小学英语绘本《Where is my mom》教学设计(常用)(精品)_第1页
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1、小学英语绘本Where is my mom教学设计小学英语绘本Where is my mom?教学设计教学目标本节课学习结束后,学生能够:1. 利 用 上 下 文 、 图 画 、 动 作 及 已 有 知 识 经 验 等 正 确 理 解 fly,beautiful,flower,tree,grass,ladybird,bee 的意义,能够基本正确地跟读、 指读、朗读故事;2. 尝试运用一些基本的阅读策略如利用上下文线索词、插图中的信息以及 已有的知识经验去预测、推理出毛毛虫与不同的动物之间的对话,能够 借助板书对故事文本的主要线索进行梳理提炼;3. 正确地用故事中的句式去猜测某人或某物的位置,并

2、能够回答;4. 要学习小毛毛虫在遇到自己无法解决的困难时,主动而且有礼貌的去寻 求别人的帮助,在失败面前不气馁。教学过程Step 1: Warm up 热身准备T: Lets sing a beautiful song Do you like it?S:Yes.设计意图:利用歌曲让生感知句型,方位词及 flower,tree, 为故事阅读做铺垫。T:Yes. I like it. Its beautiful. Wow,so many animals. I see a lion. What do you see? S:.T: These animals are big. These animal

3、s are small. 师做手势 They will play a game hide and seek. Lets play together, OK? S:. 出示图片让生用句子 Is it on/in/under.?来猜测,师示范Step2: Cover (title) talk & lead in the story 封面( 标题) 探讨Activity 1: Talk about the title and the cover.T: Oh, a little caterpillar. His name is Mike. He is a boy.T: I s he happy?师做动

4、作帮住学生理解 happy小学英语绘本Where is my mom教学设计Guess why he is not happy? (S1: Maybe.)The title of the story is Where is my mom? Lets read it together. 揭示课题贴课题He cant find his mom,so he is not happy.Step 3: Picture walk of the story 图片环游T: Mike is going to find his mom. Is this his mom? (出示小鸟 的影像让生猜测) (Ss: N

5、o.) What is it? (Ss : )T: What can the bird do? (Students predict.)师教授 flyT: Mikes mom also can fly. Mike says 出示毛毛虫说的话 My mom can fly. Are you my mom?猜测小鸟的答语, 并核对答案T: Do you know where is his mom? Can you guess? You can use the sentence Is she on/in/under.猜测完了阅读寻找答案T: Mike doesnt find his mom. So h

6、e go on to find his mom.Guess which animal will he meet?教授 ladybirdW:My mom is beautiful._?L: Im not your mom. Im a _.W: Oh,no! Where is my mom?L: Is she _?W: _. Try to fill in the blanks. Discuss in your groups. 2 分钟时间讨 论。然后阅读绘本内容核对答案。T: Mike doesnt find his mom again. Is he happy? 播放蜜蜂嗡嗡叫的声音。 What

7、s the sound?播放一只蜜蜂飞 来飞去的图片。 (Ss: )教授 bee Listen and fill in the blanks.W: My mom likes _. Are you my mom?Bee: Im not your mom. _.W: Oh,no!_?Bee: _?W: No, she isnt.小学英语绘本Where is my mom教学设计T: The worm still doesn tfind his mom.He meets an ant.Can he find his mom? Read the text and choose.1. Does he f

8、ind his mom?A. Yes. B. No.2. Where is his mom?A. She is on a leaf. B. She is under a leaf.T: Finally he find his mom. Is he happy?Ss:Yes.引导学生思考为什么毛毛虫的妈妈是一只蝴蝶,观看毛毛 虫变成蝴蝶的过程视频。Step 4: Silent reading 自主默读Students enjoy the whole story by themselves. (Give a few minutes to read.)Review the story togethe

9、r. When teacher sticks the word cards and pictures on theblackboard, students and teacher retell the story together.Step5: Read the story aloud 朗读输出Activity 1. Read the whole story after the audio. Point to the words with fingers whilereading.Activity 2. Act the story out in groups. Each group act one scene.Step 6: Extended activities 反思小结要学习毛毛虫在遇到自己无法解决的困难时, 主动而且有礼貌的去寻求别人的帮助,在失败面前不气馁。Step 7: Assignment 延伸


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