



1、2022-2023学年山东省青岛市第六十三中学高一英语上学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. He wishes to make friends with _ shares his hobbies.A. no matter who B. whoever C. whomever D. anyone参考答案:B2. Its difficult to tell this picture from that one. Yes, The differences between the pictures are very _.Abroad Bnarrow Cslight Dimpressive参考答案:C3

2、. - Wait until we get a satisfactory reply, will you?- I couldnt agree _. The idea sounds great to me.A. much B. worse C. more D. at all参考答案:C4. “I can work for the rest of today,” the boy answered. “Ill work all night, until dawn, and Ill clean every piece of crystal in your shop. _, I need money t

3、o get to Egypt tomorrow.”A. In vainB. In advanceC. In returnD. In accordance参考答案:C【详解】考查介词短语辨析。句意:“今天剩下的时间我可以工作了,”男孩回答说。“我要整夜工作到天亮,我要把你店里的每一块水晶都擦干净。作为回报,我需要钱明天去埃及。” A. In vain徒然;无效;B. In advance提前;C. In return作为报答;D. In accordance按照;依据。根据句意可知选C。【点睛】return用法与易错点1. 用作动词,表示“回来”“返回”,其义相当于 go (come) back

4、, 所以一般不再与副词 back 连用,以免构成用词重复。表示“归还”,可接双宾语;若双宾语易位,用介词 to。如:He didnt return me the book.=He didnt return the book to me. 他没有还书给我。以下两句所用介词不同,所表示的方向相反:He has just returned to Japan. 他刚回到日本。He has just returned from Japan. 他刚从日本回来。有时可用过去分词作定语,此时表完成而不表被动。如:a returned student 一名归国留学生2. 用作名词,表示“归来”“归还”“回报”等

5、,通常用作不可数名词,但有时可与不定冠词连用。如:We look forward to your return from Japan. 我们盼望你从日本回来。On his return he found her asleep. 他回家时发现她睡着了。He didnt expect any return from what he had done. 他对他所做的一切,一点不图回报。These flowers are a small return for your kindness. 向你献花聊表谢忱。比较 in return (for) 与 on upon ones return:前者意为“作为

6、的报答(交换)”;后者意为“回来的时候”。如:What can I do in return for your kindness? 我怎样做才能报答你的好意呢?On his return from work he found her asleep. 他下班回来,发现她睡着了。如本题考查return作名词,与介词in搭配,表示“作为报答;回报”。3. 英语中说return ticket,其意为“来回票”“往返票”,也可直接说成a return。如:Do you want a single or a return ticket? 你要单程票还是往返票?A return is cheaper tha

7、n two singles. 一张往返票比两张单程票便宜。若仅表示“回程票”,要改用其他表达。如:The return half of the ticket is good for three months. 回程票3个月内有效。用return或 return ticket表示“往返票”,为英国英语用法,在美国英语中,用round-trip ticket表示。5. I walked up to the top of the hill with my friends, _ we enjoyed a good view of the city. A. which B. where C. who D

8、. that参考答案:B略6. Finding themselves _by the army, the enemy brutally killed Wang Erxiao.A. surrounding B. to surround C. surrounded D. having surrounded参考答案:C7. Im still working on my project.Oh, youll miss the deadline. Time is .A. running out B. going out C. giving out D. losing out参考答案:A8. _ he wa

9、s very young, he knew a lot because his father was a college professor and had taught him a lot.A. When B. Since C. Because D. While参考答案:D9. After work, she spent as much time as she could with her little daughter. A. play B. to play C. played D. playing参考答案:D略10. Ten years ago, the population of ou

10、r village was_ _that of theirs. A. twice as large as B. as twice large asC. twice as much as D. as twice much as参考答案:A略11. Were you at school when he came to see you?Yes, I _ a math class.A. am having B. was having C. had D. have参考答案:B略12. The living standard of the people in China, _ is shown in th

11、e report, has improved so far.A. what B. as C. it D. that 参考答案:B13. The film brought the hours back to me _I was taken good care of in that far-away village. A. until B. that C. when D. where参考答案:C14. At home, he keeps some pets,to which he _ all his spare time. Aspends Boffers Cdevotes Dprovides参考答

12、案:C略15. These problems are different from each other, so they should be dealt with . A. totally B. simply C. separately D. extremely参考答案:C略二、 填空16. Dont you see this MP3 is _ (同一个) I lost yesterday ? (same)参考答案:the same that三、 阅读理解17. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项 I am on holiday here in

13、Switzerland with my parents and I am having a fantastic time. 71 It is the first time I have ever been to the mountains and I love it. 72 . My father isnt very happy though. He isnt allowed to smoke in the hotel so he has to go outside!We have been on lots of walks in the mountains but we always go

14、with a guide. 73 . You can easily get lostits so remote.Yesterday we went for a boat trip around the lake but we had to come home early. 74 . It was fun but a bit frightening.75 The worst thing is that I cant go out at night. Not because my parents wont let me but because theres nowhere to go.A.Its safe to go out aloneB.You dont have to go with a guide but its safer.C.It started to rain heavily and we couldnt even see the shore.D.Its also the first time Ive ever stayed in a hot


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