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1、完型填空The family had just moved. The young woman was feeling a little 1 . It was MothersDay - and she was 800She had 2 themaway from harents.t morning, and her mother had mentioned how colorful theirbackyard was nowt spring had arrived. Later, she told her 3how she missed those lilacs inharents yard.

2、“I know where we can find some,” he said. “Get the kids and come on.” So offthey went.Some time later, they stopped at a 4and there were lilacs all around. The young woman 5up to the nearest bush and buried her facehe flowers. 6 , shcked some. Finally,they returned to their car for the trip home. Th

3、e woman sat smiling, surrounded by her flowers.When they were near home, she shouted “Stop” 7 quickly and hurried to a nearby nursing home. She went to the end of the hallway, 8 an elderly patient was sitting in herwheelchair, and put the flowerso her lap. The two 9 , breakingo laughter now and then

4、.Later the young woman turned and walked back to her family. 10 the car pulled away, thewomanhe wheelchair waved wis, and held the lilacs tightly.“Mom,” the kids asked, “ 11did you give her our flowers?” “It is Mothers Day, and sheseems so 12while I have all of you. And anyould be cheered by flowers

5、.”This pleased the kids, but not the husband. The next day he 13some young lilacs around their yard.I was the husband. Now, every 14 , our yard is full of lilacs. Every Mothers Day ourkids gathsA. greenA. visitedurple lilacs. And every year I remembere a forever touching memory of my life.t sof the

6、lonely 15woman. AndB. redB. askedB. friendB. gardenB. rushedB. CarefullyB. turned overB. whichB. dancedB. BecauseB. whenB. confusedB. driedB. MayB. fatC. yellowC. calledC. childrenC. yardC. walkedC. QuicklyC. woke upD. blueD. helpedD. motherD. hillD. flewD. SadlyD. got offD. whenD. chattedD. SinceD.

7、 whereD. patientD. hidD. SeptemberD. youngA. husbandA. doorA. movedA. ProudlyA. gave upA. whereA. ateA. AsA. whyA. quietA. pickedJanuaryA. beautiful完型填空 DCACB BC.tC. playedC. SoC. howC. aloneC. plantedC. JulyC. oldACCBC阅读理解AWhen a tornado touched down in a small town nearby, many famis were ruined.

8、Afterward,all the local newsprs reported some of the famis who suffered the hardest. And a particularpicture espelly touched me. A young woman stood in front of a totally destroyed mobile homewith her young boy and a tiny girl, eyes wide with confuand fear. I noticedt their sizesclosely matched ours

9、. And this would be a good chance to tealess fortunate.y children to help those who areI gathered my 7-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and 3-year-old Meghan and explained, “Wehave so much, and these poor people now have nothing. Well share what we have with them.”I brought three large boxes and fill

10、ee of the boxes with canned goods, soap and othertoiletries. I encouraged my boys to go through toys andate some of their less favorite things.The boy placed toys they had chosen toateo one of the boxes while I filled the thirdbox with clothes. Meghan walked up with Lucy, her worn, failed, much-love

11、d rag doll and huggedtightly to her chest. She paused in front of the box, gave her a final kiss, then laid her gently on topof the other toys. “Oh, honey,” I said, “Youve to give Lucy. You love her so much.”Meghan said with held-back tears, “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe sother little girl happ

12、y too.”maketI started at Meghan for a long moment, wondering how I could teach the boys the lesson she had just taught me.The boy had watched, open-mouthed, as their sister placed her favorite doll in the box.Without a word, Brad rose and went to his room. He came back carrying one of his favorite a

13、ctionfigures. And Brett ran to get some of prized Matchbox cars. I pulled all three of them arms.I, who had wanted to teach, had been taught.o my1. Which sement best describes thA. A broken mobile phoneC. A hopeless family2. What does the doll mean to Meghan?A. Just a worn and boring dollC. The frie

14、nd who makes her happycturehe newspr?B. A crying boyD. A happy girlB. An expensive gift from momD. One of her less favorite dolls3. What did the writer want to teach her children after she read the news?A. To be warm-heartedC. To be smart4. What can NOT be toiletries?B. To be politeD. To be usefulA.

