2021年高中英语新外研版 必修第三册Unit 2 Making a difference-教案_第1页
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2021年高中英语新外研版 必修第三册Unit 2 Making a difference-教案_第5页




1、Unit 2 Making a difference Using language【教材分析】The grammar section of this unit focuses on the verb- ed form as attributive.Students will understand how a verbed form or a verbed phrase can be used asattributive like an adjective. Meanwhile, students are expected to learn how to use theverbed form i

2、n two different situations. That is, a verbed form before a noun or a verbed phrase followed a noun. Furthermore, they will correctly apply the usage to fulfilling some written tasks.In the vocabulary learning section, students will learn words used to describepersonal qualities and talk about peopl

3、es characteristics using positive, neutral or negative adjectives.In the listening section, students will learn how to make a phone enquiry. Whilelistening, students are expected to complete different listening tasks by taking notes of key detailed information.【教学目标】1. Help students master the basic

4、 usage of the past participle and use the past participle instead of the attributive clauses.2. Guide students to use proper adjectives to describe personal qualities in conversations.3. Help students develop their listening ability and learn how to make a phone enquiry as a volunteer.4. Lead studen

5、ts to learn about voluntary work and strengthen their sense of social responsibility.【教学重难点】1. Guide students to discover and summarize the rules of using the past participle.2. Lead students to learn more vocabulary to describe personal qualities and apply the relevant words to interpersonal commun

6、ication.1/53. Develop students listening skills to get key information in listening and complete a registration form.【教学过程】Step 1 Grammar: -ed as attributive1. Help students identify the part of speech of the verb ed form in the following sentences. In Uganda, Ryan at last saw the finished well with

7、 his own eyes. Many inspired people gave him their support.Notes: The verb ed forms are used as adjectives to modify the nouns when they appear before nouns.2. Identify the part of speech of the verbed form in the following sentences. Ryan had troubled believing the words spoken by his teacher. A we

8、ll built near a primary school in Uganda cost $2000.Notes: (1) A verbed phrase is used after a noun to modify the noun like an attribute clause.(2) The verbed form can express the passive meaning or the past meaning. 3. Change the verbed form in the sentences above into attributive clauses. In Ugand

9、a, Ryan at last saw the well , which was finished, with his own eyes. Many people, who were inspired, gave him their support.Ryan had troubled believing the words, which were spoken by his teacher. A well, which was built near a primary school in Uganda, cost $2000.4. Guide students to summarize the

10、 usage of attributive in the past participle form.(1) The verbed form are used before nouns as adjectives to modify the nouns like attribute clauses.(2) The verb ed phrases are used after nouns to modify the nouns like attribute clauses.(3) The verbed form can express the passive meaning or the past

11、 meaning.Step 2 Practice1. Students read the discussion about Ryans foundation and rewrite the underlined sentences with the -ed form.2/5 Ryan is a young man who is admired by a lot of people.Ryan is a young man _. The money which is raised by his foundation supports schools and communities in Afric

12、a.The money _ supports schools and communities in Africa. As in the words which were spoken by Ryan, we need to not only donate money but also.As in the words _, we need to not only donate money but also. I think the support which is needed includes new technology for recycling water and.I think the

13、 support _ includes new technology for recycling water and.2. Read the passage on Page 17 and use the correct form of the words to completethe following sentences. Students are supposed to distinguish verb ed from verb ing correctly. The United Nations Childrens Fund, also _(know) as UNICFF, is a UN

14、 organization _ (base) in New York. It offers help _ (need) by children all over the world. UNICEF was founded in 1946, to provide food and healthcare to children in countries _ (damage) in World War II. Since 1953, UNICEF has taken up an extended mission to help children in the_(develop) world, inc

15、luding those _ (live) with diseases or disabilitiesand those _ (affect) by rapid modernization and environmental problems. Step 3 Learn vocabulary and talk about personal qualities1. Read the descriptions on Page 18 and find out the words describing personal qualities.1 Liu Tao:2 Li Mei:3 Tim:4 Anna

16、:2. Categorize vocabulary according to different emotional colours and add more3/5you can think of.Positive Neutral Negative3. Work in pairs. Make dialogues using the words about personal qualities, e.g.A:B:A:I think my cousin is very brave. Why do you think so?1234Step 4 Listening1. Before listenin

17、g, guide students to read “Did you know?” so that students learnabout charity work in some different countries. Students are expected to focus on voluntary work for charity.2. Read “Learning to learn”, which helps students better get information from listening.Step 5 While listening1. Listen to the

18、phone enquiry for the first time and complete the sentences. Sarah likes _. The man suggests _. Erica Marshall needs to know _.2. Play the audio again. Students should take notes of the necessary information from listening and fill in the form on Page 19.56783. After checking the answers, have stude

19、nts talk about how Sarah makes a phone enquiry on becoming a volunteer.Step 6 Post-listening1. Work in pairs. Think about a voluntary work you would like to be involved in and make a conversation similar to a telephone enquiry.2. Then encourage students to act out the telephone enquiry to the whole


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