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1、2022版高考英语一轮复习选修7Module5EthnicCulture学案含解析外研版2022版高考英语一轮复习选修7Module5EthnicCulture学案含解析外研版PAGE 2022版高考英语一轮复习选修7Module5EthnicCulture学案含解析外研版Module 5 Ethnic Cultureethnic adj. splash v。 ox n。 rooster n。rainforest n。 opera n. spear n。 mat n.bright。coloured adj。 maize n. garment n。 teapot n.belt n. farm v

2、。 sleeve n. bare adj。maze n. fish v。 necklace n。 waist n。cobbled adj。 script n。 jewellery n。 widow n。inherit v. ouch interj。 arch n. nephew n。property n. hammer n. rigid adj. garage n。apron n。 lame adj. framework n. awkward adj。hieroglyphic adj。 hop v。 fibre n。 pierce v。hatch v. tyre n. corn n. rain

3、bow n。pineapple n. jungle n. spade n。 aborigine n。bucket n. soul n. chick n.1(2020全国卷)While Queensland Rail makes every effort to ensure trains run as scheduled, there can be no guarantee of connections between trains or between train services and bus services。 行驶2(2020浙江卷)Bellevue, a fastgrowing ci

4、ty just east of Seattle, uses a system that is gaining popularity around the US: intersection(十字路口) signals that can adjust in real time to traffic conditions. 调整3(2019全国卷)After running hundreds of tests, the researchers noted that the monkeys would go for the higher values more than half the time,

5、indicating that they were performing a calculation, not just memorizing the value of each combination。 进行单词拼写运用核心单词语境运用1native adj. 出生地的;土生土长的2run v控制;管理3custom n风俗,习惯,传统4crop n庄稼,农作物5fasten v系牢,缚紧6loose adj.稀松的,疏松的7tool n工具8fold v折叠,对折用所给词的适当形式填空.1(2020全国卷)Some common things people will put on a gi

6、ft registry include kitchen tools(tool) like knives and things like curtains。2(2020江苏卷)We did not speak the local language, did not know the customs(custom),and more often than not, did not entirely recognize the food. 3(2018浙江卷)One day I met a former classmate of mine who was making a lot of money

7、running(run) a sideline (副业)4Body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded(fold)can send out a signal that you are being defensive.派生单词语境运用1minor adj。较小的;次要的minority n少数民族2diverse adj.完全不同的;各不相同的diversity n多样性;多元化3vary v改变;有不同varied adj。各种各样的;形形色色的various adj。各

8、种各样的variety n多样性;种类4apparent adj。明显的;显而易见的apparently adv。看起来;显然5fool n& v骗子;愚弄foolish adj.愚蠢的,傻的6firm adj.牢固的,稳固的firmly adv.牢固地7adjust v. 适应;使适应;调整adjustment n. 调节(器);调整adjustable adj. 可调节的8furnish v为(房屋或房间)配备家具furniture n家具用所给词的适当形式填空.1The desks and chairs are adjustable and you can adjust them to

9、the height of the students.The adjustment is not difficult to make.(adjust)2There are various goods in the new supermarket, and the prices vary from cents to dollars。The variety of them attracts many customers。(vary)3People from diverse cultures hold different understanding on the play and this dive

10、rsity of opinions make it hard to reach an agreement at the meeting。(diverse)4The young couple didnt have much money to buy some new furniture any more, because they had spent too much in furnishing their house.(furnish)短语理解运用高频短语语境运用1put_sb.up 让某人留宿,让某人过夜2come_across (偶然)遇见;碰见3in_the_distance 在远处4s

11、et_off 出发,动身 5think_over 仔细考虑选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。Last month, Mary together with her husband and daughter went to Hangzhou。Hardly had they arrived at Hangzhou station when they came_across an old friend of Marys, who worked and lived in Hangzhou.Her friend was so enthusiastic that she wanted to put them up

12、.After thinking_over,the family decided to stay in a hotel.6make_up 化妆;组成;编造;和解7have_a_population_of 有人口8in_use 在使用9pull_out 拔出,驶出,退出10adjust_to 适应,调整选用左栏短语的适当形式填空。Nowadays, Tibet, which has_a_population_of about 3.43 million, has developed rapidly in recent years.Two railways are in_use in Tibet at

