



1、安徽省池州市东至县胜利中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. In 2009 many countries are going through financial crisis,_has a great effect on many walks of life.Ait Bwhich Cthat Dwhat参考答案:B2. On the stage a number of famous singers, songs welcomed by the majority of young people.A. is; their B. are; whose C. is; whose D. ar

2、e; their参考答案:B【详解】考查主谓一致和非限制性定语从句。句意:有许多著名的歌手在舞台上,他们的歌曲受大多数年轻人的喜欢。a number of修饰可数名词的复数,谓语动词用复数,故排除A和C; songs welcomed by the majority of young people是一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词famous singers,关系词在从句中作定语,所以用whose,选B。【点睛】定语从句中whose引导的定语从句是语法重点。一、whose为who的所有格,作“某(些)人的”解,它所指代的先行词必须是人,其引导的定语从句修饰它的先行词,同时它本身在从句中作定语。

3、This is the little girl whose parents were killed in the great earthquake.这就是在那次大地震中失去双亲的那个小姑娘。Mr Liu wants to talk to the students whose homework hasnt been handed in.刘老师要跟那些没交家庭作业的学生谈话。二、whose也可作which的所有格,作“某(些)物的”解,它所指代的先行词必须是物,其语法功能同上。The company whose name was Notco was in Australia.那个名叫诺特可的公司设

4、在澳大利亚。We live in a house whose windows open to the south.我们居住在一所窗户朝南开的房子里。三、whose可修饰定语从句中的主语、宾语、介词宾语等不同成分。Mr King,whose legs were badly hurt,was quickly taken to hospital.金先生的腿受了重伤,很快就被送往医院。(whose修饰定语从句中的主语legs)We shall have to make a decision about Ms King,whose story Ive just told you.关于金女士的情况,我刚才

5、已经告诉你们了,我们得对她的事情作出决定。(whose修饰定语从句中的宾语 story)四、whose既可引导限制性定语从句,亦可引导非限制性定语从句。The boss in whose department Mr King worked called at the hospital.金先生工作单位的老板到医院来探视。(限制性定语从句)The boss of the company,whose name was Mr Little,told the3. The young man is quite brave and strong. He is always ready toheavy res

6、ponsibilities and turn down the light ones.A. take off B. take down C. take on D. take over参考答案:4. Discipline is often _ at weekends, Many students want to listen to the _ music.A. relaxing; relaxed B. relaxed; relaxed C. relaxing; relaxing D. relaxed; relaxing参考答案:D5. -May I borrow your book Steve

7、Jobs ? - _ you return it before Friday.A. If only B. Unless C. On condition that D. Now that参考答案:C6. Her valuable advice _ to be taken, or you will suffer more loss.A. deserves B. survives C. serves D. proves参考答案:A略7. His mother looked very tired,for she _ the house herself all day.A. had cleaned B.

8、 has been cleaning C. had been cleaning D. has cleaned参考答案:C31. The suggestion put forward by him at the conference _.A. proved practical B. was proved to be practicalC. was proved valuable D. proved to be value参考答案:A略9. Would you like to give me some advice on what I talked about just now? Sorry. I

9、 _ of something else.A. am thinkingB. has thought C. was thinking D. had thought参考答案:C10. The printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.A. would B. should C. could D. might参考答案:B11. Where is your mother working?In a hospital_ our town.A.i

10、s located in B.located in C.set in D.is set in 参考答案:B12. I hope to go to Beijing with you. -If so, your holiday arrangement must _ mine. A. catch up with B. come up with C. put up with D. fit in with参考答案:d略13. I have never heard of someone else who sings _ than Judy. She is a good student of music.A

11、. good B. well C. better D. best参考答案:C14. His family is a big one, _ of ten people.A. consists B. consisting C. consisted D. to consist参考答案:B15. If you dont pay your gas bill , the gas will soon be _.A. cut down B. cut up C. cut out D. cut off参考答案:D二、 填空16. Making decisions can be very hard. Its eas

12、y to get _71_(lose) in what should or should not be done rather than actually making the decision. When you have something important _72_(decide), try this.Okay, you have a decision to make. Get out a piece of paper. On one side of the paper, write down the positive outcomes _73_ will follow this de

13、cision. On _74_ other side of the paper, write down the negative ones. Look at everything you have written down, weighing it, and give _75_(you) some time to make your choices. Its a simple decision-making process, _76_ that does not mean your choice is going to be easy.To gain new ideas, ask other

