1、车间6S培训6S是什么?怡得乐中国对车间6S的标准哪些人需要培训?下一目标1S + 5S 从车间到办公室,员工才是我们公司最珍贵的资产 值得庆幸的是, 我们不仅较好地完成了5S的标准,最重要的一项“平安我们也做得非常好5S包括事项 维持纪律我们大家都很清楚,保持6S的一切标准是非常有必要的 没有纪律性,一切努力都将失败.标准6S的好处有利于员工平安减少浪费有利于车间的干净整洁 更适合生产工作给顾客于深刻印象暴露出浪费现象异常情况更容易被发现更高效的生产力较少的缺陷降低作业时间整理 (Seiri) “有什么不懂的,大胆地说出来如何实现通过确定你需要的东西,在生产休息之余把一切不需要的工程从你的生
2、产车间去除掉好处增加工作空间,减少混乱不必要的库存,设备维护费用高昂整顿 (Seiton) “一个地方有你想要的任何物品,任何物品在任何地方都能拿到各归其位如何实现把你该用的一切材料放在该放的地方物品要放在使用点上.好处清楚了解任何物品都放置于何处因为你有什么你很清楚,从而减少了库存排除浪费 等候 and 不必要的转移清扫 (Seiso)“最正确清洁方式就是不需要清洁如何实现在清扫或清洁你们的车间的时候,经常会忘记主要的一点,就是检查:即看看是否有任何地方需要保养或维护好处能较快并较简单地暴露出异常情况 (比方:电镀火灾)创造平安卫生的生产环境解决问题: 如果你经常需要给机器抹油,那你就可能需
3、要找到问题的根源所在标准 (Seiketsu)“知道并确定需要做什么如何实现将标准列入核查清单中,以便员工更清楚地了解什么才是“好典范好处不走重复的路 每个人都要清楚地知道哪些事是需要做的Sustain (Shitsuke)“把遵守标准变成习惯如何实现持续不断地重复某一行为,直到它变成我们的第二本能即:成为日常习惯遵守标准者奖励,违规那么处分好处创造一种能较好地适应变化的企业文化任何事都要做到位日常维护 平安 平安是我们的首要任务!在尝试任何事的时候我们一定要注意平安。这方面我公司已经采取了很多预防措施。也许大家看上去可能会觉得这样很不舒服,比方眼罩,耳塞,发套员工抵抗的原因觉得太简单而不屑于
4、去做在完成5S方面已经觉得很忙了觉得这是家务管理的事物,认为放在实际工作中会使自己更忙我可以做到这一点,但很多都在变化中我在较混乱的工作环境中更能提高工作效率为什么要搞清洁,又脏了怎么办?克服措施让员工真正相信实行6S对他们自己是有利的,它不是是管理者为了落实管理而想出的一些概念而已。举一些例子,用事实说明结果,以便我们员工真正相信6S。协助员工完成6S的相关事项。用一些员工能够涉及到的程度的方法,来清楚解释6S对他们的好处。 整理SEIRI 决定要和不要 1.1、现场是否有闲置/无用的设备并标识? Are there any idle equipments? Are idle equipme
5、nt labeled?有闲置设备没有标识扣2分,有闲置设备有标识扣1分。Idle equipment without label -2 points; Idle equipment with label -1 point -1-2-2-2-2 整理SEIRI 决定要和不要1.2、现场有无闲置/无用的工治具、标准件、备品、备件等并标识 Are there idle tools, jigs, standardized parts or spare parts? If yes, are they labeled? 有闲置/无用的工治具、标准件、备品、备件扣2分。 One non-conformity
6、 with 2 points deduction-2-2 整理SEIRI 决定要和不要 1.3、现场是否有无多余的一周以上使用量原材料、包材、周转盒、托盘等物品?Are there excess raw materials, packaging materials, turnover boxes, trays and other items( more than one weeks inventory)? Check the labels.有多余的包装材料、周转盒等扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2 整理SEIRI 决定要和不要 1
7、.4、生产或检验的现场已报废材料/产品是否放指定地方,并给予标识 Are scrapped materials and NG parts clearly labeled and given its own storage space?报废材料/产品未放置在指定地方扣2分,放在指定地方无标识扣1分 The scrapped materials or NG parts put in the wrong place. (-2 points) Scrapped materials or parts without labels -1 point)-2-2-1 整理SEIRI 决定要和不要 1.5、现场
8、是否有超过一周未处理的不良品 Are there any NG parts that have been there for more than 1 week. 有报废超过一周的物品没有标识和处理扣2分,有报废超过一周的物品有标识和没处理扣1分。 Scrapped materials/product which is more than a week without labels and untreated.(-2 points); Scrapped materials/product which is more than a week with labels and untreated.(-
9、1 point) -1-1 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.1、现场区域划分有效且员工知晓 。 Production floor divisions should be clear.6S区域图没有张贴或张贴没有更新扣2分;询问员工不知道自己的6S区域扣2分。 No 6S Area Graph and no update with 2 points deduction, Workers dont know their responsibility area,2 points will be deducted. -2-2okokokok 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.2、地面不能直接放置成品
10、、零件、Tray盘等物品。 Finished products, spare parts, tray, etc. can not be set directly on the ground.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionokok-2-2-2 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.3、地面不能有工具、备件、模具等物品 Tools, spare parts, tooling and other items can not be directly placed on the ground.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-c
11、onformity with 2 points deduction-2Please put here an ok pictureok 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.4、斑马线是否建立、是否破损,物品摆放是否压线 Are there color stripes? Are they well maintained? Are boxes crossing the zebra stripes? 发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2-2Please put here an ok pictureok 整顿SEITON 整齐和
12、标识 2.5、 现场看板内容详实且实时更新,应标明责任人姓名。The content of white board must be informative, real-time updated and marked with the responsible person.看板未及时更新扣2分,未标明责任人扣1分。 No update with 2 points deduction, No marking responsible person with 1 point deduction-2-2 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.6、文件和记录标识是否清楚,工位上是否能获得作业指导书?Wheth
