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1、 3935国开电大专科理工英语2网上形考(单元自测1至8)试题及答案(精华版) 说明:资料为国开平台形考和期末纸质考试的必备资料。单元自测1试题及答案题目为随机,用快捷键査找功能搜索题目题目 .Im very glad to hear that.答案Im sure to come on time附:题目 o一我很高兴听到这个消息。回答我一定准时来题目 Do you like your present job? J just do it for a living.答案Not really附:题目一你喜欢你现在的工作吗?一 ,我只是为了谋生。答案不是真的题目 How was your job in

2、terview last Monday? .She seemed interested in my working experience, but she didnt ask fbr references. 答案Fm not sure附:题目一你上周一的面试怎么样?一 。她似乎对我的工作经历很感兴趣,但她没有要求提供参考资料。答案我不确定题目I believe weve met somewhere before.-No, .答案I dont think so附:题目一我相信我们以前在某个地方见过面。_ 不,O 答案我不这么认为题 目Welcome to our company.I hope y

3、ou will enjoy your work here. 答案I am sure I will附:题目欢迎来到我们公司,希望你在这里工作愉快。 答案我相信我会的题目Hows your report ?Not too bad, I have already done about 4000 words. 答案Jcoming along附:题目一你的报告怎么样?还不错,我已经写了大约4(X)()字了。答案一起来题目Both her parents look sad.Maybe they whafs happened to her.答案have known题 目He has studied very

4、 hard he came to our school.答案since题 目I know a little bit about France as my wife and I there several years ago.答案went题 目Lawyers often make higher for their work than they should.答案charges题目Nobody could this problem.答案figure out题 目The home-based business model has been born out necessity.答案of题冃There

5、s a lot to do.We cant to waste any time.答案afford题 目They had an accident on the road and didnt at lheir hotel until after midnight.答案check in题 日Wang Shuo already in this school for two years.答案has; studied题 目When we do the wash, it is important to white and colored clothing.答案 J separate二、翻译:从以下A、B、C

6、三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?答案B.你有没有弄清楚如何使用那台扫描仪?Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet?答案C.你有没有把报告复印一份给老板?3.1 am considering giving you an opportunity for a different job.答案A.我正在考虑给你一个机会换个工作。He is determined not to give in until they

7、 give him a pay rise.答案A.除非他们给他加薪,否则他坚决不让步。With all thats available today, the only question is whether a business can afford not to use user-friendly video conferencing.答案B.在所有资源都可获得的今天,唯一的问题就是一个企业是否能够承担起不使用便捷的视频会议 所带来的损失。二、请听下面的对话,根据对话内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。U1 Task4.mp31 .Adah wants to have a chance to

8、work in the general office.,答案FBclla thinks Adah is competent for the new job.答案TBellas been in the company for your years and got much working experience.答案FAdah knows nothing of the new job.答案FAccording to Bella, if Adah gets the new job, she will get a pay raise.答案T附:Adah希望有机会在综合办公室工作。回答FBella认为A

9、dah能够胜任这份新工作。回劄TBella在公司工作多年,工作经验丰富。回答FAdah对新工作一无所知。回答F根据贝拉的说法,如果阿达得到新工作,她将获得加薪。答案T二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。BENEFITS OF VIDEO CONFERENCINGAlmost everyone is familiar with video conferencing today, and fbr good reasons.Video conferencing is convenienl.Video conferencing saves money.Video c

10、onferencing makes money.And it is so much easier than it used to be.Today, of course, video conferencing has become an important means for doing business .There is no longer a need to waste time and money traveling, and the advanced technology can offer what every conferencing needs.Audio, web and v

11、ideo together can provide good solutions fbr large conferences with Q&A sessionsand private chats.Why is video conferencing so successful when other technologies have come and gone? It is because its convenient and cost-effective.In addition to saving time and money, video conferencing is a lot less

12、 stressful than a meeting after a day of airport security, delayed flights and hotel check-in. etc.Best of all, video conferencing is not expensive nowadays.Web, video and audio conferencing service providers can quickly get you up and running, often without setup fees or high charges.With all thats

13、 available today, the only question is whether a business can afford not to use user-friendly video conferencing. 附:视频会议的好处今天几乎每个人都熟悉视频会议,并且有充分的理由。视频会议很方便。视频会议省钱。视频会议 赚钱。而且比以前容易得多。今天,当然,视频会议已经成为开展业务的重要手段。不再需要浪费时间和金钱出差,先进的技术 可以满足毎一次会议的需要。音频、网络和视频一起可以提供很好的解决方案用于带有问答环节和私人 聊天的大型会议。为什么在其他技术来来去去的情况下,视频会议会

