



1、成都七中青年教师赛课教学设计方案课题名称:Cloning and DNA授课教师:敬蓓虹授课班级:高二三班授课时间:2023年4月15日(星期一)第2节Analysis of the teaching materialThe phenomenon of cloning is always a hot topic. According to the latest news, a girl in Shanghai spent 380,000 RMB to have her dead pet dog cloned, which surprised the whole China and also a

2、roused my interest in this topic. Whats more, there is a passage about cloning and DNA in our textbook, which serves as a perfect reading material. Meanwhile, I find the structure of the passage is clear. It talks about DNA (the definition, the development & the usage) and cloning (definition of clo

3、ning and a clone, advantages and relevant disadvantages) in a logical way. Therefore, its not quite difficult for students to draw a mind map although they havent done it independently before. Since the passage mentions the advantages and disadvantages of cloning, its also a good choice to let stude

4、nts have a free debate on whether we should allow cloning or not.Analysis of the studentsAs Senior 2 students, they are interested in hot topics and have the basic knowledge of cloning and DNA. They are quite creative, which means they are capable of creating different types of mind maps after recei

5、ving proper instructions. Of course, since its the first time for them to draw a mind map independently, its OK that they will miss some points or make mistakes. As their teacher, I will give them examples, comments and finally improvement (which mainly focus on points they may ignore) during this p

6、eriod so that they know how to make it better next time. Meanwhile, students hold the enthusiasm to express their ideas and they show great interest in debates (they actually enjoy the process of finding the other teams weaknesses and fight them back). However, having a relatively small vocabulary m

7、ay become their obstacle to express opinions accurately.Considering the teaching material and the students, I think the following teaching aims should be included. The aims of knowledge1. Learn the basic information of cloning and DNA;2. Know how to draw a mind map;3. Express themselves in a debate.

8、The aims of abilityCultivate the students ability of critical thinking through individual work and group discussions.2. Inspire students to be creative when drawing a mind map and be brave to show ideas in a debate.The aims of emotionIn this class, I will guide them that there are no losers in a deb

9、ate. As long as they can express themselves, its a success. Whats more, concerning the debate topic, I would like to tell them that since the advantages of cloning are undeniable, maybe we should focus on how to overcome the disadvantages. And its they who may make a difference in the future. As the

10、 film Lost in Space says, “To boldly go where no man has gone before.” Its time to shoulder their responsibility!The teaching focus and the difficulties The teaching focus and the difficulties of this period are how to:1. help students to draw a mind map;2. cultivate students critical thinking and t

11、he ability to express themselves in a debate.Teaching proceduresTeaching ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesExplanationStep 1 Leading in and Prediction Introduce the topicShow Ss a picture related to cloning and ask them what information they get from it.Show Ss a picture of the first c

12、loned monkeys and let Ss guess which country created them. Show Ss a piece of news that a girl had her dead dog cloned.Prediction:Looking at the title of this passage Cloning and DNA, what aspects will be mentioned?1. Ss look at the pictures and answer questions, which help to arouse their interest

13、in the topic. 2. Ss make predictions: definition, development, function, advantages, disadvantages.Arouse students interest and lead in todays topic. (6M)Step 2Read and Draw a mind map.Show Ss what a mind map is and give them two typical examples:Main points should be directly connected to the topic

14、;Sub-points branch out from the main points. 2. Let Ss read the passage and draw a mind map.3. Comment on Ss mind maps.4. Show Ss part of the teachers mind map to emphasize the easily missing points (such as the usage of DNA in the last paragraph).Ss have a clear understanding about what a mind map

15、is and get some inspirations to draw their own ones.Ss read the passage and draw a mind map.Ss describe their works.Ss get some advice to improve their works.Get the students to draw a mind map and make some suggestions.(12M)Step 3A Debate Should or Shouldnt we allow cloning?1. Let Ss choose their s

16、ide.2. Guide them to prepare for the debate:Discuss to find as many arguments and examples (from the passage and your common knowledge)as possible. Predict how the other team will attack you and think of ways to fight back.Example:topic: Cars are better than side: Cars are convenient and t

17、ime- saving.con side: But they release CO2 which will greatly damage the side: But there are the new energy vehicles which can solve the problem. Do you think so? con side: Yes. But those cars are too expensive and only a few people can afford them, which means of little help. 3. Sum

18、marize the debate.1. Ss choose their side.2. Ss prepare for the debate.3. Ss debate as the pro side and con side.The students prepare and take part in the debate. whole class (20M)Step 4 HomeworkIf you are invited by the 21st Century Teens to write an article about cloning, please create one based on what weve learned (the phenomenon of cloning, its advantages and disadvantages, and your own opinions).Ss finish the writing after class by referring to the sentence patterns on the review materials.Ss get the homework.(2M)Teaching flow chartBeginningCom


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