13、er the document and record labels are clear or not. Whether there is Work Instruction or not.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction此记录无法确认年份-2-2-2文件未受控 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.7、工/治具、量具、设备是否有标识且易于存取? Are tools, jigs, measuring tools and equipment labels and clearly labeled and easy to access
14、?工/治具在规定场合没有按要求放置扣2分,没有台帐扣2分,没有责任者扣1分 Tools are not placed as requested with 2 points deduction, No machine account with 2 points deduction, No responsible person with 1point deduction.ok-2 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.8、原材/成品/半成品/样品/不合格品等是否有标识/清楚?Are there clear labels for raw materials, finished products, sem
15、i-finished products, samples and NG product.无标识或标识不破损、内容不清扣2分。 No label or the label is not clearly with 2 points deduction-2-2Please put here an ok pictureok 整顿SEITON 整齐和标识 2.9、废弃物是否按要求分类存放一般废弃物、危险废弃物?Waste must be categorized and stored in different garbage bins (general waste and dangerous waste)
16、.废弃物未分类放置扣2分/处 Waste no classification with 2 points deduction.okok-2-2 清扫SEISO 干净和有效 3.1、生产设备和辅助设备外表无脏污、灰尘、废屑。The surface of the production equipment and auxiliary equipment must be without dirt, dust or litter.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2okok 清扫SEISO 干净和有效3.2、墙面无蜘蛛网、污渍
17、,门、墙上悬挂物无灰尘 。Are there spider webs or dirt spots on the wall? Is there dust on the door or hangings?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2ok -2 清扫SEISO 干净和有效3.3、窗户、内外窗台、窗帘等外表是否脏污,无损坏 。 Is there dirt on the window, window sill or curtains surfaces? Are any of these items damaged? 发现一
18、处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2-2ok 清扫SEISO 干净和有效3.4、地面无废屑、油污、工件。 Are there any litter, oil pollution and parts on the ground ?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2-2ok 清扫SEISO 干净和有效3.5、办公设施、家具、物品外表是否干净,摆放整齐?Are the office facilities, furniture and other it
19、ems clean and placed neatly ?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionok-2 清扫SEISO 干净和有效3.6、公用告示板是否洁净、完好? Are the whiteboard wiped clean and in good condition ?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction.-2ok 清扫SEISO 干净和有效3.7、清洁工具是否完好、洁净,是否认位放置 Are the cleaning tools in good co
20、ndition, clean, and put in the correct place.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2-2ok 清洁SEIKETSU 制度和落实 4.1、水桶架、水杯架、饮水机是否清洁整齐 Are the water retainer, drinking cups shelf, water fountain clean and neat?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2-2 清洁SEIKETSU 制度和落实4.2
21、、工作现场是否有私人物品,私用杯子是否按规定放置?Whether there is private belongings in the working area and private cup is placed in the right place.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2-2ok 清洁SEIKETSU 制度和落实4.3、药箱药品是否按类放置,无空缺,是否专人保管? Drugs are placed by category, no vacancy allowed also assigned respon
22、sible person发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionok-2 清洁SEIKETSU 制度和落实4.4、工作服是否整洁,工卡有否佩戴,工卡内容是否齐全?The overalls are clean, cards have to wear and the content of cards are complete.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2ok 清洁SEIKETSU 制度和落实4.5、是否进行内部6S检查并保持纪录,纪录的不良现象是否整改
23、?Are there 6S internal inspection and records ? Are the non-conformities are improved ?每周未自查并保存记录扣2分,自查发现问题未改善扣2分。 No self-inspection and no record with 2 points deduction. No corrective measure with 2 points deduction. 清洁SEIKETSU 制度和落实4.6、交接班和早会是否涉及6S,问题是否落实 Does shift turnover/morning meetings inv
24、olve 6S, Have the problems been solved or worked on? Should have checklist and records交接班和早会没有涉及6S各扣2分,有问题未及时汇报扣2分。6S is not involved in the shift turnover or morning meeting with 2 points deduction. The error/problem is not reported in time with 2 points deduction.大多数车间早会涉及6S内容,但无相关记录! 素养SHITSUKE习惯
25、 5.1、设备/工装是否点检保养,有问题是否已汇报? Do the equipments being checked and maintained? Problems should be reported in time.设备/工装未及时点检扣2分,有问题未及时汇报扣1分。 The equipment is not checked in time with 2 points deduction. The problem is not reported in time with 2 points deduction.okok 素养SHITSUKE习惯5.2、各类生产、质量记录是否按时如实填写?