13、 present。The Tibetans, who have lived in the Himalayas for centuries and have adjusted_to the conditions at such a great height, are living a happy life.句式辨识运用教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1。独立主格结构.The old town is on the side of a mountain and opposite it is the 5,500metre Yulong Xueshan Mountain, its peak covered wi

14、th snow.他专心致志地听着讲座,所有注意力全用在上面了.He was listening attentively to the lecture, all_his_attention_fixed_on_it。2。“否定式everso/suchadj.”结构表示最高级。The sky is clear blue and I dont think Ive ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life.说实话,我认为我从未看过这么惊险的电影。To be honest, I_dont_think_Ive_ever_ seen so thrillin

15、g a movie。3。however引导让步状语从句.However different we may appear to be at first, we are all the same, all equal。不管困难多大,他们都不会半途而废。They wouldnt stop halfway,however_ great_the_difficulties_might_be.1run v控制;经营,管理;跑;滑动;变得;开动(机器等);行驶;褪色 n。 跑步;趋势一词多义写出下列句中run的含义(2020全国卷)Biologist Edmond Mouton runs the nutria

16、 control program for Louisiana。 管理(2020浙江卷)Now he hopes that other cities will consider making their streets run smarter instead of just making them bigger. 变得Children of keepers remember inspectors wearing white gloves to run their fingers over door frames and windowsills looking for dust. 滑动Im afr

17、aid the colour will run when I wash your new skirt。 褪色(1)run out (of) 用尽,耗尽run across 偶然遇见,碰上run into 撞到,偶遇;途中遭遇(恶劣天气)run after 追逐;追求run away 远离;逃避(2)in the long/short run 从长期/短期来看run into one difficulty after another 遇到一个又一个的困难run out of all our money 我们把钱花光了run after every new fashion 追逐每个新的时尚基础练习

18、单句语法填空We ran into thick fog on the way home.When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall。He is always running out of money before the end of the month。链接写作词汇/句式升级普通表达:I met a classmate while walking along the street yesterday。I hadnt seen him for ten years。高级表达:

19、I ran_across/into a classmate while walking along the street yesterday, whom_I_hadnt_seen_for_ten_years。(合并为复合句)2adjust v调节,调整;校准;使适应高考原句2018江苏卷They should either monitor their websites better so that children do not sign up too early, or they should adjust their websites to the needs of younger use

20、rs。(1)adjust 。.to 。 根据调整adjust to .适应adjust oneself to 使自己适应(2)adjustment n调整;调节make an adjustment to 对进行调整(3)adjustable adj.可调节的adjust to the height you need 调整到你需要的高度learn to adjust ourselves to the society学会让我们自己适应社会adjust yourself to the new environment as soon as possible 使你自己尽快适应新环境基础练习-单句语法填空

21、(2019全国卷)It clearly showed that while likability can lead to healthy adjustment(adjust), high status has just the opposite effect on us.For example, the moment you get on the airplane, start adjusting your biological clock to the destinations time。 When a child is studying abroad, he must learn to a

22、djust to living(live) on his own。 链接写作一句多译如果你到了一个新地方,你必须尽快调整自己以适应新的环境。If you go to a new place, you must adjust_yourself_to the new surroundings quickly。(adjust)If you go to a new place, you must make_adjustments_to the new surroundings quickly.(adjustment)3in use在使用(1)come into use 开始被使用make (full/

23、good/the best) use of (充分)利用put.。.to use 加以使用be of (no) use (没)有用Its no use/useless doing 做是无用的(2)use up 用完no longer in use 不再使用put the new safety system to use 使用新的安全系统make use of advertisements to promote their new products 利用广告促销他们的新产品基础练习单句语法填空(2020浙江卷)Later, they learned to work with the season

24、s, planting at the right time and, in dry areas, making(make) use of annual floods to irrigate(灌溉) their fields。 A row of reflective boards on a nearby mountainside were put to use。(2018江苏卷)Their savings had_been_used(use) up to pay lawyers fees.链接写作-完成句子要充分利用每一个机会练习英语口语。Every chance should_be_made_