14、如此成功?就是因为它方便又划算。除了节省时 间和金钱,视频会议比经过一天的机场安检、延误的会议压力要小得多航班和酒店入住等最重要的是,如今的视频会议并不昂贵。网络、视频和音频会议服务提供商可以让您快速启动并运 行,通常无需安装费或高额费用。如今有了这些,唯一的问题是企业是否能负担得起不使用用户友好的 视频会议。I.Its easy to use video conferencing in the past.答案F2.Video conferencing is a convenient way fbr doing business.答案T3.0nly video can provide good

15、 solutions for large conferences with Q&A sessions.答案FCompared to some other forms of meetings, video conferencing is much more stressful.l 答案FNowadays if you dont use video conferencing in some cases, maybe your business will suffer losses to some degree.答案T附:过去使用视频会议很容易。答案F视频会议是做生意的便捷方式。答案T只有视频才能为

16、有问答环节的大型会议提供很好的解决方案。答案F与其他一些会议形式相比,视频会议的压力要大得多。回答F现在如果你在某些情况下不使用视频会议,你的业务可能会受到一定程度的损失。回答T二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。SAM: Hi.Hows your report coming along?KATIE: Not too bad, 答案B.Tve already done about4(X)0 words)SAM: Its nearly finished, isnt it?KATIE: Yeah, Ive got to check the spelling, then sc

17、an and insert a few pictures,do a bit more copy and paste from other files, and it will be done.SAM: 答案E.Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet? KATIE: Ha, yeah.Eventually I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it.SAM: Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss y

18、et?KATIE: 答案D.No, Im not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by emailSAM: Maybe an e-mail would be the easiest if the file size is not too large.(答案A.You dont need to go to the bosss office to give him the U diskjHe can read it on his computer when he has the time.lt saves paper, too. KA

19、TIE: 答案C.Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of lhe team members who need a copy) 附:山姆:嗨,你的报告进展如何?凯蒂:还不错,回答B.我已经写了大约4000字山姆:快完成了,不是吗?凯蒂:是的,我得检查拼写,然后扫描插入几张图片,再从其他文件复制粘贴一下,就完成了。山姆:回答E.你已经弄清楚如何使用那个扫描仪了吗? 凯蒂:哈,是的。最后我不得不请我的秘书告诉我如何使用它。山姆:你给老板办完报吿了吗?凯蒂:回答D.不,我不知道他想要什么,硬拷贝,U盘或电子邮件山姆:如果文件不是太大,也许一封电子邮

20、件是最简单的。答案A.你不需要去老板办公室给他U盘 他可以在他的电脑上阅读有空的时候用电脑,也省纸。凯蒂:答案C.是啊,我还需要得到需要副本的团队成员的电子邮件地址单元自测2试题及答案题目为随机,用快捷键査找功能搜索题目题目What do you think of your new teacher? 答案He is very nice.附:题目你觉得你的新老师怎么样? 回答他很好。题目Do you like my new jacket ? .It goes beautifully with your hat.答案Yes, I like it very much.附:题目你喜欢我的新夹克吗?一

21、O它和你的帽子很相配。回答是的,我非常喜欢。题目 How did you like yesterdays play? 答案Generally speaking, it was quite good. 附:题目一你觉得昨天的戏怎么样? 回答总体来说还是不错的。题目How do you like my new dress, dear? .Youve never been more beautiful. 答案It looks terrific on you!附:题目亲爱的,你喜欢我的新裙子吗?一 。你从未如此美丽。答案你穿上它看起来棒极了!题目What do you think of this no

22、vel ? 答案Its very good.附:题目一你觉得这本小说怎么样? 答案非常好。题 目A good boss is the one who can his employees to work harder and harder.答案motivate题 目After the class, students went out of the classroom one by one, but only Mary .答案was left题 目Bean is in the northeastern part of China.答案vastly grown题 目Couriers can usua

23、lly deliver an item faster than it would have taken if sent .答案by other means题 目He is hard to get along if you dont agree with him.答案with题目How many shoes this year?答案have been produced题 目I had to go to the cinema on my because all the other boys were busy.答案own题 目If the dolphin is , it will be as cl

24、ever as human beings.答案properly trained题冃In many cases, without delivery confirmation, the sender knows that something was sent, but there is no confirmation whether was received or when it was received.答案as to题 目We can the goods on time after you buy them on the internet.答案deliver二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中