15、 ToothpasteB. ShooC. Coatsrobably do?D. Body cream5.he end, what would the writA. Never teach her children a lessonB. Replaomething old with new onesC. Call people toate the poor familyD. Pack another box with less favorites阅读理解CCACBBt an amazing world of animal and plant life hides just under the w

16、atersDo you knowsurface? They are coral reefs, the “rain forests of the sea” - beautifuderwater worlds. Coralreely cover one percent of the sea floor. But they support 25 percent of sea life! Coral itself isactually a small living animal. These animals live together right near each other. Only the o

17、utsideof the coral is alive, though. The rest of it is made up of the bodies of earr generations of coral.Coral comessmall animalsany different shs -round, armlike or even flat. Coral gets its food from veryt move by slowly and also from algae(海藻).Algae grow on the coral and stick together to create

18、 a reef. The algae give the reef itsdifferent colors. Normally coral reefs growhe water which is not deep. So the sunlight canreach the algae. In warm water reefs can grow strong and healthy. Many different sea animals canfind food and a homehem.Coral reefs have a lot to offer humans. They help prot

19、ect the shore from the hitting of stormsand large waves. They provide food and medicine for people. And reefs bring in billions of dollars to local development through jobs and tourism.Boral reeeed help from people. Scientists predictt about two-thirds of coral reefsare at risk of dying. Humans play

20、 a big parthat risk. Pollution and overfishing all hurt the reefs.By 2040, a third of the worlds reefs could die because of harm caused by humans.People can do a lot to save coral reefs. Recycling trash and saving water make less wastetgoeso the sea. Traveling by bus or bike lowers air pollution, wh

21、iay lead to global warming.Picking up litter on the beach also keeps the water clean.If everyone takes these steps, change isand a healthy Earth!sible. Healthy coral reefs mean a healthy ocean6. From the passage we can learnt .small animals can be the food for coralin fact coral reefs are living ani

22、malscoral reefs grow in deep and warm wateronly a small part of coral reefs is not alive7. The underlined word them refers to .A. many animalsB. rain forestsC. long beachesD. coral reefs8. According to the passage, we should .A. stop fishermen from fishinghe seamake less air pollution to the earthpr

23、event the storms and the large wavesplant more algae on the reefs9. The authors opinion ist .a quarter of sea life gets help from coral reefsa healthy ocean brings healthy coral reefsC. not all the corals arehe same shD. too many buses cause air pollution10. The author writes the passage mainly to c

24、all on more people to .A. visit the coral reefs before they disappear compleyB. grow more coralshe sea to make earth healthyC. sell the food and medicine which come from coral reefsD. protect the environment and the earth to save the reefs阅读理解ADBBD词语填空World Book Day falls on April 23 every year. It

25、was set up by UNESCO in 1995 toencourage people, 1teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. It is also the day to honorgreat writers, for exle, William Shakespeare, was born ont day.Many countries cerate World Book Day. 2 the UK as an exle. Ont day,millions of school children can buy books at

26、a much lowhas been 3every year since 1998.ricen usual, in any bookstore. ItReading can benefit peopleany ways. Reading helps use more knowledgeableand moreelligent. Reading helps us to follow the 4 developments of science andtechnology. 5 gives us information about other cultures and plahe world. Wh

27、en weread, we may find many thingst are unfamiliar to us. We should have to use our brao thinkabout them 6do more reading to find out the answers. The 7we read, the more we know 8the smarter welanguage like English.e. Reading is also one of the most important 9to learn a foreign“Reading makes a full

28、 man” (Bacon, 1597). Books, magazines, newspr and other 10or reading materials can help us to know more about the outside world. Therefore, it is ne for us to spend time reading every day.词语填空saryespelly; Take;e; latest; Reading; or; more; and; ways; kinds单词拼写Drink whenever you feel tduring exercise

29、.The public are requested not to twaste prhe park.After two years study, they can express tin English now.You must think tbefore you take this step.After she pthe bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet.6. Uand raincoats are what people neerainy days.7. The Chiuse chopsticks instead of kand forks

30、.I couldnt decide wor not to go to the party.All the mof the family get together once a year.10. I know nothing about him e单词拼写t he lives next door.thirty; throw; themselves; twice; paid; umbrellas; knives; whether; members; exceptWaiting with her mother at the check-out stand, a little girl saw a c

