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1、2016 学年第二学期五年级英语 M2 阶段测验卷Class_Name_学习兴趣学习习惯听力学业成果 词汇与语法 阅读理解写作Part 1 Listening (听力部分). Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组):( ) 1. A. / fru:t / B. / fu:d / C. / fut /( ) 2. A. / nau / B. / nut / C. / nait /( ) 3. A. bye B. buy C. by( ) 4. A. kitchen B. chicken C. chick( ) 5. A. run away B. keep silent

2、 C. keep away( ) 6. A. wake up B. get up C. find out( ) 7. A. Thats unhealthy. B. That doesnt sound healthy.C. That sounds unhealthy.( ) 8. A. The film starts in 15 minutes. B. The film starts at 8:15.C. The film starts at 8:45. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句):( ) 1. A. PE and IT. B. I have two c

3、lasses. C. There are two classes. ( ) 2. A. What did they have yesterday? B. What do healthy people have?C. What do unhealthy people have?( ) 3. A. At City Cinema. B. Ten oclock.C. In ten minutes.( ) 4. A. Swan Lake. B. Rabbit Run. C. Toy Story. Listen and number(听一听,用 1 5 给下列句子编号):( ) Singapore is

4、very modern. It has modern skyscrapers and subways.( ) Singapore is also called the Garden City. In my eyes, it is the worlds cleanest, safest and greenest country.( ) Singapore is a small country with many kinds of food, from Chinese food to French food to Malay food.( ) Last summer, I went to Sing

5、apore. It was my first time to go aboard.( ) There, you can see beautiful beaches lined with tall trees. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案):( ) 1. A. English. B. PE. C. PE and IT.( ) 2. A. Four thin books. B. Five thick books. C. Four thick books.( ) 3. A. No, they arent.B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, th

6、ey do.( ) 4. A. At the school gate. B. At 6:00. C. At 6:30. Listen and write(听一听,写出听到的单词完成句子,每线一词):It was a fine day last Sunday. In the morning, Kitty and Alice _ their homework in the library together. Then they _ some meat and some _ for lunch. After that, they went to the cinema. They bought two

7、 _ for Snow White. They enjoyed their day very much. Listen and judge(听一听,判断正误,用 T 或 F 表示):1( ) 1. This is Kittys timetable for Tuesday.( ) 2. Kitty has a PE class in the morning.( ) 3. The Chinese class begins at 8:30.( ) 4. Kitty likes Chinese and Art.( ) 5. Kitty is good at sport.Part 2 Vocabular

8、y and Grammar(词汇与语法). Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms. (适当形式填空) 1. Be quiet. The baby is _ (sleep) now.2. -Whose pencil cases are these? Theyre _. (her)3. It _ (be) a puppy. Now it is a dog.4. _ (not drink) in the library, Alice.5. I find _ (a) old box in my grandmo

9、ther s room. Read and write.(根据划线部分的提示,写出同类词)1. Strawberries, _ and _ are my favourite fruit.2. Unhealthy children always drink a lot of soft drinks and eat a lot of _ .3. Music is my favourite subject. What about you? -My favourite subject is _. 4. I can hear many buses,_ and _ in the street. Read,

10、 choose and write(读一读音标,将单词写在相应的横线上):funny rice nose grey noise hear hair green1. / gre / _2. / h / _3. / fni / _4. / ras / _ 5. / gri:n / _6. / nz / _7. / he / _8. / nuz / _I. Read and choose(选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内):( )1. Be _! The bus is coming. A. careful B. quiet C. noisy ( )2. Those boxes are _.

11、A. their B. theirs C. them ( )3. I dont like the loud music _. A. too B. either C. all ( )4. Tom and Ben sat _ the sofa and watched cartoon yesterday evening.A. in B. on C. under( )5. There _ a pencil and two rubbers in the pencil case.A. is B. are C. am( )6. You are _ fat. You _drink so many soft d

12、rinks. A. too, shouldnt B. to, should C. two, shouldnt( )7. Tom often _ lunch at school, but yesterday he _ lunch at home.A. havehad B. hashas C. hashad( )8. _, how can I go to Rainbow Hotel?A. Excuse me B. Sorry C. Hello( )9. _ Ben and Kitty like the loud music.A. all B. both C. Both2. Rewrite the

13、sentences(根据要求改变下列句子):1. Those are his sweets. (划问) _ sweets are those?2. I eat two bowls of rice every day. (划问)_ _bowls of rice do you eat every day?3. Please close your eyes. (否定句,句子意思不变)Please _ _ your eyes.4. It is a caterpillar. (一般过去时) It _ a caterpillar.5. Are they the same? Are they differe

14、nt? (用 or 改写)Are they _ _ or _?6. The film begins at 2:00. (划问) _ _ the film _?7. afternoon, we, shall, go, see, to, a, film, this, ? (连词成句)Shall _? . Read and write(读一读,填上适当的单词完成句子,每格一词):1. _ is a kind of (一种)meat. We can eat some every day.2. Snow White is a beautiful _. She lives in the kingdom.3

15、. An _ is the way in. We should go into the cinema quietly.4. They were caterpillars. Now they are _. They are brown.5. - Whats your _ festival? - I like New Year best.Part 3 Reading and writing(阅读理解)A. True or false.(判断,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)Jim and Matt live in a small hole in the wall. Jim does so

