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1、2021年高考英语大一轮复习课时作业9Module3Music含解析外研版2021年高考英语大一轮复习课时作业9Module3Music含解析外研版PAGE PAGE 162021年高考英语大一轮复习课时作业9Module3Music含解析外研版课 时 作 业9.阅读理解(山东省枣庄市高三年级阶段性测试)Are African wild dogs really dogs? Whats the difference between African wild dogs and the dogs we know as pets? For one thing, African wild dogs, w

2、hich live in Africa, only have four toes, while domestic (驯养的) dogs and wolves have five. But you wont want to count for yourself, because they are truly wild animals。“Wild dogs are not somebodys domestic dogs that ran away and didnt come back, although some people used to think that, explains Dr Mc

3、Nutt, who studies these animals at Wild Dog Research Camp in the African country of Botswana。 “They are actually Africas wolves, and just like wolves, they do not make good pets。 They need to be out in the wild doing what they are supposed to dofind the food they need to survive and feed their babie

4、s.” In fact, they travel so far that researchers have to use radio collars (颈圈) to keep track of them。 The collars send out radio signals that tell people where the dogs are. No two wild dogs have the same pattern of coats, so it is easy to tell them apart。African wild dogs are smart and sociable, l

5、ike pet dogs. Adult dogs, male and female, are willing to take good care of young ones.Millions of domestic dogs live on the planet, but there are probably fewer than 6,000 African wild dogs left. Humans hunt them and farmers who dont want them to go after cows and sheep poison them. Humans are also

6、 destroying the wild, natural habitat (栖息地) they need to survive in。 Fortunately, today more farmers are finding other ways to protect their cows and sheep from African wild dogs instead of killing the animals.本文是一篇说明文。主要对非洲野狗的现状作了介绍。1Which of the following can explain why African wild dogs are diff

7、erent from domestic dogs?AAfrican dogs can live longer than domestic dogs。BAfrican dogs have fewer toes than domestic dogs.CAfrican dogs are much bigger in size than domestic dogs.DAfrican dogs are much more dangerous than domestic dogs。答案:B解析:细节理解题.根据第一段中间的African wild dogs, which live in Africa, o

8、nly have four toes, while domestic (驯养的) dogs and wolves have five。生活在非洲的非洲野狗只有四个脚趾,而家养的狗和狼有五个脚趾,由此可推断出B正确。2In Dr McNutts view, African wild dogs _.Aare a kind of wolvesBcan be trained as pet dogsCactually are missing domestic dogsDgenerally are not used to living in groups答案:A解析:细节理解题。第二段中“Wild dog

9、s are not somebodys domestic dogs that ran away and didnt come back, although some people used to think that,” explains Dr McNutt, who studies these animals at Wild Dog Research Camp in the African country of Botswana。 “They are actually Africas wolves”在非洲博茨瓦纳野生狗研究营研究这些动物的Dr McNutt,解释说:“野狗不是那些逃跑而没有回

10、来的家养狗,尽管有些人过去常常这么想。”“他们实际上是非洲的狼群,。”,由此可知在Dr McNutt看来,非洲野狗就是一种非洲狼,故选A项。3Whats the researchers purpose of using radio collars?ATo know where African wild dogs go。BTo play games with African wild dogs。CTo tell African wild dogs apart from other dogs。DTo prevent African wild dogs from traveling too far。

11、答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的In fact, they travel so far that researchers have to use radio collars (颈圈) to keep track of them。 研究人员必须使用无线电项圈来跟踪它们。由此可推知跟踪它们,就是想知道它们去哪儿。故选A项。4What suggestion does the author give in the last paragraph?AFarmers should use domestic dogs to fight against wild dogs.BAfrican wild d

12、ogs should be protected instead of being killed.CFarmers should take responsibility for feeding African wild dogs。DAfrican wild dogs should be used to protect farmers cows and sheep.答案:B解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段Humans hunt them and farmers who dont want them to go after cows and sheep poison them。 Humans are