25、选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1 .After some initial problems, the kind of delicious biscuits was successfully produced in quantity.答案B.解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地生产出了大量美味的饼干。Postal services generally are not as efficient in this regard.答案B.邮递服务在这方面通常就没有这么高效。Before, when 1 was assigned a task, I was totally on my own but her

26、e we work in teams.答案C.以前,我分配到的任务只能独立完成,而在这,我们是团队合作。The cost of living is increasing dramatically these days.I always spend more money than 1 earn. 答案C.这段时间生活成本一直快速上涨,我总入不敷出。Although the pilot was badly hurt, he was able to explain what had happened.答案A.虽然飞行员受伤很严重,但他还是能够解释发生的一切。二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容

27、从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Peters job was to examine cars when they crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling(走私)anything into the country.Every evening he would see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the frontier, pushing a bike with a pile of goods of old straw on it.When

28、the bike reached the frontier, Peter would stop the man and 1 him take the straw off and untie it.Then he would examine the straw very carefully to see2 he could find anything, after which he would look in all the mans pockets before he let him tie the straw again.The man would then put it on his bi

29、ke and go off down the hill with it.Although Peter was always hoping to find gold or other valuable things hidden in the straw, he never found3.He was sure the man was smuggling something, but he was not able to think out what it could be.Then one evening, after he had looked through the straw and e

30、mptied the workers pockets4usual, he said to him. Listen, I know you are smuggling things across this frontier.Wont you tell me what it is? Im an old man, and todays my last day on the job.Tomorrow Im going to retire.I promise I shall not tell anyone if you tell me what youve been smuggling.The work

31、er did not say anything fbr5.Then he smiled, turned to Peter and said quietly, Bikes.附:彼得的工作是检查越过边境的汽车,以确保他们没有走私(走私)任何东西进入该国。每天晚上他 都会看到一个工厂工人上山朝边境走来,推着一辆自行车,里面堆满了一堆垃圾。上面有旧稻草的货物。 当自行车到达边境时,彼得会拦住那个人,1他取下稻草并解开它。然后他会非常仔细地检查稻草, 看看2他能找到任何东西,之后,他会在男人的所有口袋里找一遍,然后再让他系上稻草。然后男人 会把它放在他的自行车上,带着它下山。尽管彼得总是希望找到隐藏的黄

32、金或其他贵重物品在稻草中, 他从来没有找到3。他确信这个人在走私什么东西,但他想不出那可能是什么。一天晚卜.他像往常一样翻过稻草并清空工人的口袋后,(4对他说.听着,我知道你在这个边境 走私东西。你能告诉我那是什么吗?我是个老人,今天是我工作的最后一天。明天我要退休了。我保证, 如果你吿诉我你一直在走私什么,我不会告诉任何人。工人什么也没说5然后他笑了,转向彼得, 轻声说,自行车。L答案 JC.make2J 答案B.whether3J 答案D.anything答案A.as&答案B.some time二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为T,错误为F。I AM A COURI

33、ERI am a courier.Many people today are glad to see us, because they expect to receive what they have bought on the Internet.When I see their eager faces, I feel that my job is valuable.! am proud of my job.Why did I choose to be a courier?The first benefit is, I think, couriers can usually deliver a

34、n item faster than it would have taken if sent by other means.For example, a person may need to send a document to someone else.He could do this by sending it through the mail.If the two parties are in the same city, this transaction is likely to take at least one day.Couriers, however, usually can

35、make it happen within hours.Secondly, couriers generally offer a receipt fbr the delivery and that can make their clients feel more secure.Postal services generally are not as efficient in this regard.Even text messages and e-mails may not be comparable.In many cases, without delivery confirmation,

36、the sender knows that something was sent, but there is no confirmation as to whether it was received or when it was received.Most importantly, the Internet has changed peoples shopping habits.More and more people tend to shop on the Intemet.The goods bought on the Internet have to be delivered by co

37、uriers.So a courier can make more money if he wants to work longer hours.Thats why I have chosen to work as a courier.Well, thats about my job.Time is money.I have to send packages to the next place now,Talk to you later.附:我是快递员我是一名快递员。今天很多人很高兴见到我们,因为他们期待收到他们在网上买的东西。当我看到 他们热切的面孔时,我觉得我的工作很有价值。我为我的工作感

