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1、Unite 1 My classroomThe fifth period一、课程标准1. 能根据听到的词句识别或指认图片或实物。2. 能听懂课堂简短的指令并做出相应的反应。3. 能根据指令做事情,如指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作等。4. 能根据图、文说出单词或短句。5. 能看图识词。6. 能在指认物体的前提下认读所学词语。二、教材解析本课是人教版四年级第一单元的第五课时,在初步感知教室这一话题的基础上继续学习室内设施单词:teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor. 并引导学生进一步描述教室内物体的特征,如颜色等,这是三年级学过的内容,新旧内容的结合进一步

2、提升学生表达教室这一主题的语言能力。教学时可设计复习环节对颜色单词进行复习,将其和前边所学室内物品相结合进行过渡,会大大降低新授课的难度。三、学情分析本节课学习teachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor.这几个颜色单词,学生身在教室,更加对教室内的各种物品感兴趣,利用各种趣味游戏,给学生提供一个有趣、轻松、活泼的氛围去操练单词,学生更易理解,学得更快。本节课组织了多种学生喜闻乐见的形式来巩固听说和拼读单词的能力,从而为以后进一步学习打下良好的基础。信息技术融合 在教学设计时,各个环节都融入了多媒体课件展示。利用信息技术将枯燥的语言学习,生动化、形象化、趣

3、味化。The fifth periodTeaching contents Part B Lets learn & Colour and say Teaching aimsKnowledge aim: Be able to listen, speak and read the vocabularyteachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor.Ability aim: Be able to describe the colours of various objects in the classroom adroitly.Emotion aim: Enhance

4、 students interests and confidence in learning English.Teaching prioritiesBe able to listen, speak and read the vocabularyteachers desk, computer, fan, wall, floor.Teaching difficultyBe able to describe the colours of various objects in the classroom adroitly.Teaching method Task-based teaching meth

5、od; Communicative teaching method.Teaching proceduresStep1:Warm-up& Revision 1. Greetings.2. Review the words.Teaching PurposesReview the words they have learned by games. Lead students to quickly enter the state of English learning.Show the pictures of Zoom and Zip.T: Zoom and Zip have a new classr

6、oom. They will go and have a look. Lets go with them!Step2:PresentationTeach the word“computer”(1)Describe something in the classroom and let students guess to lead out and teach the new word“computer”.Teach the word“computer”syllable by syllable: /km/-/pju:/ -/t(r)/.(2)T: What colour is the compute

7、r?S1: Its black.Write down the sentence“The computer is black.”on the blackboard. (课件出示:白色电脑图、红色电脑图、蓝色电脑图等)Let some students answer the question with the sentence structure“The computer is”2. Teach the new phrase“teachers desk”.Let some students to describe the colour.3.Teach the new word“fan”Set a

8、situation: “I feel hot. What can make me cool? Can you find it in the classroom?”.Teach the new word“fan”./f/-/-/n/, /fn/.4.Teach the new word“wall”.(1)Let students find where the fan is in the classroom and teach the pronunciation of the word“wall”with the words“all, tall, small”.(2) Lead students

9、to describe the wall of their own classroom with the sentence structure “The wall is”5. Teach the new word “floor”.(1)Show the picture of floor and ask a question.Teach the new word “floor”.(2)Lead students to describe floor in the picture with the sentence structure “The floor is”Teaching PurposesL

10、et students learn new words in the scene instead of presenting words with word cards or single pictures. Arouse students interest in learning. Make students feel the meaning of the objects. Help students understand and master the vocabulary.Play the recording. (课件出示:教材P8 Lets learn板块的音频) Let student

11、s listen to the recording and read after it. Remind students to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.Step 3: Practiceread and pointWhen the word appears,students read the word loudly and point it one by one.Teaching PurposesStimulate students interest in learning. Improve students e

12、nthusiasm for participation. Achieve the purpose of listening, speaking and reading new words.2.Talk about the classroom.Ask students to fill in the blanks according to the picture. (课件出示:教材P8 Lets learn板块的图片)Let students discuss in groups. Choose one student from each group and show in class.Check

13、the answers.Teaching PurposesThe exercise of filling in the blanks is used to check the key sentence structures of this lesson.Step 4: Production Colour and say.Show the picture of “Colour and say”. (课件出示:教材P8 Colour and say板块的图片)Ask students to colour the classroom in the book by themselves and des

14、cribe it as the demonstration.Choose some students to introduce his/her classroom in class.Teaching PurposesStimulate students creativity and let them know how to associate colour with objects to express. Meanwhile, lead students to master the new knowledge skillfully in application.Step5:SummarySum up


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