13、also destroying the wild, natural habitat (栖息地) they need to survive in。 Fortunately, today more farmers are finding other ways to protect their cows and sheep from African wild dogs instead of killing the animals。可知,大概只有不到6 000只非洲野狗了.人类捕猎他们,不想让他们去追赶牛和羊的农民毒死他们。人类(这样做)也在破坏他们赖以生存的野生、自然栖息地。幸运的是,今天更多的农民

14、正在寻找其他方法来保护他们的牛羊免受非洲野狗的伤害,而不是杀死这些动物.由此可推断出杀死这些野狗也破坏了人类赖以生存的野生、自然栖息地。所以我们不能杀死它们。分析选项可知B项符合题意,故选B项。5Which of the following can be used as the title of the passage?AHow to keep wild dogsBHow to train domestic dogsCAn introduction to African wild dogsDDifferences between domestic dogs and wild dogs答案:C解

15、析:标题判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要对非洲野狗的现状作了介绍。分析选项A。How to keep wild dogs如何饲养野狗;B。How to train domestic dogs如何驯养家养犬;C。An introduction to African wild dogs非洲野狗简介;D。Differences between domestic dogs and wild dogs家养犬与野狗的区别.可知,最好的题目应当是非洲野狗简介,故选C项。完形填空(阳春一中高三模拟)It was a summer evening almost 30 years ago. I was rockin

16、g my baby boy in my arms and when he fell asleep I put him _1_ down into his crib for the night。 My wife, _2_ from a long day of work, was half napping and half watching TV in the living room。 Not caring for the _3_。 I poured myself a glass of iced tea in the kitchen, took a lawn _4_ off our porch(

17、门廊), and walked into the front yard to _5_ the stars.As soon as I stepped onto the _6_,I heard the sweet sound of _7_ floated through the air。 On the hill next to our house, the neighbors children were _8_ fireflies(萤火虫),hoping to catch one in a jar。 I sat down in my chair and _9_ them for a while。

18、They ran very fast, _10_,they couldnt seem to catch the slow moving lighting bugs. _11_,exhausted they both sat down in the grass and _12_ watched the little guys flying through the air, blinking their lights on and off.I _13_ my tea and joined them in their _14_。 It felt so good getting to see one

19、of many miracles lighting up my front yard on a _15_ night。 It made me feel a part of something far greater than myself.Over the years since then, I have appreciated and _16_ all of the glorious light in this world. I have taken it into my heart and welcomed it into my soul。 I have found it in natur

20、e, books, music, animals, prayer, and most of all in the lives of those around me。 I have never tried to catch this _17_, however. I have learned that true light and true love must come from _18_. It must flow freely between us and cant be _19_ in a jar。 The next time you see some fireflies then, ta

21、ke a seat and enjoy their light. Let them remind you to shine your own light as well。 Let them remind you that you, too, are one of _20_ in this world。本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章.作者乘凉,观看邻居孩子抓萤火虫,并一起观看萤火虫在空中飞舞。作者了解到真正的光、真正的爱来自内心。让他们提醒你,你也是世界上的奇迹之一。1A。gently BquicklyCforcefully Dsilently答案:A解析:考查副词.A。gently温柔地;B.qui

22、ckly迅速地;C。forcefully强有力地;D.silently沉默地。婴儿睡着,应该是温柔地放在婴儿床上。故选A。2A。broken down Btired outCcalmed down Dmade out答案:B解析:考查动词词组.A。broken down出故障;B。tired out筋疲力尽;C。calmed down使冷静下来;D.made out明白,理解。根据a long day of work可知妻子工作一天筋疲力尽,似睡非睡地看电视。故选B。3A.baby BfilmCshow Datmosphere答案:C解析:考查名词。A.baby婴儿;B.film电影;C.sh

