1、Syllabus of (Services MarketingCourse Name: Services MarketingCourse Code: N0860103Credits: 2.0Total Credit Hours: 32Lecture Hours: 32Experiment Hours: 0Programming Hours: 0Practice Hours: 0Total Number of Experimental (Programming) Projects 0 ,Where, Compulsory ( 0 ), Optional ( 0 ).School: School
2、of Business, Jiangnan UniversityTarget Major: Marketing; Business AdministrationI、Course Nature & AimsServices Marketing is a course designed for BBA students. Services Marketing places marketing issues within a broader general management context from an international perspective, and thus will appe
3、al to full-time students headed for a career in management and to BBAs. The primary goals of this course are to equip students with knowledge regarding services marketing, guide them to understand services markets, products and customers, and deliver them important tactics to analyze the services in
4、dustry, such as the management of customer interface and the implementation of profitable service strategies, which are beneficial to students both theoretically and practically.II、Course ObjectivesMoral Education and Character CultivationThrough transferring knowledge of this course to students, cu
5、ltivate talents with good professional ethics and a high sense of social responsibility, good professional quality, perfect personality, and spirit of humanism; educate students to behave morally in service contexts and to reach a higher moral level; enhance students ability to construct and solve p
6、roblems from the perspective of altruism; motivate students to think about questions raised up during the course systematically and deeply; cultivate high-quality talents who can work in enterprises, institutions and government departments.Course ObjectivesThrough the study of this course, students5
7、 qualities, skills, knowledge and abilities obtained are as follows:Objective 1. Analyze the difference between services and products, and the relationship between services and customers, including why study services, the definition of services, and the new marketing mix required by services. (Corre
8、sponding to Chapter 1-2, supporting for graduation requirements index 2.2)Objective 2. Understand how to use theories and models of services marketing to integrate managerialthinking with the reality of todays world, and to illustrate cutting-edge service concepts, including the applicationPromoting
9、 theValue PropositionChapter 7 Positioning Services in CompetitiveMarkets3.50.5Chapter 8Designing andManaging ServiceProcesses2.50.5Chapter 9Crafting theServiceEnvironment3Chapter 10Managing People for ServiceAdvantage3Chapter 11ManagingRelationship andBuilding Loyalty3Chapter 12 AchievingService Re
10、covery and Obtaining Customer Feedback2Total302Sum32V、Summary of Experimental (Programming) ProjectsNo experiment (programming) session.VI、Teaching MethodThis course is mainly characterized by teaching lectures, supplemented by students5 self-study and homework based on the video materials of the co
11、urse. During teaching process, blackboard writing and multimedia teaching methods will be flexibly utilized to improve teaching quality and to enhance the interaction between teachers and students. Elicitation method of teaching will also be used to inspire students to actively analyze problems and
12、find potential solutions by themselves.W、Course Assessment and Achievement EvaluationAssessment Methods: ExaminationExamination Formats: Open-bookGrading Methods: Five-level SystemCourse Assessment Content, Assessment Format and Supporting Course ObjectivesCourseObjectives (Indices)AssessmentContent
13、Assessment Formats and Proportion ( % )GradingClassroomQuestioningAssignmentEvaluationRoutine TestExperimentReportTermReportTermPaperMidtermExamFinalExamProportion(%)Objective 1 (Index 2)Concepts of services marketing; categories of services; services marketing mix5510Objective 2 (Index 5)Traditiona
14、l marketing mix: Product and services, Pricing,Place and Promotion552535Objective 3(Index 6)Expanded marketing mix: People, Process andPhysical environment552535Objective 4(Index 10)Customer loyalty management, CRM and service recovery51520Total201070100VDI Course ResourcesTextbooks :Jochen Wirtz, C
15、hristopher Lovelock. Services Marketing: People, Technology, Strategy (8th Edition)(M|. NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc., 2018.Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz, Partricia Chew. Services Marketing (6th Edition)lMJ. Beijing : China Renmin University Press, 2011.Bibliography :Sanjit Kumar Roy
16、, Dilip S. Mutum, Bang Nguyen. Services Marketing Cases in Emerging Markets: An Asian Perspective!MJ. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2017.Peter Mudie, Angela Pirrie. Services Marketing Management (Third Edition)lMJ. London and New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2011.Reading Materials
17、 :Reinders, M. J., Dabholkar, P. A., & Frambach, R. T. (2008). Consequences of Forcing Consumers to Use Technology-Based Self-Service. Journal of Service Research, 11(2), 107-123.Volckner, F., Sattler, H., Hennig-Thurau, T., & Ringle, C. M. (2010). The Role of Parent Brand Quality for Service Brand
18、Extension Success. Journal of Service Research, 13(4), 379-396.Hogreve, J., Bilstein, N., & Hoerner, K. (2019). Service Recovery on Stage: Effects of Social Media Recovery on Virtually Present Others . Journal of Service Research, 22(4), 421-439.Jung, J. H., Yoo, J. J., & Arnold, T. J. (2017). Servi
19、ce Climate as a Moderator of the Effects of Customer-to-Customer Interactions on Customer Support and Service Quality. Journal of Service Research, 20(4), 426-440.Henkel, A. P., Boegershausen, J., Rafaeli, A., & Lemmink, J. (2017). The Social Dimension of ServiceInteractions. Journal of Service Rese
20、arch, 20(2), 120-134.Schaefers, T., Wittkowski, K., Benoit, S., & Ferraro, R. (2016). Contagious Effects of CustomerMisbehavior in Access-Based Services. Journal of Service Research, 19(1), 3-21.IX、NotesPrerequisites: Marketing Management; International MarketingFollow-up Courses: Customer Relations
21、hip Management; Integrated Marketing CommunicationContents and Requirements of Students, Self-study: Reading materialsBilingual Teaching or Not: Pure English teachingRequirements and Proportion of Bilingual Teaching: Pure English teachingDiscipline and Considerations of Practice Session: no practice
22、 sessionNotes: Noof the service model into practice, the pricing of services, the distribution process of services through physical and electronic channels, the promotion of services in competitive markets. (Corresponding to Chapter 3-6, supporting for graduation requirements index 2.5)Objective 3.
