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1、LSAT CR 总结题号列表:LSAT-Set1-SecI-Q2 LSAT-Set1-SecI-Q4 LSAT-Set1-SecI-Q6 LSAT-Set1-SecI-5,6 LSAT-Set1-SecI-11,12 LSAT-Set1-SecI-16,24 LSAT-Set2-SecII-11 LSAT-Set2-SECIV-Q1 LSAT-Set3-SectI-Q12 LSAT-Set3-SecIV-Q1419 LSAT-Set4-SecI-Q21LSAT-Set4-SectioI-Q12 LSAT-Set5-SecII-Q22 LSAT-Set5-SecIV-Q24 LSAT-Set5-

2、SecII-Q9,12 LSAT-Set6-SecII-Q5,12 LSAT-Set6-SecII-Q25 LSAT-Set6-SecIII-Q22 LSAT-Set6-SecIII-Q6,10,15 LSAT-Set7-SecI-Q16LSAT-Set7-SecIV-Q5,6 LSAT-Set7-SecIV-Q10 LSAT-Set7-SecIV-Q12 LSAT-Set8-SecII-8 LSAT-Set8-SecII-Q11 LSAT-Set8-SecII-Q21 LSAT-Set8-SecIV-Q9 LSAT-Set10-SecII-Q22 LSAT-Set11-SecI-Q1 LSA

3、T-Set11-SecIV-Q24 LSAT-Set12-SecII-Q22LSAT-Set15-SecIV-Q13,18 LSAT-Set15-SecII-Q25LSAT-Set18-SecII-10Q: LSAT 上第八套第 4 个 section.9. Brain scans of people exed to certain neurotoxins reveal brain damage identical tot foundin people suffering from Parkinsons disease. This fact shows not onlyt these neur

4、otoxins causethis type of brain damage, but alsot the brain damage itself causes Parkinsons disease. Thusbrain scans can be used to determine who is likely to develop Parkinsons disease. (8-4)The argument contains which one of the following reasoning errors? *(A) It fails to establisht other methods

5、t can be used to diagnose Parkinsons disease are lessaccuraten brain scans.(B) It overestimates the importance of early diagnosis in determining appropriate treatments forpeople suffering from Parkinsons disease.(C) It mistakes a correlation betn the type of brain damage described and Parkinsons dis

6、easefor a causal relation betn the two.(D) It amest people would want to know as early assible whether they were likely todevelop Parkinsons disease.E It neglects to specify how the information provided by brain scans could be used either intreating Parkinsons disease oronitoring the progresof the d

7、isease.是 B,百思不得其解。为何不是 C?A:我认为B 有误。treatments 明显与题干无关。看来 lsat 不能不信,亦不能全信。Q:请教 LSAT-Set5-SecII-Q2222. Public reports by national commiss,ernors conference, and leadership groups havestressed the great need for better understanding ofernational airs by the citizenry. If thecountry is to remain a undes

8、irable. If there iairs, then all of our ernational orienion.If all of the sementsleading nation in an era ofernational competitiveness, the need isch a need for the citizenry to have a better understanding ofernationalnew teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter with anhe passage are

9、true, which one of the following must also be true?(A) If the country is to remain a leading nation in an era ofnew teachers must be prepared to teach their subject matter wiernational competitiveness, thennernational orienion.(B) If new teachers are prepared to teach their subject matter with anern

10、ational orienion,then the country will remain a leading nation in an era ofernational competitiveness.(C) If there is better understanding ofremain a leading nation in an era ofernational airs by the citizenry, then the country willernational competitiveness.(D) If the country is to remain a leading

11、 nation in an era ofernational competitiveness, thenthere is no need for the citizenry to have a better understanding ofernational airs.(E) Public reports from various groups and commiss have stressed the need for a moreernational orienionhe education of teachers.A,为何不是D?请大家指教。A:记得当时也做错了,hehe。关键是 un

12、desirable 的理解,如果解释为不可取的,则为 D,但明显与客观事实不符。后来解释为不乐观的,则A 就顺理成章,a-b, b-c, 则 a-c.Q: 请教 LSAT-Set4-SecI-Q2121. Whenever a major political scandal erupts before an election and voters blame the scandal on all parties about equally, virtually all incumbents, from whatever party, seeking reelection arereturned

13、 to office. However, when voters blame such a scandal on only one party, incumbentsfromt party are likely to be defeated by challengers from other parties. The proportion ofincumbents who seek reelection is high and remarkably constant from election to election.If the voters reactions are guided by

14、a principle, which one of the following principles would bestaccount for the contrast in reactions described above?(A) Whenever one incumbent is responsible for one major political scandal and another incumbentis responsible for another, the consequenfor the two incumbents should be the same.(B) Whe

