1、黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2020_2021学年高二英语上学期期中试题黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2020_2021学年高二英语上学期期中试题PAGE PAGE 25黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学2020_2021学年高二英语上学期期中试题黑龙江省哈尔滨市第六中学20202021学年高二英语上学期期中试题第一卷注意事项:1。答题前考生先将自己的姓名,准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0。5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整,笔迹清楚。3. 请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效.4。
2、保持卡面清洁,不要折叠、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀.第一部分:单项选择(每题1分,满分20分)1.Whatever she says will not make any difference_ our arrangements.A。 to B。 about C。 in D. on。2。 I was told that there were about 50 foreign students_ Chinese in the school, most _ were from Germany。 A。 studied; of whomB。 study; of themC。 stud
3、ying; of whomD。 studying; of them3.In practice, few drivers _ the traffic rules。settle B. respect C. direct D. sign4。The news _our football team won got around quickly。which B。 what C。 that D. whatever5。 Students should involve themselves in community activities they can gain experience for growth.A
4、。 who B. when C. which D。 where6。Dont make _ on the case before you look into it。remarks B. reviews C。 access D。 contacts7.The committee _ten members. A .is consisted of B。 makes up C. is made of D。 consists of8. If _ with care, one tin will last for six weeks。 A。 Use B. UsedC。 Using D。 To use9.The
5、earliest known paper cutting in China_ the Tang Dynasty。 A. dates from B。 sets in C。 stands for D. sets up10。They were _the approach of the enemy。 A. warned of B. complained about C. applied to D。 set aside11。The reason_ he came to school late was _he got up late。 A. whybecause B. forfor C。 foras D.
6、 whythat12。The demand for this product is _。 A. in demand B. in need C. in response D。 on the increase13.Thanks to the new techniques, our production has increased _。 A。 absolutely B。 profoundly C。 permanently D。 dramatically14._ online shopping has changed our life, not all of its effects have been
7、 positive. A. While B。 Because C. If D。 Once15。The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, _more patients to be treated.A。 allowing B. having allowed C. allowed D. to allow16.Despite the previous rounds of talks, no agreement _ so far by the two sides。 A。 had reached B。 has been reache
8、d C. was reached D. has reached 17。She_ the childrens absence to tidy their rooms。 A. made up B. made up for C. accounted for D。 took advantage of18.Only then _the stress he was under。 A。 he realized B。 did he realize C。 had he realized D. he had realized19。You can _ the equipment from the local sup
9、plier. A。 criticise B. purchase C. offer D。 shelter20. Do you think he is _ to come here?A. probable B。 possibleC。 likelyD. certainly 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节:(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中选出最佳选项。A MUSEUM SHOPS BUFFALO HISTORY MUSEUM Offers items related to the history of Western New Y
10、ork and its people, such as postcards, posters, fine gift items, childrens books, and a wide selection of publications about Buffalo architecture, the Arts Crafts movement and Frank Lloyd Wright。 One Museum Court, Buffalo 7168739644/ BUFFALO ZOO The Zootique is full of animalthemed items from around
11、 the world, as well as Buffalo Zoo branded Tshirts, sweatshirts, postcards, calendars, and educational toys。 A Zootique gift can be the perfect way to remember your day at this attractive zoo, which is set within the Frederick Law Olmsted-designed Delaware Park. 300 Parkside Ave, Buffalo 716873-3900
12、/ BURCHFIELD PENNEY ART CENTERWhile most museum gift shops are filled with knicksnacks(小摆设) and memorabilia, the Burchfields shop is filled with works by local artists. There are some seriously cool, collectible items to be found。 The museum itself is known for showing cutting-edge artists and exhib
13、itions, and the creativity obviously doesnt stop at the art. 1300 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo 716-8786011/ROYCROFT COPPER SHOP GALLERYYou can experience the American Arts and Crafts Movements legacy(遗产) today by shopping at the Roycroft Copper Shop, featuring hundreds of works by over 100 local, national,
14、and international artisans including handmade jewelry, woodwork, glass, prints and paintings. 31 South Grove St, East Aurora 7166550261/21. Which number should you call if you want to know more about Zootique gifts? A。 716873-9644. B. 716-8373900. C. 716-8786011. D. 7166550261 .22. How is Burchfield
