1、第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页2023年最新的犀牛用英语怎么说读犀牛是哺乳类犀科的总称,是现存最大的奇蹄目动物,也是现存体型仅次于大象的陆地动物。那么你知道犀牛用英语怎么说吗接下来跟着小编来学习关于犀牛的英语知识吧。 犀牛的英语说法 rhinoceros 犀牛相关英语表达 犀牛海雀 rhinoceros auklet 苏门答腊犀牛 Sumatran Rhinoceros 犀牛的英语例句 1. She is a pole dancer at London s famous Spearmint Rhino club. 她是伦敦著名的 薄荷犀牛 夜总会的钢管舞舞者。 2. Carru
2、thers had been gored by a rhinoceros. 卡拉瑟斯被犀牛顶伤了。 3. The rhino charged headlong towards us. 犀牛急速地向我们冲来. 4. A rhinoceros lumbered towards them. 一头犀牛笨重地向他们走来. 5. The rhino broke away and ran not at us, but along the rocky bank beside us. 这头犀牛突然跑开了,但它没冲着我们跑来, 而是沿着我们旁边的石堤跑了. 6. They have driven the rhin
3、o to the edge of extinction. 他们已经令犀牛濒临灭绝。 7. There are many reports of people taming and even training Indian rhinos. 有许多关于人们驯养甚至训练印度犀牛的记载. 8. Prehistoric in appearance, the rhinoceros is indeed an ancient species. 在外观上象史前动物的印度犀牛确实是一个古老的种. 9. The game wardens tranquillized the rhinoceros with a drug
4、ged dart. 猎物保护区管理员用麻醉射器让犀牛静了下来. 10. He called me a rhinoceros three years ago. 三年前他骂我犀牛. 11. The adaptable Indian rhino is intermediate in size. 适应性强的印度犀牛是中等体型的. 12. The rhino s most acute sense is smell. 犀牛最敏锐的感觉器官是嗅觉. 13. For 50 million years, the rhinoceros, that unbeautiful but unique beast, has
5、 survived. 犀牛, 这种虽不美丽但独特的动物, 已存活繁衍了五千万年. 14. Comparing the two photographs later, I could calculate the shoulder height of the rhino. 后来对这两张照片进行比较, 我就能够算出这头犀牛的肩高. 15. The rhinos had fed during the night in the rice fields of these villagers. 犀牛夜里在这些村民的庄稼地里也已吃饱了. 关于犀牛英文阅读:印度国家公园三头犀牛竟遭雷击身亡 Three membe
6、rs of a rhino family have been killed by a lightning strike at an Indian national park. 近日,一犀牛家庭的三名成员在印度国家公园遭雷击身亡。 A 27-year-old female, a 14-year-old calf and a baby rhino were found dead after they were struck by a bolt that shook the ground for miles, officials said. 据当地官员表示,一头27岁的母犀牛,14岁的小犀牛和一只犀
7、牛婴儿被一场惊天动地、范围达到数英里的雷电击中之后死亡。 The family had been living in the reserved forest in Gorumara National Park in India s West Bengal state for more than a decade. 这个犀牛家庭已经在印度的西孟加拉邦Gorumara国家公园的保护林里生活超过十年了。 Uma Rani, Jalpaiguri district s forest officer, said: The deaths were caused by lightning. It was a
8、n unprecedented accident. 杰尔拜古里地区的森林官乌玛拉尼表示: 它们的死亡是由雷击造成的。这是一个前所未有的事故。 Ajoy Sen, another guards in the forest, added: It is so disheartening to see the dead bodies of these lovely animals around. I still can t believe they are no more. Every guard in the forest loved the rhino calf the most. 另外一位森林官
9、阿乔伊森补充说道: 看到这些可爱动物的尸体是如此地令人沮丧。我还不能相信他们死了。森林里的每一个警卫都最爱那头小犀牛了。 While deaths from lightning strikes are rare, India faces a constant battle against poachers at its national parks. 虽然雷击死亡是罕见的,但是在国家公园,印度政府却面临着与偷猎者的持久战。 One was even killed just hours after Prince William and Kate Middleton had visited Kaz
10、iranga national last month to raise awareness about protecting the species. Poachers killed the male rhino in Kaziranga National Park in Assam using high-powered assault rifles and 88 empty cases fired from AK-47s were found lying near the slain animal. 为了提高物种保护的意识,威廉王子和凯特 米德尔顿于上月访问卡齐兰加国家公园。不过就在几个小时之后,就有一头犀牛被杀死了。偷猎者使用的是高性能的突击步枪,杀死了阿萨姆邦卡齐兰加国家公园的一头公犀牛,在被杀害的动物旁边找到了88枚AK47的子弹壳。 All five of the world s rhino species are under constant threat from poachers seeking their horns to sell on the black market. Demand is high in countries such as China and Vi
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