffromm Loondoon,” hee saaid, “aa
8、ndII haave brooughht yyou a ggoosse tto cceleebraate thee viisitt.” Wallleyy waas vveryy exxcitted. Hee asskedd hiis wwifee too coook thee gooosee annd mmadee a finne ddinnner.The nexxt dday anootheer vvisiitorr arrrivved. “IIm thee frriennd oof tthe mann whho bbrouughtt yoou tthe gooose.” HHe ssaid
9、d. WWallly iinviitedd hiim iin aand gavve hhim a ggoodd meeal. Thhe nnextt daay aanottherr viisittor arrriveed, andd saaid he wass thee frriennd oof tthe friiendd off thhe mman whoo brrougght thee gooosee. AAgaiin WWallly iinviitedd hiim fforaa meeal. Hoowevver, hee waas ggetttingg annnoyyed. Hiis h
10、housse sseemmed to be a rresttaurrantt.Anottherr viisittor camme, andd saaid he wass thhe ffrieend of thee frriennd oof tthe friiendd off thhe mman whoo brrougght thee gooosee. WWallly iinviitedd hiim tto eeat dinnnerr wiith himm. HHis wiffe bbrouughttsomme ssoupp too thhe ttablle aand thee viisitto
11、r tasstedd itt. “Whaat kkindd off sooup is thiis? “asskedd thhe vvisiitorr. “It tasstess juust likke wwarmm waaterr.” “Ahh!”saiidWWallly, “Thhat is thee sooup of thee sooup oftthe souup oof tthe gooose.”( ) 6. HHow manny oof tthe vissitoors brooughht aa gooosee?A.1B.3C.44D.22 ( ) 77.GGuessstthemeaan
12、inngoof“annnoyeed”acccorddinggtoothheppasssagee. AA.烦烦恼B.高兴兴C.愤怒DD.喜喜欢 ( ) 8.WhiichoftheefoolloowinngiisNNOTtruue? A.Walllykneewtthefirrstvissitoor.BB.TThesecconddviisittoristheefrrienndooftthefirrstvissitoor.CC.TThelasstvvisiitorrdiidntddrinnktthesouupooftthegooose.D.TThelasstvvisiitorrdrrankkthhes
13、soupp.( ) 99.WWhydiddWaallyygeetaangrry? A.Hediddntllikeeeaatinngggoosse.B.TThevissitoorsateehiisffourrgeeesee.C.TThefirrstvissitoorbbrouughttagooose,buutttheothherssdiidntbbrinnganytthinng.D.HHishouuseseeemeddtoobeearesstauurannt.( ) 10.HoowddidWalllysollvetheeprrobllem?A.Heserrveddsooup,buutiittta
14、sttedofnotthinng,sothaatnnovvisiitorrsWoulldliiketocommettohhishouuseagaain.B.HHesservvedgooodssoupp,ssotthattevveryyoneewooulddwaanttoeattatthiishhousse.C.HHeoopennedarresttaurrantt.D.Heediidntsservvetthelasstvvisiitorr.(3)Jackk iss a tweentyy-yeear-oldd yooungg maan. Twoo yeearss aggo, wheen hhe f
15、finiisheed mmidddle schhooll, hhe ffounnd wworkk inn a shoop. Usuuallly hhe wworkks uuntiil tten occlocck iin tthe eveeninng. He is verry ttireed wwhenn hee geets homme. Aftter a qquicck ssuppper he goees tto bbed andd sooon fallls aslleepp. HHis graandmma wwho livves dowwnsttairrs iis ssatiisfiied
16、witth hhim.OOne dayy, oon hhis wayy hoome, hee meet MMaryy. TTheyy weere botth hhapppy. He askked thee giirl to hiss hoousee, sshe agrreedd haappiily. Hee booughht ssomee frruitt annd ddrinnks forr heer. Andd thhey tallkedd abboutt thheirr scchoool, teaacheers, cllasssmattes andd thheirr fuuturre. T
17、heey ttalkked forr a lonng ttimee.“Haave a llookk att yoour wattch, plleasse,” saaid thee giirl. “WWhatt tiime is it noww?”“SSorrry, sommethhingg iss wrrongg wiith my wattch,”saaid Jacck. “Whherees youurs?”“I lefft iit aat hhomee.”Jaack thooughht ffor a mmomeent andd fooundd a wayy. HHe bbegaan tto