25、full_use_of to practise oral English.4(教材P58)The sky is clear blue and I dont think Ive ever seen anything else so beautiful in my life。这里的天空碧蓝如洗,我想我一生中从未见过这么美的景色。句型公式句中“否定词现在完成时so beautiful。.”结构表示最高级的意思。表示最高级含义的常用句型:eq avs4al(1完成时,never)eq blcrc (avs4alco1(soadj./adv。,soadj.a/an可数名词单数,sucha/anadj.可

26、数名词单数) (2)比较级thaneq blcrc (avs4alco1(any other单数名词,all the other复数名词,any of the other复数名词)(3)否定词比较级(than 。)“没有比 更” 金句推送There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, staring at the night sky。没有什么比我躺在草地的中间,仰望着夜空更惬意的了。基础练习单句语法填空I have never met such a kindhearted pe

27、rson before。How beautiful she sings! I have never heard a better(good) voice。Tom is taller than any other student in our class。链接写作一句多译我一辈子也没见过这么恐怖的事。This is the_most_horrible_thing I have seen in my life。(最高级)I have_never_seen_such_a_horrible_thing in my life。(否定词never)Never_in_my_life_have_I_seen

28、such a horrible thing.(倒装句)夯基固本基础强化。用所给词的正确形式填空.1Some schools will have to make an adjustment(adjust) in agreement with the national soccer reform.2Walking exercises may be boring at times, but on a clear sunny morning nothing could be better(good)3When I was young, my parents ran(run) a snack bar i

29、n our small town。4Its no use talking(talk) to him; youll only waste your breath.5The height of the bicycle seat is adjustable(adjust), so its suitable for most of people。.在空白处填入一个适当的词.1To the visitors surprise, the meeting room built in the 1960s is still in use。2You are driving me mad, Jack!My pati

30、ence is running out。3It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the darkness。4I have never seen so many people visit our school before.5A new safety system has been put to use, and more accidents will be avoided in the future.查缺补漏-知识拾遗。用所给词的正确形式填空。1He was angry with himself for having made such

31、 a foolish(fool) mistake.2He folded(fold) his arms and lowered his head as usual before he was in deep thought。3In fact, cultural diversity(diverse) is what makes our world so rich and so colorful。4Please keep your seat belts fastened(fasten) until the captain has turned off the seat belt sign。5He j

32、ust kept silent at the meeting。 Apparently(apparent) he was a man of few words. 。在空白处填入一个适当的词。1The nation wants peace; only a minority want the war to continue。 2The teacher asked the students to make up short dialogues by themselves.3The wrong decision of the company set off_the employees protest。4

33、Standing by the road, we watched the car gradually disappeared in the distance。5The tourist hurried to the station, only to be told that the train had just pulled out。强技提能-语言应用。语法填空China is a united multiethnic nation of 56 nationalities,of which 55 are ethnic groups.18 ethnic groups have 1.a popula

34、tion of over one million. The Zhuang ethnic group has the 2。largest(large) population and the Lhoba ethnic group has the smallest population.Each ethnic groups has its special history。 The diverse traditions and varied 3.customs(custom) reflect their unique culture。In some areas, the hieroglyphic la

35、nguage is still 4。in use. 5.Apparently(apparent), we should not only inherit property but also culture from our ancestors。In some areas, people live on 6.farming(farm)They grow crops such as rice, wheat, corn and maize。 They also raise chicks and roosters。 While in other areas, people live on fishin

36、g.Some people live in the rainforest jungles. They like 7.wearing(wear) bright.coloured necklaces, jewellery and belts. They have a firm belief in religion.When you go to an ethnic area in 8。the distance, you must try to adjust 9。yourself(you) to the local customs。 Since you are not a native, you sh

37、ould learn from others. As the saying goes, “When in Rome do as the Romans do”。 Its foolish 10。to_behave(behave) against the local customs, which will make you feel awkward。书面表达Step 1。要点提示(黑体字部分要使用本单元所学词汇)中国有55个少数民族,生活在祖国各地,人口大约有1亿.In China, there are 55 ethnic_groups living in every corner of our country.They


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