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1、托福口语之独立题准备22分的常见分数分配独立题 永远是fair综合题3、5 fair或者good综合题4、6 fair或者good几个需要回忆的问题你用段子了吗?段子是班级里老师写的吗?段子是网上找的吗?你真的了解语法和用词吗?你听过自己说英语吗?你自己能听清你说的英语吗?独立题考查重点细节的数量完整独立题高分特征采分要点:明确、完整、准确表达观点、理由和细节逻辑:句子间有连接词,逻辑关系清晰、信息能自然衔接,易于理解。语法、用词:准确取用恰当、准确的句词、语法。选词难度适中、避免复杂语法结构。独立题高分特征语音:准确、语调标准、有起伏;声音洪亮、吐字清晰。流利度:流利。无大于2秒的中断。语速

2、:在表达句词时,语速适中略偏快、匀速。Speaking Skills口语技能Level水平Your Performance你的表现Speaking aboutfamiliar topics谈论日常话题Task 1,2Good(3.5-4.0)(26-30)Your responses indicate you are able to speak in English about your personal experiences and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner. Your speech is clear with only

3、occasional errors. Grammar and vocabulary are strong and include only a few errors. You can elaborate fully on your ideas and have a strong overall communication.你的回答显示出你能用英语非常清晰、连贯地讲述你的经历和观点。你的回答是清晰的,偶有瑕疵。你的语法和词汇水平是高的,只有一些小错误。你能把你的思想充分地展开论述,你的交流能力是强大的。Fair(2.5-3.0)(18-25)Your responses indicate you

4、 are able to speak in English about your personal experiences and opinions in a mostly clear and coherent manner. Your speech is mostly clear with only occasional errors. Grammar and vocabulary are somewhat limited and include some errors. At times, the limitations prevent you from elaborating fully

5、 on your ideas, but they do not seriously interfere with overall communication.你的回答显示出你能用英语非常清晰、连贯地讲述你的经历和观点。你的回答是清晰的,只是偶有瑕疵。你的语法和词汇水平稍低,有些错误。这些语法和词汇方面的局限阻碍了你充分地表述你的思想,但这些局限不会严重地影响你与他人的交流。模板及时间分配T-2S-C :T(-)=Topic Statement: Personally, _. (7 sec) 2S(-)=Supporting Information: I _ because of two rea

6、sons Reason 1_.(替换B-2) Detail _. _. (23 sec) Reason 2_.(替换B-2) Detail _. _. (10-15 sec) C(-)=Conclusion: (optional) 如何展开细节1. Domino Effect _:2. Giving an Example _:1. For example / For instance, 2. Takeas an example. 3. Last time,事例。3. Giving a List _:1. Such as A, B and C 2. Like 3. Including 举例法及段

7、子原则1、切忌雷同2、网上有的都不能用3、自己编写E.g. 六个常见理由压力:refreshed and when they go back to study, they can be more efficient朋友:similar interests,something in common 文化:different perspective and view of the world六个常见理由没钱:Take a part-time job take part in an internship,Pay for the expansive tuition and rent.永远忙:Studen

8、ts are always busy, I mean we have jobs, families, clubs, social events and all kinds of classes. Who has time for this?兴趣: boring and tedious,enthusiasm and passion如何编段子时间、地点、人物、事件人物要名字模糊的时间和具体的时间时长:决不能超过20秒用词及语法:切忌复杂三个段子之一I remember once I played basketball with my dad, all of a sudden, I fell on

9、the ground. And boy! That was really hurt. Instead of helping me to stand up, my dad encouraged me to stand up by myself. And finally when I managed to get up he walked up to me and said, buddy, life is like this, sometimes you can depend on nobody but yourself. cest la vie. So l learned a very impo

10、rtant lesson.三个段子之二So that I will have the opportunity to meet a lot of people and make new friends. I remember how I met my best friend Jason. We were and we talked a lot and I realized that we had so many things in common and similar interest, which is , especially . And thats how we became the be

11、st friends. 三个段子之三I never thought about this kind of thing before, but I guess one of the first thing that Im going to do/Im going suggest my friend to do is to search questions like in couple of websites like , google or Wikipedia. Because you can always find perfect idea for any kinds of question. You know they say two heads are better than one.所谓人生的道理You can


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