18、sstammp hhis fooot oon tthe flooor, “BBangg! BBangg! BBangg!”Thhe ssounnd wwokee hiis ggranndmaa upp. TThe oldd woomann shhoutted dowwnsttairrs, “Itts tweelvee ocloock in thee niightt, JJackk. WWhy aree yoou sstilll jjumppingg uppstaairss?”( )111. JJackk waas _ wwhenn hee fiinisshedd miiddlle sschoo
19、ol. A. sixxteeenBB. eeighhteeenCC. ttwenntyD. fiffteeen ( )12. Thee olld wwomaan iis ssatiisfiied witth JJackk beecauuse _. A. hes hher graandsson BB. hhess clleveer C. hee caan kkeepp quuiett D. he getts hhomee onn tiime ( )133. FFromm thhe sstorry, we cann knnow thaat MMaryy iss Jaacks _. AA.cllas
20、ssmatte B. coolleeaguue C. auunt DD. wwifee( )144. TThe worrd “staamp” inn thhe sstorry mmeanns _ in Chiinesse. AA. 盖盖印 B. 跺 CC. 贴贴邮票 DD. 承承认( )155. JJackk sttampped hiss fooot on thee flloorr inn orrderr (为为了) _. A. to wakke hhis graandmma uup B. too maake hiss grranddma anggry CC. tthatt hiis ggra
21、nndmaa waas ggoinng tto ttelll hiim tthe timme D. thhat hiss grranddma wass gooingg too buuy hhim a wwatcch (4)Whenn yoou aare feeelinng uunhaappyy orr foorgeet hhow greeat youu arre, theese aree siix wwayss too maake youu feeel goood aabouut yyourrsellf.1) LLookk inn thhe mmirrror andd saay tto yyo
22、urrsellf, “I aam aa sppeciial perrsonn annd ttherres nno oone in thee woorldd liike me. I cann doo annythhingg!” Itt maay nnot souund so goood, butt itt reeallly wworkks!2) DDo ssomeethiing nicce ffor sommeonne. Hellpinng ootheers alwwayss maakess yoou ffeell goood.3) SSmille! Be friienddly to peoop
23、lee yoou mmeett. LLookk foor tthe goood tthinngs in youur ffrieendss annd ffamiily.4) LLearrn ssomeethiing neww! HHavee yoou aalwaays wanntedd too deecorratee yoour ownn rooom or leaarn howw too swwim? Neew cchalllenngess arre ffun andd giive youu a sennse of acccompplisshmeent wheen yyou havve ffin
24、iisheed.5) RReadd annd sstarrt aa diiaryy. TTurnn offf tthe TV andd leet yyourr immagiinattionn flly! Wriite dowwn yyourr thhougghtss, ddreaams or anyythiing youu waant! Wrritiing alwwayss heelpss too exxpreess youur ffeellinggs.6) SStayy wiith youur ffamiily. Wee alll nneedd ouur ffamiily timme. Ta
25、llk wwithh yoour Mumm orr Daad oor mmaybbe eevenn yoour couusinn.16. Thiis ppasssagee maay bbe ttakeen ffromm .A. aa scciennce boook B. a stoory boook C. a mmagaazinne D. scchoool rrulees17. Acccorddingg too thhe ppasssagee, wwhenn yoou aare hellpinng ootheers, yoou wwilll .A. bbe sspecciall B. bee
26、suure C. feeel nnicee D. bee reememmberred18. Whaat ddo tthe undderllineed wwordds iin 44) “a ssensse oof aaccoompllishhmennt” meean?A. 成成就感 B. 忧伤伤感 C. 挫折感感 D. 信任任感19. Whiich of thee foolloowinng sshouuld youu saay “NO” too whhen youu arre uunhaappyy?A. YYou shoouldd allwayys llookk foor tthe goood
27、tthinngs of othherss.B. SStayy allonee att hoome as mucch aas pposssiblle.C. LLearrn ssomeethiing neww annd ggo ffor it!D. KKeepp a diaary to exppresss yyourr feeeliingss.20. Thee beest tittle(标题) foor tthe passsagge iis .A. DDo YYourr BeestB. Sixx Waays to Feeel GGoodd abboutt YooursselffC. IIts NN
28、eveer ttoo Latte tto LLearrn D. Alwwayss Smmilee too Yooursselff(5)Mr. Kinng wwas thee maanagger of a hhoteel. Onee weeekeend alll thhe hhoteels in thee ciity werre ffulll beecauuse theere wass a larrge meeetinng. On Friidayy niightt, tthreee mmen camme iintoo thhe hhoteel aand askked forr rooomss.
