1、表示数目增加:1)增加了A:To increase by fifty peopleTo rise by eight hundred yuanTo increase / rise by thirty thousand kilograms1b:To increase/ rise / be raised/ go up / shoot up by one percentIts an increase by fifty percent / one-halfTo increase/ rise by four-fifths2)增加到A:To increase/ rise to nine hundred pe
2、rson- times To increase/ rise to one thousand setsTo increase / rise to thirty hundred thousand metersB:To increase / rise to ten percentTo increase/ rise to three-fifths3)达到A:To come to five thousand tonsTo reach ten thousand yuanB:To come to eighty percentTo jump to/ reach four-fifthsC:As many as
3、one million kilograms/ up to one million kilogramsAs high as ninety-three meters /up to ninety-three metersAs long as/ up to seven thousand kilometersD:to amount to five thousand person-timesto add up to one hundred million yuanto cover an area of totally nine million six hundred thousand square kil
4、ometers表示百分比Its output of cotton went up by 20 percent.The price was reduced by 18 percent.Its total output value increased by 11.5 percent over the previous year.The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5.2 percent, compared with the same period of last year.Its grain output
5、was 16.5 percent higher than in/ than that of 1976.The output value of chemical fertilizer in the first quarter was 18 percent above that of the same period in 1975.The output of cars in the U.S. last year was 24 percent less than in 1973.The March figure for output value registered a 37 percent inc
6、rease over February.The loss of metal has been reduced to less than 20%.Australia and the U. K. both had 10%.The profit rose to 10%.The monthly profit increased from 10% to 20 %.The profit remained steady at 10%.The profit peaked at just over 10%.Thailand had the largest percentage/ number (10%/245)
7、 of the students.10% of the students were from the People s Republic of China.Thailand accounted for 10% of the students.表示倍数:A是B的两倍A比B大/多/涨了 /增加了一倍A比B翻了一番Their expense is as much again as what it was.(as many/ much again as)Their expense is twice/ two times as much as what it was.Their expense is t
8、wice/ two times the amount of what it was.Their expense is now double what it was.Their expense has now doubled, compared with what it was.Their expense has increased by 100%.N times as many(much) as,N times more than,Increase N times/ folds,Increase by (to ) N times,Asia is four times larger than E
9、urope.The eightfold growth in the volume of international trade since the Second World War has proved continuing evidence of GATT s success in the double role. Reduce(decrease) N times as many (much) as,N times fewer (less) than,Decrease N times,Decrease by N times,N-fold reduction,The product cost
10、decreased three times.Our grain output is now 2.4 times that of 1970.Its total industrial output value was up 5.6 in these years.Its capacity was 7.3 times as great as in 1955.The output of diesel oil for farm use has more than doubled.During this period its territory increased ten-fold.The output o
11、f chemical fiber was been increased three times as against 1975.Between 1971 and 1975, production of walking-tractors was up 8-fold.These machines increased productivity three-fold.Output of chemical fertilizer was more than 2.5 times greater.Its total output value of industry last year was 83 times
12、 as high as that of 1949.The volume of the sun is about 1.300.000 times that of the earth.It is four times as big as Europe.The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.The output of A for 1977 was 20 times over that for 1971.Wheel A turn as fast again as wheel B.They made twice /three times /four tim
13、es the profit/ the percentage of profit in May than in March.The profit percentage doubled ( increased/ decreased three-fold) from March to May.This year we have produced as many TV sets again as compared with last year.表示不确定数目示大约数目: about, around, some approximately, roughly, more or less, in the n
14、eighborhood of /or so, or thereabout, in the rough. The interview lasted about an hour.I had roughly 4 kilometers to go.I can earn 40 yuan a day, more or less, as a milkman.He paid in the neighborhood of $5,000 for the car.2)表示“少于”的数目:Fewer than, less than, under, below, within,Fewer than 20 guests
15、attended the banquet.The jars capacity is under three quarts.Within ten miles of home表示 差不多: nearly, almost, toward, close on.Almost a third of the freshman said they were working during the summer vacation.The expense rate is rising towards 20%.4)表示“多于”的数目:More than, over, above, upwards of , / and
16、 more, odd, and odd(1)I spend over one hundred dollars on this repair.upwards of 60 years old5) 表示 “介于 的数目: from . To- -. ; (anywhere) between .and .The students age from 15 to 186)表示“相邻”的数目:or more one or twotwo or threeseven hundred or eight hundredby twos and threesten or more7) 表示 数十”, 数百,数千:ten
17、/dozen/ score/ hundred/ thousand/ million/ billion several dozen exercise-bookssome dozen (0f) peoplesome dozens of peopleI want a dozen of pencils, please!There were dozens of people there.Three score of peopleScores of years agoThousands of times表示度量:) to weigh 100 pounds) to be five feet and six
