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1、开灯穿上你的外套打扫房间关电视收拾好你的书本赢得比赛熬夜review翻译以下句子1.你可以打扫房间吗?Can you clean up the room? 对不起,我现在很忙. Sorry, Im busy now. 2.你可以收拾好你的书本吗? Can you put away your books? 当然了,等一会我去收拾 Sure, Ill put them away in a minute. Unit 6 Feeling FunBy- ElaineRead and guess: I have a long face, four legs and long tail. I can run

2、 fast. I like eating grass. People like riding on my back. What am I ?They were going to the west. Its in India.They have to get the great books .A Journey to the WestMasterMonkey King Unit 6 Feeling Fun! They are going to India位于南亚次大陆的印度半岛上,海岸线6083千米。地形以平原、高原、缓丘为主,占国土面积的60%左右。大致分为北部山地、中部平原和南部高原三个地形

3、区,北部山地属喜马拉雅山系,山势高峻,多7000米以上的山峰,中部印度河棗恒河平原是世界著名的大平原之一West East西方NorthSouthIndiathe Taj Mahal泰姬陵,代表了印度建筑艺术的最高水准印度第一美女妮哈达尔维人口大国 Do you want to go to India?carry- carriedcarry- carriedShe carried a baby.pull - pulledpull - pulledlose-lost Yesterday the boy lost his book .He has to find it .Lost my keys.

4、find- found He found his book last night . .give - gave She gave an apple to the man yesterday.She has to give her brother a present , because its his birthday today.push -pushed push -pushed They pushed the bus this morning .pull - pulledpull - pulleddrop- dropped a dropcarry- carriedcarry- carried

5、 丢失我的钥匙 lost my keys收到一个礼物得到一只猫咪 got a giftgot a kitten重点单词 1.lose- lost 丢失 2. carry-carried 携带3.push-pushed推 4. give- gave给5.find-found找到 6.drop-dropped放下7.pull-pulled拉 8.get-got拿到 火眼金睛丢失找到携带放下给得到推拉游戏规则 小鸟撞到哪个单词 就要说出单词的英文和中文Pulled a monkeyPushed a tigerCarried a book Lost my moneyGot a nice giftFou

6、nd some money gave a banana drop drop clean up the roomP39 (4) .A . _ 1 . Tony carried the keys in his bag.B. _ 2. Tony gave the keys to Jenny .C ._ 3. Jenny lost the keys .D . _ 4 . Jenny got the keys .E . _ 5 . Gogo found the keys .表示过去的时间有: YesterdayThe day before yesterdayLast nightLast week.stu

7、dy-studiedCarry-carriedcry-criedplayplayeduseused2. practice-practicedWe carried the great books back from India.Im hungry,too. He will come back soon.Master, when will Monkey come back?Im hungry.Its dark. We must be careful.Its dangerous(危险).Im not scared. Master.Stop! Give me money and the horse!N

8、o way! (没门)Drop your club!Dont fight.Master ! Im back. Are you OK ?Oh, no! Its the Monkey King! I must go.Wheres the dinner, Monkey?I found a nice club.Hum. Im afraid I forgot it.Ex 1: Order the pictures:( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 126543AFEDCBCan you say?They have to to get.India is inThey have to Because On the way, acame out.Mr ShaAt this time, the Monkey KingThe bad manAfter a long way, they翻译下列句子1.我的包不见了! 我找不到它。 I lost my bag! I cant find it. 不用担心!我来帮你 Dont worry. I ll h


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