29、MMr. Kinng ssaidd thheree weere no roooms reaady beccausse oof tthe meeetinng. Thee meen wweree unnhapppy.MMr. Kinng wwantted to hellp tthemm. HHe rremeembeeredd thhat Rooom 4418, a verry ssmalll rroomm, wwas emppty. Hee asskedd thhem if theey wwoulld ssharre aa rooom. Thhe tthreee mmen saiid ttheyy
30、 woouldd. MMr. Kinng ssaidd thhe rroomm woouldd bee thhirtty ddolllarss: tten forr eaach onee. EEachh maan ggavee hiim tthe monney andd thhen wennt uup tto tthe rooom.Mrr. KKingg sooon beggan to feeel ssorrry. “Thhirtty ddolllarss iss a lott too assk aas ppricce ffor thaat ssmalll rroomm.” he thooug
31、hht. He callledd hiis aassiistaant oveer aand saiid, “Heere is fivve ddolllarss. TTakee itt too thhe mmen in Rooom 4418. I askked tooo muuch forr thheirr rooom.”Thhe aassiistaant toook tthe monney. Whhilee hee waas oon tthe wayy thheree, hhe sstarrtedd too thhinkk, “Howw caan tthreee mmen divvidee f
32、iive dolllarrs? Illl ggivee thhem eacch oonlyy onne ddolllar andd keeep thee twwo ddolllarss foor mmyseelf. Thhe mmen willl bbe hhapppy tto gget sommethhingg baack, annd MMr. Kinng wwilll neeverr knnow.” SSo tthe asssisttantt reeturrnedd onne ddolllar to eacch mman.Eacch mman hadd att fiirstt paaid
33、tenn doollaars. Affterr thhe aassiistaant retturnned theem oone dolllarr eaach, eaach hadd paaid ninne. Theere werre tthreee mmen, $ 933 = $ 227. Thee asssisstannt kkeptt $ 2. $ 27 + $ 2 = $ 299. WWherre iis tthe misssinng ddolllar?( ) 211. TThe thrree menn weere nott haappyy beecauuse _. A. theere
34、wass a larrge meeetinngB. itt waas wweekkenddC. ttherre wwas onlly oone smaall rooomD. thhey wouuldnnt havve aa pllacee too sttay( ) 22. Wiith thee heelp of thee maanagger, thhe tthreee mmen _.A. wennt tto aanottherr hootellB. eeachh goot aa smmalll rooom forr thhe nnighht C. staayedd toogettherr in
35、n a smaall rooomD. ggot a ssmalll rroomm Mrr. KKingg keept forr hiimseelf( )223. At firrst _.A. $ 27 wass paaid by thee thhreee meenBB. $ 300 waas ppaidd byy eaach of thee thhreee CC. $ 255 waas ppaidd byy thhe tthreee mmenD. $100 waas ppaidd byy eaach of thee thhreee ( ) 224. Thee asssisstannt_. A.
36、 hellpedd thhe mmen to divvidee thhe mmoneey B. keept twoo doollaars forr hiimseelf CC. rretuurneed tthreee tto tthe thrree menn annd ttwo to thee maanagger DD. kkeptt thhreee doollaars forr hiimseelf( )225. Wheere is thee miissiing dolllarr? A. theere wassntt anny mmisssingg doollaar.B. IIt wwas ta
37、kken by thee asssisstannt, tooo.C. IIt wwas takken by Mr. KiingD. IIt wwas takken by thee thhreee meen.(6)My ggranndfaatheer wwas a ffinee maan. I llovee hiim vveryy muuch. Buut oone dayy I tolld hhim a llie. I cann noot ttelll yoou nnow whaat tthe liee waas. I wwas onlly sseveen yyearrs oold theen.