15、 Penny Art Center different from other museum shops? A。 Its goods are all artworks. B. Its gifts are intended for children. C。 It sells a lot of works by local artists。 D。 It shows various coins from around the world。23。 At which shop can you learn about the Arts and Crafts Movement in America? A. B
16、uffalo Zoo。 B。 Buffalo History Museum。 C. Burchfield Penny Art Center。 D. Roycroft Copper Shop GalleryBIts quite a time for the strange weather, and it does not get much stranger than snow falling in one of the hottest places in the world.On Sunday morning, Ain Sefra, a desert town in Algeria known
17、as the “Gateway to the Sahara”, experienced a large amount of snow for reportedly the third time in 40 years。 Some reports said parts of the area got as deep as 15 inches of snow, but Ain Sefra officially reported less than one inch in some places. Some people were very excited about it。 It was stra
18、nge enough to provide some very special pictures from an area that usually sees some of the hottest temperatures on earth during the summer.Now, its not uncommon for the temperature across even the hottest of deserts to drop tens of degrees Fahrenheit(华氏温度)at night, meaning any unusual snow could st
19、ay there around for a while. But photographers at the scene said the snow actually stayed intact (完好无损的) for a good portion of the day。 “We were really surprised when we woke up to see snow again,” photographer Karim Bouchetata told Shutterstock。 “It stayed all day on Sunday and began melting at aro
20、und 5 p. m. While snow is not often falling down in the desert area, a similar snow phenomenon happened just last year。 Before that, it had been 37 years since Ain Sefras last snowfall.24. Why were some people in Ain Sefra excited?A. The snow was one inch deep in some places。B。 They could take some
21、wonderful pictures.C They never experienced a snow before。D. They knew nothing about Ain Sefra.25. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Ain Sefra?A。 It belongs to Algeria。B. It has witnessed 3 snowfalls in 37 years.C。 It is one of the hottest places in the world.D。 It is referred to a
22、s the “Gateway to the Sahara”。26。 Why could the snow stay for a while?A. It was unusual to snow。B. Nobody touched the snow。C. It fell in the coldest of deserts.D. The temperature was low enough at night。27. What is the best title for the text?A. Snowfalls in One of the Hottest Places in the WorldB。
23、Happiness Coming from the Strange WeatherC. The Gateway to the Sahara Ain SefraD. The Hottest Places in the World C “ Go ahead,” I told Linda。 “ Pick up the rock, and see whats under it。” Her 4year-old arms struggled with the rock buried in the stream bed. Her eyes got big as she examined the worms
24、after their nest was uncovered. She watched quietly, as they walked past her foot. She gently put the rock back and said, “ Are there worms under all the rocks?” This wasnt school it was a nature-based summer camp in New Yorks Hudson Valley that I ran when I was 17。 When I turned the kids over to th
25、eir parents at the end of the day, they were tired, inspired by nature and knowledge。Finlands “ forest kindergartens use the natural world as a jumping off point for early academic instruction to make them enjoy learning. Finland is following in the footsteps of other European countries including De
26、nmark, where outdoor education has been common for many years.In the Finnish program, kids spend four days of a week, from 8:30a。m. to 6:30p。m。, outside with a teacher。 Built into the program is quite a bit of playtime. Kids get a lot of exercise and lesson plans are freely made so teachers can use
27、whats at hand and in season in their lessons。While all this sounds less strict than a classroom-based kindergarten program, the results show that these types of programs have better results for overall physical health as well as academic performance and social development。 But arent the kids who do
28、this coming from wealthy, educated communities-so, of course they score better on tests? In fact, the greatest gains from spending time outdoors can be found in kids who are coming from less advantageous background. At a school near Atlanta, where kids spend 30 percent of their day outside, students
29、 have improved scores more than students from any other school in their area, and most of the kids there come from poor families。28. Why did the author ask Linda to turn over the rock? A. To help Linda be independent. B. To see if Linda had enough courage。 C. To give Linda a chance to study nature.
