



1、2021届高考英语一轮复习读后续写素材整理52021届高考英语一轮复习读后续写素材整理52021届高考英语一轮复习读后续写素材整理5美句赏析 高考英语题型之读后续写素材整理(5) -适用于20212023届高考01。 By the time Id managed to fight my way ashore, I was so exhausted that all I could do was throw myself down and sleep.当我挣扎上岸时,我已经筋疲力尽了,我所能做的就是倒下睡觉.02. I squintedskwnt down hastilyhestli and s

2、aw the last thing I was expecting。我急忙眯着眼睛向下看,看到了我最不希望看到的东西。When he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a house in the distance. 他瞇着眼睛,只能隐约看见远处有一所房子。03. I screamed with shock and struggled to get free. The little man ran off as fast as his legs would carry him, but at once a flight of tiny arro

3、ws stabbed into my face with a sting like a hundred needles. I fell back, groaning with pain。我吓得尖叫起来,拼命挣脱。小个子男人飞快地跑开了,但是马上一束小箭刺进了我的脸上,像一百根针一样刺痛。我向后倒了下去,痛苦地呻吟着.04。 All I could think of to do was to sit and gawpp back。我所能想到的就是坐下来,直勾勾地看着。05. All I could do was put my back against a tree and keep them o

4、ff by waving my sword at them.我所能做的就是背对着一棵树,挥舞我的剑挡住他们。06. Over the next few days, I was as gentle as possible with them, because that seemed my best chance of them setting me free.在接下来的几天里,我尽可能地温和地对待他们,因为这似乎是他们最有可能释放我。07. Not long after that, though, I was able to help the king with something very i

5、mportant. One night I was woken up by shouts of fire. I hurried towards the noise as fast as I could and found the queens rooms in the palace ablaze.不过,在那之后不久,我帮助国王做了一些非常重要的事情。一天晚上,我救火的叫声吵醒了。我急忙朝喧闹的地方跑去,发现皇宫里的女王房间着火了。The whole building was soon ablaze。 整栋大楼很快就熊熊燃烧起来.He turned to her, his eyes ablaze

6、blez with anger. 他怒目圆睁,转过身来对着她.08。 I was left panting and very shocked。我气喘吁吁,非常震惊。I was left shouting abuse as the car sped off。 汽车飞驰而去,留下我在那里大声咒骂。09. Everyone panicked. the girl started screaming, the servants rushed to get ladders, and some of the people down below started throwing stones in the h

7、ope of frightening the monkey down。大家都惊慌失措。女孩开始尖叫,仆人们急忙去拿梯子,下面的一些人开始扔石头,希望把猴子赶下来。10. I shouted for help but there was no answer, and when I heard a loud flappingflp above my head I realised my terrible danger.我大声呼救,但没有回应,当我听到头顶上有一个巨大的拍打声时,我意识到了我的可怕危险.With a flap of its wings, the bird was gone。 鸟振翅飞

8、走了.11。 She jumped back with a yelp of surprise。她吃惊地喊叫了一声跳了回去。12。 My first reaction was to do sth我的第一反应是.。.13. let out a scream of terror发出恐怖的尖叫14。 Bad luck dogged us from the start.厄运从一开始就尾随着我们。15. I spent the next few days exploring the islands, but by the the fifth day I was close to despair. Ther

9、e were eggs to eat, but it was plain I couldnt survive on those islands for long.接下来的几天我一直在探索这些岛屿,但到了第五天,我几乎绝望了。有蛋可以吃,但很明显我不能在那些岛上生存很久。16. For a moment all I could do was stare, frozen with amazement。 Then I started jumping up and down and shouting, and waving my handkerchief。有那么一会儿,我只能目瞪口呆,惊呆了.然后我开

10、始上下跳跃,大叫,挥舞着手帕。17. But the sadness on their faces made my flesh go cold with horror。但是他们脸上的悲伤吓得我浑身发冷。18. The mare horse neighedne once more, turned and disappeared amongst the trees。母马又嘶鸣了一声,扭头消失在树林里。19. gallop away in a great fright吓得飞奔而去20. .。.said thoughtfully若有所思地说21. It took ages to do sth做某事花了很长时间22。 We had got only halfway when it began to get dark。走到


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