38、Granndfaatheer wwas nott crrosss wiith me Askk Jiim tto gget a llongg laaddeer, hee saaid. MMy bboy noww juumpss frrom thee toops of houusess, uup tto tthe rooof.Jim brooughht tthe bigg laaddeer. Theen GGranndfaatheer ssaidd, “My boyy noow jjumpps ffromm thhe ttopss off hoousees. Thee laaddeer iis f
39、for himm. I knnew at oncce wwhatt hee waas ttelllingg mee. II haad oofteen hhearrd tthe oldd saayinng, A liee iss a jummp ffromm thhe ttop of a hhousse I saaid notthinng .Butt I fellt llikee crryinng. The minnutees wwentt byy. WWhatt woouldd peeoplle tthinnk aabouut tthe laddderr? IIt sstoood bby tt
40、he froont dooor. I wwas afrraidd itt miightt bee thheree a lonng ttimee. II haad tto ddo ssomeethiing! At llastt I wennt tto GGranndfaatheer. He wass reeadiing a bbookk. II weent to himm annd pput my facce oon hhis armm. Graandffathher, II saaid, II wiill nott teell a llie agaain. Wee doontt neeed t
41、hee laaddeer nnow. Granndfaatheer sseemmed verry hhapppy ooncee aggainn. HHe ccallled Jimm. Takke tthe laddderr awway, hhe ssaidd,MMy bboy doees nnot jummp ffromm thhe ttopss off hoousees. His worrds madde mme hhapppy ooncee aggainn. ( )226.FFromm thhe rreaddingg wee caannoot kknoww _.A. wwhettherr
42、thhe bboy tolld aa liieB. whaat tthe liee waas C. wwhatt Grranddfattherr diid wwithh thhe bboyD. howw thhe sstorry eendeed ( )227.TThe worrd crooss inn thhe rreaddingg meeanss _. A. aangrryB. surrpriiseddC. happpyD. kkindd( )228.GGranndfaatheer aaskeed JJim to gett a laddderr too _. A. ssee wheethee
43、r tthe boyy coouldd juump froom tthe topp off a houuse B. hhelpp thhe bboy to cliimb to thee toop oof tthe houuse C. llet thee booy kknoww itt waas wwronng tto ttelll a liee D. makke tthe boyy crry. ( )229.Whaat wwoulld ppeopple thiink aboout thee laaddeer?”shoows thee booy wwas afrraiddpeooplee woo
44、uldd _. A. kknoww whhat hadd haappeeneddB. takke tthe laddderr awway C. ccomee too clleann thhe rrooffD. comme tto ttakee caare of Graandffathher ( )330.AAt tthe endd off thhe sstorry tthe ressultt iss _. A. uuntrrueB. saddC. nott cllearrD. enjjoyaablee(7)Almoost alll peeoplle llikee flloweers. Soom
45、e peooplee liike floowerrs bbecaausee off thheirr smmellls, shaapess, ccoloors andd soo onn. OOtheers likke fflowwerss beecauuse theey tthinnk ddifffereent floowerrs mmeann diiffeerennt tthinngs. Flloweers havve ttheiir oown lannguaage. Foor eexammplee, rred rosses meaan “lovve” andd suunflloweers m
46、eaan “loyyaltty”. Soo peeoplle iin mmoree thhan 1000 coounttriees hhavee chhoseen ttheiir oown nattionnal floowerrs wwhicch ssay sommethhingg abboutt thheirr coounttriees spiiritt. IIn 119944, CChinna ttalkked aboout chooosiing a nnatiionaal fflowwer. Soome peooplee liikedd thhe ppeonnybuut ootheers
47、 likked thee pllum bloossoom. Theey ccoulldnt aagreee wwithh eaach othher. Soo itt haas nnot beeen ddeciidedd yeet. Peopple likke tto bbuy diffferrentt flloweers in diffferrentt seeasoons. Whheree doo alll tthe beaautiifull flloweers in shoops comme ffromm? TTheyy maay ccomee frrom farr awway, soo t
48、hheirr prricee iss hiigheer.a. FFarmmerss grrow floowerrs iin ttheiir ffiellds.b.Pllanees oor ttraiins or busses takke tthe floowerrs tto ddifffereent plaacess.c.Flloweer sshoppkeeeperrs bbuy floowerrs ffromm thhe fflowwer marrketts. Theey llookk att thhe fflowwerss annd tthroow aawayy thhe bbrokken
49、 or badd onnes. Thhey cutt thhe fflowwerss too maake theem mmoree beeauttifuul.d.Yoou ggo tto bbuy thee flloweers in thee shhopss. WWhenn yoou bbuy a fflowwer, yoourre ppayiing lotts oof ppeopple: thhe ffarmmer, thhe ddrivver of thee pllanee orr trrainn orr buus. Thee seelleer iin tthe floowerr maar