14、people you respect _77_ their advice and opinions, after describing the decision you are facing. Speak openly with your family and trusted _78_(friend). This can be _79_(help) because another person can make the situation clear by _80_(offer) an unexpected opinion.参考答案:71. lost 72. to decide 73. tha

15、t/which 74. the 75. yourself 76. but 77. for 78. friends 79. helpful 80. offering本文为说明文。做决定可能非常困难,有时很容易迷失方向。当你有重要的事情要决定时,试试以下两种的方法。如拿出一张纸,列出做出决定后好的与不好的结果,权衡之后再决定。另一种方法是向你敬重的人寻求意见,也可与家人朋友交流一下,这可能对你做决定很有帮助。【71题详解】考查语境及固定搭配。句意:做决定可能非常困难。在应该做或不应该做的事情上很容易迷失方向。句中的get lost in,为固定搭配,意为“迷失在”,因此此处要填形容词lost。【7

16、2题详解】考查动词不定式作定语。句意:当你有重要的事情要决定时,试试这个。分析句子的语境可知,此处是指“有重要的事要决定”,动词不定式,表示将要做某事,因此要用动词不定式,故填 to decide。【73题详解】考查定语从句的关系词。句意:在纸的另一面写下做出决定后好的结果。分析句子write down the positive outcomes _3_ will follow this decision. 可知,本句是定语从句,此句中的the positive outcomes 是先行词,在定语从句中作主语。定语从句中的先行词在句中作主语,指物时可以用that/which,故填that/wh

17、ich。【74题详解】考查冠词。句意:在纸的另一面写下不好的结果。根据前文可知,拿出一张纸,纸有两面,即one side the other side,两者之中的另一个,要用定冠词the,故填 the【75题详解】考查反身代词。句意:看看你写下的每一件事,权衡它,给自己一些时间去做选择。分析句子可知,give的主语是you,因此本空格只能用反身代词“你自己(yourself)”,即给你自己一些时间做选择,故填 yourself。【76题详解】考查转折连词。句意:这是一个简单的决策过程,但这并不意味着你的选择会很容易。分析前后两句的语境可知,两句是转折关系,因此填 but。【77题详解】考查固定

18、搭配。句意:要获得新的想法,请向你敬重的人征求建议和意见。ask sb. for advice为固定搭配,意为“向某人征求意见”,因此此处要填 for。【78题详解】考查名词复数。句意:与家人和信任的朋友开诚布公地交谈。分析语境可知,此处的朋友不只一个,因此要用复数,故填 friends。【79题详解】考查形容词。句意:这会有帮助的,。分析句子可知,本空在句中作表语,因此要用形容词作表语,故填 helpful。【80题详解】考查固定用法。句意:因为另一个人可以通过提供一个意想不到的意见来明确情况。By doing sth.为固定用法,意为“通过,凭借”,本空要填动词的ing 形式,故填offe

19、ring。三、 阅读理解17. In the dining room of my grandfathers house stood a massive grandfather clock. Meals in that dining room were a time for four generations to become one. The table was always spread with food containing love as the main ingredient(成分). And that grandfather clock stood like an old fami

20、ly friend, watching over the laughter that was a part of our lives. As a child, the old clock fascinated me. I watched and listened to it during meals. Even more wonderful to me was my grandfathers ritual. He wound(上发条) that clock with a special key carefully each day. That key was magic to me. It k

21、ept our familys magnificent clock ticking and chiming. I remember watching as my grandfather took the key from his pocket and opened the hidden door in the clock. He inserted the key and wound not too much, nor too little. He never let that clock wind down and stop. He showed us grandchildren how to

22、 open the door and let us each take turns winding the key. I remember the first time I did it I was so excited to be part of this family ritual. After my grandfather died, it was days after the funeral before I remembered the clock! “Mama! The clock! Weve let it wind down.” The tears flowed freely w

23、hen I entered the dining room. The clock stood there quiet. It even seemed smaller without my grandfathers special touch. Some time later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key. The old house was quiet. No laughter over the dinner table, no ticking or chiming of the clock all was still. I too

24、k the key in my shaking hand and opened the clock door. All of a sudden, I was a child again, watching my grandfather with his silver-white hair and blue eyes. He was there, winking at me, at the secret of the clocks magic, at the key that held so much power. I stood, lost in the moment for a long time. Then slowly and carefully I inserted the key and wound the clock. I sprang to life. Tick Tock, tick tock, life and chimes were breathed into the dining room, into the house and into my heart. In the movement of the hands of the clock, my g


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