38、到自豪。为什么我选择当快递员了吗?第一个好处是,我认为,快递员通常可以比通过其他方式发送的速度更快。例如,一个人可能需要 将文件发送给其他人。他可以通过发送它来做到这一点邮件。如果双方在同一个城市,这笔交易可能需 要至少一天的时间。但是,快递员通常可以在几小时内完成。其次,快递员通常会提供收据,这可以让他们的客户感到更安全。邮政服务在这方面通常效率不高。 即使是短信和电子邮件也可能无法比拟。在许多情况下,没有交货确认,发件人知道某物已发送,但无 法确认是否收到或何时收到。最重要的是,互联网改变了人们的购物习惯。越来越多的人倾向于在网上购物。在网上购买的商品 必须由快递员送货。所以快递员如果想工

39、作更长的时间,可以赚更多的钱。这就是我选择当快递员的原因。嗯,这就是我的工作。时间就是金钱。我现在必须把包裹寄到下一个地方。稍后再谈。People are glad to see couriers because they can bring people good luck.答案FCouriers can deliver items faster than other means only in the same city.答案FPostal services generally are not as efficient because there isnt delivery confirm

40、ation.答案T 4.1f working longer hours, couriers can earn more money.答案T5.The courier who is talking likes his job.答案T附:人们很高兴看到快递员,因为他们能给人们带来好运。回答F只有在同一个城市,快递员才能比其他方式更快地交付物品。【答案F邮政服务通常效率不高,因为没有交货确认。回答T如果工作时间更长,快递员可以赚更多的钱。答案T说话的快递员喜欢他的工作。回答T二、阅读理解:阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。DO YOU LIKE YOUR JOB ?Mary and Li

41、nda are employees of a logistics company.They are talking about the salary levels in the company. MARY: Do you like your job?LINDA: 答案B.I dont really like it.MARY: Why not?LINDA: Because the salary is low.(答案JD.The cost of living is increasing dramatically these daysj.l always spend more money than

42、I earn.MARY: Dont complain too much.I thought you got a good salary.Your salary is much higher than the white-collar average income of this city.LINDA: Just 4,000 yuan a month.答案E.It is said that couriers of our company can cam more than 6,000 yuan a month).MARY: But thafs a really hard job.They wor

43、k long hours every day, 答案JA.and lhey have to deliver the goods in all weather conditions). You just sit in the comfortable office and dont have to work outside.LINDA: Yeah, thats for sure.MARY: 答案JC.Your job is not difficult. You have no reason to complain.LINDA: Maybe youre right.附:你喜欢你的工作吗? 玛丽和琳达

44、是一家物流公司的员工。他们在谈论公司的工资水平。玛丽:你喜欢你的工作吗?林达:回答B.我不太喜欢。玛丽:为什么不呢?林达:因为工资低。回答D.这些天生活成本急剧增加。我总是花的比赚的多。玛丽:别抱怨太多,我以为你的薪水不错。你的薪水比这个城市的白领平均收入高很多。林达:一个月才4000元。(回答E.据说我们公司的快递员一个月能赚6000多元。不必在外面工作.玛丽:但那是一项非常辛苦的工作。他们每天工作很长时间,回答A.他们必须在各种天气条件下交付 货物。你只需坐在舒适的办公室,林达:是的,那是肯定的。你没有理由抱怨。玛丽:回答C.你的工作并不难林达:也许你是对的。单元自测3试题及答案题目为随机

45、,用快捷键査找功能搜索题目题 目Id like to take you to the coffee house on the corner.答案Thanks, Id like to go with you. 附:题目一我想带你去街角的咖啡馆。 回答谢谢,我想和你一起去。题 目 How many students are there in your class ? Forty-five.答案in total附:题目你们班有多少学生 ?一四十五。答案总共题目 It has been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much. 答案My pleasure.附:题

46、目一这是一个美好的夜晚。非常感谢。 答案我的荣幸。题 ElThank you for your delicious dinner. 答案Im glad you enjoyed it. 附:题目】一谢谢你的美味晚餐。 回答我很高兴你喜欢它。 题目Thanks for your help. 答 MMy pleasure.附:题目一谢谢你的帮助。 答案我的荣幸。题目What can I do for you? 答案I want a kilo of apples. 附:题目一我能为你做什么? 答案我想要一公斤苹果。题 目China has many islands, the largest is Ta

47、iwan.答案of which题 目He asked us to watch carefully everything he did in class.答案that题 目In considering people for jobs, we give to those with some experience.答案preference题 目Mike his computer and checked his E-mail. 答案turned on题 目She heard a terrible noise, brought her heart into her mouth.答案which题 目 JT