50、keet aand thee flloweer sshoppkeeeperr.So yyoud bbettter keeep yyourr flloweers froom ffar awaay ffor a llongg tiime. Buut hhow? Whhy nnot dryy thhem? Itts eassy! Sannd ddryiing is a wway. Drry, cleean sannd iis oone of thee olldesst tthinngs forr drryinng fflowwerss. AAnd its oone of thee chheappes
51、tt.Filll aa boox hhalff-waay wwithh saand.Putt thhe fflowwerss onn toop oof tthe sannd.Putt thhe bbox in a wwarmm, ddry plaace.Leaave thee flloweers theere forr onne tto tthreee wweekks.Takke tthemm ouut aand theey wwilll bee drry.( )331.Thhe uundeerliinedd woordss “nnatiionaal fflowwerss” mmostt pr
52、robaablyy meeanss .Athhe fflowwerss off thhe ccounntryyBtthe floowerrs oof tthe seaasonnCthhe mmostt beeauttifuul fflowwerssDtthe strronggestt flloweers( )332Peeoplle uusuaallyy chhoosse ttheiir oown “naatioonall flloweer” acccorddingg too(根据据)thhe fflowwers .AsmmelllBsshappeCcollorDDmeeaniing( )333
53、Thhe CChinnesee naatioonall flloweer hhas nott beeen deccideed yyet, beecauuse.Anoo flloweer ccan shoow CChinnass sppiriitBChhinaa haasnt ttalkked aboout chooosiing oneeCnooboddy aagreees to chooosee thhe nnatiionaal fflowwerDpeeoplle ccant aagreee tto cchooose thee saame floowerr( )334Yooudd beette
54、er kkeepp yoour floowerrs ffor a llongg tiime, beecauuse.Athhe fflowwerss arre eeasyy too drry Bthhe ffarmmer willl aalsoo assk yyou to payyCthhe fflowwerss arre eexpeensiive to buyyDthhe sshoppkeeeperr haas mmadee thhem morre bbeauutifful( )335SSandd drryinng iis eeverrythhingg heere in thee foollo
55、owinng bbut .AeaasyBBclleannCooldDDchheapp(8)A miiddlle sschoool stuudennt wwas forrcedd too haave hiss loong haiir ccut offf inn a midddlee scchoool iin FFoshhan Citty, Guaangddongg Prroviincee. IIt wwas beiing tallkedd a lott ammongg teeachherss annd sstuddentts iin FFoshhan citty.All schhoolls hh
56、avee thheirr owwn rrulees. In mosst sschooolss, bboy stuudennts aree noot aalloowedd too weear lonng hhairr whhilee giirlss arre nnot allloweed tto ddye theeir haiir. Andd moost schhooll ruuless saay tthatt sttudeentss shhoulld wwearr thheirr scchoool uunifformms aat sschoool. Noo sttudeentss caan d
57、disoobeyy thhesee ruuless soo thhat stuudennts cann grrow heaalthhilyy att scchoool.Mostt sttudeentss arre ffor theese rulles. Buut ssomee sttudeentss diisaggreee thhem strronggly. Thhey thiink thaat bboy stuudennts weaar llongg haair doeesnt mmeann thhat theey aare nott goood stuudennts. Teeenaager
58、rs wwantt too shhow of theeir ownn peersoonallityy. TTheyy liike fasshioon. Theey aadmiire fammouss sttarss, eevenn thhe sstarrs haiirsttylee annd cclotthess.A giirl stuudennt tthinnks thaat sshe loooks mucch mmoree beeauttifuul wwhenn shhe wwearrs bbrowwn hhairr. SSo sshe hadd heer ddarkk haair dye
59、ed bbrowwn oone dayy. WWhenn shhe wwentt baack to schhooll thhe nnextt daay, thee teeachher of herr cllasss goot vveryy anngryy wiith herr. WWhenn shhe wwas askked whyy shhe hhad herr haair dyeed, shee juust ansswerred, “II liike it.” SShe sayys tthatt shhe wworkks hhardd att heer llesssonss annd dd
60、oess weell in eveery subbjecct. Shee juust doeesnt kknoww whhy tthe teaacheer ddoessntt allloww heer tto ddye herr haair whiile wommen teaacheers cann dyye ttheiir llongg haair. Soome boyys tthinnk tthatt thheirr sttarss offtenn weear lonng hhairr, sso ttheyy thhinkk thhat theey wwilll loook coool t
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