



1、1: Formation of landsc(including public buildings, facilities, space- use, external appearance)Anyone cominerland, who wishes to visit Miyajima Island mustarrive at Miyajimaguchi, from a train, bus, car, or other mode of transporion and take the ferry. A visit to Miyajima Island starts here. Likewis

2、e, this will be a parting step following a journey to Miyajima. This area is responsible, therefore, forimpress and lingering memories of a Miyajima Island visit. We need to create alandscsuitable to this pure.Sub-themes: Development ViAcross the water from Miyajimaguchis Miyajima Island and the Wor

3、ld Cultural Heritage designated site: Itsukushima Sho Shrine. According to the Convention on World Cultural and Natural Heritage, sites worthy of UNESCO designation are defined as irreplaceable natural or historical assets worthy of being pfor future generations.The Miyajimaguchi area is located acr

4、oss the sea from this shared global asset. As sed above, the history and culture of this town have beenimay linked witht of Miyajima Island throughout their chronicled past.Because the deceptively small 15-hectare Miyajimaguchi competition ed area is the site of a vast 1,000-year history and culture

5、, and breathtaking seasc s we aim to revitalize Miyajimaguchi as a gateway town worthy of its important role inproviding ac s to the island of Miyajima and the treasure it holds.Gateway to Miyajima and the Itsukushima Sho Shrine,a World Cultural Heritage Site:Creating a Promising Future for a Global

6、ly Connected Miyajimaguchi)通往的的大门,世界文化遗产:创建一个全球网络相连的车站一个光明的未来从车站对面的宫岛和水是世界文化遗产的指定地点:。根据世界文化和自然遗产公约,对史资产,值得为后世保留。教科文组织指定的被定义为具有不可替代的自然或历岛地区位于跨海而来的这一共同的全球资产的对面。如上所述,这个城市的历史和文化是紧密地结合在一起,在他们的记载与宫岛过去了。因为看似小 15 公顷址,和惊人的海景惜它持有的重要作用。车站竞争目标区域是一个巨大的 1000 年的历史和文化遗目标振兴车站作为网关镇值得提供宫岛达男岛和珍子:发展愿景1:景观的形成(包括公共建筑、设施、空

7、间利用、外观等)2: Creation of a space, bustling with people (new functions, overall traffic flow improvements and solutions to congestionhis town, etcAt present, this area simply functions as a junction or a transit stop on the way to Miyajima Island. We want to transform ito an areat, of its own accord, l

8、ures visitors to stay and enjoy Miyajimaguchi. To make this happen, this area must develop currently unavailable functions and attractionst will appeal to a wide range of visitorerests. The design must also enable the visitors to stay and walkaroundhe area.3: Improvement of amenities (smooth flow of

9、 vehicular and pedestrian traffic servi, natural and man-made environment, etc.)The impresand the value of a place depend largely on the available amenities or the comfort level the place can offer. This area, being a traffic node, has a main road cutting across the area. Keng this limiionind, we ne

10、ed to facilie all area traffic. We are looking to make moren physical/structural improvements.Adding to the proviof information and increasing hospitality will also improve amenities. Underlying all this, however, is the need to secure safetyhe area. As this is a waterfront area and Japan is an eart

11、hquake-prone nation , disaster damageprevention must be given sufficient consideration as well.任何人谁希望大陆,宫岛必须先到达车站,从火车,汽车,汽车,或其他交通方式,乘渡船。参观宫岛从这里开始。同样,这将是一个游览宫岛的分步骤。因此这个区域是负责的,对于第一印象和挥之不去的个适合这个目的的风景。的宫岛参观。需要创造一2:创造一个空间,繁华与人(新功能,整体交通流量的改善和解决办法,在这个城市的交通拥堵等)目前,这一地区的简单功能到宫岛路路口或自己的协议,吸引游客留下来,享受站。要将它转变成一个地区,其车站。为了使这种情况发生,该地区必须开发目前无法获得的功能和景点,将吸引广泛的游客利益。设计还必须使游客在该地区逗留和走动。3:改善设施(车辆和行人交通服务,自然


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