31、ircle of white pearls(珍珠)he box. “Oh, please, Mommy. Can I have them?” The mother checked the back of the box.“A dollar ninety-five. If you really want them, Ill 1some extra chores for you and soon youcan save enough money to buy them for 2 .After she got home, Jenny did 3her share of chores, andast

32、 she had enough moneyto buy the necklace. She wore it everywhere school, park even to bed. The only 4she took them off was when she had a bath.Jenny had a very 5 Daddy and every night when she was ready for bed, he would stopwhatever he wasng and come upstairs to read her a fairy tale. One night whe

33、n he finished the 6 , he asked Jenny, “Could you give me your 7 , darling?” “Oh, no, please, Daddy. Butlateordoespellyreadwaykindandmuchtakeyou can have my toy horse 8 .” Dad kissed her and said good night. About ak later, 9the story time, Daddy asked for the pearls again. “Oh, Daddy, you can have m

34、y baby doll,” was Jennys reply. And as usual, Daddy kissed her good night.A few nights later when Daddy came in, he 10 Jenny was trembling on the bed, crying. She said 11 but lifted her little hand up to Daddy. And, when she opened it, there was her pearl necklace. “Its for you, Daddy.” She said. Te

35、ars in eyes, Daddy reached out with one hand to take the necklace, and 12 the other hand he pulled out from his pocket a blue case wi 13 of beautiful genuine (真正的) pearls. He had had them all the time. He was just waitingfor her to give up the 14stuff sot he could give her genuine treasure.In our li

36、fe, how many false things are we holding on togenuine treasure?t 15us from receiving GodsA. put awayA. ourselvesA. as much asA. timeA. humorousA. houseworkA. kissA. insteadA. duringB. give upB. yourselfB. no moreB. placeB. lovingB. workB. greetingB. alsoB. beforeC. take downC. themselvesC. moreD. th

37、ink ofD. myselfD. lessnnnC. excuseC. strictC. bathC. pearlsC. probablyC. afterC. realizedD. thingD. strangeD. storyD. toyD. actuallyD. untilD. expected10. A. remembered B. noticedA. somethingA. onA. pieceA. falseA. protectB. allB. withB. setB. dearB. stopC. nothingD. byD. muchC. inC. sliceC. badC. s

38、aveD. circleD. cheapD. get【参考】DBCABDCACBCBDAB阅读理解第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。Mrs. Brown was my teacherhe fourth grade. One dayunch time, I was getting readyto eat my same old tuna fish (金枪鱼) sandwich and suddenly Mrs. Brown asked me if she couldbuy my sandwich from me. She explained cafeteria.I was

39、 thrilled. I never bought myt I could use the money to buy a hotch from thech at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family,and we always carried ourch and brought the bag back home to use agahe next day. Mysandwiches were either bologna (大腊肠) or tuna fish. It rarely variedYou can understand

40、my delight when I had the chance to buy a hott.ch.When we finishedcht day, Mrs. Brown took me aside and said she wanted to explainwhy she had bought my sandwich. I really didnt care why, but it gave me a few minutes of herattention so I was very quiet as she explained. She told medidnt eat red meat

41、on Fridays - they ate fish on Fridays.t she was Catholic and CatholicsOh, I couldnt wait to get home andl my Mamat from now on I wanted tuna fish onFridays. After my Mama understood why, she gladly fixed tuna fish for me on Fridays. She evenfixed it on brown bread because she knew Mrs. Brown liked b

42、rown bread. From then on, everyFriday I could get in line with the rest of the kids for a hotch. I didnt care how many of thekids complained aboafeteria food it tasted divine to me!I realize nowt Mrs. Brown could have fixed herself a tuna sandwich of Friday. But shebought my sandwich because she saw

43、 a little girl who was thrilled over the simple act of having ahotch.I will never fet her for her compasand generosity() and what I should do isfollow her exle.1. According to the passage, when did (does) the writer know Mrs. Browns real reason to buy hertuna fish sandwich on Fridays?A.he fourth gra

44、de.B. On theday when Mrs. Brown bought her tuna fish sandwich.C. When her mother told her later.D. She doesnt know it until now.2. Mrs. Brown bought the writers tuna fish sandwich because A. she was tired of cafeteria foodC. she hated getting in line with kids3. What can we learn about the cafeteria

45、 food?A. It was perfect.C. The writer enjoyed it.B. she wanted to care for the writerD. she didnt eat red meat on FridayB. It was terrible.D. Most kids liked it.4. The underlined word divine means.A. perfectB. stC. unpleasantD. spel5. Which of the following can best show the theme of the passage?A.