23、ow显示,表演;D.atmosphere氛围。不关心演什么,我在厨房给自己倒了一杯冰茶,拿了一把草坪椅走到前院去看星星.故选C。4A.bench BbasketCcushion Dchair答案:D解析:考查名词。A.bench板凳;B.basket篮子;C.cushion垫子;D.chair椅子。我在厨房给自己倒了一杯冰茶,拿了一把草坪椅走到前院去看星星.故选D.5A.stare at Bpoint toCsmile to Dglance at答案:A解析:考查动词词组。A.stare at凝视;B.point to指向;C。smile to微笑;D。glance at浏览.我在厨房给自己倒

24、了一杯冰茶,拿了一把草坪椅走到前院去看星星。故选A.6A。held BfarmCyard Dstreet答案:C解析:考查名词。A。held握住;B。farm农场;C。yard院落;D。street街道。我一步入院子,就听到了从空中飘来的甜甜的笑声。故选C。7A。argument BlaughterCfight Dscream答案:B解析:考查名词。A.argument辩论;B.laughter笑声;C。fight战斗;D。scream尖叫.我一步入院子,我就听到了从空中飘来的甜甜的笑声。故选B。8A.chasing BkillingCadmiring Dteasing答案:A解析:考查动词。

25、A。chasing追赶;B。killing杀死;C。admiring羡慕,钦佩;D。teasing戏弄。邻居家的孩子在追赶萤火虫。故选A。9A.ignored BcomfortedCcalmed Dwatched答案:D解析:考查动词。A。ignored忽视;B.comforted使安慰;C.calmed使冷静;D。watched观看。我坐在椅子上观看了他们一会儿。故选D。10A.otherwise BhoweverCmeanwhile Dsomewhat答案:B解析:考查副词。A.otherwise否则;B。however然而;C.meanwhile与此同时;D。somewhat有点。他们跑

26、得非常快,然而似乎不能抓住慢慢移动的萤火虫。故选B.11A.Frequently BPurposefullyCHappily DEventually答案:D解析:考查副词。A.Frequently频繁地;B。Purposefully有目的地;C。Happily高兴地;D.Eventually最后.最后他们两个都筋疲力尽,坐在草坪上,正好观看萤火虫在空中飞舞。故选D。12A.also BjustCyet Dstill答案:B解析:考查副词。A.also也;B.just刚刚,正好;C。yet还,但是;D.still仍然。最后他们两个都筋疲力尽,坐在草坪上,正好观看萤火虫在空中飞舞。故选B。13A.

27、poured BmadeCdrank Dprepared答案:C解析:考查动词.A.poured倾泻;B.made制造;C。drank喝;D。prepared准备。我喝我的茶,和他们一起欣赏萤火虫。故选C。14A。appreciation BcompetitionCdiscussion Dcelebration答案:A解析:考查名词。A.appreciation欣赏;B.competition比赛;C。discussion讨论;D。celebration庆祝。我喝我的茶,和他们一起欣赏萤火虫。故选A。15A.winter BcoolCsummer Dspring答案:C解析:考查名词.A。wi

28、nter冬天;B.cool凉爽;C。summer夏天;D。spring春天.根据文章第一句It was a summer evening almost 30 years ago可知是一个夏天的晚上。故选C。16A.flashed BshoneCpreserved Denjoyed答案:D解析:考查动词。A.flashed闪烁;B。shone照耀;C.preserved预留;D.enjoyed喜爱。从那以后多年,我已经欣赏和喜爱这世界上极好看的光。故选D。17A.light BbugCjar Dpractice答案:A解析:考查名词。A。light光;B.hug拥抱;C。jar缸;D。pract

29、ice练习.然而,我从来没有试着去抓住那光。故选A。18A。near BuponCwithin Daround答案:C解析:考查介词。A。near在附近;B。upon在之上;C。within在之内;D.around在周围.我已经了解到真正的光、真正的爱来自内心。故选C。19A.left BcaughtCignored Dseen答案:B解析:考查动词。A.left离开;B.caught抓住;C.ignored忽视;D。seen看见.它一定在我们之间慢慢地流动,不会在水缸里被抓住.故选B。20A.passers。by BrescuersCdiscovers Dmiracles答案:D解析:考查名