16、me exercise every day. He is strong and healthy. Matt never does any exercise. He always eats too much. He is fat. Matt eats all day and all night. Soon he becomes very fat. “You should do some exercise. Youre getting too fat,” says Jim. But Matt does not listen. One day, Jim and Matt are in the kit

17、chen. A cat comes. Jim quickly runs into the hole in the wall. He is safe there. Matt runs to the hole too, but he cannot run fast. He is too fat. What happens to Matt? Can you guess?( )1. Jim and Matt live in the hole in the wall.( )2. Matt is strong and healthy because he does some exercise every

18、day. ( )3. Jim is fat because he eats much and never does any exercise.( )4. Jim runs into the hole quickly.( )5. Matt runs into the hole too, so the cat cannot catch him.B. Choose the best answer.(根据阅读内容,选择最恰当的答案)It is Saturday. The Browns are at home.Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. Shes making apple

19、pies. The apple pies are very delicious. Do you want to have a taste?Mr Brown isnt in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. He likes it very much.Theirs son, Jim, is in the garden. He is playing football with some boys.3Where is his sister, Sue? Sh

20、es in her bedroo m with her friend ,Ann. They are watching the Animal World.( )1. There are _ people in Mr. Browns family.A. three B .four C. two( )2. Mrs. Brown is _.A. watching TV B. washing a car C. making apple pies( )3. Mr. Browns car is _.A. new B. beautiful C. both A and B( )4. -Who are playi

21、ng outside? -_A. Mrs. Brown and Sue B. Jim and some boys C. Sue and Ann ( )5. _ is Mr and Mrs Browns daughter.A. Sue B. Jim C. AnnC. Answer the questions.(根据短文内容,回答下列问题)Tomorrow evening is Kittys birthday. She is going to have a birthday party at home. Her friends Kathy and Ken are at a shop now. Th

22、ey want to buy a birthday card and a present for her. They often send cards and give presents to each other on their birthdays. Kathy and Ken havent much money. They only have five yuan. So they pay one yuan for a card and four yuan for a model ship. Theyre going to have a good time tomorrow evening

23、.1. Where are Kathy and Ken now? They _. 2. Whose birthday is tomorrow? Tomorrow_. 3. What do Kathy and Ken often do? They_. 4. How much money have they got? They_. D. Close test: ( 完形填空,首字母已给 )It is Sunday a_. Two little boys go to a cinema, buy the tickets and go in. But a_ two minutes they come o

24、ut, buy two more tickets and go in again. After a few minutes they come out a_ and buy two more tickets. The man in the ticket office says to them at last, Why are you buying a_ these tickets?Are you meeting friends here all the time? No, were not doing that, answer thetwo boys. But a big woman a_ s

25、tops us at the door and tears(撕)our tickets up. The man smiles and sells them two more tickets.XIII. Writing.(My Favourite Subject 三种句式,至少 6 句话,意思连贯、语句通顺。) _45B M2 听力部分. Listen and choose(听一听,选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): 1. Whats your favourite fruit?2. Please dont eat too much food at night.3. Let me

26、 buy the tickets first.4. There is some chicken on the plate.5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.6. I get up early every morning.7. Thats unhealthy.8. The film starts at a quarter to nine. Listen and choose(听问句,选答句;听答句,选问句,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): 1. How many classes do you have every afternoon?2. They h

27、ave a lot of hamburgers and French fries.3. When does the film start?4. This film is about a beautiful princess becomes a swan. What film is it?. Listen and number(听一听,用 1 5 给下列句子编号):Last summer, I went to Singapore. It was my first time to go aboard. Singapore is also called the Garden City. In m y

28、 eyes, it is the worlds cleanest, safest and greenest country. There, you can see beautiful beaches lined with tall trees. You can see large parks and gardens full of lovely flowers. Singapore is very modern. It has modern skyscrapers and subways. Singapore is a small country with many kinds of food

29、, from Chinese food to French food to Malay food. Wow! What a nice country!. Listen and choose(听小对话和问题,选出正确的答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内): 1. Danny: Whats your favourite subject, Kitty?Kitty: Im good at English. So I like it best.Danny: Do you like PE, Kitty?Kitty: Oh, I dont like it at all. I am not good at sp

30、orts. How about you, Danny?Danny: I like PE best. Im a member of the schools football club.Kitty: Do you like IT? Most of the boys like IT.Danny: Yes, I like it too.Q: What does Danny like?2. Peter: Are those your books, Alice?Alice: Some of these books are mine, and some are Lucys.Peter: Which ones

31、 are Lucys books?Alice: Lets see. These thin ones are Lucys.Peter: How many books does Lucy have?Alice: She has four books.Peter: How about you, Alice?5Alice: I have five thick books.Q: What does Lucy have?3. Father: Its a nice Sunday morning. Lets go out. What do you think, May?May: Thats a good id

32、ea! I want to eat outside. I like fast food.Father: Where are we going to eat?May: KFC again?Father: I like fried chicken, but today I want to have pizza for a change.May: O.K. Pizza is fine with me. Lets go!Q: Are they going to have pizza today?4. Peter: Hello, Lucy. Ive got two tickets for tonights film.Lucy: Whats the name of the film?Peter: Its Mickey Mouse. Would you like to see the film?Lucy: Certainly, Id love to. When does the film


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