23、Master services positioning, the design and management of service processes, crafting of the service environment, and the management of people in servicescape. (Corresponding to Chapter 7-10, supporting for graduation requirements index 2.6)Objective 4. Understand the concept of customer loyalty and
24、 customer relationship management, and learn about how to achieve service recovery and obtaining customer feedback. (Corresponding to Chapter 11-12, supporting for graduation requirements index 2.10)3. Supporting for Graduation RequirementsThe graduation requirements supported by course objectives a
25、re mainly reflected in the graduation requirements indices 2.2, 2.5, 2.6 and 2.10, as follows:Supporting for Graduation RequirementsCourseObjectivesGraduationRequirementsIndices and Contents Supporting forGraduation RequirementsTeachingTopicsLevel ofSupportIndicesContentsObjective 1Capacity to analy
26、zeproblemsIndex 2.2New perspectives on marketing in the service economy and customer behavior in service encountersCh 叩 ter 1-2LObjective 2ProfessionalcompetenceIndex 2.5Traditional marketing mix: Product and services, Pricing, Place and PromotionChapter 3-6MObjective 3Practical abilityIndex 2.6Expa
27、nded marketing mix: People,Process and Physical environmentChapter 7-10HObjective 4Vocational developingabilityIndex 2.10Customer loyalty management, CRM and service recoveryChapter 11-12MHI、Basic Course ContentNew Perspectives on Marketing in the Service Economy (supporting course objectives 1, 2)W
28、hy Study ServicesWhat Are ServicesFour Broad Categories of Services -A Process PerspectiveThe Extended Services Marketing Mix for Managing the Customer InterfaceTeaching Requirements: By the end of this chapter, students should be able to: understand how services contribute to a countrys economy; kn
29、ow the principal industries of the service sector; identify the powerful forces that are transforming service markets; define services using the non-ownership service framework; be familiar with the characteristics of services and the distinctive marketing challenges they pose; understand the compon
30、ents of the traditional marketing mix applied to services; describe the components of the extended marketing mix for managing the customer interface.Key Points: Master four broad categories of services and extended services marketing mix.Difficult Points: Identify the powerful forces that are transf
31、orming service markets and define services using the non-ownership service framework.Customer Behavior in Service Encounters (supporting course objectives 1, 2, 3)How Differences among Services Affect Customer BehaviorCustomer Decision Making: The Three Stage Model of Service ConsumptionPrepurchase
32、StageService Encounter StagePost-Encounter StageTeaching Requirements: By the end of this chapter, students should be able to: understand the three-stage model of service consumption; use the multi-attribute model to understand how consumers evaluate and choose between alternative service offerings;
33、 learn why consumers often have difficulties evaluating services, especially those with many experience and credence attributes; know the perceived risks customers face in purchasing services and the strategies firms can use to reduce consumer risk perceptions; understand how customers form service
34、expectations and the components of these expectations; describe how customers evaluate services and what determines their satisfaction; understand service quality, its dimensions and measurement, and how quality relates to customer loyalty.Key Points: Understand the three-stage model of service cons
35、umption and the perceived risks customers face in purchasing services and the strategies firms can use to reduce consumer risk perceptions.Difficult Points: Use the multi-attribute model to understand how consumers evaluate and choose between alternative service offerings; describe how customers eva
36、luate services and what determines their satisfaction.Developing Service Concepts: Core and Supplementary Elements (supporting course objectives 1, 2, 3, 4)Planning and Creating ServicesThe Flower of ServicePlanning and Branding Service ProductsDevelopment of New ServicesTeaching Requirements: By th
37、e end of this chapter, students should be able to: understand what constitutes a service product; be familiar with the Flower of Service model; know how facilitating supplementary servicesrelate to the core product; know how enhancing supplementary services relate to the core product; understand bra
38、nding at the corporate and individual service product level; examine how service firms use different branding strategies; understand how branding can be used to tier service products; know how firms can build brand equity; understand what is required to deliver a branded service experience; list the
39、 categories of new service development, ranging from simple style changes to major innovations; describe how firms can achieve success in new service development.Key Points: Understand what constitutes a service product and get familiar with the Flower of Service model.Difficult Points: Analyze bran
40、ding at the corporate and individual service product level and examine how service firms use different branding strategies.Distributing Services through Physical and Electronic Channels (supporting course objectives 1, 2, 3,4)Distribution in a Services ContextDetermining Type of Contact: Options for
41、 Service DeliveryPlace and Time DecisionsDelivering Services in CyberspaceThe Role of IntermediariesTeaching Requirements: By the end of this chapter, students should be able to: know the four key questions that form the foundation of any service distribution strategy: What, How, Where and When; be