18、inches) to be 5 meters high/in height) to be 3 meters thick) a bed five feet by three and a half feet) to measure four feet by three) to have a depth of 100 feet) to measure 2 feet through) to measure 30 inches round) to be 50 meters by 30) to have/ cover an area of 1,000 square kilometers) to have
19、a population of 3,000) to have a history of 30 years1 4 ) The length (area, volume ) of X is measured in 1 5) The length (width, diameter) of X is1 6 ) Readings ( measurements of the speed, temperature) should be taken- .表示比例:five to onein the ratio of about one to twentyto be in direct proportion (
20、ratio) to to be in inverse proportion(ratio) to in the proportion of one part of paint to 2 parts of waterto be in a ratio of X to YThe ratio of A to B (between A and B ) is X:Y .The proportion of A to B is X to Y .to be mixed in a proportion of X to Yto be proportionate/ proportional toto be in pro
21、portion (to)to be out of proportion (to)to be ill-proportioned5表示最大量,最小量和平均数) to have the maximum( minimum) speed (pressure) of X) The maximum(minimum) speed (pressure is X.) To have the highest (lowest ) weight (density) limit of X) The upper (lower ) limit of weight (density) is X.) To have an ave
22、rage of X) The average length (depth, width) of X is .计算)加:X and Y makes ZX plus/ added to Y is/ is equal to / equals/ makes Z.If you add X to Y, you get ZWhen X is added to Y, the result (answer) is Z)减X minus/ subtracted from Y is/ is equal to / equals / makes Z.If you subtract X from/ take X away
23、 from Y , you get ZWhen X is subtracted from/ taken away from Y , the result (answer) is Z)乘X times/ multiplied by Y is/ is equal to/ equals / makes Z. If you multiply X by Y , you get Z.When X is multiplied by Y , the result(answer) is Z.4)除X divided by Y is/ is equal to / equals / makes Z.If you d
24、ivide X by Y , you get Z.When X divided by Y , the result (answer)is Z.部分和整体:) X contains (includes) .) X consists of (is composed of, is made up of) ) X contents in (of ) is .) The composition of X is ) X forms ( comprises) 分类:名词: classes, types, kinds, divisions, aspects, parts, categories, classi
25、fications, characteristics, groups.动词: consist of, fall into, divide into, classify as (into) , put into, group into, categorize as (into) 其他: most important, less important, former, latter, primary, main, secondaryThere are. kinds(types, sorts ,varieties, etc.) of XTo be divided into. classesTo be
26、of kinds (types)To fall into classesA may be classified according to( on the basis of, depending on) A may be subdivided into The classification is based on/ upon.To be roughly classed under two headsTo be classed in four groups.To classify into two categoriesTo be included under this leadTo be stre
27、amed into five groupsTo sort the cards intoTo be graded according to size and quality比较:) 相像, 类似: a likeness, a similarity, be equal to, similarly, in the same way, equally, in like manner, resemble) 不同: a variation, dissimilar, a dissimilarity)完全一1all/ just the same) 同。相反:contrary to) 相反: conversel
28、y) 与。 成对照: to be a contrast to) By contraries) By contrast with) Likewise)In any event1 )Equally important2)For the sake of comparison13)In contrast with/ to1 4 )Rather1 5 )Whereas1 6) On the one hand on the other hand 1 7)To compare- .with18)To contrast with19)To be superior to2 0) To look shabby a
29、t the side of2 1)To be inferior to 2 2)To outweigh .by five poundsj叫jo qoea。叩旧 eg ( 6 j叫jo qoea aiqiuasaj oj_ ( g aoueiqiuasaj jeajB /voqs oj_ ( l 。叩旧 A|aiuaj;xa eq oj_ ( 9 oj spuodsajjoo x ( padse Ajoao ui leoRuapi eq 01( f0; jeiiiuis eq 01( ga lues 叫 1 jo eq oj_ ( 3 se a lues 叫 1 (jueixe aiuos o;
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32、|1川 e。八eq 人 pue x(ff,人 se ( aAisuadxa Biq) Buojjs ( os) se ajinb ;ou si x(If(padsaj) Abm Ajoao 3 juaiejjp aje 人 pue x(If人 se a lues eq; (Aneoipejd AnenpiA jnoqe(Aiajeiuixojdde A|eeu soiu|e ssai jo ojoiu Aiasioajd jsnf Aneoipejd )A|pexa si x( 0 f,人 tuojj juai叫!p (A|a;a|diuoo 加旧Naique ) ajinb si x( 6
33、,人 ueq; (janeius) ja66iq (jsnf A|uo Aiaojeos(Aipjeq A|li|6!|s 。|1川 e Nq e Aiqejapisuoo eq/vvaiuos leap ;eaj6 e 10| e ) qoniu si x(8isuieBe sv(L?Ajiienb ui mo|(9geoud 3叫6旧(,i|l!M jsbjjuoo 01(fgi|l!M ajediuoo oj_(ggoj pajediuoo s/(3gaSejaAB 叫 1 M0|ag(1goj pasoddo Aneoujaiueip eq 01(0fi|l!M |aAa| eq 01
34、(61puaosuej; 01(g3J8A0 J8M0; 01(L3jJBMp 01(93 uaaMjaq uosuediuoo ou si ajaqi(g3可!I aAoqe jouoq an|BA oj_ (7乙aAoqe peaq e eq 01( g 3+。0 jaqiunu (poo6 16引)v( g g+ Aueiu (jeai6 )poo6 v( f g /tiaAa。1 z Qaiq ( 01 J。Luniuiuiiu v (乙 01 J。luniuixeiu v ( i g isoiuin eiiiie sjajaiu oi ( 0 f saBed p|O-009 J。|o
35、oq v( 6 1 TOC o 1-5 h z o6e sAep p jueos v( g 3116no叫J ui sjajaiu OG( L 3uenA 003 J。pooqjoqqBiau eqi u| ( 9 3 os jo sAep OL(,乙。0|。,0 oi punoj ajaqMaiuos(文(po|Q 0 9。叩 1 Buiiuaiuog ( ( uenA 00 L o; aiuog (乙乙 sjajaiu oi 旧1。1( l(o; junoiue( 03oi dn ppe(6Ilie uj( gIPI3IHUIuaaMjaq jbj pue moj( 91jaqiunu ui moj( gjunoiue neius e( f1aouajajjip pijom e( g1uibj i|j!M punoqe( 31ji|6!i jo junoiue a6je| e( 11exoius jo s
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