15、n a major political scandal is blamed on incumbents from all parties,t judgment ismore accuraten any judgmentt incumbents from only on party are to blame.(C) Incumbents who are rightly blamed for a major political scandal should not seek reelection,but if they do, they should not be returned to offi

16、ce.(D) Major political scandals can practically always be blamed on incumbents, but whether thoseincumbents should be voted out of office depends on who their challengers are.(E) When major political scandals are less the responsibility of individual incumbentsn of theparties to which they belong, w

17、hatevarty was responsible must be penalized whensible.E,不明白,谁能解释一下E 的逻辑关系.!A: 这类型在 GMAT 中就是解释题,LSAT 却总喜欢给它戴个帽子,如 principle 等等,实在有点绕人。题干现象:在职者常常会因其政党的影响。选项 E 主句提供解释或原因,政党应尽可能地受到惩罚。E 中的 WHEN 从句是 LSAT 追求逻辑严密性的表现,即限定了与个人无关,仅与政党有关。有点视听,与题干似乎无关。但其实其限定了主句的适用范围,更为严谨。在 GMAT 中,这种 WHEN,IF 的条件句往往也是可以优先选择,有时其具体内

18、容甚至可忽略。的标志,另外,就各选项而言,A,C,D 明显过于绝对(SHOULD),而 B 无关比较,也说反了。E 中的 whensible 语气最好。Q:shany 版主详细解释,题干中最后一句 The proportion of incumbents who seekreelection is high and remarkably constant from election to election. 是无关句?我以为是找能解释这最后一句的选项,其实题目问的是解释前面的差异。不太这种文法,犯晕了。A: 我还真没有注意到这个句子,只盯着结构词去了,应该是无关。其他朋友有何看法?Q: 请教

19、LSAT-Set5-SecIV-Q2424. Is been claimedt an action is morally good only if it benefits anotherson and wasperformed withtention; whereas an actionrms anotherson is morally bad either ifsuch harm wasto cause harm.ended or if reasonable forethought would have shownt the action was likelyWhich one of the

20、 following judgments most closely confirms to the principle cited above?(A) Pamela wrote a letter attempting to cause troubetn Edward and his friends; thiionof Pamelas was morally bad, even though the letter, in fact, had an effect directly opite fromthe oneended.(B) In order to secure a promotion,

21、Jeffery devoted his own time to resolving a backlog of medicalbenefits claims; Jeffreys action was morally good since it alone enabled Saras claim to bepro(C)sedime for her to receive much-needed treatment.ending to help her elderly neighbor by clearing his walkway after a snowstorm, Teresainadverte

22、ntly left ice on his steps; because of this exed ice, her neighbor had a bad fall, thusshowingt morally good actions can have bad consequen.(D) Marilees, asked by a homeless man for food, gave the man her own sandwich; however, because the man tried to talk while he was eating the sandwich, it cause

23、d him to choke, and thusMarilees unentionally performed a morally bad action.(E) Jonan agreed to watch his three-year-old niece while she played but,ing engrossed inconver, did not see her runo the street where she was hit by a bicycle; even though heion was morally bad.ended no harm, JonanE,看晕了,A,C

24、,D 为何错?请大家指教.A:C 无关(consequence)D (个人认为)unentionally 是故应排除。A 好像题目强调的是 letter,不是 action,不满足ened 或reasonable forethought 两条件,笨猪愚见大牛指教Q: 请教 LSAT-Set5-SecII-Q9,12Although nondairy coffee lighteners made with coconut oil contain 2 grams of saturated fat pertablespoon, or 7 times moren does whole milk, th

25、ose lighteners usually contain no cholesterol.Yet one tablespoon of such lighteners causes the consumers blood cholesterol to rise to a higherleveln does an identical amount of whole milk, which contains 2 milligrams of cholesterol pertablespoon.9. Manufacturers of coffee lighteners based on coconut

26、 oil claimt their products usually causethe typical consumers blood cholesterol to rise to a lower leveln does the use of whole milk asa lighteners. Which one of the following, if true, provides the most support for the manufacturersclaim?(A) Consumers of lighteners made with coconut oil who avoid o

27、ther high-cholesterol foods andexercise moreage tend to have lower-age blood cholesterol levels.(B) Coffee is frequently consumed with pastries and other rich dessertst themselves result inhigh blood cholesterol levels.(C) One popular nondairy coffee lightenert is not based on coconut oil has reduce

28、d its fatcontent by 20 percent while keng its cholesterol contenzero.(D) Consumers typically add to their coffee substantially smallerties of coconut-oil-basedlightenersn of whole milk.(E) Most consumers are convincednondairy coffee lighteners do not.t whole dairy products increase blood cholesterol

