1、身体部位英语from head to foot(从头到脚)1身体bodybd23头发hairhe45头headhed67眼睛、眉毛eyea 、eyebrowabra 89脸facefes1011脖子necknek1213胳膊、腿Armm 、legleg1415elbowelb肘部16手、手指handhnd、fingerfg1718脚、脚趾Footft、toet1920耳朵ear2122嘴巴、鼻子Mouthma、nosenz2324牙齿、舌头Toothtu、tonguet2526肩膀shoulderld2728肚子bellybli 2930后背backbk3132膝盖kneeni3334跟我读一
2、读(Read after me)1 hairhe头发 13toet脚趾2 headhed头 14ear耳朵3 eyea眼睛 15Mouthma嘴4eyebrowabra 眉毛 16nosenz鼻子5 facefes脸 17toothtu牙齿 6 necknek脖子 18tonguet舌头7 Armm胳膊 19shoulderld肩膀8 legleg腿 20bellybli肚子 9elbowelb肘部 21 backbk背部10handhnd手 22 kneeni膝盖11fingerfg手指12 footft脚35提升篇:你知道和人体部位有关的习语吗36Do you know? Match !胡
3、说,废话以牙还牙眼馋肚饱洗耳恭听左耳进右耳出嫉妒心1.an eye for eye. 2. in a pigs eye. 3. have eyes bigger than ones stomach.4.green-eyed monster. 5.be all ears . 6. one ear in and out the other.37Do you know? Match !大嘴巴帮助某人自负的行将就木喉结失去控制7.give someone a hand. 8. big-mouth. 9.get ones nose in the air.10.out of hand. 11.one fo
4、ot in the grave. 12. Adams apple.38Joke Time391 Big handsTeacher: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?Student: Big hands!402All the kids make fun of me, the boy cried to his mother, They say I have a big head.Dont listen to them, his mother comforted
5、him, You have a beautiful head. Now stop crying and go to the store for ten pounds of potatoes.Wheres the shopping bag?I havent got one, use your hat.413Peter came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, What happened?A kid bit me, replied Peter.Would you know him if you saw him again? asked h
6、is mother.Id know him anywhere, said Peter. I have his ear in my pocket.42Game TimeYou are the best!43Game One:根据图片,快速地说出相应的单词,比比谁最快。(四人一组)You are the best!44head45hair46face47nose48ear49eye50mouth51teeth52neck53hand54finger55arm56elbow57knee58shoulder59back60foot61toe62leg63Body Parts Hidden Pictur
7、es Game难度提升64656667686970Game Two:奇怪的触摸游戏目的练习认读和听说身体部位的单词;游戏所用句型:Touch your _ with your _.比如:Touch your knee with your head.71Round FourRound ThreeRound TwoRound SixRound OneRound Five72Back to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?STARTRound One731. eye 2. ear3. hand4. hairGot It5. blackboard(黑板)25 PointsGot I
8、tGot ItGot ItGot It25 Points25 Points25 Points25 PointsBack to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?View ItView ItView ItView It30292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432174Back to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?STARTRound Two751. neck2. finger3. shoulder4. kneeGot It5. back25 PointsGot ItGot ItGot ItGot It
9、25 Points25 Points25 Points25 PointsBack to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?View ItView ItView ItView It30292827262524232221201918171615141312111098765432176Back to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?STARTRound Three771. tongue2. belly3. toe4. earGot It5. wall墙25 PointsGot ItGot ItGot ItGot It25 Points25 Points25
10、Points25 PointsBack to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?View ItView ItView ItView It302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321Round Three - Louie is Thinking About78Back to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?STARTRound Four791. pencil2. book3. scoolbag4. fingerGot It5. head25 PointsGot ItGot ItGot ItGot It
11、25 Points25 Points25 Points25 PointsBack to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?View ItView ItView ItView It302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321Round Four - Louie is Thinking About80Back to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?STARTRound Five811. tongue2. nose3. hand4. deskGot It5. neck25 PointsGot ItGot
12、ItGot ItGot It25 Points25 Points25 Points25 PointsBack to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?View ItView ItView ItView It302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321Round Five - Louie is Thinking About82Back to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?STARTRound 6831. neck2. head3. tooth4. boyGot It5. man25 PointsGo
13、t ItGot ItGot ItGot It25 Points25 Points25 Points25 PointsBack to BoardWhats Louie Thinking?View ItView ItView ItView It302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321Round Six - Louie is Thinking About84Game Three:比比看,看谁的观察力和记忆力最好。85123456789101BFEETIFOOT2UFACEHUSBI3NARMAAHEAD4OCTOENHACE5SHOULDERKY6EAOTEAYMNE7AITHGEEYES8RRHUPHFEET小游戏,找出下表中有关身体部位的词汇8687Review Time88跟我读一读(Read after me)1 hairhe头发 13toet脚趾2 headhed头 14
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