30、D. To teach Linda how to protect animals。29. Whats the purpose of Finlands “ forest kindergartens”? A。 To help kids learn about forests. B。 To popularize outdoor education。 C. To show the importance of play. D. To develop kids interest in study。30. Compared with classroom-based kindergartens, “fores
31、t kindergartens”_. A。 seem to be less tiring B. have no fixed lesson plans C。 set many strict rules D。 have no teachers around31. What is an advantage of outdoor programs according to the last paragraph? A. Kids joining them score higher on tests。 B. They help change poor kids families. C. They do g
32、ood to communities. D。 Kids meet people who are different from them.DFor anyone still doubting the belief that our emotions impact our physical health, a new study fromNew Zealandshould be able to settle the matter. It reports that the physical wounds of healthy seniors healed more quickly if they w
33、rote about their most upsetting experiences.This confirms the results of a 2010 study, and extends those findings to cover older adults-a group that is likely to suffer wounds (such as from surgery), and one with less access to other ways of lowering stress (such as exercise).Reported in the journal
34、 Psychosomatic Medicine, a research team led by theUniversityofAucklands Elizabeth Broadbent made a study featuring 50 healthy adults ranging in age from 64 to 97。 They were asked to write for 20 minutes per day for three days on end。Half were asked to write about the most upsetting experience in th
35、eir life, describing their deepest thoughts, feelings, and emotions about the events, ideally not previously shared with others. The others were asked to write about their daily activities without mentioning emotions, opinions or beliefs。Two weeks after the third day of writing, all participants rec
36、eived a standard4mmskin biopsy (皮下活体组织检查)on their inner arm。 The very tiny wounds caused by the biopsy were photographed regularly over the following days to determine the rate at which they healed.On the 11th day after the biopsy, the wounds completely healed on 76。2 percent of thosewho had done th
37、e expressive writing. That was true of only 42.1 percent of those who had written about everyday activities。“The biological and psychological mechanisms (机体) behind this effect remain unclear,” the researchers wrote, noting that those whohad done the expressive writing did not report lower stress le
38、vels or fewer depressive symptoms than the others in the control group. Even if they werent consciously aware of feeling more relaxed or positive, the expressive writing appeared to have caused some sort of bodily reaction-probably involving their immune(免疫的) systems-that hastened their recovery.32.
39、 What was the difference between the two groups of participants in the study?A。 When they wrote. B。 Where they wrote.C. What they wrote about。 D. How often they wrote.33. According to the text, the experiment lasted_.A. about three days B。 about ten daysC。 about two weeks D. about a month34。 The und
40、erlined word “hastened” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to 。A. speeded B。 showed C. limited D. ruined35。 What would be the best title of the text?A。 Sharing with others can reduce stress。B. Skin biopsies are likely to cause wounds。C. Expressive writing heals physical wounds。D。 Upsetting
41、experiences impact our emotions.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Unsurprisingly, people who are very busy also tend to be very successful and knowledgeable, so its in your interest to befriend with them. But how do you talk to such busy people in order to make friends w
42、ith them? _36_The same rules apply。 However, there are a few specific rules for talking with busy people in particular。Remember that even busy people are social creatures。 That people are busy doesnt mean they dont want to chat with others or they dont enjoy it. _37_ Busy people can be very social a
43、nd friendly。 Like anyone else, they have a deepseated need to socialize and make friends._38_ They know theyre capable and in demand, but it doesnt mean they expect others to prove themselves to them。 The best use of your time talking with busy people is not in trying to impress them. Focus on makin
44、g a conversation and creating a connection, not on proving yourself。Spend more time in their field. When dealing with busy people, since their time is in high demand, your favorite topics take a slight backseat (次要位置) to theirs。 It usually makes sense to make sure they find the topics you talk about
45、 meaningful。 _39_Get to the point。 _40_ Their time is highly valuable。 So they dont need you to sugar coat your messages that much, they just want you to say what you have to say。A. Dont try to prove yourself.B。 Dont hesitate to change your plans。C. They just dont have that much time for it.D。 Its c