29、 andtD,提干说同样数量 lighteners 和 milk 比较,lighteners 使 cholesterol 升的更高,选项 D说 lighteners 用得比 milk 少来支持结论。我认为不确定。只有提干说同样数量的 lighteners 和 whole milk 效果一样raise the level of cholesterol, 选项 D 才能支持结论。A 为何错,请大家指教。12. Photovoltaictechnological advanlants produce electricity from sunlight. As a result of astonish

30、ing recent, the cost of producing electricer at photovoltaicer plants,allowing for both construction and operating costs, is one-tenth of what it was 20 years ago,whereas the corresponding cost for traditional plants, which burn fossil fuels, has increased. Thus,photovoltaicdo traditionallants offer

31、 a less expensive approach to meeting demand for electricitylants.nTheof the argument is properly drawn if which one of the following is amed?The cost of producing electricTwenty years ago, traditional were photovoltaic plants.er at traditional plants has increased over the past 20 years.lants were

32、producing 10 times more electricern(C) None of the recent technological advanin producing electricer at photovoltaic plantscan be appd to producinger at traditional plants.(D) Twenty years ago, the cost of producing electricer at photovoltaic plants was lessn 20times the cost of producinger at tradi

33、tional plants.(E) The cost of producing electricer at photovoltaic plants is expected to decrease further,while the cost of producinger at traditional plants is not expected to decrease.D,小于 20 倍不一定能推出结论,如果小于等于 10 倍才行,为什么选 D? C,E 错在哪里?请多指教。A:1.选项 A 错在 who 从句的表达,作为限定性从句,其缩小了 consumers 的范围,不能代表general

34、 consumers.如果改成非限定性从句,可以加强。选项 D 中有 substantially smaller ,意即2/7,所以可以支持 the manufacturers claim。2. 题干关注的是成本的比较,并没有否认 traditional plants 同样有技术革新,所以 C 取非后无法削弱,不能设。E 为将来状态,与当前的结论无关。我认为D 中的 20 倍有误,应该为 10 倍,才是正确。Q:版主解答,12 题查了黄皮书 D 应为 10 杯,ELSAT 打错了。9 题选项D 中有 substantially smaller ,意即2/7还是没明白,我是觉得用量少不等于功效小

35、.(相同数量 A 比 B 高)好像推不出(减少数量 A 比 B 低).请版主不吝赐教.A:Sorry,没认真看清数字。选项 D 的 substantially smaller ,指 oil lighteners 用量小于 milk 用量的 1/7,所以不会造成更高的 blood cholesterol levels。Q:想明白了,不过我觉得此题还需 2 个假设才比较完善,saturated fat 是造成 the level of cholesterol 升高的最主要原因如果不是唯一原因,substantially smaller 一定表示小于 1/7.多谢版主指教. A:1.saturate

36、d fat 是造成 the level of cholesterol 升高的最主要原因如果不是唯一原因,你的分析有道理,但其实这属于某种得很多。,公认事实,不必质疑。gmsat 内这种公理用2. substantially smaller 指相对可忽略,所以不用担心比例问题。Q: 请教Set6-SecII-Q5,125. The museums night security guard-maainst the thieves who stole the portrait did notenter the museum at any poat or above ground level. The

37、refore, the thieves musve gainedacs to the museum from below ground level.The flawed pattern of reasoningfollowing?he argument above is most similar tot in which one of the(A) The rules stipulate the participantshe contest be judged on both form and accuracy. Theeventual winner was judged highest in

38、 neither category , so there must be a third criterionjudges were free to invoke.t(B) The stores competitort the store in selling off the shirts at those pri, neithermade any profit nor broke even. Consequently, the stores customers musve been able to buyshirts thereessn the stores cost.(C) If the c

39、ensus is to be beved, the percentage of men who are married is highern thepercentage of women who are married. Thus, the census must show a higher number of menof women overall.n(D) The product label establishest this insecticide is safe for both humans and pet. Therefore,the insecticide must also b

40、e safe for such wild mammals as deer and rabbits.(E) As had generally been expected, not all questionnaires were sent in by the offil deadline. Itfollowst plans musve been made for the prosing of questionnaires received late.B,不过我没看出请大家指教。The flawed pattern of reasoning,好像逻辑没问题呀?12. By dating fossil

41、s of pollen and beetles, which returned after an Ice Age glacier left an area, it issible to establish an approximate date when a warmer climate developed. In one glal area, itappears from the insect recordt a warm climate developed immediay after the melting of theglacier. From the pollen record, h

42、owever, it appearslong after the glacier disappeared.t the warm climate did not develop untilEach one of the following, if true, helps to explahe apparent discrepancy EXCEPT:(A) Cold-weather beetle fossils can be mistaken for those of beetlest live in warm climates.(B) Warm-weather plants cannot est

43、ablish themselves as quickly as can beetles in a newenvironment.(C) Beetles can survive in a relatively barrentglal area by scavenging.(D) Since planes spread unevenly in a new climate, researchers can mistake gaps in the pollenrecord as evidence of noverall growth.(E) Beetles are among the oldest i