26、Are the production records and quality records filled out accurately and on time.生产记录、质量记录未按体系要求填写扣2分/处 。 Production or quality records are no according to the system requirements with 2 points deduction. okok-2 素养SHITSUKE习惯5.3、员工上岗、离岗前是否正常交接,并对产品、设备等做好标识?There should be shift turnover and labels fo
27、r the production and the equipment before workers go on duty or leave the posts.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionokok 素养SHITSUKE习惯5.4、员工是否按作业指导书规定的要求进行操作? Do workers operate according to the Work Instruction ? Are they aware of work instruction?员工未按规定进行操作扣2分/处 Nonobservance of Wo
28、rk Instruction with 2 points deduction per worker.okok 素养SHITSUKE习惯5.5、员工出入含门禁的场所不随手关门 Close all doors that should be closed.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2ok 素养SHITSUKE习惯5.6、长时间离开工作现场未按程序断水、断电、断气。 Water, electricity and air should be cut off when workers are absent from thei
29、r posts for a long time.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction 素养SHITSUKE习惯5.7、是否注意节水节电,节约用纸水龙头有无关,纸带、卷盘是否重复利用等 Staff should conserve resources (electricity, paper, water, paper tape, reel, etc.)发现一处扣2分。 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction.okok 平安SAFETY6.1、部门进行会议召开或进行早回宣导过程中,有无
30、进行平安事项宣导、告知?有无对新员工按照“三级平安教育要求,进行“车间和班组培训?Staff should be told the safety precautions in the dept. meeting. New employee should be trained by dept. and team according to the “three-level safety training. 发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionok 平安SAFETY6.2、是否平安通道及出口畅通、标识线清楚?消防器材、设施周边有无
31、堵塞现象,而影响正常取用?Are the safety exists clear and labeled clearly? Are fire safety equipment accessible? 发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2ok 平安SAFETY6.3、公司平安检查过程中所指出的平安隐患事项,部门有无按照要求进行限期整改或指定相应的整改方案措施进行限期整改?Did the department take corrective measure in the appointed time due to the
32、 safety risk during the company security check?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2okok 平安SAFETY6.4、部门在事故发生后是否按规定时间进行报告?有无按照“四不放过原那么进行处理?是否针对事故原因进行相应措施的制定和落实,该措施是否可以防止同类事故再度发生?有否对本部门其他员工进行“事故现场分析教育,以防止类似事故的发生。 Does the dept. report accidents to management in a timely manner? Are
33、 accidents dealt with using the four-off principle? Are there corrective measures? The corrective measure should be effective and prevent the recurrence of similar incidents. Staff should be trained the the scene of the accident analysis of education in order to avoid similar accidents by department
34、?事故发生后4小时内向公司平安主管报告。48小时内书写报告?伤害事故报告表?,全力配合调查人员在72小时内完成对事故所进行的调查报告?伤害事故调查表?。发现一项不符合,扣2分。The accident department must report to safety supervisor within 4 hours and must write the Accident Report within 48 hours. The responsible dept. should coordinate with the safety investigator to complete the Acc
35、ident Investigation Report within 72 hours.One non-conformity with 2 points deduction. 平安SAFETY6.5、部门有无按照要求给作业人员配备相应的劳保防护用品?现场作业人员有无按照规定,进行劳保防护用品的正确佩戴和穿着?含平安帽、防护眼镜、耳塞、口罩、手套、防护服、防护鞋、平安带等Department should provide protective equipment to operators in accordance to their work environment and the operato
36、rs must wear labor protection articles (Helmets, protective glasses, ear plugs, masks, gloves, protective clothing, protective shoes, safety belts and etc.发现一处不符合扣4分 One non-conformity with 4 points deductionokok-4 平安SAFETY6.6、危险岗位、特种操作人员,是否按国家规定要求持证上岗?Are dangerous and special positions operators r
37、equired by country certified? 发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionok 平安SAFETY6.7、设备的防护罩、盖、栏等平安防护装置是否处于完好、有效状态?Are equipment safety devices in good condition?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction-2-2 平安SAFETY6.8、机械设备有无按规定进行正常维护、保养和定期检修测?Have the equipments been regula
38、r maintained and periodic repaired?发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deductionok 平安SAFETY6.9、机械设备不能正常使用,需要维修时,应挂上“正在维修,暂停使用等警示牌;When equipment needs repaired, there must be the warning sign that states Equipment needs maintenance, Do Not Use.发现一处不符合扣2分 One non-conformity with 2 points deduction. 平安SAFETY6.10、现场有无电源线缆未按正确接位方式接拉,使用裸线、破损电线而造成现场平安隐患现象的存在?以及闸盒保护装置的缺失、坏损现象。Are wires safely bundled together? Are the
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