46、omfortable for them to chat with people who they like.E. Mostly, talking to busy people is the same as talking to any others.F. Once youve found a topic they enjoy talking about, you should explore that topic。G. Busy people have little patience for communicators who beat around the bush.第三部分:完型填空(共2
47、0小题,每小题1。5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项在答题卡上将该项涂黑。For the past ten years, my dad and I have attended the same school he as an administrator and I as a student。 Our relationship, in and out of school, has been totally unpredictable。When I was younger, all that my dad said was doctrin
48、e (信条) and anything he did I,_41_, copied. We played games together, and stayed up late reading bedtime stories. I could_42_my dad taking me to school, running into him_43_during the day and riding home with him every afternoon. As I grew older, we were not as_44_as we used to be。 He wasnt cool any
49、more。 He wore his socks too high, listened to_45_country music and laughed too loudly in front of my friends. He became a total embarrassment.However, the_46_that happened in school were even worse。 The worst one happened in seventh grade。 My dad came to our New Year party,_47_as Donald Duck, guitar
50、 in hand, singing silly songs。 Just kill me! I wanted to run away.This_48_continued into high school, but we began to find a balance。 Things started to_49_around the time of my 10thgrade physics project。 The_50_was to build a wood bridge with the best strengthtoweight ratio (比率). All the students an
51、d physics teachers_51_。 So did my dad, the only administrator! Embarrassed, as usual, I_52_the scene。 _53_, later when I learned from my friends that my dad_54_all competitors and won everyones admiration, I found that mixed in with my_55_was a touch of pride。I had needed someone else to show me wha
52、t I_56_in my dad。 It wasnt the fact that hed won; it was more than that。 I began to_57_that we have many of the same values and sometimes the same opinions。 No matter how much I had tried to_58_him, he still influenced me.I feel_59_to have such an unusual father. The_60_I have developed with my dad
53、over the years has enabled me to look back and see how Ive grown.41. A。 temporarilyB。 naturallyC。 originallyD。 passively42。 A。 apply toB。 count onC。 see offD. pick out43. A. graduallyB. previouslyC. regularlyD。 eventually44. A。 closeB。 reliableC。 generousD. confident45。 A. creativeB。 familiarC。 horr
54、ibleD。 live46。 A. failuresB。 coincidencesC. announcementsD. disasters47. A. dressed upB. broken downC. settled downD. signed up48. A. debateB. partyC。 progressD。 struggle49。 A. happenB. changeC。 growD。 disappear50. A. issueB。 taskC。 lessonD。 procedure51。 A。 participatedB。 protestedC。 hesitatedD. exp
55、lored52。 A。 fledB。 lovedC. picturedD. made53. A. InsteadB。 OtherwiseC。 ThereforeD。 However54。 A. convincedB. defeatedC。 ignoredD。 evaluated55。 A。 confusionB. encouragementC。 embarrassmentD。 fascination56. A。 recommendedB。 toleratedC。 doubtedD。 appreciated57. A. recognizeB. demandC. argueD. estimate5
56、8。 A. approachB. limitC。 resistD。 believe59. A. puzzledB。 fortunateC。 concernedD。 awkward60。 A. standardB。 habitC。 relationshipD. potential 第二卷注意:将答案写在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效.第一节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1。5分,满分15)The national college entrance exam in Russia, Unified State Exam, will include Chinese as _61_ elective fo
57、reign language starting from 2019. Chinese will become the fifth elective test item for the Unified State Exam _62_ (follow) English, German, French and Spanish.The number of Chinese learners in Russia _63_ (grow) quickly in the past decade, according to a survey _64_ (carry) out by a linguistic res
58、earch center in Russia.Approaches to learning Chinese vary from person to person, _65_ more and more people choosing university courses in Russia. The threehourlong Chinese test will quiz students on _66_ (they) listening, reading, and writing abilities and a fourth section will examine students on
59、grammar, vocabulary and Chinese _67_ (character)。 Some parts in the exam are even a little bit difficult for native Chinese speakers。The United Nations (UN) in 2010 suggested a Chinese Language Day _68_ falls on April 20 each year _69_ (celebrate) cultural diversity as well as to promote using all o
60、fficial languages _70_ (equal)。第二节:单词拼写(共15小题,每题1分,满分15分)71。Her_(perform) at school has greatly improved. 72.One hundred teams from high schools all over the country have entered the_(compete).73。We need to examine all the costs_(involve) in the project.74。He went abroad, _(determine) not to come ba
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