44、nsect species and are much older then many warm-weather plants.E,不明白,C 维和?请指教A:1.在作文argument 中,有既得利益的驳斥法。与本题类似,结论都依赖于利害关系人的 claim,故 flawed.2. Answer C meanst bees lived longern plants after the glacier disappeared(tglal ),and there was a relative shorteriod from extinction of cool bes to thriving of

45、 warm onesnwhappened to different plants.Q: 请教Set6-SecII-Q2525. Certainernments subsidize certain basic agricultural products in order to guarantee anadequate domestic production of them. But subsidies encourage moreeventually leads to soil exhaustion and drastically reduced yields.ensive farming, w

46、hichThe situation above is most nearly similar to which one of the following situations with respect tothe relationship betto it?n the declaredent of aernment practice and a circumstance relevant(A) Certainernmentbsidize theaters in order to attract foreign tourists. But tourists rarelychoose a dest

47、ination for the theatrical performanis to offer.(B) Certainernments restrict imports in order to keep domestic producers in business. But,since domestic producers do nove to face the full force of foreign competition, some domesticproducers are able to earn inordinay high profits.(C) Certainernments

48、 build strong armed forin order to maahe sort of discipline andmoralet keeps armed forstrong, those formust be used in actual combat periodically.(D) Certainernments reduce taxes on business ventures are not always aowners hoped.csful as their(E) Certainernments pass traffic laws in order to make tr

49、avel safer. But the population-drivengrowth in volumes of traffic often has the effect of making travel less safe despite the passage ofnew traffic laws.C,不明白,A 维和?请大家指教。A:I prefer Answer E to C, because it pos outt theernmention is countroductive,same problem to the title question. Like A, C doesno

50、t mention unexpected negative results.Q: 小兵逻辑难题之四LSAT 上册第 10 套第二个 section22. Politin: From the time our party took office almost four years ago the number of peopleunemployed city-wide increased by lessn 20 percent. The opition party controlled cityernment during the four preceding years, and the nu

51、mber of unemployed city residents rose byover 20 percent. Thus, due to our leadership, feweople now find themselves among the rsof the unemployed, whatever the opition may claim. (10-2)*The reasoninghe politins argument is most vulnerable to the criticismt(A) the claims made by the opition are simpl

52、y dismissed without being specified(B) no evidence has been offered to showt any decline in unemployment over the past fouryears was uniform throughout all areas of the city(C) the ie of how mucemploymenthe city is affected by seasonal fluctuations is ignoredactually provides more support for the de

53、nial(D) the evidence cited in support of theof the(E) thesibility has not been addressedt any increasehe number of people employed isdue to programpported by the opition party.A:I prefer D. 其他几项多多少少都显得无关。笨猪愚见大牛指教Agree to Piggy.How can the politicion concludet feweople are unemployed,he caset the une

54、mployment number keeps rising, even in a moderate rate.Q: 请教 LSAT-Set6-SecIII-Q2222. The true scientific significance of a group of unusual fossils discovered by the paleontologistCharles Walcott is more likely to be reflected in a recent classificationn it was in Walcotts ownclassification, Walcott

55、 was, after all, a prominent member of the scientific establishment. His classifications are thus unlikely to have done anything bonfirm what established science hadalready taken to be true.Which one of theargument?following most accuray describes a questionable technique used in theIt draws evidenc

56、e about theIt cites two pris about the merit of aitions source.ition and about the content oftition fromof evidence, each of which is both questionable and unverifiable, and usesthis evidence to support its(C) It bases as.on two premisest contradict each other and minimizes thiscontradiction by the

57、vagueness of the terms employed.(D) Itempts to establish the validity of a claim, which is otherwise unsupported, by denying thetruth of the opite oft claim.(E) Ityzes the past on the basis of sol and political categoriest properly apply only tothe present and uses the results of thisysis to support

58、 its.A, 为何选 A?请大家指教.A:The title article concludest Charles Walcott would definiy use the finding to support hisown theory rathern develop asible different theory, and thus the significance of the findingwould be undermined. Based on ungroundedanswer A expresses this opinion.al emotion, the argment i

59、s totally flawed.The版主解答,版主说得我能理解,A 中的from evidence about theitions source 把我绕晕了.Q:请教 LSAT-Set7-SecI-Q1616. Comets do not give off their own light but reflect light from other sour, such as the Sun.Scientists estimate the mass of comets by their brightness by their brightness: the greater a cometsma

60、ss, the more lightt comet will reflect. A salite probe, however, has revealedt thenmaterial of which Halleys comet is comhad been previously thought.ed reflects 60 times less light per unit of massThe sements above, if true, give the most support to which one of the following?(A) Some comets are com


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