48、hey promise that the work would all be finished next week.答案by题目We now him by writing letters.答案keep in touch with题目What do you have lunch?答案for题目You can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday .答案brochure二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。l.If you wish to upgrade the hard drive, we can definitely

49、do so.答案B.如果你想升级电脑硬盘,我们绝对可以做到。My son likes keeping a lot of movies and pictures on the hard drive.答案C.我儿子喜欢在硬盘里存放很多电影和图片。3.1f you pay fbr it on Saturday or Sunday this week, you can actually get 5 percent off the usual sale price. 答案A.如果你在本周六周日买的话,可以享受平时的销售价格5%的折扣。4.1t will give yourself a leg up wh

50、en you look fbr a job.答案B.当你找工作的时候,它能助你一臂之力。5.Do you have the computer skills you should have to excel in school ?答案A.你有能让你在学校里脱颖而出的电脑技能吗? 二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Can you imagine a world without the Internet ? Its surprising to think about it.Now, China has more than 162 million Int

51、ernet users, according to the China Internet Network Information Centre.This is the second highest number of user in the world after the United States.Today, 66% of Chinese netizens (网 民)are teenagers.They spend about thirteen hours every week online, said Qian Hulin, an Internet expert(专家).Doctor S

52、ong in Beijing Xuanwu Hospital said about 14% of Chinese netizens who are teens often lasted over ten hours to play online games.The main reasons why teenagers surf the Web are to search for information, to communicate with others and to have fun.On the Inlemet, teenagers can find out almost anythin

53、g. And surfing the Web can help students with their homework and widen their knowledge.Li Dong, a teacher at No.41 Middle School in Shijiazhuang, likes her students to use the Internet.When we talk in class, students who surf the Nel usually know more background information than the others, she said

54、.In addition, people can use the Internet to write letters or stories and send emails.Many teens keep in touch with their friends online.lt is cheaper than phoning somebody far away and also much quicker. 附:你能想象一个没有互联网的世界吗?想想就令人惊讶。根据中国互联网络信息中心的数据,现在中国拥有超过1.62亿网民。这是仅次于美国的全球第二高 网民数量。今天,66%的中国网民(网民)是青少

55、年。他们互联网专家钱虎林说,每周上网大约13个小 时。北京宣武医院的宋医生说,大约14%的中国青少年网民经常玩网络游戏超过10个小时。青少年上网的主要原因是搜索信息、与他人交流和获得乐趣。在互联网上,青少年几乎可以找到任 何东西。而上网可以帮助学生完成作业,拓宽知识面。石家庄市第四十一中的老师李冬喜欢她的学生上网。她说,我们在课堂上聊天时,上网的学生通常 比其他人了解更多的背景信息。此外,人们可以使用互联网写信或故事以及发送电子邮件。许多青少年在网上与他们的朋友保持联 系。这比打电话给远方的人更便宜,也更快。 has the most Internet users in the world a

56、ccording to the article. 答案B. AmericaThere are about Chinese netizens to surf about 13 hours every week.答案C. 107 million young3.Song said some teenagers continued more than ten hours.答案A.playing online gamesLi Dong in No.4l Middle School likes her students to use the Internet because she . 答案B.think

57、s her students can get more background information than the othersAccording to the passage, which of the following is the cheapest and quickest way to learn something about friends far away?答案C.Sending emails to them.附: 根据文章,拥有世界上最多的互联网用户。答案B.America大约有 中国网民毎周上网约13小时。答案C.1.07亿年轻宋说有些靑少年持续 超过十个小时。答案A.

58、玩网络游戏4.41中的李东喜欢她的学生上网,因为她 O答案B.认为她的学生比其他学生可以获得更多的背景信息5.根据文章,以下哪项是了解远方朋友最便宜、最快捷的方法?答案C.向他们发送电子邮件。二、阅读理解:阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。SIX MUST-HAVE COMPUTER SKILLS FOR STUDENTSDo you have the computer skills you should have to excel in school ? To get a good job in (he first place? The following

59、six computer skills will help you get better grades and make yourself more valuable to employers.InternetToday the Internet makes the world go around. You can find information on just about everything on the Internet, which will make studying so much quicker and easier.Just be careful about your sou

60、rces because not everything you read on the Internet is true.E-mailAlmost every company uses E-mail now,Get a personal email address freely at Google, Yahoo, Hotmail, and other places on the Internet.Practice E-mailing.OneNoteOneNote, by Microsoft, is a wonderful tool for students.For about $100, yo


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