



1、第 PAGE5 页 共 NUMPAGES5 页2023年最新的英语sound的中文是什么意思英语sound是一个很常用的单词,我们有必要掌握它的中文意思。一起来看看小编为大家整理收集了英文单词sound包含的中文意思吧,欢迎大家阅读! sound的中文意思 英 sa nd 美 sa nd 比较级:sounder最高级:soundest第三人称单数:sounds第三人称复数:sounds现在分词:sounding过去分词:sounded过去式:sounded 名词 声音,声响; 音调,声调; 声波; 嘈杂声 不及物动词 响,发声; 听起来,好像; 回响; 音乐乐器等被奏响 及物动词 使出声,使发

2、声; 清楚地发出; 宣布,发表; 颂扬 形容词 健全的; 合理的; 完好的,无损的; 明智的 副词 彻底地,充分地 相关例句 形容词 1. I bought this sound house for a song. 我以低价买了这所完好无损的房子。 2. I acted on her sound advice. 我按她的忠告去做了。 sound的词典解释 名词和动词用法(NOUN AND VERB USES) 1. 声音;响声 A sound is something that you hear. e.g. Peter heard the sound of gunfire. 彼德听见了枪炮声。

3、 e.g. Liza was so frightened she couldn t make a sound. 莉莎实在吓坏了,不敢弄出一点声音来。 2. 声(指通过空气、水或其他物质传播的一种能量) Sound is energy that travels in waves through air, water, or other substances, and can be heard. e.g. The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound. 这架飞机的速度将是音速的两倍。 3. (电视、收音机、CD 机等可调节音量的)声音,

4、音响 The sound on a television, radio, or CD player is what you hear coming from the machine. Its loudness can be controlled. e.g. She went and turned the sound down. 她去把音量关小了。 e.g. Compact discs have brought about a vast improvement in recorded sound quality. 激光唱片极大地提高了录音的音质。 4. (歌手或乐队的)音乐风格,乐曲特色 A s

5、inger s or band s sound is the distinctive quality of their music. e.g. They have started showing a strong soul element in their sound. 他们的音乐风格开始表现出一种强烈的灵乐特色。 e.g. He s got a unique sound and a unique style. 他的音乐风格独具特色。 5. 发声;出声响;响起 If something such as a horn or a bell sounds or if you sound it, it

6、 makes a noise. e.g. The buzzer sounded in Daniel s office. 丹尼尔办公室里的蜂音器响了。 e.g. A young man sounds the bell to start the Sunday service. 一个年轻人鸣钟宣布周日的礼拜开始了。 sound的双语例句 1. Experimental results have proved that the complete technology of CWS combustion can reach a sound calcining efficiency and energy

7、saving effect. Especially, they can solve the air pollution of the ceramic roller kiln successfully. 试验结果表明:陶瓷辊道窑上能很成功地应用该水煤浆燃烧技术,配备相应辅助技术后,能大幅度降低能源消耗,改善操作环境,从根本上解决陶瓷辊道窑的污染问题。 2. Improve the process is extremely important, materials and processes will change the products performance and sound qualit

8、y. 工艺的完善极为重要,材料和工艺会改变产品的性能和音质。 3. Only through sound matching of required physical properties, coating formulation, application technique and substrate configuration can a coatings system succeed with the minimum of frustration, labor and capital expenditure. 但只有通过完善的搭配性能需求,化工原料,施工方式和底材性质,才能使涂饰系统成功的减少失败,人工,和资本支持。 4. South Korea LED warning lights a number of sound and light alarm. 韩国LED报警灯多项声光报警


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