42、familiar with how services can be distributed using three main options, and understand the importance of distinguishing between distributing core and supplementary services; identify the issues of delivering services through electronic channels and discuss the factors that have fueled the growth of
43、service delivery via cyberspace; understand the determinants of customers? channel preferences; describe the where (place) decisions of physical channels and be familiar with the strategic and understand the role, benefits and costs of using intermediaries in distributing services.Key Points: Know t
44、he four key questions that form the foundation of any service distribution strategy, and understand the determinants of customers channel preferences.Difficult Points: Identify the issues of delivering services through electronic channels and analyze the factors that have fueled the growth of servic
45、e delivery via cyberspace.Exploring Business Models: Pricing and Revenue Management (supporting course objectives 1, 2, 3,4)Effective Pricing Is Central to Financial SuccessPricing Strategy Stands on Three LegsRevenue Management: What It Is and How It WorksEthical Concerns in Service PricingPutting
46、Service Pricing into PracticeTeaching Requirements: By the end of this chapter, students should be able to: recognize that effective pricing is central to the financial success of service firms; define different types of financial costs and explain the limitations of cost-based pricing; understand t
47、he concept of net value and how gross value can be enhanced through value-based pricing and reduction of related monetary and non-monetary costs; describe competition-based pricing and situations where service markets are less price-competitive.Key Points: Define different types of financial costs a
48、nd explain the limitations of cost-based pricing.Difficult Points: Understand the concept of net value and how gross value can be enhanced through value-based pricing and reduction of related monetary and non-monetary costs.Educating Customers and Promoting the Value Proposition (supporting course o
49、bjectives 1, 2, 3, 4)Role of Marketing CommunicationsCommunicating Services Presents Both Challenges and OpportunitiesSetting Communication ObjectivesThe Marketing Communications MixRole of Corporate DesignMarketing Communications and the InternetTeaching Requirements: By the end of this chapter, st
50、udents should be able to: know the 5 Ws of the Integrated Service Communications Model, i.e., Who, What, How, Where and When; be familiar with three broad target audiences (Who) for any service communications program; understand the most common strategic and tactical service communications objective
51、s (What); know important specific roles assumed by service marketing communications; understand challenges of service communications and how service communications can overcome these (“How); know elements of traditional marketing communications channels; know the role of the Internet, mobile, apps,
52、quick response (QR) code and other electronic media in service marketing communications; know elements of communications available via service delivery channels; know communications mix elements that originate outside the firm; understand when communications should take place (When), how to set budg
53、ets for service communications and programs, and how to evaluate these programs; appreciate ethical and consumer privacy related issues in service marketing communications; understand role of corporate design in communications; know importance of integrated marketing communications to deliver a powe
54、rful brand identity.Key Points: Master the skills of utilizing the 5 Ws of the Integrated Service Communications Model to analyze problems; understand the role of the Internet, mobile, apps, quick response (QR) code and other electronic media in service marketing communications.Difficult Points: Ide
55、ntify challenges of service communications and how service communications can overcome these; understand how to set budgets for service communications and programs, and how to evaluate these programs.Positioning Services in Competitive Markets (supporting course objectives 1, 2, 3, 4)Market Segmenta
56、tion Forms the Basis for Focused StrategiesService Attributes and LevelsPositioning Distinguishes a Brand from Its CompetitorsInternal, Market, and Competitor AnalysesUsing Positioning Maps to Plot Competitive StrategyTeaching Requirements: By the end of this chapter, students should be able to: und
57、erstand how the customer, competitor and company analysis (i.e., the 3 Cs) helps to develop a customer-driven services marketing strategy; know the key elements of a positioning strategy (i.e., STP), and explain why these elements are so crucial for service firms to apply; distinguish between import
58、ant and determinant attributes for segmentation; use different service levels for segmentation; target service customers using the four focus strategies for competitive advantage; position a service to distinguish it from its competitors; understand how to use positioning maps to analyze and develop
59、 competitive strategy; develop an effective positioning strategy.Key Points: Understand how the customer, competitor and company analysis (i.e., the 3 Cs) helps to develop a customer-driven services marketing strategy; know the key elements of a positioning strategy (i.e., STP).Difficult Points: Kno
60、w the key elements of a positioning strategy (i.e., STP), and explain why these elements are so crucial for service firms to apply; use different service levels for segmentation; develop an effective positioning strategy.Designing and Managing Service Processes (supporting course objectives 1,2, 3,
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