46、It is hard to please all.C. Love makes the world go around.B. Better to given to receive.D. The more you offer, the more you get.【参考】DBCACHow to be a friend of yourselfWe often want to build relationship with others, but we fet the 1 important step:being friends of ourselves. How to be a friend of y

47、ourself? Here are some tips:1. Five yourselfYou may have made those 2he past, but is there 3 you can do aboutthem? Ianybody.t think so, except learning from them. Its truet you are not perfect, but neither is2. Accept things you cant changeThere are some things you cannot change, such as your backgr

48、ound and your past. So learnto 4 them, just s3. Focus on your strengths, and move on.Instead of focusing on your weakness, focus on your strength. Recognize your strengths andbuild your life around them.4. Write your sucs storiesOne reason we may not like 5 is we are too concentratewhat weve,sbut we

49、 fet about 6 we have. So make a list of your achievements; write your sucsomethingmistakeonecomparedownandwillwewhatacceptstories. For exle, if you have some good friends,ts already an achievement.5. Stop 7yourself with othersYou are who you are. You can never be like other people, 8 neither can oth

50、erpeope like you.6. Always be true to yourselfYout like otheople depending on you, right? Similarly, 9you like yourselfif you knowt you depenyourself? Remember this sentenaid by Abraham Lincoln: Ihave lost every frien10inside of me.the earth, I shalleasve one friend left, andt friends shall be【参考】,

51、mistakes, anything, accept, ourselves, what, comparing, and, would, down单词拼写(共 10 小题,计 10 分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词)1. I was about to sleep when theephone rEvery man is a fool sand none at all times.He has a habit to keep a dof daily activities.4. The doctor suggested taking the mt

52、hree times a day.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man hCan you still remember his aor, wealthy and wise.ephone number?e the job without him.7. Jack was very h, we couldnveJam made up his mto stay with his parents.In F, the second month of the year, it is always very coldy hometown.10. Ten bwer

53、e bornhis hospital last night, five of whom were girls.【参考babies】any, sometimes, diary, medicine, healthy, address, helpful, mind, February,Aing a spaceman after you grow up, get started now! A space man needsIf you dream ofa strong body and mind. See here what Shengzhou IX spaceman are able to do.

54、Do you still have a long way to go?Shengzhou IX spaceman are able to live upside down(头朝下地).They do this not just during sleep, but also when eating and going to the toilet. Before theflewo space, they had lots of practice. Each upside-down training time lasted for 20 days.In Shengzhou IX, Chiand sc

55、ientists.spaceman arent just spahip drivers but also machine repairersThey have to know every part of the spahip and how it works. If something goes wrong,they must know how to repair it. Also they do scientific experiments in space.Shengzhou IX spacemen know how to livehe wild.They took a knife, a

56、gun and some dye() with themo space. If they land in forests, theo the sea, the dye can color theknife and gun can protect them from wild animals. If they fallsea water around them yellow. This can help people find them easily on the sea.Shengzhou IX spacemen cant get dizzy(眩晕的).A spahip is not a pl

57、ane. When it goes up, the extra gravity force(重力) can break peoplesbones. Spacemen musve strong bodies for this. They cant get a headache or be sick. Withmany things to take care of, theyve got no time for sickness.1. How many spel skills are mentioned(提及)he passage?D. FourA. OneB. TwoC. ThreeShengz

58、hou IX spacemen took some dye with themcolor something in an experimentcolor their hair if they have free time in spaceprotect them from wild animals if they land in forestso space to .D. help people find them easily if they fallo the seaWhich of the following is NOT TRUE to Shengzhen IX spacemen?It

59、 took 20 days for them to do each upside-down training.They have some scientific experiments in space.They usually get dizzy when they get a headache.D. They know how the spahip works and can repair it.4. The underlined word “This” refers to .A. they dye itselfB. colored waterC. the seaD. the forest

60、s5. The best title of the passage is “”.A. A story about spaceB. Spacemen need spel trainingC. How to slen spaceD. One can drive a spahip阅读理解 DDCBBB“BANG!” the door caused a reverberation(回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and I on the other side.We were both in great


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