30、词.A.passers。by过路人;B.rescuers营救者;C。discovers发现;D.miracles奇迹。让他们提醒你,你也是世界上的奇迹之一。故选D。.语法填空(天门市高三月考)Joris Hutchison, 10 years old, of Seattle, has worked hard all year to save cheetahs(猎豹)from the very real threat of extinction。 He has raised more than 14,000 to purchase GPS devices, _1_ follow and prot

31、ect the animals. He earns money by selling lemonade, flowers and T.shirts, and by _2_ (organize) skating parties and a garage sale. What moved the public _3_ (be) that Joris donated all that he raised to a wildlife conservation organization and shelter in Namibia where he and his mother have volunte

32、ered for _4_ past three summers.As the groups _5_ (young) of all the volunteers, Joris prepares food, cleans enclosures(围场), and creates improvement _6_ (item) for the cheetahs that live there, all of whom _7_ (injure) or raised by human beings in the past。 The shelter protects cheetahs in the wild

33、by convincing farmers not _8_ (shoot) the animals and instead, to allow the ones accused _9_ killing farm animals to be fixed with GPS devices。 “Ive learned that everyone can make a _10_ (different), even if youre just a kid!” Joris told Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes。 “You just have to start

34、somewhere.”本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是来自Seattle 10岁的Joris Hutchison 努力工作,以拯救猎豹,使其免受灭绝的真正威胁的故事。1which解析:考查非限制性定语从句.句意:他已经筹集了超过14 000美元来购买GPS设备,这些设备可以跟踪和保护这些动物。此处GPS devices是先行词,指物,在后面的非限制性定语从句中作主语,故答案为which。2organizing解析:考查动名词。介词后面用动名词作宾语,by doing sth.通过做某事,故答案为organizing。3was解析:考查主谓一致。句意:让公众感动的是,Joris把他所有的东西都捐赠给了

35、Namibia的一个野生动物保护组织和庇护所,在那里他和他的母亲在过去的三个夏天都在做志愿(工作)。此处是what引导的主语从句,主语从句作主语,后面的谓语动词用单数形式,故答案为was.4the解析:考查定冠词。句意:让公众感动的是,Joris把他所有的东西都捐赠给了Namibia的一个野生动物保护组织和庇护所,在那里他和他的母亲在过去的三个夏天都在做志愿(工作)。习惯用法:for the past three summers在最近的三个夏天,故答案为the.5youngest解析:考查最高级。句意:作为该组织中最年轻的志愿者,Joris准备食物,清洁围场,为生活在那里的猎豹创造改善项目。根

36、据the和all the volunteers可知,此处用形容词的最高级,故答案为youngest。6items解析:考查名词复数.句意:作为该组织中最年轻的志愿者,Joris准备食物,清洁围场,为生活在那里的猎豹创造改善项目。item意为“条款,项目”,是可数名词,结合句意可知此处用名词复数,故答案为items。7were_injured解析:考查被动语态。句意:作为该组织中最年轻的志愿者,Joris准备食物,清理围场,为生活在那里的猎豹创造改善的物品,这些猎豹过去曾被人类伤害或抚养过。此处the cheetahs是先行词,all of whom是非限制性定语从句的主语,和injure是被动关系,句子用一般过去时态的被动语态,故答案为were injured。8to_shoot解析:考查动词不定式。句意:这个庇护所通过说服农民不要射杀这些动物来保护野生猎豹.convince sb. to do sth。说服某人做某事,故答案为to shoot。9of解析:考查固定词组。句意:这个庇护所通过说服农民不要射杀动物从而保护野生猎豹,相反允许用GPS设备定位被指控杀死家畜的人。accuse sb。 of sth.指控某人做某事,故答案为of。10d


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