



1、中级商务英语口语考试提分训练材料part 1 1.Assembly 总成 A: What is an assembly exactly? B: Assembly is a component made of more than one part. A:总成毕竟是什么? B:总成是由一个以上零件组成的.部件。 2.A-Surface A级表面 A: What about A-Surface? B: A-Surface is the surface of a product that a customer can see. A:那A级表面又是什么呢? B:A级表面是指顾客能看到的产品表面。 B-S

2、urface B级表面 A: They also talk about B-Surface. What is that? B: B-Surface is the surface of a component that you cant see in the normal service condition. A:他们还说到B级表面,那是什么? B:B级表面是在正常使用状态下看不到的部件表面。 4.Bushing 轴套 A: Self-lubricated bushing is very popular in western countries. B: Its gaining market in

3、 China as well. A:自动润滑轴套在西方国家很流行。 B:它也进入了中国市场。 5.Detailed drawing 零件图 A: What is a detailed drawing? B: Its a drawing of an individual part or component. A:零件图指什么? B:是指单个零部件的图纸。 part 2 1.Design change 设计更改 A: How do we decide if we need to implement a design change? B: If it relates to safety, we ha

4、ve to implement it. A:我们怎么确认是否要进行设计更改? B:假如关系到平安问题,我们就必需进行更改。 2.Deviation 偏差 A: Do we allow any deviation on the material? B: You need to get customers approval for any deviation. A:我们允许在材料的使用上有所偏差吗? B:任何偏差都要经过客户的批准。 3.Durability 耐久性 A: Why do we have to do durability test? B: We need to know how long this product will last in the field. A:我们为什么要做耐久性测试? B:我们需要知道产品在使用中可以有多长的寿命。 4.Layout drawing 总布置图纸 A: Whats the importance of layout drawing? B: The layout drawing shows a product in its environment. A:总布置图纸的重要性是怎样的? B:总布置图纸是描述在工作环境中的产品。 5.Part 零件 A: How many parts do you have in this seating


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